6 resultados para Disgenesia gonadal 46
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Despite advances in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in sex determination and differentiation, the specific roles of many genes in these processes are not completely understood in humans. Both DMRT1 and FGF9 are among this group of genes. Dmrt1 controls germ cell differentiation, proliferation, migration and pluripotency and Sertoli cell proliferation and differentiation. Fgf9 has been considered a critical factor in early testicular development and germ cell survival in mice. We screened for the presence of DMRT1 and FGF9 mutations in 33 patients with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. No deletions in either DMRT1 or FGF9 were identified using the MLPA technique. Eight allelic variants of DMRT1 were identified, and in silico analysis suggested that the novel c.968-15insTTCTCTCT variant and the c.774G>C (rs146975077) variant could have potentially deleterious effects on the DMRT1 protein. Nine previously described FGF9 allelic variants and six different alleles of the 3' UTR microsatellite were identified. However, none of these DMRT1 or FGF9 variants was associated with increased 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. In conclusion, our study suggests that neither DMRT1 nor FGF9 abnormalities are frequently involved in dysgenetic male gonad development in patients with non-syndromic 46,XY disorder of sex development. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
Sexual differentiation in the brain takes place from late gestation to the early postnatal days. This is dependent on the conversion of circulating testosterone into estradiol by the enzyme aromatase. The glyphosate was shown to alter aromatase activity and decrease serum testosterone concentrations. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gestational maternal glyphosate exposure (50 mg/kg, NOAEL for reproductive toxicity) on the reproductive development of male offspring. Sixty-day-old male rat offspring were evaluated for sexual behavior and partner preference; serum testosterone concentrations, estradiol, FSH and LH; the mRNA and protein content of LH and FSH; sperm production and the morphology of the seminiferous epithelium; and the weight of the testes, epididymis and seminal vesicles. The growth, the weight and age at puberty of the animals were also recorded to evaluate the effect of the treatment. The most important findings were increases in sexual partner preference scores and the latency time to the first mount; testosterone and estradiol serum concentrations; the mRNA expression and protein content in the pituitary gland and the serum concentration of LH; sperm production and reserves; and the height of the germinal epithelium of seminiferous tubules. We also observed an early onset of puberty but no effect on the body growth in these animals. These results suggest that maternal exposure to glyphosate disturbed the masculinization process and promoted behavioral changes and histological and endocrine problems in reproductive parameters. These changes associated with the hypersecretion of androgens increased gonadal activity and sperm production.
Objective: To assess reproductive function in male ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients in comparison to healthy controls. Methods: Twenty AS patients were compared to 24 healthy male subjects with regard to demographic data, urological examination, testicular ultrasound (US), semen analysis, anti-sperm antibodies, and hormone profile. Exclusion criteria were present use of sulfasalazine or methotrexate, and ever use of biological/cytotoxic agents. Disease activity of AS was evaluated by clinical and laboratory assessments. Results: Demographic data were similar in AS and controls (p = 0.175). Varicocele was found significantly more frequently in AS patients than in controls (40% vs. 8%, p = 0.027). Semen analysis revealed no significant differences in sperm quality between AS patients and controls (p > 0.05). By contrast, the median of normal sperm forms was significantly lower in AS patients with vs. those without varicocele [13.5 (range 2-27) vs. 22 (range 10-32.5)%, p = 0.049] whereas no difference in sperm morphology was observed comparing AS patients and controls without varicocele (p = 0.670). Comparison of AS patients with and without varicocele showed that anti-sperm antibodies, hormones, inflammatory markers, and disease activity scores did not contribute to the impaired sperm morphology observed in AS patients with varicocele. Conclusions: An increased frequency of varicocele was found in AS patients associated with sperm abnormalities but independent of therapy, anti-sperm antibodies, hormonal alterations, or disease parameters. Investigation for varicocele should be routine in AS patients with fertility problems.
Male dimorphism of a neotropical arachnid: harem size, sneaker opportunities, and gonadal investment
Serracutisoma proximum is a harvestman with alternative male morphs. Large males use sexually dimorphic second legs in fights for the possession of territories on the vegetation, where females oviposit. Small males have short second legs and do not fight but rather sneak into the territories and copulate with egg-guarding females. We investigated the presence of male dimorphism across 10 populations of S. proximum, compared gonadal investment between male morphs, and assessed if the distribution of the sneakers is influenced by harem size. In all populations, there was male dimorphism, indicated by the bimodal distribution of the leg II length/body length. Gonadal investment did not differ between morphs and was not affected by male size, second leg length, and morph relative frequency in the populations. We found 361 territories, 90.0% containing 1 male, 9.7% containing 2 males (dyads), and 0.3% containing 3 males. The probability of encountering dyads increased with the number of females present in the territories. Moreover, the proportion of sneakers in territories containing dyads was higher than would be expected by chance. One possible reason for the ubiquity of alternative morphs in S. proximum could be the high mating opportunities experienced by sneakers in spatially structured populations with a resource defense polygyny system. Additionally, the high frequency of successful invasions by sneakers and hence the high sperm competition risk for both morphs may explain the similarity in gonadal investment between male morphs.
The objective of this study was to obtain information about the possible mechanisms related to poor reproductive performance in tropical rheophilic fish. To that effect, cages (Cs) and earthen ponds (EPs) were used as experimental systems to provide unsuitable and suitable conditions, respectively, for curimbata (Prochilodus lineatus) breeders. Fish were maintained under experimental conditions for 18 months, and during this period females were randomly sampled every two months for biometric analysis (n=30), blood (n=5/sampling) and ovary (n=5/sampling). After this period EPs females (EPFs) and Cs females (CFs) were submitted to the induced breeding experiments. The results showed that rearing curimbata for such long time in a cage at this stocking density, reduces its growth, plasma E2 levels and vitellogenesis. During vitellogenesis, the mean plasma estradiol levels of CFs were three times lower than those of EPFs (P<0.01). CFs presented poorer results than EPFs for all the examined parameters of reproductive performance. Taken together these data showed that the reduced estradiol levels during vitellogenesis (and the consequently less intense transition from the previtellogenic to vitellogenic phase) and reduced amounts of yolk are mechanisms associated with the formation of low quality oocytes and shortened and delayed breeding season in this species. Moreover, our data showed that the onset of vitellogenesis (six months before the spawning season) must be considered as a key period related to the formation of oocytes of good quality, and adequate management should be provided throughout the year.
The birth of a child with ambiguous genitalia is a challenging and distressing event for the family and physician and one with life-long consequences. Most disorders of sexual differentiation (DSD) associated with ambiguous genitalia are the result either of inappropriate virilization of girls or incomplete virilization of boys. It is important to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible, for psychological, social, and medical reasons, particularly for recognizing accompanying life-threatening disorders such as the salt-losing form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In most instances, there is sufficient follow-up data so that making the diagnosis also establishes the appropriate gender assignment (infants with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, those with androgen resistance syndromes), but some causes of DSD such as steroid 5 alpha-reductase 2 deficiency and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency are associated with frequent change in social sex later in life. In these instances, guidelines for sex assignment are less well established.