12 resultados para Discomfort and comfort perception

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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RAMOS RT, MATTOS DA, REBOUCAS ITS, RANVAUD RD. Space and motion perception and discomfort in air travel. Aviat Space Environ Med 2012; 83:1162-6. Introduction: The perception of comfort during air trips is determined by several factors. External factors like cabin design and environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air pressure, noise, and vibration) interact with individual characteristics (anxiety traits, fear of flying, and personality) from arrival at the airport to landing at the destination. In this study, we investigated the influence of space and motion discomfort (SMD), fear of heights, and anxiety on comfort perception during all phases of air travel. Methods: We evaluated 51 frequent air travelers through a modified version of the Flight Anxiety Situations Questionnaire (FAS), in which new items were added and where the subjects were asked to report their level of discomfort or anxiety (not fear) for each phase of air travel (Chronbach's alpha = 0.974). Correlations were investigated among these scales: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAB, Cohen's Acrophobia Questionnaire, and the Situational Characteristics Questionnaire (SitQ, designed to estimate SMD levels). Results: Scores of SitQ correlated with discomfort in situations involving space and movement perception (Pearson's rho = 0.311), while discomfort was associated with cognitive mechanisms related to scores in the anxiety scales (Pearson's rho = 0.375). Anxiety traits were important determinants of comfort perception before and after flight, while the influence of SMD was more significant during the time spent in the aircraft cabin. Discussion: SMD seems to be an important modulator of comfort perception in air travel. Its influence on physical well being and probably on cognitive performance, with possible effects on flight safety, deserves further investigation.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify possible associations between oral health-related quality of life (QoL) and the position of the lower third molar among patients undergoing lower third molar surgery during the first postoperative week. Materials and Methods: We performed an interventional prospective study of 86 patients for whom the preoperative treatment plan included the removal of 2 third molar teeth from the same side in a 1-time procedure. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the position of the lower third molar. QoL was evaluated before and after the surgical procedure (during the first 7 days) with the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) 14 questionnaire. Data were treated according to Stata 10.0 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). Variables were evaluated by use of split-plot analysis of variance for the repeated-measures analysis to identify the association between QoL and the position of the lower third molar. Results: Patients can have deterioration in their QoL immediately after surgery, especially during the first and second postoperative days, and subsequently show rapid improvement. The variation in the total OHIP score during the days after surgery was significant, whereas a decrease in QoL was observed immediately after the procedure (P = .001), which returned to initial value (preoperative) levels after the sixth postoperative day. The OHIP domains with higher scores (ie, those that had an impact) were physical pain, psychological discomfort, and physical disability (domains 2, 3, and 4, respectively). Conclusions: Teeth considered to be associated with technical difficulties for extraction based on their position had a higher score on the OHIP-14 questionnaire and worse health-related QoL score. QoL outcomes may be as important as clinical signs in decisions regarding third molar extractions. (C) 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70:779-786, 2012


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Arthritis may affect the larynx and produce symptoms such as hoarseness and vocal fatigue. Objective: This paper aimed to evaluate the laryngeal manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: This is prospective study assessed 27 patients with rheumatoid arthritis with the aid of videolaryngostroboscopy, auditory-perceptual analysis of the speech using the GIRBAS scale, acoustic analysis and the Voice Handicap Index questionnaire. Results: Nineteen patients had laryngeal complaints, the main ones being intermittent dysphonia and sensation of a foreign body in the throat. The most frequent laryngoscopical finding was overlapping arytenoids. Three patients had low pitch, nine patients had mild dysphonia and roughness. Median acoustic measures were: F0, 198.39 Hz; Jitter, 0.815; Shimmer, 4.915; and NHR, 0.144. Regarding the Voice Handicap Index, the median score was zero in all domains. There was a statistically significant correlation between voice complaints and the domains of this index. Functional classes were significantly correlated to: overlapping arytenoids (p = 0.001), PPQ (p = 0.0257), Shimmer (p = 0.0295), APQ (p = 0.0195), and the VHI physical (p = 0.0227) and total domains (p = 0.0425). Conclusion: Laryngeal complaints were reported by 70.4% of the patients and laryngoscopical alterations were observed in 48% of the subjects. Voice acoustic evaluation and self-perception were altered.


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New technology in the Freedom (R) speech processor for cochlear implants was developed to improve how incoming acoustic sound is processed; this applies not only for new users, but also for previous generations of cochlear implants. Aim: To identify the contribution of this technology - the Nucleus 22 (R) - on speech perception tests in silence and in noise, and on audiometric thresholds. Methods: A cross-sectional cohort study was undertaken. Seventeen patients were selected. The last map based on the Spectra (R) was revised and optimized before starting the tests. Troubleshooting was used to identify malfunction. To identify the contribution of the Freedom (R) technology for the Nucleus22 (R), auditory thresholds and speech perception tests were performed in free field in soundproof booths. Recorded monosyllables and sentences in silence and in noise (SNR = 0dB) were presented at 60 dBSPL. The nonparametric Wilcoxon test for paired data was used to compare groups. Results: Freedom (R) applied for the Nucleus22 (R) showed a statistically significant difference in all speech perception tests and audiometric thresholds. Conclusion: The reedom (R) technology improved the performance of speech perception and audiometric thresholds of patients with Nucleus 22 (R).


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between noise levels present in preschool institutions and vocal disorders among educators. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in 2009 with 28 teachers from three preschool institutions located in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Sound pressure levels were measured according to Brazilian Technical Standards Association, with the use of a sound level meter. The averages were classified according to the levels of comfort, discomfort, and auditory damage proposed by the Pan American Health Organization. The educators underwent voice evaluation: self-assessment with visual analogue scale, auditory perceptual evaluation using the GRBAS scale, and acoustic analysis utilizing the Praat program. To analyze the association between noise and voice evaluation, descriptive statistics and the chi-square test were employed, with significance of 10% due to sample size. RESULTS: The teachers' age ranged between 21 and 56 years. The noise average was 72.7 dB, considered as damage 2. The professionals' vocal self-assessment ranked an average of 5.1 on the scale, being considered as moderate alteration. In the auditory-perceptual assessment, 74% presented vocal alteration, especially hoarseness; of these, 52% were considered mild alterations. In the acoustic assessment the majority presented fundamental frequency below the expected level. Averages for jitter, shimmer and harmonic-noise ratio showed alterations. An association between the presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal disorders was observed. CONCLUSIONS: There is an association between presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal alteration, with high noise levels. Although most teachers presented mild voice alteration, the self-evaluation showed moderate alteration, probably due to the difficulty in projection.


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BACKGROUND: It is widely accepted that red wines constitute one of the most important sources of dietary polyphenolic antioxidants. However, it is still not known how some variables such as variety, vintage, country of origin, and retail price are associated with the antioxidant activity and sensory profile of South American red wines. In this regard, 80 samples produced in Brazil, Chile and Argentina were assessed in relation to their sensory properties, color and in vitro antioxidant activity, and results were subjected to multivariate statistical techniques. RESULTS: Samples were grouped in clusters, characterized by high, intermediate and low in vitro antioxidant activity, sensory properties and prices. It was possible to observe that wines with high antioxidant activity were associated to high retail prices and overall perception of sensory quality. CONCLUSION: South American wines produced from Vitis vinifera such as Syrah, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon had higher in vitro antioxidant activity and also higher sensory quality than wines produced from Vitis labrusca. This result was independent of vintage (2002-2010), corroborating the idea that the same grape varietal, even when produced in different years, displays similar sensory characteristics and antioxidant activity. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Objectives: To report the results of cochlear implantation via the middle fossa approach in 4 patients, discuss the complications, and present a detailed description of the programming specifications in these cases. Study Design: Retrospective case review. Setting: Tertiary-care referral center with a well-established cochlear implant program. Patients: Four patients with bilateral canal wall down mastoid cavities who underwent the middle fossa approach for cochlear implantation. Interventions: Cochlear implantation and subsequent rehabilitation. A middle fossa approach with cochleostomy was successfully performed on the most superficial part of the apical turn in 4 patients. A Nucleus 24 cochlear implant system was used in 3 patients and a MED-EL Sonata Medium device in 1 patient. The single electrode array was inserted through a cochleostomy from the cochlear apex and occupied the apical, middle, and basal turns. Telemetry and intraoperative impedance recordings were performed at the end of surgery. A CT scan of the temporal bones was performed to document electrode insertion for all of the patients. Main Outcome Measures: Complications, hearing thresholds, and speech perception outcomes were evaluated. Results: Neural response telemetry showed present responses in all but 1 patient, who demonstrated facial nerve stimulation during the test. Open-set speech perception varied from 30% to 100%, despite the frequency allocation order of the MAP. Conclusion: Cochlear implantation via the middle cranial fossa is a safe approach, although it is a challenging procedure, even for experienced surgeons.


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Styloid syndrome is characterized by an elongated styloid process or calcification of the stylomandibular and stylohyoid ligament. This study describes a case of a 65-year-old woman who presented to the Stomatology Clinic, University of Marilia with temporomandibular joint pain, ear ringing and a reduced ability to open the mouth. Panoramic and posteroanterior digital radiographs showed bilateral elongation of the styloid processes, especially of the right side, whose length extended beyond the mandible angle. The diagnosis was confirmed with the association of clinical data and image examinations. The treatment options for styloid Syndrome include clinical follow-up, surgical removal of the styloid process or fracture of the elongated process. The case was managed by providing prosthetic rehabilitation and clinical follow-up, observing the level of discomfort and the benefit that could be achieved by the therapy, and avoiding surgical intervention.


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OBJECTIVE: Identify the Social Representations (SR) of ostomized people in terms of sexuality after the stoma. METHODS: An exploratory, descriptive, qualitative study using the Social Representation Theory with 15 ostomized people (8 females), mean age of 57.9 years, between August and September 2005. Data obtained from transcribed interviews were submitted to content analysis, resulting in the thematic unit "Giving new meaning to sexuality" and subthemes. RESULTS: The study demonstrated that the intestinal stoma interferes in the sexuality experience, showing that the meanings attributed to this experience are based on individual life stories, quality of personal relationships established in practice and perception of sexuality, despite the stoma. CONCLUSIONS: The Social Representations, in terms of experiencing sexuality after the stoma, are based on meanings attributed to the body, associated with daily life and present in the social imaginary. It is influenced by other factors, such as physiological changes resulting from the surgery and the fact of having or not a partner. Care taken during sexual practices provide greater security and comfort in moments of intimacy, resembling the closest to what ostomized people experienced before the stoma. The self-irrigation technique associated or not with the use of artificial occluder, has been attested by its users as a positive element that makes a difference in sexual practice after the stoma. The support to ostomized people should be comprehensive, not limited to technical care and disease, which are important, but not sufficient. The interdisciplinary health team should consider all aspects of the person, seeking a real meeting between subjects.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados maternos e neonatais em mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em São Paulo, SP, de 2003 a 2006. Foram incluídas 991 mulheres que tiveram o parto no centro de parto normal e 325 que deram à luz no hospital. Os dados foram obtidos dos prontuários. A análise comparativa foi realizada para o total de mulheres e estratifi cada segundo a paridade. Foram aplicados os testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Houve distribuição homogênea das mulheres segundo a paridade (45,4% nulíparas e 54,6% mulheres com um ou mais partos anteriores). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente signifi cantes em relação às seguintes intervenções: amniotomia (mais freqüente entre nulíparas do hospital); utilização de ocitocina no trabalho de parto e utilização de analgésico no pós-parto (mais freqüentes no hospital entre as mulheres de todas as paridades). A taxa de episiotomia foi maior entre as nulíparas, tanto no centro de parto como no hospital. Houve maior freqüência de intervenções com o neonato no hospital: aspiração das vias aéreas superiores, aspiração gástrica, lavagem gástrica, oxigênio por máscara aberta. Também ocorreram com mais freqüência no hospital bossa serossanguínea, desconforto respiratório e internação na unidade neonatal. Não houve diferença nos valores de Apgar no quinto minuto nem casos de morte materna ou perinatal. CONCLUSÕES: A assistência no centro de parto normal foi realizada com menos intervenções e com resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes aos do hospital.


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The theoretical framework that underpins this research study is based on the Prospect Theory formulated by Kahneman and Tversky, and Thaler's Mental Accounting Theory. The research aims to evaluate the consumers' behavior when different patterns of discount are offered (in percentage and absolute value and for larger and smaller discounts). Two experiments were conducted to explore these patterns of behavior and the results that were obtained supported the view that the framing effect was a common occurrence. The patterns of choice of individuals in a sample were found to be different due to changes in the ways discounts were offered. This can be explained by the various ways of presenting discount rates that had an impact on the influence of purchase intentions, recommendations and quality perception.


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The theoretical framework that underpins this research study is based on the Prospect Theory formulated by Kahneman and Tversky, and Thaler's Mental Accounting Theory. The research aims to evaluate the consumers' behavior when different patterns of discount are offered (in percentage and absolute value and for larger and smaller discounts). Two experiments were conducted to explore these patterns of behavior and the results that were obtained supported the view that the framing effect was a common occurrence. The patterns of choice of individuals in a sample were found to be different due to changes in the ways discounts were offered. This can be explained by the various ways of presenting discount rates that had an impact on the influence of purchase intentions, recommendations and quality perception.