21 resultados para Dental Care for Children

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Two concomitant movements occur in the first decade of the XXI century within the private and public dental services in Brazil: the entrance of oral health on the agenda of political priorities of the federal government and the vigorous growth of additional dental care. We analyzed the occurrence of these phenomena in the city of Sao Paulo, by seeking information in official documents and electronic databases in the Municipality of Sao Paulo, the Ministry of Health and National Health Agency (ANS), and also in scientific literature. During the studied period - January 2000 to December 2009 - and with basis on indicators such as coverage of First Consultation Program and Dental coverage Population Potential, percentages were found that characterize low public assistance and a situation far short of the constitutional principle of universal access to dental care. The growing number of beneficiaries of additional services through exclusively dental coverage insurance plans and other types of private insurance plans in the same period was significant, accounting for a major expansion of population coverage in this mode of care. It was found that, compared to the overall national framework, the city of Sao Paulo offers poor access to public dental care, with reduced supply of services to adults and aged people. Furthermore, considering the limitations of market additional services to provide dental care to all Brazilians, it reinforces the need for continuity and expansion of Brasil Sorridente, which is the programmatic expression of the National Oral Health Politics.


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Objective. Anxiety and stress are usually related to the dental treatment situation. The objective was to investigate salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase levels (salivary biomarkers) and heart rate in children undergoing a minor dental procedure (dental prophylaxis). Study design. In total, 31 children (range 84-95 months) of both genders without caries or history of dental treatment/pain/trauma were selected. Three saliva samples were gathered: one prior to dental prophylaxis, one immediately after, and one ten minutes later Weight and height were assessed, and heart rate was evaluated prior to and during the procedure. Data were analyzed by correlation tests and t-test/Wikoxon (alpha=0.05). Results. Higher cortisol and amylase levels were observed before prophylaxis compared to afterward. Cortisol and amylase levels did not show a significant correlation, nor did salivary biomarkers and body mass index. However, heart rate and amylase levels showed a significant positive correlation. Conclusions. In the studied sample, certain anticipation of the dental treatment was observed because higher cortisol and amylase levels were observed before, rather than after, the event; moreover, a significant correlation between amylase levels and heart rate was observed. Thus, salivary biomarkers may be a valuable tool for evaluating anxiety-producing events, such as dental treatment, in children.


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The Health Department of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has developed a Health Necessities Index (HNI) to identify priority areas for providing health assistance. In 2008, a survey of the status of oral health was conducted. The objective of this ecological study was to analyze the status of oral health in relation to the HNI. The variables, stratified by the age of 5, 12 and 15 years old were: percentage of individuals with difficulty of access to dental care services; DMFT and DMFS; prevalence of the need for tooth extraction and treatment of dental caries. Data were analyzed for the 25 Health Technical Supervision Units (HTS). The Statistical Covariance Test was used as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression model. A positive correlation was observed between high scores of the HNI and difficulty of access to services. In the HTS with high scores of HNI a higher incidence of dental caries was observed, a greater need for tooth extractions and low caries-free incidence. In order to improve health conditions of the population it is mandatory to prioritize actions in areas of social deprivation.


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Abstract Background Disparities in utilization of oral healthcare services have been attributed to socioeconomic and individual behavioral factors. Parents’ socioeconomic status, demographics, schooling, and perceptions of oral health may influence their children’s use of dental services. This cross-sectional study assessed the relationships between socioeconomic and psychosocial factors and the utilization of dental health services by children aged 1–5 years. Methods Data were collected through clinical exams and a structured questionnaire administered during the National Day of Children’s Vaccination. A Poisson regression model was used to estimate prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Results Data were collected from a total of 478 children. Only 112 (23.68%) were found to have visited a dentist; 67.77% of those had seen the dentist for preventive care. Most (63.11%) used public rather than private services. The use of dental services varied according to parental socioeconomic status; children from low socioeconomic backgrounds and those whose parents rated their oral health as “poor” used dental services less frequently. The reason for visiting the dentist also varied with socioeconomic status, in that children of parents with poor socioeconomic status and who reported their child’s oral health as “fair/poor” were less likely to have visited the dentist for preventive care. Conclusion This study demonstrated that psychosocial and socioeconomic factors are important predictors of the utilization of dental care services.


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Purpose: To assess the age the of the first dental visit and the association of self-perceived oral health, socioeconomic and clinical indicators with healthcare utilisation in Brazilian preschool children. Materials and Methods: An epidemiological survey with 455 5- to 59-month-old children was conducted on National Children's Vaccination Day in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Data about age and reasons for the first dental visit, healthcare utilisation, socioeconomic status and self-perceived oral health were collected by means of a parental semi-structured questionnaire. Calibrated examiners evaluated the prevalence of dental caries (WHO) and dental trauma. The assessment of the association used Poisson regression models (prevalence ratio; 95% confidence interval [Cl]). Results: A total of 24.2% (95% Cl: 20.3% to 28.4%) of the study sample had already had a first dental visit. Older children, those with dental caries and dental trauma and whose mothers had a higher level of education were more likely to have gone to the dentist. Children of low socioeconomic status were more likely to have visited public than private healthcare services. The reasons for the first dental visit were associated with clinical indicators of the sample. The distribution of utilisation of the types of oral healthcare services (public or private) varied across the socioeconomic groups. Non-white children with dental caries and dental trauma tended to visit a dentist only for treatment reasons. Conclusion: Socioeconomic and clinical indicators are associated with the use of dental services, indicating the need for strategies to promote public health and reorientation of services that facilitate dental access for preschool children.


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Parents may feel guilty about their children's oral problems, which can affect their quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of parental guilt and its association with early childhood caries (EGG), traumatic dental injuries (TDI) and malocclusion (AMT) in preschool children. All 2 to 5 year-old children (N = 305), and their parents, seeking dental care at the University of Sao Paulo Dental School one-week Screening Programme, were asked to participate in the study, and 260 agreed. Children were examined by two calibrated dentists, and their parents answered a socioeconomic and ECOHIS questionnaire; the question on guilt was used as the dependent variable. Regression analyses examined the association between parental guilt and EGG, TDI, AMT and socioeconomic factors. A total of 35.8% of parents felt guilty. This was only associated with caries severity. No association was found between guilt and TDI, AMT or socioeconomic factors. EGG was present in 63.8% of the children; the mean (+/-sd) dmf-t score was 7.29 (+/-2.78). Thus, the number of parents feeling guilty increases with the increase of their children's dental caries severity. Parental guilt is related to caries but is not associated with TDI or AMT.


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HRSV is one of the most important pathogens causing acute respiratory tract diseases as bronchiolitis and pneumonia among infants. HRSV was isolated from two distinct communities, a public day care center and a public hospital in Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP, Brazil. We obtained partial sequences from G gene that were used on phylogenetic and selection pressure analysis. HRSV accounted for 29% of respiratory infections in hospitalized children and 7.7% in day care center children. On phylogenetic analysis of 60 HRSV strains, 48 (80%) clustered within or adjacent to the GA1 genotype; GA5, NA1, NA2, BA-IV and SAB1 were also observed. SJRP GA1 strains presented variations among deduced amino acids composition and lost the potential O-glycosilation site at amino acid position 295, nevertheless this resulted in an insertion of two potential O-glycosilation sites at positions 296 and 297. Furthermore, a potential O-glycosilation site insertion, at position 293, was only observed for hospital strains. Using SLAC and MEME methods, only amino acid 274 was identified to be under positive selection. This is the first report on HRSV circulation and genotypes classification derived from a day care center community in Brazil.


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Forensic age estimation is an important element of anthropological research, as it produces one of the primary sources of data that researchers use to establish the identity of a person living or the identity of unknown bodily remains. The aim of this study was to determine if the chronology of third molar mineralization could be an accurate indicator of estimated age in a sample Brazilian population. If so, mineralization could determine the probability of an individual being 18 years or older. The study evaluated 407 panoramic radiographs of males and females from the past 5 years in order to assess the mineralization status of the mandibular third molars. The evaluation was carried out using an adaptation of Demirjian's system. The results indicated a strong correlation between chronological age and the mineralization of the mandibular third molars. The results indicated that modern Brazilian generation tends to demonstrate an earlier mandibular third molar mineralization than older Brazilian generation and people of other nationalities. Males reached developmental stages slightly earlier than females, but statistically significant differences between the sex were not found. The probability that an individual with third molar mineralization stage H had reached an age of 18 years or older was 96.8-98.6% for males and females, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Liver transplantation has become a standard treatment for end-stage liver disease and the number of recipients has grown rapidly in the last few years. Dental care during pre-transplant workup is important to reduce potential sources of infection in the drug-induced immunosuppression phase of liver transplantation. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to document the prevalence of oral abnormalities in patients on a liver transplant waiting list presenting to an urban dental school clinic, discuss the appropriate dental treatment according their systemic conditions and compare their oral manifestations with those of healthy individuals. Material and Methods: A pilot study was conducted involving 16 end-stage liver disease individuals (study group- SG) attending the Special Care Dentistry Center of the University of So Paulo and 16 control individuals (control group- CG) with no liver diseases, receiving dental care at the Dental School of the University of So Paulo. These individuals were assessed for their dental status (presence of oral disease or abnormalities), coagulation status, and dental treatment indications. Results: The patients from SG exhibited a greater incidence of oral manifestations compared with CG (p=0.0327) and were diagnosed with at least one oral disease or condition that required treatment. Coagulation abnormalities reflecting an increased risk of bleeding were found in 93.75% of the patients. However, no bleeding complications occurred after dental treatment. Conclusions: The patients with chronic liver diseases evaluated in this study exhibited a higher incidence of oral manifestations compared with the control group and had at least one oral disease or abnormality which required dental treatment prior to liver transplantation. Careful oral examination and evaluation of the patient, including laboratory tests, will ensure correct oral preparation and control of oral disease prior to liver transplantation.


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Na primeira década do século XXI registra-se a ocorrência de dois movimentos importantes no âmbito da assistência odontológica pública e privada no Brasil: a entrada da saúde bucal na agenda de prioridades políticas do governo federal e o vigoroso crescimento na oferta de serviços odontológicos suplementares. Analisou-se a ocorrência desses fenômenos no município de São Paulo, mediante a busca de dados nos documentos oficiais e nas bases eletrônicas da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, do Ministério da Saúde e da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS), além de consulta à literatura científica. No período estudado, de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2009, com base em indicadores como a Cobertura de Primeira Consulta Odontológica Programática e a Cobertura Populacional Potencial, verificaram-se percentuais que caracterizam baixa assistência pública e uma situação de grande distanciamento do princípio constitucional do acesso universal aos cuidados odontológicos. O crescimento do número de beneficiários de serviços suplementares, por meio de planos exclusivamente odontológicos e de outros planos foi expressivo em igual período, correspondendo a uma importante ampliação da cobertura populacional nesta modalidade assistencial. Constata-se que, comparativamente ao quadro geral nacional, a situação do município de São Paulo revela precariedade no acesso à assistência odontológica pública, com reduzida oferta de serviços a adultos e idosos. Considerando, ainda, as limitações do mercado de serviços suplementares para prover assistência odontológica para todos os brasileiros, reforça-se a necessidade de continuidade e expansão do Brasil Sorridente, que é a expressão programática da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal.


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A Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo desenvolveu o Índice de Necessidades em Saúde (INS) para identificar áreas prioritárias para a oferta de serviços. Em 2008 realizou um Levantamento das Condições de Saúde Bucal. Pretende-se, neste estudo ecológico, analisar o perfil de saúde bucal em relação ao INS. As variáveis, estratificadas para as idades de 5, 12 e 15 anos, foram: porcentagem de indivíduos com dificuldade no acesso ao serviço odontológico; média do ceod e CPOD; prevalência da necessidade de extração e de livres de cárie. As informações foram analisadas para as 25 Supervisões Técnicas de Saúde (STS). Empregou-se o teste estatístico de covariância, o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e o modelo de regressão linear. Observou-se uma correlação positiva entre maiores INS e a dificuldade de acesso aos serviços. Nas STS com maiores INS houve maior experiência de cárie, maior necessidade de exodontias e menor prevalência de livres de cárie. Reforça-se a necessidade de priorizar as áreas de privação social para melhorar a condição de saúde da população.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the routine use of rapid antigen detection test in the diagnosis and treatment of acute pharyngotonsillitis in children. METHODS: This is a prospective and observational study, with a protocol compliance design established at the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital of Universidade de São Paulo for the care of children and adolescents diagnosed with acute pharyngitis. RESULTS: 650 children and adolescents were enrolled. Based on clinical findings, antibiotics would be prescribed for 389 patients (59.8%); using the rapid antigen detection test, they were prescribed for 286 patients (44.0%). Among the 261 children who would not have received antibiotics based on the clinical evaluation, 111 (42.5%) had positive rapid antigen detection test. The diagnosis based only on clinical evaluation showed 61.1% sensitivity, 47.7% specificity, 44.9% positive predictive value, and 57.5% negative predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis had low sensitivity and specificity. The routine use of rapid antigen detection test led to the reduction of antibiotic use and the identification of a risk group for complications of streptococcal infection, since 42.5% positive rapid antigen detection test patients would not have received antibiotics based only on clinical diagnosis.


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This study aimed to determine whether dental calculus formation is really higher among patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis than among controls. Furthermore, the study evaluated correlations between dental calculus formation and dental plaque, variables that are related to renal disease and/or saliva composition. The Renal Group was composed of 30 patients undergoing hemodialysis, whereas the Healthy Group had 30 clinically healthy patients. Stimulated whole saliva and parotid saliva were collected. Salivary flow rate and calcium and phosphate concentrations were determined. In the Renal Group the saliva collection was carried out before and after a hemodialysis session. Patients from both groups received intraoral exams, oral hygiene instructions, and dental scaling. Three months later, the dental calculus was measured by the Volpe-Manhold method to determine the rate of dental calculus formation. The Renal Group presented a higher rate of dental calculus formation (p < 0.01). Correlation was observed between rate of dental calculus formation and whole saliva flow rate in the Renal Group after a hemodialysis session (r = 0.44, p < 0.05). The presence of dental calculus was associated with phosphate concentration in whole saliva from the Renal Group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, patients undergoing hemodialysis presented accelerated dental calculus formation, probably due to salivary variables.


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Pharyngotonsillitis by beta-hemolytic Streptococcus mostly affects children and imunocompromissed, being Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A) the most common agent in bacterial pharyngotonsillitis. Aim: This work targeted the research of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus Group-A (SBHGA) and No-A (SBHGNA) in the oropharynx of individuals with special health needs from the APAE (Maceio-AL). Method: A prospective study with oropharynx samples from patients with Down syndrome and other mental disorders (test) and students from a private school (control) aged 5-15 years. Cultures in blood agar (5%) were identified through Gram/catalase tests and bacitracin/trirnethoprim-sulfamethoxazole disk diffusion method, applying the chi-squared statistical analysis. Results: A total of 222 bacterial colonies were isolated in 74 individuals from APAE and 65 in the control group. In the test group, previous episodes of pharyngotonsillitis were reported by 36.49% (27/74) and 9.46% (7/74) were diagnosed with symptoms and/or signs suggestive of oropharynx infection. No positive sample of S. pyogenes was confirmed at APAE, being all samples classified as SBHGNA, with 5 SBHGA in the control group. Conclusion: The early identification of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus is important for the fast treatment of pharyngotonsillitis and the absence of S. pyogenes avoid future suppurative or not-suppurative sequels in the group from APAE.


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Objectives This study was conducted to determine changes in values on the decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index in 12-year-old children in Brazil between 1980 and 2005, and to correlate DMFT values with human development index (HDI) values, time, population size of municipality and fluoridation of the water supply. Methods The present study represents a retrospective ecological study using secondary data from epidemiological surveys published in indexed journals, as well as data obtained from epidemiological official surveys carried out in Brazil in 1986, 1996 and 2003, and in the State of Sao Paulo in 1998 and 2002. Units of study were represented by Brazilian municipalities holding average DMFT index values for 12-year-old children. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the correlations among DMFT and HDI values, and time, population size and fluoridation of the water supply. Results The final database included 550 records of DMFT values in 428 different towns. Regression analysis showed statistically significant correlations between DMFT index values and time (P < 0.001), fluoridation of the water supply (P < 0.001) and size of municipality (P < 0.001). Estimated mean DMFT index values were 8.36 in 1980, 6.08 in 1985, 4.45 in 1990, 3.29 in 1995, 2.46 in 2000 and 1.86 in 2005. Conclusions Data showed a significant decrease in dental caries across the entire country, with an average reduction of 25% occurring every 5 years. General trends indicated that a reduction in DMFT index values occurred over time, that a further reduction in DMFT index values occurred when a municipality fluoridated its water supply, and mean DMFT index values were lower in larger than in smaller municipalities.