12 resultados para Colostomia perineal

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Aim and objectives. To identify maternal, newborn and obstetric factors associated with birth-related perineal trauma in one independent birth centre. Background. Risk factors for birth-related perineal trauma include episiotomy, maternal age, ethnicity, parity and interventions during labour including use of oxytocin, maternal position at time of birth and infant birth weight. Understanding more about these factors could support the management of vaginal birth to prevent spontaneous perineal trauma, in line with initiatives to reduce routine use of episiotomy. Design. Cross-sectional study. Methods. Data were retrospectively collected from one independent birth centre in Brazil, during 20062009. The dependent variable (perineal trauma) was classified as: (1) intact perineum or first-degree laceration, (2) second-degree laceration and (3) episiotomy (right mediolateral or median). Results. There were 1079 births during the study period. Parity, use of oxytocin during labour, position at time of giving birth and infant birth weight were associated with second-degree lacerations and episiotomies. After adjusting for parity, oxytocin, maternal position at the expulsive stage of labour and infant birth weight influenced perineal outcomes among primiparae only. Conclusions. Although the overall rate of episiotomies in this study was low compared with national data, it was observed that younger women were most vulnerable to this intervention. In this age group in particular, the use of oxytocin as well as semi-upright positions at the time of birth was associated with second-degree lacerations and episiotomies. Relevance to clinical practice. The use of upright alternative positions for birth and avoidance of use of oxytocin could reduce the risk of perineal trauma from lacerations and need to perform episiotomy.


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Pieri N.C.G., Alicia M. Flamini A.M., Barbeito C.G., Casals J.B., Roque K.B., Favaron P.O., Miglino M.A. & Martins D.S. 2012. [Shape and function of the perineal muscles of viscacha (Lagostomus maximus).] Forma e funcao dos musculos perineais da viscacha (Lagostomus maximus). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(2):183-187. Departamento de Zootecnia, Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte 225, Pirassununga, SP 13635-900, Brazil. E-mail: daniele@usp.br. Among the rodent species studied we can highlight the wide variation in the morphology of the male reproductive system. Thus, considering the ecological importance of rodents, and the large number and geographical representation of this animal, as well as shortages regarding the reproductive anatomy, we developed this study with viscacha, a South American histricomorph rodent. As this species has some very peculiar reproductive features, we described the gross anatomy of the perineal muscles and the role of copulatory behavior. The perineal region of viscacha is composed of five muscles, three of which are arranged in the superficial genitourinary diaphragm, as Musculus ischiocavernosus, M. bulbocavernosus and M. bulbospongiosus, and the muscles that lie at the pelvic diaphragm, M. levator ani and M. retractor penis. Therefore, we emphasize that the study of the pelvic floor in wild animals is of great value, then contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms related to erection and ejaculation or collaborate with studies on the reproduction of animals.


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Objective: to evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy for perineal pain and healing after episiotomy. Design: a double-blind, randomised, controlled clinical trial comparing perineal pain scores and episiotomy healing in women treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and with the simulation of the treatment. Setting: the study was conducted in the Birth Centre and rooming-in units of Amparo Maternal, a maternity service located in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: fifty-two postpartum women who had had mediolateral episiotomies during their first normal delivery were randomly divided into two groups of 26: an experimental group and a control group. Intervention: in the experimental group, the women were treated with LLLT. Irradiation was applied at three points directly on the episiotomy after the suture and in three postpartum sessions: up to 2 hrs postpartum, between 20 and 24 hrs postpartum and between 40 and 48 hrs postpartum. The LLLT was performed with diode laser, with a wavelength of 660 nm (red light), spot size of 0.04 cm(2), energy density of 3.8 J/cm(2), radiant power of 15 mW and 10 s per point, which resulted in an energy of 0.15 J per point and a total energy of 0.45 J per session. The control group participants also underwent three treatment sessions, but without the emission of radiation (simulation group), to assess the possible effects of placebo treatment. Main outcomes: perineal pain scores, rated on a scale from 0 to 10, were evaluated before and immediately after the irradiation in the three sessions. The healing process was assessed using the REEDA scale (Redness, Edema, Echymosis, Discharge Aproximation) before each laser therapy session and 15 and 20 days after the women's discharge. Findings: comparing the pain scores before and after the LLLT sessions, the experimental group presented a significant within-group reduction in mean pain scores after the second and third sessions (p=0.003 and p<0.001, respectively), and the control group showed a significant reduction after the first treatment simulation (p=0.043). However, the comparison of the perineal pain scores between the experimental and control groups indicated no statistical difference at any of the evaluated time points. There was no significant difference in perineal healing scores between the groups. All postpartum women approved of the low-level laser therapy. Conclusions: this pilot study showed that LLLT did not accelerate episiotomy healing. Although there was a reduction in perineal pain mean scores in the experimental group, we cannot conclude that the laser relieved perineal pain. This study led to the suggestion of a new research proposal involving another irradiation protocol to evaluate LLLT's effect on perineal pain relief. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aims and objectives. To compare the effect of an ice pack applied for 10, 15 and 20 minutes to relieve perineal pain after birth. Background. Perineal pain after vaginal birth, with or without vaginal trauma, is one of the most common morbidities reported for postnatal women. Cryotherapy has been used in postpartum period to relieve perineal pain and investigated in several studies. However, cryotherapy treatment protocols in perineal care vary widely regarding temperature, frequency and duration of the application. Design. A controlled trial, randomised for two groups and with a third group as a historical control. Method. The intervention was carried out in a maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study population consisted of three groups of 38 women who used an ice pack on the perineum, in a single application: group A-10 minutes; group B-15 minutes; group C-20 minutes (historical control from another clinical trial). Participants perineal pain magnitude was evaluated through a numerical scale (010), at four different points: before the cryotherapy; immediately after and at 20 and 40 minutes after cryotherapy. Results. After application of the ice pack, there was no statistical difference when comparing the perineal pain among groups in the second, third and fourth evaluations. Most of the postnatal women reported pain relief, with 72.8% reporting a decrease in pain >50%; 21.9% reported a decrease between 3050%. All postnatal women subjected to cryotherapy were favourable to the procedure. Conclusion. There is no difference in pain scores following ice pack application in three different times (10, 15 and 20 minutes) in women who report moderate or intense perineal pain after normal delivery. Relevance for clinical practice. Ice treatment is safe, and application times of 10 or 15 minutes are as beneficial as an application time of 20 minutes to relieve perineal pain.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate results obtained in 48 cases of perineal rectosigmoidectomy in patients with rectal procidentia. METHODS: 48 medical records of patients undergoing PRS were analyzed, retrospectively. RESULTS: Before surgery, 44 patients (77.1%) reported complaints of anal mass and rectal bleeding was reported 13 times (22.8%). The period of hospitalization was 3.91 days (2 to 12 days). Women were the majority (85.4%). The mean age was 73.8 years (49 to 101 years). The average time of surgery was 72 minutes (40 to 90 minutes). Mechanical anastomosis was performed in 72.9% and manual in 27.1%. Among the 12 (25%) patients with fecal incontinence, continence was achieved in 2 cases. Postoperative complications occurred in five cases - 10.5% (two pneumonia and three anastomotic leakages). Recurrence was verified in four patients (8,3%). There were no deaths related to the procedure. CONCLUSION: Perineal rectosigmoidectomy is a good surgical option for rectal procidentia, with low morbidity and mortality, low recurrence rate and short hospitalization length.


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During the last century, great improvements have been made in rectal cancer management regarding preoperative staging, pathologic assessment, surgical technique, and multimodal therapies. Surgically, there was a move from a strategy characterized by simple perineal excision to complex procedures performed by means of a laparoscopic approach, and more recently with the aid of robotic systems. Perhaps the most important advance is that rectal cancer is no longer a fatal disease as it was at the beginning of the 20th century. This achievement is definitely due in part to Ernest Mile's contribution regarding lymphatic spread of tumor cells, which helped clarify the natural history of the disease and the proper treatment alternatives. He advocated a combined approach with the rationale to clear "the zone of upward spread." The aim of the present paper is to present a brief review concerning the evolution of rectal cancer surgery, focusing attention on Miles' abdominoperineal excision of the rectum (APR) and its controversies and refinements over time. Although APR has currently been restricted to a small proportion of patients with low rectal cancer, recent propositions to excise the rectum performing a wider perineal and a proper pelvic floor resection have renewed interest on this procedure, confirming that Ernest Miles' original ideas still influence rectal cancer management after more than 100 years.


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Aim: We evaluated the effectiveness of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a pain relief resource for primiparous puerpere who had experienced natural childbirth with an episiotomy. Methods: A controlled, randomized clinical study was conducted in a Brazilian maternity ward. Forty puerpere were randomly divided into two groups: TENS high frequency and a no treatment control group. Post-episiotomy pain was assessed in the resting and sitting positions and during ambulation. An 11-point numeric rating scale was performed in three separate evaluations (at the beginning of the study, after 60 min and after 120 min). The McGill pain questionnaire was employed at the beginning and 60 min later. TENS with 100 Hz frequency and 75 mu s pulse for 60 min was employed without causing any pain. Four electrodes ware placed in parallel near the episiotomy site, in the area of the pudendal and genitofemoral nerves. Results: An 11-point numeric rating scale and McGill pain questionnaire showed a significant statistical difference in pain reduction in the TENS group, while the control group showed no alteration in the level of discomfort. Hence, high-frequency TENS treatment significantly reduced pain intensity immediately after its use and 60 min later. Conclusion: TENS is a safe and viable non-pharmacological analgesic resource to be employed for pain relief post-episiotomy. The routine use of TENS post-episiotomy is recommended.


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Aims and objectives. To evaluate the effectiveness of a low-level laser therapy for pain relief in the perineum following episiotomy during childbirth. Background. Laser irradiation is a painless and non-invasive therapy for perineal pain treatment and its effects have been investigated in several studies, with no clear conclusion on its effectiveness. Design. A double-blind randomised controlled clinical trial. Method. One hundred and fourteen women who underwent right mediolateral episiotomies during vaginal birth in an in-hospital birthing centre in Sao Paulo, Brazil and reported pain =3 on a numeric scale (010) were randomised into three groups of 38 women each: two experimental groups (treated with red and infrared laser) and a control group. The experimental groups were treated with laser applied at three points directly on the episiotomy after suturing in a single session between 656 hours postpartum. We used a diode laser with wavelengths of 660 nm (red laser) and 780 nm (infrared laser). The control group participants underwent all laser procedures, excluding the emission of irradiation. The participants and the pain scores evaluator were blinded to the type of intervention. The perineal pain scores were assessed at three time points: before, immediately after and 30 minutes after low-level laser therapy. Results. The comparison of perineal pain between the three groups showed no significant differences in the three evaluations (p = 0.445), indicating that the results obtained in the groups treated with low-level laser therapy were equivalent to the control group. Conclusions. Low-level laser therapy did not decrease the intensity of perineal pain reported by women who underwent right mediolateral episiotomy. Relevance to clinical practice. The effect of laser in perineal pain relief was not demonstrated in this study. The dosage may not have been sufficient to provide relief from perineal pain after episiotomy during a vaginal birth.


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Trata-se de um estudo descritivo realizado com cinquenta mulheres em pós-parto vaginal com episiotomia. Objetivou-se mensurar e caracterizar a dor perineal em primíparas submetidas ao parto normal com episiotomia e verificar as atividades limitadas pela dor. Para avaliação da dor foi utilizada a Escala Numérica e o Questionário McGill, bem como um formulário para analisar as atividades que estavam limitadas. A média de dor perineal encontrada foi cinco. As categorias sensorial e avaliação subjetiva foram as mais selecionadas no Questionário McGill. A dor perineal foi caracterizada como latejante, que repuxa, que esquenta, ardida, dolorida, chata, incômoda, que prende e que deixa tensa. Sentar, deitar e deambular foram as atividades mais limitadas. Em conclusão, foi possível verificar a presença de dor perineal nas puérperas causada pela episiotomia e identificar que as atividades de sentar, deitar e deambular estavam limitadas por este sintoma.


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OBJETIVO: Medir a espessura das criptas e quantificar o número de células caliciformes comparando a mucosa cólica com e sem trânsito intestinal, relacionando-as ao tempo de exclusão. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar, foram distribuídos em três grupos com 20 animais segundo a operação final para a retirada dos cólons, realizadas em seis, 12 ou 18 semanas. Em cada grupo, 15 animais foram submetidos à derivação do trânsito por colostomia proximal no cólon esquerdo e fístula mucosa distal e cinco apenas à laparotomia (controle). Os cólons com e sem trânsito fecal foram removidos, processados, submetidos a cortes histológicos corados pela hematoxilina-eosina. A altura das criptas colônicas e o número de células caliciformes foram mensurados por morfometria computadorizada. Foram utilizados os testes t de Student e Kruskal-Wallis para comparação e análise de variância, estabelecendo-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: A altura das criptas diminui nos segmentos sem trânsito fecal (p=0,0001), reduzindo entre seis e 12 semanas de exclusão (p=0,0003), estabilizando-se após este período. O número de células caliciformes nas criptas é menor nos segmentos sem trânsito após 12 e 18 semanas (p=0,0001), porém aumenta com o decorrer do tempo de exclusão (p=0,04) CONCLUSÃO: A exclusão do trânsito intestinal diminui a espessura das criptas colônicas e o número de células caliciformes nos segmentos sem trânsito. Existe aumento do número de células caliciformes com o decorrer do tempo de exclusão.


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OBJECTIVE: Identify the Social Representations (SR) of ostomized people in terms of sexuality after the stoma. METHODS: An exploratory, descriptive, qualitative study using the Social Representation Theory with 15 ostomized people (8 females), mean age of 57.9 years, between August and September 2005. Data obtained from transcribed interviews were submitted to content analysis, resulting in the thematic unit "Giving new meaning to sexuality" and subthemes. RESULTS: The study demonstrated that the intestinal stoma interferes in the sexuality experience, showing that the meanings attributed to this experience are based on individual life stories, quality of personal relationships established in practice and perception of sexuality, despite the stoma. CONCLUSIONS: The Social Representations, in terms of experiencing sexuality after the stoma, are based on meanings attributed to the body, associated with daily life and present in the social imaginary. It is influenced by other factors, such as physiological changes resulting from the surgery and the fact of having or not a partner. Care taken during sexual practices provide greater security and comfort in moments of intimacy, resembling the closest to what ostomized people experienced before the stoma. The self-irrigation technique associated or not with the use of artificial occluder, has been attested by its users as a positive element that makes a difference in sexual practice after the stoma. The support to ostomized people should be comprehensive, not limited to technical care and disease, which are important, but not sufficient. The interdisciplinary health team should consider all aspects of the person, seeking a real meeting between subjects.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis. METHOD: Retrospective analysis of medical records of 49 patients submitted to ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis. RESULTS: Ulcerative colitis was diagnosed in 65% and familial adenomatous polyposis in 34%. Mean age was 39.5 years. 43% were male. Among familial adenomatous polyposis, 61% were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Thirty-one percent of patients with ulcerative colitis was submitted to a previous surgical approach and 21% of these had toxic megacolon. Average hospital stay was 10 days. Post-operative complications occurred in 50% of patients with ulcerative colitis and 29.4% with familial adenomatous polyposis. Intestinal diversion was performed in 100% of ulcerative colitis and 88% of familial adenomatous polyposis. Pouchitis occurred in eight cases (seven ulcerative colitis and one FAP), requiring excision of the pouch in three ulcerative colitis. Mortality rate was 7.6%: two cases of carcinoma on the pouch and two post-operative complications. Late post-operative complications occurred in 22.4%: six familial adenomatous polyposis and five ulcerative colitis). Two patients had erectile dysfunction, and one retrograde ejaculation. One patient with severe perineal dermatitis was submitted to excision of the pouch. Incontinence occurred in four patients and two reported soil. Mean bowel movement was five times a day. CONCLUSION: Ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis is a safe surgery with acceptable morbidity and good functional results, if well indicated and performed in referral centers.