em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) is an economically important pest of Neotropical cultures and represents a quarantine risk for Neartic and Paleartic Regions. Despite its agricultural importance, few studies have been done on mating behavior and chemical communication, which has delayed the development of behavioral techniques for population management, such as the use of pheromone traps. In this study, we determined 1) the age at first mating; 2) diel rhythm of matings; 3) number of matings over 7 d; 4) the sequence of D. speciosa activities during premating, mating, and postmating; 5) the duration of each activity; and 6) response to male and female conspecific volatiles in Y-tube olfactometer. The first mating occurred between the third and seventh day after adult emergence and the majority of pairs mated on the fourth day after emergence. Pairs of D. speciosa showed a daily rhythm of mating with greater sexual activity between the end of the photophase and the first half of the scotophase. During the 7 d of observation, most pairs mated only once, although 30% mated two, three, or four times. In a Y-tube olfactometer, males were attracted by virgin females as well as by the volatile compounds emitted by females. Neither males nor their volatiles were attractive to either sex. Our observation provide information about mating behavior of D. speciosa, which will be useful in future research in chemical communication, such as identification of the pheromone and development of management techniques for this species using pheromone traps.
Larvae of Potamophilops cinereus (Blanchard, 1841) from Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Grande (Fazenda Intervales, Rio Carmo) are described for the first time and illustrated. The larvae were found associated with adults. The larva of P. cinereus is most similar to larvae of species of the Mexican and Central American genera Disersus Sharp and Hispaniolara Brown, but can be easily distinguished chiefly by the head being not visible when seen from above, due to being concealed by the anterior projection of the pronotum. Comparisons of the three genera are presented. Photographs of the adult habitus of P. cinereus are also furnished. A key to the larvae of the genera of Larainae of Brazil is included.
Nycterilampus Montrouzier, 1860, from Oceania, is removed from junior synonymy with Tetrigus Candeze, 1857, and is redescribed and revalidated. The genus includes two species, N. lifuanus Montrouzier, 1860, and N. velutinus Fleutiaux, 1891 both from New Caledonia. A comparative study of the morphological characters of males and females, including the reproductive organs of the Nycterilampus species and Tetrigus parallelus Candeze, 1857 (type-species) is presented. A key to Nycterilampus species and their separation from Tetrigus parallelus is given.
The genus Lamprosoma Kirby, 1818 includes 128 neotropical species and 54 of them are recorded from Brazil (Monros, 1960). The first species with a described larva was L. seraphinum Lacordaire. After that, larvae and pupae of three species were described: L. bicolor Kirby, 1818, L. chorisiae Monros, 1948 and L. azureum Germar, 1824. Fiebrig (1910) described the larva of L. seraphinum Lacordaire, collected on Teminalia hassleriana Chod. (Combretaceae) of Paraguay. Moreira (1913) described L. bicolor collected on Terminalia catappa L., in Rio de Janeiro. According to him, this tree was introduced from Molucas Islands, in Oceania. He also considered it probable that L. bicolor lived on one native species of Terminalia or on another species of Combretaceae and adaptated itself to live on Terminalia catappa. Monros (1949) described L. chorisiae collected on Chorisia speciosa and Ch. insignis [ Ceiba speciosa (A. St.-Hil., A. Juss. & Cambess.) Ravenna and Ceiba insignis (Kunth) P. E. Gibbs & J. Semir] (Bombacaceae) ("" palos borrachos"") in Tucuman. Caxambu and Almeida (1999) described L. azureum collected on Psidium cattleianum Sabine (Myrtaceae)(""araca""), in Parana state. Herein, the larva and pupa of L. amethystinum collected on Terminalia catappa amendoeira-da-praia"", "" chapeu-de-sol"") in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, are described and illustrated.
Loxandrus oophagus sp. nov. is described (type-locality: Uberlandia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil). Larvae, pupae and adults of the new species of the carabid beetle were collected on foam nests of the anuran Leptodactylus fuscus (Schneider, 1799) in the surroundings of Uberlandia, 18 degrees 55S, 48 degrees 17W (Brazil, Minas Gerais), at 750 m altitude. The new species is compared with the similar Loxandrus quinarius Will & Liebherr, 1997, only known from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, differing by the morphology of tarsomeres. Larvae prey on anuran eggs. Description of the immatures and the natural history of the species are provided. The larva differs from the known larvae of Loxandrus species mainly by being eruciform, glabrous and depigmented, its small head and legs, and the lack of stemmata and urogomphi, representing an unusual last instar type among the Carabidae.
Three new species of Triplonychus Candeze, T. cruspinosus sp. nov., T. crassifemoris sp. nov. and T. tibialatus sp. nov., and a new species of Globothorax Fleutiaux, G. latidens sp. nov., from Brazil are described. Illustrations, photographic and SEM images are presented. A review of the diagnostic generic characters and a key to the species of Triplonychus and Globothorax from Brazil are also given.
Agaone amazonica sp. nov. and Stultutragus endoluteus sp. nov. are described from Brazil, and variation in A. peruviensis Fisher, is discussed. Stultutragus nigricornis is elevated to species rank and re-described. Updated keys to Agaone and Stultutragus are provided.
Generic characters of Irundisaua Martins & Galileo, 2005 are expanded (antennal formula, width of prosternal process inferior or equal to the diameter of procoxa, protibia enlarged and flattened) and two species are transferred from Acanthoderes Audinet-Serville, 1835: I. forsteri (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov from Peru and Brazil (Amazonas) and I. ucayalensis (Tippmann,1960) comb. nov from Ecuador, Peru and Brazil (Amazonas).Three new genera are described: (1) Catuana gen. nov., type species, C. spinicornis (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov, characterized by the mesosternal tubercle; (2) Mundeu gen. nov, type species, M. maculicollis (Bates, 1861) comb. nov, with rounded sides of protorax and expanded protibiae; (3) Urangaua gen. nov, with eyes divided and finelly granulated, length of antenomeres III-IV subequal to V-XI; the genus is proposed of two species: U. analis Melzer, 1935 comb. nov, type species, and U. subanalis (Zajciw,1964) comb. nov. A key to the species of Urangaua is added.
New species described and illustrated: Adesmus nigrolineatus sp. nov from Mexico (Oaxaca). From Costa Rica: A, moruna sp. nov. (Heredia); Corcovado bezarki sp. nov. (Guanacaste); Alampyris fuscus sp. nov. (Guanacaste), Cariua gen. nov type species C. sulphurea sp. nov. (Guanacaste). From Bolivia: Phoebemima albomaculata sp. nov. (Cochabamba); Ipepo gen. nov type species I. dilatatus sp. nov. (Santa Cruz). From Brazil: Adesmus facetus sp. nov and Canarana arguta sp. nov. (Rondonia). A new record from Costa Rica of Piruanycha pitilla Galileo & Martins, 2005 is added. The three new species of Adesmus are recognized: A. nigrolineatus by the longitudinal black stripes on elytra; A. moruna by the elytra entirely black; A. facetus by the white belts behind the middle of the elytra and white maculae on apical quarter. Phoebemima albomaculata is characterized by the white macula on the elytral suture. Corcovado bezarki sp. nov is distinguished by the black antennal scape and whitish flagelomeres. Canarana arguta sp. nov has prothorax and urosternites I-IV covered by dense yellowish pubescence. Alampyris fusca sp. nov differs from A. cretaria by the antenomere III longer than scape. Cariua sulphurea sp. nov is distinguished by the urosternites covered by compact white pubescence and Ipepo dilatatus is characterized by the elytra with three carinae.
New taxa of Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) of the Americas. The new genus Mexicoscylus is described to include: M. rosae sp. nov., type species of the genus, and M. bivittatus (Gahan, 1892), comb. nov. both from Mexico. A key to the species of Mexicoscylus is added. More three species are described: Cotycuara villosa sp. nov., from Costa Rica; Phoebe parvimacula sp. nov., from Bolivia and Adesmus beruri sp. nov., from Brazil (Amazonas). All new species are illustrated.
Novos táxons descritos: em Cerambycinae, Bomarion caudatum sp. nov., da Bolívia (Ectenessini); Nephalius levigatus sp. nov., do Brasil, Paraíba (Elaphidiini); Bothriospila pulcherrima sp. nov., do Brasil, Bahia (Bothriospilini); Cycnidolon rufescens sp. nov., do Brasil, Paraíba (Neoibidionini). Em Lamiinae: Cicatricallia gen. nov., espécie-tipo: C. cicatricosa sp. nov. de Trindade e Tobago (Calliini); Mimasyngenes clarkei sp. nov., de Trinidad e Tobago e Mimasyngenes fonticulus sp. nov., do Brasil, Piauí; Ibypeba gen. nov., espécie-tipo: I. camiri sp. nov., da Bolívia; Micratelodesmis gen. nov., espécie-tipo: M. minor sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Lycidola affinis sp. nov. de Trinidad e Tobago (Hemilophini). Novos registros: Lycidola beltii Bates, 1872 para a Costa Rica e Alampyris fuscus Martins & Galileo, 2008 para o Panamá (Hemilophini).
Mature larva and pupa of Macrolygistopterus subparallelus Pic are described and compared to known Calochromini immatures. Larvae were collected alive inside dead trunk in the Atlantic Forest at Estacao Biologica de Boraceia, Salesopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil. They were maintained in laboratory conditions, and the pupal period was 12 days (one observation). The pupa of this genus is described for the first time. This larva differs from known Calochromini larvae mainly because of its almost cylindrical campodeiform body and longer urogomphi.
(Gyllenhal) is a common firefly in the Southeastern region of Brazil. Adults and larvae were collected in the municipality of Campinas, state of So Paulo, Brazil, and the immature stages were described and reared in the laboratory. Four generations were reproduced in the laboratory, and a method for its rearing was established. The life cycle usually lasts 6 months, but under optimal laboratory conditions, it lasted from 2 to 4 months. Larvae were fed with and snails since the beginning of the larval stage. This species was found to be easily adapted to environments under anthropic influence, such as urban areas and farms.
Cypermethrin dust was evaluated as a tool for the integrated management of lesser mealwonns (also called the darkling beetle), Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer). This experiment examined the efficacy of the cypermethrin against adult and late instar lesser mealwonns under laboratory conditions. Two bioassay methods were evaluated, using either a petri plate or a covered plastic container simulating poultry house conditions. In the simulated conditions, two different samples were used and cypermethrin was either dusted onto the surface of the container or was directly dusted onto the bottom. The LC50 for adults was 636.6 ppm, however, 929.7 ppm of cypermethrin dust was needed to achieve a 50% mortality rate in late instar larvae 24 h after the administration of the insecticide. A similar trend was observed in the simulated poultry houses when the adult mortality was > 90% while effectiveness in late in. star larvae was decreased, i.e., between 50 and 85%. Significant differences in the toxicity profiles were observed in larvae mortality when cypermethrin it was dusted directly onto the litter surface, compared to the bottom of the container. We have verified that cypermethrin dust is available for use in poultry houses however, toxicity profiles of lesser mealworm may depend on the beetle's stage of development and method of application
Novas espécies descritas do Brasil: Tropidion terminatum sp. nov. e Tropidion una sp. nov. (Rondônia); Tropidion buriti sp. nov. (Piauí); Compsibidion manauara sp. nov. (Manaus), Compsibidion elianae sp. nov. (Goiás); Compsibidion novalimae sp. nov. e Compsibidion peti sp. nov. (Minas Gerais). Do Brasil (Mato Grosso) e da Bolívia (Santa Cruz), Compsibidion ybyra sp. nov.; da Venezuela (Guarico), Tropidion jolyi sp. nov.; da Bolívia (Santa Cruz), Dodecaibidion bolivianum sp. nov. e Pygmodeon maculatum sp. nov. Minibidion captiosus nom. nov. é proposto para Minibidion bicolor Martins, Galileo & Limeira-de Oliveira, 2011. São estabelecidos novo status para Compsibidion rubricolle Melzer, 1935, e notas sobre Heterachthes tysiphonis (Thomson, 1867). São apresentados novos registros para Tropidion zonapterum (Martins, 1962), Compsibidion campestre (Gounelle, 1908) e Kolonibidion femoratum (Martins, 1971).