16 resultados para Blocked-end furrow

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Although parrots share with corvids and primates many of the traits believed to be associated with advanced cognitive processing, knowledge of parrot cognition is still limited to a few species, none of which are Neotropical. Here we examine the ability of three Neotropical parrot species (Blue-Fronted Amazons, Hyacinth and Lear`s macaws) to spontaneously solve a novel physical problem: the string-pulling test. The ability to pull up a string to obtain out-of-reach food has been often considered a cognitively complex task, as it requires the use of a sequence of actions never previously assembled, along with the ability to continuously monitor string, food and certain body movements. We presented subjects with pulling tasks where we varied the spatial relationship between the strings, the presence of a reward and the physical contact between the string and reward to determine whether (1) string-pulling is goal-oriented in these parrots, (2) whether the string is recognized as a means to obtain the reward and (3) whether subjects can visually determine the continuity between the string and the reward, selecting only those strings for which no physical gaps between string and reward were present. Our results show that some individuals of all species were able to use the string as a means to reach a specific goal, in this case, the retrieval of the food treat. Also, subjects from both macaw species were able to visually determine the presence of physical continuity between the string and reward, making their choices consistently with the recognition that no gaps should be present between the string and the reward. Our findings highlight the potential of this taxonomic group for the understanding of the underpinnings of cognition in evolutionarily distant groups such as birds and primates.


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Purpose: To investigate the periapical tissue response of 4 different retrograde root-filling materials, ie, intermediate restorative material, thermoplasticized gutta-percha, reinforced zinc oxide cement (Super-EBA), and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), in conjunction with an ultrasonic root-end preparation technique in an animal model. Materials and Methods: Vital roots of the third and fourth right mandibular premolars in 6 healthy mongrel dogs were apicectomized and sealed with 1 of the materials using a standardized surgical procedure. After 120 days, the animals were sacrificed and the specimens were analyzed radiologically, histologically, and scanning electron microscopically. The Fisher exact test was performed on the 2 outcome values. Results: Twenty-three sections were analyzed histologically. Evaluation showed better re-establishment of the periapical tissues and generally lower inflammatory infiltration in the sections from teeth treated with the intermediate restorative material and the MTA. New root cement on the resected dentin surfaces was seen on all sections regardless of the used material. New hard tissue formation, directly on the surface of the material, was seen only in the MTA sections. There was no statistical difference in outcome among the tested materials. Conclusions: The results from this dog model favor the intermediate restorative material and MTA as retrograde fillings when evaluating the bone defect regeneration. MTA has the most favorable periapical tissue response when comparing the biocompatibility of the materials tested. (C) 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70:2041-2047, 2012


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CRH has been implicated as a mediator of stress-induced effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis, acting via CRH receptors in various brain regions. We investigated whether the effects of restraint stress on the secretion of gonadotropins on the morning of proestrus are mediated by the CRH-R1 or CRH-R2 receptors in the oval subdivision of the anterolateral BST, the central amygdala, the locus coeruleus (LC), or the A1 and A2 neuron groups in the medulla. At proestrus morning, rats were injected with antalarmin (a CRH-R1 antagonist), asstressin2-B (a CRH-R2 antagonist) or vehicles. Thirty minutes after the injection, the animals were placed into restraints for 30 min, and blood was sampled for 2 h. At the end of the experiment, the brains were removed for immunofluorescence analyses. Restraint stress increased the levels of FSH and LH. Antalarmin blocked the stress-induced increases in FSH and LH secretion, but astressin2-B only blocked the increase in FSH secretion. LC showed intense stress-induced neuronal activity. FOS/tyrosine-hydroxylase coexpression in LC was reduced by antalarmin, but not astressin2-B. The CRH-R1 receptor, more than CRH-R2 receptor, appears to be essential for the stimulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis by acute stress; this response is likely mediated in part by noradrenergic neurons in the LC. We postulate that the stress-induced facilitation of reproductive function is mediated, at least in part, by CRH action through CRH-R1 on noradrenaline neurons residing in the LC that trigger GnRH discharge and gonadotropin secretion. (Endocrinology 153: 4838-4848, 2012)


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This study aimed to measure, using fMRI, the effect of diazepam on the haemodynamic response to emotional faces. Twelve healthy male volunteers (mean age = 24.83 +/- 3.16 years), were evaluated in a randomized, balanced-order, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design. Diazepam (10 mg) or placebo was given 1 h before the neuroimaging acquisition. In a blocked design covert face emotional task, subjects were presented with neutral (A) and aversive (B) (angry or fearful) faces. Participants were also submitted to an explicit emotional face recognition task, and subjective anxiety was evaluated throughout the procedures. Diazepam attenuated the activation of right amygdala and right orbitofrontal cortex and enhanced the activation of right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) to fearful faces. In contrast, diazepam enhanced the activation of posterior left insula and attenuated the activation of bilateral ACC to angry faces. In the behavioural task, diazepam impaired the recognition of fear in female faces. Under the action of diazepam, volunteers were less anxious at the end of the experimental session. These results suggest that benzodiazepines can differentially modulate brain activation to aversive stimuli, depending on the stimulus features and indicate a role of amygdala and insula in the anxiolytic action of benzodiazepines.


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Background: Unstable distal femoral fractures in children are challenging lesions with restricted surgical options for adequate stabilization. Elastic nails have become popular for treating femoral shaft fractures, yet they are still challenging for using in distal fractures. The aim of this study was to test whether end caps (CAP) inserted into the nail extremity improved the mechanical stabilization of a segmental defect at the distal femoral metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction created in an artificial pediatric bone model. Methods: Two 3.5-mm titanium elastic nails (TEN) were introduced intramedullary into pediatric femur models, and a 7.0-mm-thick segmental defect was created at the distal diaphyseal-metaphyseal junction. Nondestructive 4-point bending, axial-bending, and torsion tests were conducted. After this, the end caps were inserted into the external tips of the nails and then screwed into the bone cortex. The mechanical tests were repeated. Stiffness, displacement, and torque were analyzed using the Wilcoxon nonparametric test for paired samples. Results: In the combined axial-bending tests, the TEN + CAP combination was 8.75% stiffer than nails alone (P < 0.01); in torsion tests, the TEN + CAP was 14% stiffer than nails alone (P < 0.01). In contrast, the 4-point bending test did not show differences between the methods (P = 0.91, stiffness; P = 0.51, displacement). Thus, the end caps contributed to an increase in the construct stability for torsion and axial-bending forces but not for 4-point bending forces. Conclusions: These findings indicate that end caps fitted to elastic nails may contribute to the stabilization of fractures that our model mimics (small distal fragment, bone comminution, and distal bone fragment loss).


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Cellular membranes have relevant roles in processes related to proteases like human kallikreins and cathepsins. As enzyme and substrate may interact with cell membranes and associated co-factors, it is important to take into account the behavior of peptide substrates in the lipid environment. In this paper we report an study based on energy transfer in two bradykinin derived peptides labeled with the donor-acceptor pair Abz/Eddnp (ortho-aminobenzoic acid/N-[2,4-dinitrophenyl]-ethylenediamine). Time-resolved fluorescence experiments were performed in phosphate buffer and in the presence of large unilamelar vesicles of phospholipids, and of micelles of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). The decay kinetics were analyzed using the program CONTIN to obtain end-to-end distance distribution functions f(r). Despite of the large difference in the number of residues the end-to-end distance of the longer peptide (9 amino acid residues) is only 20 % larger than the values obtained for the shorter peptide (5 amino acid residues). The proline residue, in position 4 of the bradykinin sequence promotes a turn in the longer peptide chain, shortening its end-to-end distance. The surfactant SDS has a strong disorganizing effect, substantially broadening the distance distributions, while temperature increase has mild effects in the flexibility of the chains, causing small increase in the distribution width. The interaction with phospholipid vesicles stabilizes more compact conformations, decreasing end-to-end distances in the peptides. Anisotropy experiments showed that rotational diffusion was not severely affected by the interaction with the vesicles, suggesting a location for the peptides in the surface region of the bilayer, a result consistent with small effect of lipid phase transition on the peptides conformations.


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Background: In acute lung injury positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and recruitment maneuver are proposed to optimize arterial oxygenation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of such a strategy on lung histological inflammation and hyperinflation in pigs with acid aspiration-induced lung injury. Methods: Forty-seven pigs were randomly allocated in seven groups: (1) controls spontaneously breathing; (2) without lung injury, PEEP 5 cm H2O; (3) without lung injury, PEEP titration; (4) without lung injury, PEEP titration + recruitment maneuver; (5) with lung injury, PEEP 5 cm H2O; (6) with lung injury, PEEP titration; and (7) with lung injury, PEEP titration + recruitment maneuver. Acute lung injury was induced by intratracheal instillation of hydrochloric acid. PEEP titration was performed by incremental and decremental PEEP from 5 to 20 cm H2O for optimizing arterial oxygenation. Three recruitment maneuvers (pressure of 40 cm H2O maintained for 20 s) were applied to the assigned groups at each PEEP level. Proportion of lung inflammation, hemorrhage, edema, and alveolar wall disruption were recorded on each histological field. Mean alveolar area was measured in the aerated lung regions. Results: Acid aspiration increased mean alveolar area and produced alveolar wall disruption, lung edema, alveolar hemorrhage, and lung inflammation. PEEP titration significantly improved arterial oxygenation but simultaneously increased lung inflammation in juxta-diaphragmatic lung regions. Recruitment maneuver during PEEP titration did not induce additional increase in lung inflammation and alveolar hyperinflation. Conclusion: In a porcine model of acid aspiration-induced lung injury, PEEP titration aimed at optimizing arterial oxygenation, substantially increased lung inflammation. Recruitment maneuvers further improved arterial oxygenation without additional effects on inflammation and hyperinflation.


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Objectives: To identify potential associations between fetal surveillance tests and acidosis at birth in pregnancies with abnormal but positive end-diastolic velocity in the umbilical artery. Methods: A prospective case-control study [group 1: pH < 7.2; group 2: pH >= 7.2] including 46 fetuses with abnormal but positive end-diastolic velocity in the umbilical artery was conducted between February 2007 and March 2009. Outcome variables were evaluated by univariate analysis and compared between the two groups. Clinically relevant and statistically significant variables were analyzed by logistic regression. Results: Abnormal nonstress test, presence of deceleration, and absent fetal breathing movements were statistically significant. Logistic regression analysis revealed that fetal heart rate (FHR) deceleration in the nonstress test is the only predictor of fetal acidosis at birth (p = 0.024; OR = 8.2; 95% CI: 1.2-52). Conclusions: In fetuses with positive end-diastolic flow velocity, acute variables of the antenatal surveillance tests are correlated with acidosis at birth and FHR deceleration in the nonstress test is the only predictor of fetal acidosis.


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BACKGROUND: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a pandemic disease commonly associated with respiratory infections, hypoxemia, and death. Noninvasive PEEP has been shown to improve hypoxemia. In this study, we evaluated the physiologic effects of different levels of noninvasive PEEP in hypoxemic AIDS patients. METHODS: Thirty AIDS patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure received a randomized sequence of noninvasive PEEP (5, 10, or 15 cm H2O) for 20 min. PEEP was provided through a facial mask with pressure-support ventilation (PSV) of 5 cm H2O and an F-IO2, of 1. Patients were allowed to breathe spontaneously for a 20-min washout period in between each PEEP trial. Arterial blood gases and clinical variables were recorded after each PEEP treatment. RESULTS: The results indicate that oxygenation improves linearly with increasing levels of PEEP. However, oxygenation levels were similar regardless of the first PEEP level administered (5, 10, or 15 cm H2O), and only the subgroup that received an initial treatment of the lowest level of PEEP (ie, 5 cm H2O) showed further improvements in oxygenation when higher PEEP levels were subsequently applied. The P-aCO2, also increased in response to PEEP elevation, especially with the highest level of PEEP (ie, 15 cm H2O). PSV of 5 cm H2O use was associated with significant and consistent improvements in the subjective sensations of dyspnea and respiratory rate reported by patients treated with any level of PEEP (from 0 to 15 cm H2O). CONCLUSIONS: AIDS patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure improve oxygenation in response to a progressive sequential elevation of PEEP (up to 15 cm H2O). However, corresponding elevations in P-aCO2, limit the recommended level of PEEP to 10 cm H2O. At a level of 5 cm H2O, PSV promotes an improvement in the subjective sensation of dyspnea regardless of the PEEP level employed.


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Background: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play important roles in the pathophysiology of renal diseases, and imbalanced MMP-2 and its endogenous inhibitor (the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2; TIMP-2) are implicated in the vascular alterations of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients. We have examined whether MMP-2 gene polymorphisms and haplotypes modify MMP-2 and TIMP-2 levels in ESKD patients as well as the effects of hemodialysis on the concentrations of these biomarkers. Methods: We determined MMP-2 and TIMP-2 plasma levels by gelatin zymography and ELISA, respectively, in 98 ESKD patients and in 38 healthy controls. Genotypes for two relevant MMP-2 polymorphisms (C-T-1306 and C-T-735 in the promoter region) were determined by TaqMan (R) allele discrimination assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction. The software program PHASE 2.1 was used to estimate the haplotype frequencies. Results: We found increased plasma MMP-2 and TIMP-2 levels in ESKD patients compared to controls (p<0.05), and hemodialysis decreased MMP-2 (but not TIMP-2) levels (p<0.05). The T allele for the C-T-735 polymorphism and the C-T haplotype were associated with higher MMP-2 (but not TIMP-2) levels (p<0.05), whereas the C-T-1306 had no effects. Hemodialysis decreased MMP-2 (but not TIMP-2) levels independently of MMP-2 genotypes or haplotypes (p<0.05). Conclusions: MMP-2 genotypes or haplotypes modify MMP-2 levels in ESKD patients, and may help to identify patients with increased MMP-2 activity in plasma. Hemodialysis reduces MMP-2 levels independently of MMP-2 genetic variants. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Short tandem DNA repeats and telomerase compose the telomere structure in the vast majority of eukaryotic organisms. However, such a conserved organisation has not been found in dipterans. While telomeric DNA in Drosophila is composed of specific retrotransposons, complex terminal tandem repeats are present in chromosomes of Anopheles and chironomid species. In the sciarid Rhynchosciara americana, short repeats (16 and 22 bp long) tandemly arrayed seem to reach chromosome ends. Moreover, in situ hybridisation data using homopolymeric RNA probes suggested in this species the existence of a third putative chromosome end repeat enriched with (dA).(dT) homopolymers. In this work, chromosome micro-dissection and PCR primed by homopolymeric primers were employed to clone these repeats. Named T-14 and 93 % AT-rich, the repetitive unit is 14 bp long and appears organised in tandem arrays. It is localised in five non-centromeric ends and in four interstitial bands of R. americana chromosomes. To date, T-14 is the shortest repeat that has been characterised in chromosome ends of dipterans. As observed for short tandem repeats identified previously in chromosome ends of R. americana, the T-14 probe hybridised to bridges connecting non-homologous polytene chromosome ends, indicative of close association of T-14 repeats with the very end of the chromosomes. The results of this work suggest that R. americana represents an additional example of organism provided with more than one DNA sequence that is able to reach chromosome termini.


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Chronic periodontitis (CP) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are complex inflammatory conditions. Higher levels of MMP-1 were found in fluids and gingival tissues from CP patients and in the blood and tissues from ESRD patients. MMP1-1607 (1G/2G) is a functional polymorphism, as it alters MMP-1 expression. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the association of the MMP1-1607 (1G/2G) polymorphism with CP and ESRD and evaluate differences in transcript levels between the groups. Design: A total of 254 individuals were divided into four groups: Group 1, without CP and without chronic kidney disease (CKD) (n = 67); Group 2, with CP and without CKD (n = 60); Group 3, without CP and with CKD stages (ESRD) (n = 52), and Group 4, with CP and with ESRD (n = 75). The MMP1-1607 polymorphism was analysed by PCR-RFLP. MMP1 gene transcripts from gingival tissues were analysed by real-time PCR. Results: No association was found between the MMP1-1607 polymorphism and CP or ESRD. Increased levels of MMP1 transcripts were observed in CP patients with or without ESRD. No differences were observed in the transcript levels according to the genotypes. Conclusion: It was concluded that the MMP1-1607 polymorphism was not associated with either CP or ESRD. However, higher levels of MMP1 gene transcripts were found at gingival sites of CP in patients both with and without ESRD. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The usefulness of stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for cardiovascular (CV) risk stratification in chronic kidney disease remains controversial. We tested the hypothesis that different clinical risk profiles influence the test. We assessed the prognostic value of myocardial scintigraphy in 892 consecutive renal transplant candidates classified into four risk groups: very high (aged epsilon 50 years, diabetes and CV disease), high (two factors), intermediate (one factor) and low (no factor). The incidence of CV events and death was 20 and 18, respectively (median follow-up 22 months). Altered stress testing was associated with an increased probability of cardiovascular events only in intermediate-risk (one risk factor) patients [30.3 versus 10, hazard ratio (HR) 2.37, confidence interval (CI) 1.693.33, P 0.0001]. Low-risk patients did well regardless of scan results. In patients with two or three risk factors, an altered stress test did not add to the already increased CV risk. Myocardial scintigraphy was related to overall mortality only in intermediate-risk patients (HR 2.8, CI 1.55.1, P 0.007). CV risk stratification based on myocardial stress testing is useful only in patients with just one risk factor. Screening may avoid unnecessary testing in 60 of patients, help stratifying for risk of events and provide an explanation for the inconsistent performance of myocardial scintigraphy.


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Objective: this study investigated the feelings of women regarding end-of-life decision making after ultrasound diagnosis of a lethal fetal malformation. The aim of this study was to present the decision making process of women that chose for pregnancy termination and to present selected speeches of women about their feelings. Design: open psychological interviews conducted by a psychologist immediately after the diagnosis of fetal malformation by ultrasound. Analysis of the results was performed through a content analysis technique. Setting: the study was carried out at a public university hospital in Brazil. Participants: 249 pregnant women who had received the diagnosis of a severe lethal fetal malformation. Findings: fetal anencephaly was the most frequent anomaly detected in 135 cases (54.3%). Termination of pregnancy was decided by 172 (69.1%) patients and legally authorised by the judiciary (66%). The reason for asking for termination was to reduce suffering in all of them. In the 77 women who chose not to terminate pregnancy (30.9%), the reasons were related to feelings of guilt (74%). Key conclusions: the results support the importance of psychological counselling for couples when lethal fetal malformation is diagnosed. The act of reviewing moral and cultural values and elements of the unconscious provides assurance in the decision-making process and mitigates the risk of emotional trauma and guilt that can continue long after the pregnancy is terminated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The majority of studies have investigated the effect of exercise training (TR) on vascular responses in diabetic animals (DB), but none evaluated nitric oxide (NO) and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation associated with oxidant and antioxidant activities in femoral and coronary arteries from trained diabetic rats. Our hypothesis was that 8-week TR would alter AGEs levels in type 1 diabetic rats ameliorating vascular responsiveness. Methodology/Principal Findings: Male Wistar rats were divided into control sedentary (C/SD), sedentary diabetic (SD/DB), and trained diabetic (TR/DB). DB was induced by streptozotocin (i.p.: 60 mg/kg). TR was performed for 60 min per day, 5 days/week, during 8 weeks. Concentration-response curves to acetylcholine (ACh), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), phenylephrine (PHE) and tromboxane analog (U46619) were obtained. The protein expressions of eNOS, receptor for AGEs (RAGE), Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD were analyzed. Tissues NO production and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation were evaluated. Plasma nitrate/nitrite (NOx-), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML, AGE biomarker). A rightward shift in the concentration-response curves to ACh was observed in femoral and coronary arteries from SD/DB that was accompanied by an increase in TBARS and CML levels. Decreased in the eNOS expression, tissues NO production and NOx- levels were associated with increased ROS generation. A positive interaction between the beneficial effect of TR on the relaxing responses to ACh and the reduction in TBARS and CML levels were observed without changing in antioxidant activities. The eNOS protein expression, tissues NO production and ROS generation were fully re-established in TR/DB, but plasma NOx- levels were partially restored. Conclusion: Shear stress induced by TR fully restores the eNOS/NO pathway in both preparations from non-treated diabetic rats, however, a massive production of AGEs still affecting relaxing responses possibly involving other endothelium-dependent vasodilator agents, mainly in coronary artery.