8 resultados para Blade runner (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
O artigo toma as figuras da legenda e da dublagem como pontos de partida para a exploração das várias formas de estrangeirice no audiovisual. Tais figuras são apenas as marcas mais visíveis e impositivas da maneira como os filmes envolvem questões relacionadas com a diferença, a alteridade e a tradução. Em seguida, o artigo também discute o que pode ser um filme estrangeiro no contexto da globalização e da internacionalização da produção cinematográfica. Enfim, ele invoca o conceito de «cinema com sotaque», ou seja, o cinema criado ao mesmo tempo nos interstícios das formações sociais e das práticas cinematográficas, especialmente nas comunidades exílicas e em situações de diáspora.
The practice of running has consistently increased worldwide, and with it, related lower limb injuries. The type of running surface has been associated with running injury etiology, in addition other factors, such as the relationship between the amount and intensity of training. There is still controversy in the literature regarding the biomechanical effects of different types of running surfaces on foot-floor interaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of running on asphalt, concrete, natural grass, and rubber on in-shoe pressure patterns in adult recreational runners. Forty-seven adult recreational runners ran twice for 40 m on all four different surfaces at 12 +/- 5% km . h(-1). Peak pressure, pressure-time integral, and contact time were recorded by Pedar X insoles. Asphalt and concrete were similar for all plantar variables and pressure zones. Running on grass produced peak pressures 9.3% to 16.6% lower (P < 0.001) than the other surfaces in the rearfoot and 4.7% to 12.3% (P < 0.05) lower in the forefoot. The contact time on rubber was greater than on concrete for the rearfoot and midfoot. The behaviour of rubber was similar to that obtained for the rigid surfaces - concrete and asphalt - possibly because of its time of usage (five years). Running on natural grass attenuates in-shoe plantar pressures in recreational runners. If a runner controls the amount and intensity of practice, running on grass may reduce the total stress on the musculoskeletal system compared with the total musculoskeletal stress when running on more rigid surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete.
Smilax L. in Brazil is represented by 32 taxa and it is a taxonomically difficult genus because the plants are dioecious and show wide phenotypic variation. The analysis and use of leaf anatomy characters is recognized as a frequently successful taxonomic method to distinguish between individual taxon, when floral material is absent or minute differences in flowers and foliage exist such as in Smilax. The aim of this study was to characterize the anatomical features of the aerial organs in Smilax syphilitica collected from the Atlantic Rainforest, in Santa Teresa-ES and the Smilax aff syphilitica from the Amazon Rainforest, in Manaus, Brazil. For this, a total of three samples of Smilax were collected per site. Sample leaves and stems were fixed with FAA 50, embedded in historesin, sectioned on a rotary microtome, stained and mounted in synthetic resin. Additionally, histochemical tests were performed and cuticle ornamentation was analyzed with standard scanning electron microscopy. S. syphilitica and S. aff syphilitica differed in cuticle ornamentation, epidermal cell arrangement and wall thickness, stomata type and orientation, calcium oxalate crystal type, and position of stem thorns. Leaf blades of S. syphilitica from the Amazon Rainforest have a network of rounded ridges on both sides, while in S. aff syphilitica, these ridges are parallel and the spaces between them are filled with numerous membranous platelets. Viewed from the front, the epidermal cells of S. syphilitica have sinuous walls (even more pronounced in samples from the Amazon); while in S. aff syphilitica, these cells are also sinuous but elongated in the cross-section of the blade and arranged in parallel. Stomata of S. syphilitica are paracytic, whereas in S. aff syphilitica, are both paracytic and anisocytic, and their polar axes are directed towards the mid-vein. Calcium oxalate crystals in S. syphilitica are prisms, whereas in S. aff syphilitica, crystal sand. Thorns occur in nodes and internodes in S. syphilitica but only in internodes in S. aff syphilitica. These features have proven to be of diagnostic value and may support a separation into two species, but future studies are needed to confirm that S. aff syphilitica is indeed a new taxon. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60(3): 1137-1148. Epub 2012 September 01.
The influence of test method factors (notch shape, square or angular, and pre-cracking method, by tapping onto or pressing a razor blade) on the results obtained in plane strain fracture toughness test according to standard ASTM D5045 using SENB specimens made of a commercial PMMA resin were investigated. Results were analyzed quantitatively by comparing the obtained K-IC values and qualitatively by observing their effect on the Moire fringes observed using photoelasticity, showing that, at 95% significance level, the K-IC values are affected by the pre-cracking method, with the most conservative value being obtained when natural pre-cracks were introduced by tapping onto a razor blade (K-IC = 1.15 +/- 0.11 MPa.m(0.5)). This correlates with a perturbation in the stress field close to the pre-crack tip observed in the photoelasticity test sample when it was introduced by pressing the razor blade. Surprisingly, notch geometry only slightly affects the results. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oleoresin glands in copaiba (Copaifera trapezifolia Hayne: Leguminosae), a Brazilian rainforest tree
Although studies have addressed the chemical analysis and the biological activity of oleoresin in species of Copaifera, the cellular mechanisms of oleoresin production, storage, and release have rarely been investigated. This study detailed the distribution, ontogeny, and ultrastructure of secretory cavities and canals distributed in leaf and stem, respectively, of Copaifera trapezifolia, a Brazilian species included in a plant group of great economic interest. Axillary vegetative buds, leaflets, and portions of stem in primary and secondary growth were collected and processed in order to study the anatomy, histolocalization of substances, and ultrastructure. Secretory cavities are observed in the foliar blade and secretory canals in the petiolule and stem. They are made up of a uniseriate epithelium delimiting an isodiametric or elongated lumen. Biseriate epithelium is rarely observed and is a novelty for Leguminosae. Cavities and canals originate from ground meristem cells and the lumen is formed by schizogenesis. The content of the cavities and canals of both stem and leaf is oily and resinous, which suggests that the oleoresin could be extracted from the leaf instead of the stem. Phenolic compounds are also detected in the epithelial cell cytoplasm. Cavities and canals in the beginning of developmental stages have polarized epithelial cells. The cytoplasm is rich in smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula connected to vesicles or plastids. Smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum and plastids were found to be predominant in the epithelial cells of the secretory cavities and canals of C. trapezifolia. Such features testify the quantities of oleoresin found in the lumen and phenolic compounds in the epithelial cell cytoplasm of these glands. Other studies employing techniques such as correlative light electron microscopy could show the vesicle traffic and the compartmentalization of the produced substances in such glands.
Triassic dinosaurs of Brazil are found in Santa Maria and Caturrita formations, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. There are three species known from the Santa Maria Formation (Staurikosaurus pricei, Saturnalia tupiniquim and Pampadromaeus barberenai), and two from Caturrita Formation (Guaibasaurus candelariensis and Unaysaurus tolentinoi). These dinosaur materials are, for the most part, well preserved and allow for descriptions of musculature and biomechanical studies. The lateral rotation of the Saturnalia femur is corroborated through calculations of muscle moment arms. The enhanced supracetabular crest of Saturnalia, Guaibasaurus, Staurikosaurus, Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis, Efraasia minor and Chormogisaurus novasi suggests that basal dinosaurs may have maintained an inclination of the trunk at least 20º on the horizontal axis. The pectoral girdle articulation of basal sauropodomorphs (Saturnalia and Unaysaurus) was established using a new method, the Clavicular Ring, and the scapular blade remains near 60º on the horizontal axis. This is a plesiomorphic condition among sauropodomorphs and is also seen in the articulated plateosauridae Seitaad ruessi. The Brazilian basal dinosaurs were lightweight with a body mass estimated around 18.5 kg for Staurikosaurus, 6.5 kg for Saturnalia, and 17 kg for Guaibasaurus. Pampadromaeus probably weighed 2.5 kg, but measures of its femur are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. The Triassic dinosaurs from Brazil were diversified but shared some functional aspects that were important in an evolutionary context.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze and compare the vertical component of ground reaction forces and isokinetic muscle parameters for plantar flexion and dorsiflexion of the ankle between long-distance runners, triathletes, and nonathletes. METHODS: Seventy-five males with a mean age of 30.26 (±6.5) years were divided into three groups: a triathlete group (n=26), a long-distance runner group (n = 23), and a non-athlete control group. The kinetic parameters were measured during running using a force platform, and the isokinetic parameters were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. RESULTS: The non-athlete control group and the triathlete group exhibited smaller vertical forces, a greater ground contact time, and a greater application of force during maximum vertical acceleration than the long-distance runner group. The total work (180º/s) was greater in eccentric dorsiflexion and concentric plantar flexion for the non-athlete control group and the triathlete group than the long-distance runner group. The peak torque (60º/s) was greater in eccentric plantar flexion and concentric dorsiflexion for the control group than the athlete groups. CONCLUSIONS: The athlete groups exhibited less muscle strength and resistance than the control group, and the triathletes exhibited less impact and better endurance performance than the runners.
This study evaluated the presence of fungi and mycotoxins [aflatoxins (AFs), cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), and aspergillic acid] in stored samples of peanut cultivar Runner IAC Caiapó and cultivar Runner IAC 886 during 6 months. A total of 70 pod and 70 kernel samples were directly seeded onto Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus agar for fungi isolation and aspergillic acid detection, and AFs and CPA were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results showed the predominance of Aspergillus section Flavi strains, Aspergillus section Nigri strains, Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Rhizopus spp. from both peanut cultivars. AFs were detected in 11.4% of kernel samples of the two cultivars and in 5.7% and 8.6% of pod samples of the Caiapó and 886 cultivars, respectively. CPA was detected in 60.0% and 74.3% of kernel samples of the Caiapó and 886 cultivars, respectively. Co-occurrence of both mycotoxins was observed in 11.4% of kernel samples of the two cultivars. These results indicate a potential risk of aflatoxin production if good storage practices are not applied. In addition, the large number of samples contaminated with CPA and the simultaneous detection of AFs and CPA highlight the need to investigate factors related to the control and co-occurrence of these toxins in peanuts.