5 resultados para Biology, Neuroscience|Psychology, Psychobiology|Psychology, Developmental

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Two babies were observed from their third week to their sixth month of life. Our goals in the study were: to investigate developmental changes in smiling patterns; to analyze the smiling patterns observed in the presence of mother`s affective behaviors, and to verify whether the babies can answer contingently, with smiles, to mothers` affective behaviors. The babies and their mothers were videotaped at home. It was verified a positive linear trajectory tendency for the babies` smiles. The babies revealed a particular tendency to display one or two kinds of smiles. Babies answered contingently with smiles to their mothers` affective behaviors. Correlations between the most frequent types of babies` smiles and his/her mothers` smiles were verified (r = 37, p < .0017 - baby1, and r = .62, p < .0017 - baby2). Different types of smiles were exhibited by the babies as contingent answers to mothers` behaviors. The results show an association between babies` smiles and their mothers` affective behaviors. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to investigate Brazilian mothers` socialization goals. The participants in the study were 349 primiparous mothers, whose ages ranged from 17 to 47 years (mean = 26.6 years), who had children aged between 1 and 48 months (mean = 16.4 months). The families were living in seven different cities representing each of the five geographical regions of the country. A scale to evaluate the families` socio-economic status and an interview about socialization goals were used. The answers were coded in five categories defined in previous studies: self-maximization, self-control, lovingness, proper demeanor, and decency. Comparison of the means showed that Brazilian mothers gave more emphasis to self-maximization and proper demeanor than to the other categories, presenting a pattern that fosters the development of children`s autonomous-relational selves. The intracultural variation found was related to the different cities studied. GLM results showed main effects of both city size and mothers` educational level on their socialization goals. These findings contribute to the understanding of characteristics of socialization goals related with autonomy and sociocentrism.


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How do capuchin monkeys learn to use stones to crack open nuts? Perception-action theory posits that individuals explore producing varying spatial and force relations among objects and surfaces, thereby learning about affordances of such relations and how to produce them. Such learning supports the discovery of tool use. We present longitudinal developmental data from semifree-ranging tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to evaluate predictions arising from Perception-action theory linking manipulative development and the onset of tool-using. Percussive actions bringing an object into contact with a surface appeared within the first year of life. Most infants readily struck nuts and other objects against stones or other surfaces from 6 months of age, but percussive actions alone were not sufficient to produce nut-cracking sequences. Placing the nut on the anvil surface and then releasing it, so that it could be struck with a stone, was the last element necessary for nut-cracking to appear in capuchins. Young chimpanzees may face a different challenge in learning to crack nuts: they readily place objects on surfaces and release them, but rarely vigorously strike objects against surfaces or other objects. Thus the challenges facing the two species in developing the same behavior (nut-cracking using a stone hammer and an anvil) may be quite different. Capuchins must inhibit a strong bias to hold nuts so that they can release them; chimpanzees must generate a percussive action rather than a gentle placing action. Generating the right actions may be as challenging as achieving the right sequence of actions in both species. Our analysis suggests a new direction for studies of social influence on young primates learning sequences of actions involving manipulation of objects in relation to surfaces.


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In the present study we evaluated the relationship between manual preference and intermanual performance asymmetry in reaching of 5-month-old infants. Manual preference was assessed through frequency of reaches toward toys presented at midline, left or right in egocentric coordinates. Intermanual performance asymmetry was evaluated through kinematic analysis. Results showed that performance was predominantly symmetric between hands. Lateral toy positions induced predominance of ipsilateral reaching, while the midline position led to equivalent distribution between right and left handed reaches. No significant correlation between manual preference and intermanual performance asymmetry was observed. These results converge against the notion that manual preference derives from a genetically determined advantage of movement control favoring the right hand. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The embryonic developmental block occurs at the 8-cell stage in cattle and is characterized by a lengthening of the cell cycle and an increased number of embryos that stop development. The maternal-embryonic transition arises at the same stage resulting in the transcription of many genes. Gene expression studies during this stage may contribute to the understanding of the physiological mechanisms involved in the maternal-embryonic transition. Herein we identified genes differentially expressed between embryos with high or low developmental competence to reach the blastocyst stage using differential display PCR. Embryos were analysed according to developmental kinetics: fast cleavage embryos showing 8 cells at 48 h post insemination (hpi) with high potential of development (F8), and embryos with slow cleavage presenting 4 cells at 48 hpi (54) and 8 cells at 90 hpi (S8), both with reduced rates of development to blastocyst. The fluorescence DDPCR method was applied and allowed the recovery of 176 differentially expressed bands with similar proportion between high and low development potential groups (52% to F8 and 48% in S4 and S8 groups). A total of 27 isolated fragments were cloned and sequenced, confirming the expected primer sequences and allowing the identification of 27 gene transcripts. PI3KCA and ITM2B were chosen for relative quantification of mRNA using real-time PCR and showed a kinetic and a time-related pattern of expression respectively. The observed results suggest the existence of two different embryonic genome activation mechanisms: fast-developing embryos activate genes related to embryonic development, and slow-developing embryos activate genes related to cellular survival and/or death.