25 resultados para BIS(2,4-DINITROPHENYL) OXALATE DNPO

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Almost fifty years after the discovery of the peroxyoxalate reaction by E. A. Chandross in the early nineteen sixties, this review article intends to give a general overview on mechanistic aspects of this system and to describe the principles of its analytical application. After a short general introduction on the principles of chemiluminescence and the history of peroxyoxalate discovery, mechanistic aspects of high-energy intermediate formation, its structure and its reaction with an activator in the peroxyoxalate system are discussed. Finally, analytical applications of peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence are exemplified using representative recent examples, including oxalic acid detection in biological samples.


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The chemiluminescent reactions of bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)oxalate (TCPO) and bis(2-nitrophenyl)oxalate (2-NPO) with hydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile/water micellar systems (anionic, cationic, and non-ionic) and gamma-cyclodextrin were studied in the presence of fluoranthene or 9,10-diphenylanthracene, imidazole, and two buffer solutions, HTRIS+/TRIS and H2PO4-/HPO42-. The relative chemiluminenscence (CL) intensity is higher in the presence of the cationic (DDAB, CTAC, DODAC, and OTAC), anionic (SDS), and non-ionic (Tween 80) surfactants. In the presence of some non-ionic surfactants (Brij 35, Brij 76, and Tween 20), the CL intensity was partially quenched compared with the reaction with no surfactant. The sensitivity for hydrogen peroxide determination in the range 0.01 x 10(-4) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1, considering the slope of the calibration curves (maximum peak height of CL vs. concentration), improved with the introduction of DDAH, CTAB, and SDS in HTRIS+/TRIS buffer.


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A dihydrate pseudopolymorph of bis(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methanone, C13H10O5 center dot 2H2O, (I), was obtained during polymorphism screening of hydroxybenzophenone derivatives. This structure, in which the molecule sits on a twofold axis, was compared with the known anhydrous form of (I) [Schlemper (1982). Acta Cryst. B38, 554559]. The role of water in the crystal assembly was established on the basis of the known monohydrate pseudopolymorph of 3,4-dihydroxybenzophenone [Landre, Souza, Correa, Martins & Doriguetto (2010). Acta Cryst. C66, o463o465].


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A mixed-valence complex, [Fe(III)Fe(II)L1(mu-OAc)(2)]BF4 center dot H2O, where the ligand H(2)L1 = 2-{[[3-[((bis-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino)methyl)-2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl](pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino]methyl]phenol}, has been studied with a range of techniques, and, where possible, its properties have been compared to those of the corresponding enzyme system purple acid phosphatase. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III and Fe-2(III) oxidized species were studied spectroelectrochemically. The temperature-dependent population of the S = 3/2 spin states of the heterovalent system, observed using magnetic circular dichroism, confirmed that the dinuclear center is weakly antiferromagnetically coupled (H = -2JS(1).S-2, where J = -5.6 cm(-1)) in a frozen solution. The ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions are correlated with density functional theory calculations. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III complex is electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-silent, except at very low temperatures (<2 K), because of the broadening caused by the exchange coupling and zero-field-splitting parameters being of comparable magnitude and rapid spin-lattice relaxation. However, a phosphate-bound Fe-2(III) complex showed an EPR spectrum due to population of the S-tot = 3 state (J= -3.5 cm(-1)). The phosphatase activity of the (FeFeII)-Fe-III complex in hydrolysis of bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl)phosphate (k(cat.) = 1.88 x 10(-3) s(-1); K-m = 4.63 x 10(-3) mol L-1) is similar to that of other bimetallic heterovalent complexes with the same ligand. Analysis of the kinetic data supports a mechanism where the initiating nucleophile in the phosphatase reaction is a hydroxide, terminally bound to Fe-III. It is interesting to note that aqueous solutions of [Fe(III)Fe(II)L1(mu-OAc)(2)](+) are also capable of protein cleavage, at mild temperature and pH conditions, thus further expanding the scope of this complex's catalytic promiscuity.


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Embora os ftalatos sejam um dos poluentes mais frequentemente encontrados no meio ambiente, há escassez de dados na literatura sobre biorremediação de solos tropicais contaminados por esses compostos. Por esse motivo, este estudo avaliou a biorremediação de um solo contaminado com os plastificantes DEHP (Bis-2-etilhexilftalato), DIDP (Di-isodecilftalato) e álcool isobutílico, por uma indústria no Estado de São Paulo. A biorremediação ocorreu pela utilização de microrganismos presentes no solo e pela adição de inóculo adaptado em reator em fase de lama. O reator foi monitorado durante 120 dias, sendo corrigida apenas a umidade do solo. Os resultados indicaram que a biodegradação dos ftalatos seguiu uma cinética de primeira ordem e a biorremediação ocorreu na faixa de pH entre 7,4 e 8,4 e temperaturas entre 17 e 25 ºC, com eficiência de remoção de contaminantes acima de 70 %. Após 120 dias, o teor de DEHP estava abaixo de 4 mg kg-1, limite estipulado pela legislação brasileira para solo de uso residencial.


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Embora os ftalatos sejam um dos poluentes mais frequentemente encontrados no meio ambiente, há escassez de dados na literatura sobre biorremediação de solos tropicais contaminados por esses compostos. Por esse motivo, este estudo avaliou a biorremediação de um solo contaminado com os plastificantes DEHP (Bis-2-etilhexilftalato), DIDP (Di-isodecilftalato) e álcool isobutílico, por uma indústria no Estado de São Paulo. A biorremediação ocorreu pela utilização de microrganismos presentes no solo e pela adição de inóculo adaptado em reator em fase de lama. O reator foi monitorado durante 120 dias, sendo corrigida apenas a umidade do solo. Os resultados indicaram que a biodegradação dos ftalatos seguiu uma cinética de primeira ordem e a biorremediação ocorreu na faixa de pH entre 7,4 e 8,4 e temperaturas entre 17 e 25 ºC, com eficiência de remoção de contaminantes acima de 70 %. Após 120 dias, o teor de DEHP estava abaixo de 4 mg kg-1, limite estipulado pela legislação brasileira para solo de uso residencial.


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In the title complex, [Ru(C12H8N2)2(C5H6N2)2](PF6)2, the RuII atom is bonded to two -diimine ligands, viz. 1,10- phenanthroline (phen), in a cis configuration, in addition with with two 4-aminopyridine (4Apy) ligands, resulting in a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. N—H F hydrogen-bonding interactions play an important role in the crystal assembly: 21-screw-axis-related complex molecules and PF6 counter-ions alternate in helical chains formed along the a axis by means of these contacts. N—H contacts (H centroid = 3.45 A ° ) are responsible for cross-linking between the helical chains along [001].


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A highly concentrated aqueous saline-containing solution of phenol, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2.4-DCP) was treated by the photo-Fenton process in a system composed of an annular reactor with a quartz immersion well and a medium-pressure mercury lamp (450 W). The study was conducted under special conditions to minimize the costs of acidification and neutralization, which are usual steps in this type of process. Photochemical reactions were carried out to investigate the influence of some process variables such as the initial concentration of Fe2+ ([Fe2+](0)) from 1.0 up to 2.5 mM, the rate in mmol of H2O2 fed into the system (F-H2O2,F-in) from 3.67 up to 7.33 mmol of H2O2/min during 120 min of reaction time, and the initial pH (pH(0)) from 3.0 up to 9.0 in the presence and absence of NaCl (60.0 g/L). Although the optimum pH for the photo-Fenton process is about 3.0, this particular system performed well in experimental conditions starting at alkaline and neutral pH. The results obtained here are promising for industrial applications, particularly in view of the high concentration of chloride, a known hydroxyl radical scavenger and the main oxidant present in photo-Fenton processes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Auxyn type herbicides such as dicamba and 2,4-D are alternative herbicides that can be used to control glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane. With the forthcoming possibility of releasing dicamba-resistant and 2,4-D-resistant crops, use of these growth regulator herbicides will likely be an alternative that can be applied to the control of glyphosate resistant hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis). The objective of this research was to model the efficacy, through dose-response curves, of glyphosate, 2,4-D, isolated dicamba and glyphosate-dicamba combinations to control a brazilian hairy fleabane population resistant to glyphosate. The greenhouse dose-response studies were conducted as a completely randomized experimental design, and the rates used for dose response curve construction were 0, 120, 240, 480, 720 and 960 ga.i. ha(-1) for 2,4-D, dicamba and the dicamba combination, with glyphosate at 540 g a. e. ha(-1). The rates for glyphosate alone were 0, 180, 360, 540, 720 and 960 g a. e. ha(-1). Herbicides were applied when the plants were in a vegetative stage with 10 to 12 leaves and height between 12 and 15 cm. Hairy fleabane had low sensitivity to glyphosate, with poor control even at the 960 g a. e. ha(-1) rate. Dicamba and 2,4-D were effective in controlling the studied hairy fleabane. Hairy fleabane responds differently to 2,4-D and dicamba. The combination of glyphosate and dicamba was not antagonistic to hairy fleabane control, and glyphosate may cause an additive effect on the control, despite the population resistance.


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During the manufacture of explosives, large amounts of water are used to remove unwanted by-products generated. This water in turn, ends up in wastewater treatment plants or water bodies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxic potential of effluent generated by 2.4.6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) production, yellow water, red water and mixture of yellow and red water, produced from a plant located in the Paraiba Valley, Sao Paolo state, Brazil. Daphnia similis, Danio rerio, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudokircheneriella subcaptata were used as test organisms. Physicochemical parameters such as color, pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) were evaluated. Effluent from 2.4.6-TNT production was extremely toxic to all test organisms. The physicochemical parameters evaluated showed high levels of conductivity (from 41.533 to 42.344 mu S /cm) and chemical oxygen demand (COD of 8471 to 27.364 mg/L) for the effluents analyzed.


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Auxyn type herbicides such as dicamba and 2,4-D are alternative herbicides that can be used to control glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane. With the forthcoming possibility of releasing dicamba-resistant and 2,4-D-resistant crops, use of these growth regulator herbicides will likely be an alternative that can be applied to the control of glyphosate resistant hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis). The objective of this research was to model the efficacy, through dose-response curves, of glyphosate, 2,4-D, isolated dicamba and glyphosatedicamba combinations to control a brazilian hairy fleabane population resistant to glyphosate. The greenhouse dose-response studies were conducted as a completely randomized experimental design, and the rates used for dose response curve construction were 0, 120, 240, 480, 720 and 960 g a.i. ha-1 for 2,4-D, dicamba and the dicamba combination, with glyphosate at 540 g a.e. ha-1. The rates for glyphosate alone were 0, 180, 360, 540, 720 and 960 g a.e. ha-1. Herbicides were applied when the plants were in a vegetative stage with 10 to 12 leaves and height between 12 and 15 cm. Hairy fleabane had low sensitivity to glyphosate, with poor control even at the 960 g a.e. ha-1 rate. Dicamba and 2,4-D were effective in controlling the studied hairy fleabane. Hairy fleabane responds differently to 2,4-D and dicamba. The combination of glyphosate and dicamba was not antagonistic to hairy fleabane control, and glyphosate may cause an additive effect on the control, despite the population resistance.


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Cellular membranes have relevant roles in processes related to proteases like human kallikreins and cathepsins. As enzyme and substrate may interact with cell membranes and associated co-factors, it is important to take into account the behavior of peptide substrates in the lipid environment. In this paper we report an study based on energy transfer in two bradykinin derived peptides labeled with the donor-acceptor pair Abz/Eddnp (ortho-aminobenzoic acid/N-[2,4-dinitrophenyl]-ethylenediamine). Time-resolved fluorescence experiments were performed in phosphate buffer and in the presence of large unilamelar vesicles of phospholipids, and of micelles of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). The decay kinetics were analyzed using the program CONTIN to obtain end-to-end distance distribution functions f(r). Despite of the large difference in the number of residues the end-to-end distance of the longer peptide (9 amino acid residues) is only 20 % larger than the values obtained for the shorter peptide (5 amino acid residues). The proline residue, in position 4 of the bradykinin sequence promotes a turn in the longer peptide chain, shortening its end-to-end distance. The surfactant SDS has a strong disorganizing effect, substantially broadening the distance distributions, while temperature increase has mild effects in the flexibility of the chains, causing small increase in the distribution width. The interaction with phospholipid vesicles stabilizes more compact conformations, decreasing end-to-end distances in the peptides. Anisotropy experiments showed that rotational diffusion was not severely affected by the interaction with the vesicles, suggesting a location for the peptides in the surface region of the bilayer, a result consistent with small effect of lipid phase transition on the peptides conformations.


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This paper describes a new method for the preparation of sodium 4-[5-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-oxo-penta-1,4-dienyl]-2-methoxy-phenolate, DM-1, and 3-oxo-penta-1,4-dienyl-bis (2-methoxy-phenolate), DM-2. The aim of this work was to evaluate the antitumor effects of DM-1 in adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer treatment. Mice bearing mammary adenocarcinomas (Ehrlich ascites tumors) were treated with paclitaxel alone, DM-1 alone, and paclitaxel + DM-1. Tumor samples were used to perform cytological analysis by the Papanicolaou method and apoptosis analysis by annexin V and phosphorylated caspase 3. The paclitaxel + DM-1 group had decreased tumor areas and tumor volumes, and the frequency of metastasis was significantly reduced. This caused a decrease in cachexia, which is usually caused by the tumor. Furthermore, treatment with paclitaxel + DM-1 and DM-1 alone increased the occurrence of apoptosis up to 40% in tumor cells, which is 35% more than in the group treated with paclitaxel alone. This cell death was mainly caused through phosphorylated caspase 3 (11% increase in paclitaxel + DM-1 compared to the paclitaxel group), as confirmed by reduced malignancy criteria in the ascitic fluid. DM-1 emerges as a potential treatment for breast cancer and may act as an adjuvant in chemotherapy, enhancing antitumor drug activity with reduced side effects.


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Four liquid crystals (LC) 3,7a-bis(4-alkyloxyphenyl)-7,7a-dihydro-6H-isoxazolo[2,3-d][1,2,4]oxadiazol-6-yl)acetic acid (7a-d) were synthesised and the mesomorphic behaviour reported. The LCs were characterised as 2: 1 bisadducts, which were obtained from a double [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. In the first step, the cycloaddition of 4-alkyloxyphenylnitrile oxide (4a-d) and vinylacetic acid (5) gave the initial unobserved 1:1 cycloadducts 2-[3-(4-alkyloxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydroisoxazol-5-yl]acetic acid (6a-d). In the second step, the addition of a second equivalent of 4 to 6 yielded the 2: 1 bisadducts 7a-d without any traces of 6. All compounds 7a-d were unstable during the transition from the mesophase to the isotropic state upon first heating as evidenced by the large peaks in the differential scanning calorimetry traces. Due to the chemical instability of the compounds upon heating, the transition temperature related to the smectic C to smectic A transitions was acquired by means of an image processing method. X-Ray diffraction experiments were also used to analyse the liquid-crystalline phases. A theoretical calculation was performed using density functional theory (DFT) methods at the PBE1PBE/6-311+G(2d,p) level (with solvent effect) in order to get information about the energetic profile of the 2: 1 cycloaddition. DFT studies revealed that the cycloaddition process is controlled by the HOMO(dipolarophile) - LUMO(1,3-dipole), and that the double [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction is quite possible.


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We present STAR measurements of azimuthal anisotropy by means of the two- and four-particle cumulants nu(2) (nu(2){2} and nu(2){4}) for Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at center-of-mass energies root S-NN = 62.4 and 200 GeV. The difference between nu(2){2}(2) and nu(2){4}(2) is related to nu(2) fluctuations (sigma(nu 2)) and nonflow (delta(2)). We present an upper limit to sigma(nu 2)/nu 2. Following the assumption that eccentricity fluctuations sigma(epsilon) dominate nu(2) fluctuations nu(2)/sigma nu(2) approximate to epsilon/sigma epsilon we deduce the nonflow implied for several models of eccentricity fluctuations that would be required for consistency with nu(2){2} and nu(2){4}. We also present results on the ratio of nu(2) to eccentricity.