7 resultados para Arco Dental. Face. Maloclusão. Ortodontia. Morfologia

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objective: This study evaluated the variations in the anterior cranial base (S-N), posterior cranial base (S-Ba) and deflection of the cranial base (SNBa) among three different facial patterns (Pattern I, II and III). Method: A sample of 60 lateral cephalometric radiographs of Brazilian Caucasian patients, both genders, between 8 and 17 years of age was selected. The sample was divided into 3 groups (Pattern I, II and III) of 20 individuals each. The inclusion criteria for each group were the ANB angle, Wits appraisal and the facial profile angle (G’.Sn.Pg’). To compare the mean values obtained from (SNBa, S-N, S-Ba) each group measures, the ANOVA test and Scheffé’s Post-Hoc test were applied. Results and Conclusions: There was no statistically significant difference for the deflection angle of the cranial base among the different facial patterns (Patterns I, II and III). There was no significant difference for the measures of the anterior and posterior cranial base between the facial Patterns I and II. The mean values for S-Ba were lower in facial Pattern III with statistically significant difference. The mean values of S-N in the facial Pattern III were also reduced, but without showing statistically significant difference. This trend of lower values in the cranial base measurements would explain the maxillary deficiency and/or mandibular prognathism features that characterize the facial Pattern III.


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Um questionamento muito frequente: qual o tempo que se deve esperar para movimentar um dente submetido a tratamento endodôntico, inclusive os de perfuração radicular? A extrapolação dos fenômenos observados em outras regiões da raiz e a fundamentação experimental com base em situações correlatas permitem afirmar que 30 dias correspondem a um período mais do que razoável para o reparo periapical estar em fase avançada de maturação e síntese. As forças ortodônticas são muito leves e dissipantes - muito mais do que o traumatismo dentário, o trauma oclusal e as forças mastigatórias normais -, e não devem interferir na patogenicidade e virulência das microbiotas envolvidas nas necroses e lesões periapicais crônicas, assim como não devem interferir nos fenômenos celulares e teciduais durante a reorganização dos tecidos apicais e periapicais.


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O tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II sem extrações dentárias vem ganhando popularidade na comunidade ortodôntica já há três décadas. Aparelhos funcionais fixos vêm sendo utilizados por profissionais, de maneira crescente, para promover compensações dentoalveolares e corrigir a má oclusão de Classe II. Os efeitos mais significativos são observados em pacientes com padrão de crescimento horizontal. Um caso clínico será relatado com o uso do aparelho fixo Twin Force Bite Corrector em uma paciente do sexo feminino, para a correção da Classe II. Esse dispositivo de ancoragem fixa dispensa o uso de aparelhos funcionais removíveis e não necessita da cooperação do paciente.


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Introduction: This retrospective cephalometric study analyzed the influence of intentional ankylosis of deciduous canines in patients with Class III malocclusion and anterior crossbite, in the deciduous and early mixed dentition stages, treated by orthopedic maxillary expansion followed by maxillary protraction. Methods: Lateral cephalograms of 40 patients were used, divided in 2 groups paired for age and gender. The Ankylosis Group was composed of 20 patients (10 boys and 10 girls) treated with induced ankylosis and presenting initial and final mean ages of 7 years 4 months and 8 years 3 months, respectively, with a mean period of maxillary protraction of 11 months. The Control Group comprised 20 patients (10 boys and 10 girls) treated without induced ankylosis, with initial and final mean ages of 7 years 8 months and 8 years 7 months, respectively, with a mean period of maxillary protraction of 11 months. Two-way analysis of variance and covariance analysis were applied to compare the initial and final cephalometric variables and the treatment changes between groups. Results: According to the results, the variables evidencing the significant treatment changes between groups confirmed that the intentional ankylosis enhanced the sagittal response of the apical bases (Pg-NPerp) and increased the facial convexity angles (NAP and ANB). Conclusions: The protocol involving intentional ankylosis of deciduous canines enhanced the sagittal response of the apical bases.


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A produção de soja no Brasil alcançou destaque na última década. Atualmente, o país configura-se como maior exportador e segundo maior produtor de soja no mundo. Porém, a expansão desse cultivo está sendo associada diretamente ao desmatamento da Floresta Amazônica. Sua cultura iniciou-se no sul do país e avançou para a região central, sobre o bioma do cerrado, expandindo-se, gradativamente, ao norte do Brasil, principalmente por meio de latifúndios monocultores e controlados por grandes empresas transnacionais. A área de avanço agrícola ao norte tem substituído o bioma local: a Floresta Amazônica, o que tem preocupado entidades públicas e privadas, em face do desmatamento exagerado e perda da biodiversidade. Este estudo analisa o avanço da cultura da soja no norte do estado de Mato Grosso, no período entre 1984 e 2009, por meio da interpretação de imagens de satélite, e sua relação com o desmatamento da Floresta Amazônica. Como resultado, apresentam-se três mapas de uso do solo da área de estudo. A análise dos mapas permitiu verificar que o desmatamento recente da floresta está sendo promovido pela atividade pecuária, e os solos descampados e erodidos do pasto têm sido usados para a cultura de soja. Ou seja, na área analisada, a soja estabelece-se em áreas antes degradadas pelo gado, e não diretamente sobre as áreas de floresta desmatada.


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INTRODUCTION: In orthodontics, determining the facial type is a key element in the prescription of a correct diagnosis. In the early days of our specialty, observation and measurement of craniofacial structures were done directly on the face, in photographs or plaster casts. With the development of radiographic methods, cephalometric analysis replaced the direct facial analysis. Seeking to validate the analysis of facial soft tissues, this work compares two different methods used to determining the facial types, the anthropometric and the cephalometric methods. METHODS: The sample consisted of sixty-four Brazilian individuals, adults, Caucasian, of both genders, who agreed to participate in this research. All individuals had lateral cephalograms and facial frontal photographs. The facial types were determined by the Vert Index (cephalometric) and the Facial Index (photographs). RESULTS: The agreement analysis (Kappa), made for both types of analysis, found an agreement of 76.5%. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the Facial Index can be used as an adjunct to orthodontic diagnosis, or as an alternative method for pre-selection of a sample, avoiding that research subjects have to undergo unnecessary tests.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the cephalometric effects promoted by the orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion patients with the use of the 10-Hour Force Theory, that consists in the use of fixed appliances with 8 hours a day using a cervical headgear appliance and 16 hours a day using Class II elastics, 8 hours on the first mandibular molar and 8 hours in the second mandibular molar. METHODS: Sample comprised 31 patients with mean initial age of 14.90 years, final mean age of 17.25 years and mean treatment time of 2.35 years. The lateral cephalograms in pre-treatment and post-treatment stages were evaluated. Evaluation of cephalometric changes between initial and final treatment phases was performed by paired t test. RESULTS: The cases treated with the 10-Hour Force Theory presented a slight restriction of anterior displacement of the maxilla, increase in the effective length of the mandible, significant improvement of the maxillomandibular relationship, significant increase in anterior lower face height, distal tipping of the maxillary premolar crowns, extrusion and distal tipping of the roots of maxillary molars, significant proclination and protrusion of mandibular incisors, significant extrusion and mesialization of mandibular molars, besides a significant correction of the molar relationship, overjet and overbite. CONCLUSION: The use of the 10-Hour Force Theory in treatment of Class II malocclusion provided satisfactory results.