18 resultados para Apollo Bay Region (Vic.) -- Maps

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The results obtained in the August and December 2003, August 2004 and January 2005 oceanographic campaigns in the northern region of the Todos os Santos Bay (lat. 12 degrees 44.5`S; long. 038 degrees 35.00`W) between the Madre de Deus and Mare islands are analyzed. Instruments of continuous and discrete samplings were used to measure hydrographic properties currents and tides. The water mass of the northern region of the bay is forced by semidiurnal and mesotides of form number 0.08 and the lunar component M(2) height was estimated at 91cm. The time series of the surface currents indicated movements in the N/S direction, forced by the tide with maximum magnitudes of 0.73 m.s(-1) on the December 2003 campaign. However, in August 2004 the currents were dominated by the wind stress forcing, with a maximum speed of 1.85 m.s(-1) and SE direction. Near the bottom, the influence of the tide is not as evident, with a decrease in intensity due to internal and bottom friction, with a maximum velocity of 0.17 m.s(-1). The thermal and haline structures were weakly horizontally, as well as vertically stratified, with extreme values varying in the intervals 23 degrees C (August, 2004) to 28 degrees C (December, 2003) and 31.0 psu (August, 2003) to 36.0 psu (December, 2003), respectively. Some conclusions may be drawn from these results: i) The signs of the dilution of the fresh water discharges of the Caipe, Mataripe and Sao Paulo rivers in the region under the influence of the RLAM were observed only during the winter periods, but in the summer the region was flooded by waters of oceanic origin and the salinities above 36.0 indicated TW mass intrusion; ii) The N-S circulation near the RLAM is strongly dominated by the tide, and the importance of the M(2) component was unequivocal, however, the E-W component presented some tidal modulation away from abrupt bottom topographical changes, and iii) The residual series, calculated as the difference between the original and modeled, is about 1/4 of the original and confirmed its semidiurnal character.


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Structure of intertidal and subtidal benthic macrofauna in the northeastern region of Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), northeast Brazil, was investigated during a period of two years. Relationships with environmental parameters were studied through uni- and multivariate statistical analyses, and the main distributional patterns shown to be especially related to sediment type and content of organic fractions (Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus), on both temporal and spatial scales. Polychaete annelids accounted for more than 70% of the total fauna and showed low densities, species richness and diversity, except for the area situated on the reef banks. These banks constitute a peculiar environment in relation to the rest of the region by having coarse sediments poor in organic matter and rich in biodetritic carbonates besides an abundant and diverse fauna. The intertidal region and the shallower area nearer to the oil refinery RLAM, with sediments composed mainly of fine sand, seem to constitute an unstable system with few highly dominant species, such as Armandia polyophthalma and Laeonereis acuta. In the other regions of TSB, where muddy bottoms predominated, densities and diversity were low, especially in the stations near the refinery. Here the lowest values of the biological indicators occurred together with the highest organic compound content. In addition, the nearest sites (stations 4 and 7) were sometimes azoic. The adjacent Caboto, considered as a control area at first, presented low density but intermediate values of species diversity, which indicates a less disturbed environment in relation to the pelitic infralittoral in front of the refinery. The results of the ordination analyses evidenced five homogeneous groups of stations (intertidal; reef banks; pelitic infralittoral; mixed sediments; Caboto) with different specific patterns, a fact which seems to be mainly related to granulometry and chemical sediment characteristics.


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The community structure and dynamics as well as some biological parameters of selected species of the ichthyofauna of the Mataripe estuarine region affected by the Landulfo Alves Oil Refinery (RLAM) were analyzed. Twenty stations were sampled with a gillnet in five different periods: August and December 2003, March and July/August 2004 and January 2005. Thirty-five actinopterygian species and one elasmobranch species were recorded, Oligoplites saurus, Diapterus rhombeus, Lutjanus synagris and Scomberomorus brasiliensis among them, on all the campaigns. A total of 1368 specimens, weighing 36.10 kg, were caught. The ichthyofauna total biomass was greater, in weight, on the eastern side of the study region, especially at the stations close to the shoals/reefs and the rocky bottom. A similar pattern was also observed for the diversity values. In general, low evenness and diversity were observed in the area studied, possibly as a result of the fishing gear used. D. rhombeus juveniles dominated in all but one of the samplings (July 2004), in which latter Cyclichthys spinosus was dominant. Carangids and species associated with consolidated bottoms were observed, although in small numbers, throughout the study period. In spite of the limitations imposed by the gear used for sampling, the estuarine area influenced by the RLAM was seen to play a role as a growth area for the great majority of species, especially the mojarra (D. rhombeus), but it offers no fishing potential due to the prevalence of young and small individuals. Evidence of imminent spawning was recorded for Pomadasys corvinaeformis in August 2003, and recent spawning in March 2004 for Oligoplites saurus. Further, mature individuals occurred in insufficient numbers to permit population level evaluation.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution and abundance of the fish fauna of Palmas bay on Anchieta Island in southeastern Brazil. Specimens were caught in the summer and winter of 1992, using an otter trawl at three locations in the bay. The specimens were caught in both the nighttime and daytime. Data on the water temperature and salinity were recorded for the characterization of the predominant water mass in the region, and sediment samples were taken for granulometric analysis. A total of 7 656 specimens (79 species), with a total weight of approximately 300 kg, were recorded. The most abundant species were Eucinostomus argenteus, Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, Haemulon steindachneri, Eucinostomus gula and Diapterus rhombeus, which together accounted for more than 73% of the sample. In general, the ecological indices showed no differences in the composition of species for the abiotic variables analyzed. The multivariate analysis showed that the variations in the distribution of the fish fauna were mainly associated with intra-annual differences in temperature and salinity, resulting from the presence of South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) in the area during the summer. The analysis also showed an association with the type of bottom and a lesser association with respect to the night/day periods.


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This paper describes the first results of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) in sediment cores of Admiralty Bay, Antarctica. These markers were used to assess the local input of anthropogenic materials (particulate and organic compounds) as a result of the influence of human occupation in a sub-Antarctic region and a possible long-range atmospheric transport of combustion products from sources in South America. The highest SCPs and PAHs concentrations were observed during the last 30 years, when three research stations were built in the area and industrial activities in South America increased. The concentrations of SCPs and PAHs were much lower than those of other regions in the northern hemisphere and other reported data for the southern hemisphere. The PAH isomer ratios showed that the major sources of PAHs are fossil fuels/petroleum, biomass combustion and sewage contribution generally close to the Brazilian scientific station. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Admiralty Bay on the King George Island hosts the Brazilian, Polish and Peruvian research stations as well as the American and Ecuadorian field stations. Human activities in this region require the use of fossil fuels as an energy source, thereby placing the region at risk of hydrocarbon contamination. Hydrocarbon monitoring was conducted on water and sediment samples from the bay over 15 years. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used for the analysis of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seawater samples and gas chromatography with flame ionization and/or mass spectrometric detection was used to analyse individual n-alkanes and PAHs in sediment samples. The results revealed that most sites contaminated by these Compounds are around the Brazilian and Polish research stations due to the intense human activities, mainly during the summer. Moreover, the sediments revealed the presence of hydrocarbons from different sources, suggesting a mixture of the direct input of oil or derivatives and derived from hydrocarbon combustion. A decrease in PAH concentrations occurred following improvement of the sewage treatment facilities at the Brazilian research station, indicating that the contribution from human waste may be significant.


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The Camamu Bay (CMB) is located on the narrowest shelf along the South American coastline and close to the formation of two major Western Boundary Currents (WBC), the Brazil/North Brazil Current (BC/NBC). These WBC flow close to the shelf break/slope region and are expected to interact with the shelf currents due to the narrowness of the shelf. The shelf circulation is investigated in terms of current variability based on an original data set covering the 2002-2003 austral summer and the 2003 austral autumn. The Results show that the currents at the shelf are mainly wind driven, experiencing a complete reversal between seasons due to a similar change in the wind field. Currents at the inner-shelf have a polarized nature, with the alongshore velocity mostly driven by forcings at the sub-inertial frequency band and the cross-shore velocity mainly supra-inertially forced, with the tidal currents playing an important role at this direction. The contribution of the forcing mechanisms at the mid-shelf changes between seasons. During the summer, forcings in the two frequency bands are important to drive the currents with a similar contribution of the tidal currents. On the other hand, during the autumn season, the alongshore velocity is mostly driven by sub-inertial forcings and tidally driven currents still remain important in both directions. Moreover, during the autumn when the stratification is weaker, the response of the shelf currents to the wind forcing presents a barotropic signature. The meso-scale processes related to the WBC flowing at the shelf/slope region also affect the circulation within the shelf, which contribute to cause significant current reversals during the autumn season. Currents at the shelf-estuary connection are clearly supra-inertially forced with the tidal currents playing a key role in the generation of the along-channel velocities. The sub-inertial forcings at this location act mainly to drive the weak ebb currents which were highly correlated with both local and remote wind forcing during the summer season. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The penaeidean Litopenaeus schmitti, popularly known as white shrimp, is a species of great economic importance, being a target of fishing fleets in the southeast region of Brazil. It is distributed through the western Atlantic, from Cuba to Brazil, until Rio Grande do Sul. Adults are found from shallow depths up to 30 m and have been found to depths of 47 m in the state of Rio de Janeiro, while juveniles are located in bays and estuaries. The studied species is seasonally distributed in the region of Ubatuba. The objectives of this study are to analyze the abundance and ecological distribution of L. schmitti and to assess if and when juveniles use the Indaia estuary during their life cycle. Furthermore, the hypothesis was tested that the main period of recruitment in the bay coincides with the period of closure of fisheries defined by the Instruction of IBAMA. To that end, samples were taken monthly from July 2005 through June 2007, both in Ubatuba Bay and in the estuary formed by the Rio Indaia. At each sampling station, salinity, temperature (bottom), depth, organic matter content (%), and grain size of sediments were measured. We found that the largest catches in the estuary were in late spring and early summer. In Ubatuba Bay, peak catches occurred during winter and early spring, whereas in the second year, already in May, there was a high peak capture. The variation in the number of individuals was correlated with some environmental factors both in the estuary and in the inlet (p < 0.05). In the estuary, abundance was positively correlated with temperature (p = 0.008) and organic matter (p = 0.025) and negatively with depth (p = 0.009). Regarding the Ubatuba Bay, only temperature (p = 0.034) and depth (p = 0.013) were significantly associated with the distribution of the shrimp, both being negative relations. The shrimp L. schmitti uses both the estuarine as well the shore environment, particularly the Ubatuba estuary and its adjacent bay, to complete its life cycle. The proposed period of fisheries closure (between March to May in the state of Sao Paulo) for this and other shrimps coincides with individuals capable of reproduction entering the inlet and thus are being protected.


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We analysed the seasonal distribution of the zooplankton community in an anthropogenically impacted area (Paranagua Bay) and a non-impacted area (Laranjeiras Bay) of the Paranagua Bay Estuarine Complex. Large phytoplankton (>50 mu m) and zooplankton were collected every two months, between August 2003 and June 2004. The phytoplankton community was numerically dominated by diatoms (78%) and dinoflagellates (19%). Zooplankton abundance varied between 670 and 100,716 individuals m(-3), with a dominance of copepods, mainly the calanoids Acartia lilljeborgii, Acartia tonsa and Pseudodiaptomus acutus. A clear seasonal pattern was observed: copepods were significantly more abundant during the rainy than in the dry season. Significant differences in abundance between the two bays were detected only for cirripede larvae, which were more abundant in Paranagua Bay. This lack of difference between the two areas was probably a consequence of the water circulation along the estuary, which may have diluted and dispersed the pollutants from Paranagua Bay to other areas of the estuary.


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The aim of this work is to use GIS integration data to characterize sedimentary processes in a SubTropical lagoon environment. The study area was the Canan,ia Inlet estuary in the southeastern section of the Canan,ia Lagoon Estuarine System (CLES), state of So Paulo, Brazil (25A degrees 03'S/47A degrees 53'W). The area is formed by the confluence of two estuarine channels forming a bay-shaped water body locally called "Trapand, Bay". The region is surrounded by one of the most preserved tracts of Atlantic Rain Forest in Southwestern Brazil and presents well-developed mangroves and marshes. In this study a methodology was developed using integrated a GIS database based on bottom sediment parameters, geomorphological data, remote sensing images, Hidrodynamical Modeling data and geophysical parameters. The sediment grain size parameters and the bottom morphology of the lagoon were also used to develop models of net sediment transport pathways. It was possible to observe that the sediment transport vectors based on the grain size model had a good correlation with the transport model based on the bottom topography features and Hydrodynamic model, especially in areas with stronger energetic conditions, with a minor contribution of finer sediments. This relation is somewhat less evident near shallower banks and depositional features. In these regions the organic matter contents in the sediments was a good complementary tool for inferring the hydrodynamic and depositional conditions (i.e. primary productivity, sedimentation rates, sources, oxi-reduction rates).


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Invasive species are potential threats to biodiversity, especially if they become established and outnumber native species. In this study, a population of the non-indigenous crab Charybdis hellerii was analyzed in an estuary-bay complex on the southeastern Brazilian coast, with respect to its abundance relative to sympatric native brachyuran species, as well as the size structure, sexual maturity, sex ratio, frequency of mutilation, reproductive period, and development of the reproductive system. Crabs were sampled monthly both in the intertidal zone of rocky shores and on sublittoral soft-bottom. Nine species were recorded on the rocky shores, where C. hellerii was the second most abundant species; only three individuals of C. hellerii were collected in the sublittoral samples. This population of C. hellerii showed a unimodal size structure composed mainly of mature individuals; males were larger than females, and the sex ratio was skewed toward males (3.1:1). About 46.9% of the individuals (75 of 160 crabs) had mutilated or regenerating appendages, more frequent in males (56.8%) than in females (28.2%), which may reflect both inter- and intraspecific agonistic interactions. A continuous reproductive pattern is suggested for this population, although ovigerous females occurred unevenly during the year, with 58.82% of them being collected in winter. There was evidence of multiple spawning, since the ovigerous females with an initial egg mass showed mature ovaries as well as seminal receptacles filled with sperm. C. hellerii is well established in the estuary-bay complex, but is concentrated in intertidal and shallow subtidal rocky shores, where it may compete with and replace other species such as the portunid Cronius ruber. This study also highlights the importance of systematic monitoring studies to evaluate the effects of the introduction of non-indigenous species on ecologically similar natives.


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The diverse Holocene morphological features along the south coast of the state of Santa Catarina include lagoons and residual lakes, a barrier, a delta (constructed by the Tubarao River), and pre-existing incised valleys that have flooded and filled. This scenario contains the sedimentary record of the transition from a bay to a lagoon system, which occurred during the rise and subsequent semi-stabilisation of the relative sea-level during the Holocene. The geomorphological evolution of this area was investigated using a combination of morphology, stratigraphic analysis of rotary push cores, vibracores and trenches with radiocarbon dating, taxonomic determination and taphonomic characterisation of Holocene fossil molluscs. Palaeogeographic maps were constructed to illustrate how the bay evolved over the last 8000 years. The relative sea-level rise and local sedimentary processes were the prime forcing factors determining the depositional history and palaeogeographic changes. The Holocene sedimentary succession began between 8000 and 5700 cal BP with the deposits of transgressive sandsheets. These deposits correspond to the initial marine flooding surface that was formed while the relative sea-level rose at a higher rate than the input of sediments, prior to the formation of the coastal barrier. The change from a bay to a lagoon system occurred around 5700 and 2500 cal BP during the mid-Holocene highstand with the formation of the barrier and with the achievement of a balance between sea-level rise and sedimentary supply. Until 2500 cal BP, the presence of this barrier, the following gentle decline in sea level and the initial emergence of back-barrier features restricted the hydro-dynamic circulation inside the bay and favoured an increase in the Tubarao River delta progradation rate. The final stage, during the last 2500 years, was marked by the increasing back-barrier width, with the establishment of salt marshes, the arrival of the delta in the back-barrier, and the advance of aeolian dunes along the outer lagoon margins. This study shed light on the mechanisms of coastal bay evolution in a setting existed prior to the beginning of barrier lagoon sedimentation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The classic approach to gene discovery relies on the construction of linkage maps. We report the first molecular-based linkage map for Drosophila mediopunctata, a neotropical species of the tripunctata group. Eight hundred F2 individuals were genotyped at 49 microsatellite loci, resulting in a map that is approximate to 450 centimorgans long. Five linkage groups were detected, and the species' chromosomes were identified through cross-references to BLASTn searches and Muller elements. Strong synteny was observed when compared with the Drosophila melanogaster chromosome arms, but little conservation in the gene order was seen. The incorporation of morphological data corresponding to the number of central abdominal spots on the map was consistent with the expected location of a genomic region responsible for the phenotype on the second chromosome.


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We review symplectic nontwist maps that we have introduced to describe Lagrangian transport properties in magnetically confined plasmas in tokamaks. These nontwist maps are suitable to describe the formation and destruction of transport barriers in the shearless region (i.e., near the curve where the twist condition does not hold). The maps can be used to investigate two kinds of problems in plasmas with non-monotonic field profiles: the first is the chaotic magnetic field line transport in plasmas with external resonant perturbations. The second problem is the chaotic particle drift motion caused by electrostatic drift waves. The presented analytical maps, derived from plasma models with equilibrium field profiles and control parameters that are commonly measured in plasma discharges, can be used to investigate long-term transport properties. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The sources and concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), faecal and biogenic sterols, and trace metals at 10 sampling sites located in Laranjeiras Bay, a large Environmental Protection Area in the southern Atlantic region of Brazil, were determined to assess the sources of organic matter and the contamination status of estuarine sediments. Organic compounds were determined by GC-FID and GC-MS, and ICP-OES was used to evaluate trace metals. The total AHs concentration ranged from 0.28 to 8.19 mu g g(-1), and n-C-29 and n-C-31 alkanes were predominant, indicating significant inputs from higher terrestrial plants. Unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) were not detected at any site, suggesting that the study area was not significantly contaminated by fossil fuels. The total PAH concentration varied from 3.85 to 89.2 ng g(-1). The ratio between selected PAH isomers showed that combustion of biomass, coal, and petroleum is the rnain source of PAHs in the study area. The concentrations of the faecal sterols coprostanol and epicoprostanol were below the detection limits, suggesting that sewage was not a significant contributor to sedimentary organic matter. The concentrations of the trace metals (As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were low, except near sites located at the mouths of rivers that discharge into the study area and near urbanised regions (Paranagua city and the adjoining harbour). In general, the concentrations of PAHs were below the threshold effect concentrations (TEL) levels. Although the As, Cr and Ni concentrations were above the TEL levels, the study area can be considered as preserved from human activities.