14 resultados para Analogy

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Chimpanzees have been the traditional referential models for investigating human evolution and stone tool use by hominins. We enlarge this comparative scenario by describing normative use of hammer stones and anvils in two wild groups of bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) over one year. We found that most of the individuals habitually use stones and anvils to crack nuts and other encased food items. Further, we found that in adults (1) males use stone tools more frequently than females, (2) males crack high resistance nuts more frequently than females, (3) efficiency at opening a food by percussive tool use varies according to the resistance of the encased food, (4) heavier individuals are more efficient at cracking high resistant nuts than smaller individuals, and (5) to crack open encased foods, both sexes select hammer stones on the basis of material and weight. These findings confirm and extend previous experimental evidence concerning tool selectivity in wild capuchin monkeys (Visalberghi et al., 2009b; Fragaszy et al., 2010b). Male capuchins use tools more frequently than females and body mass is the best predictor of efficiency, but the sexes do not differ in terms of efficiency. We argue that the contrasting pattern of sex differences in capuchins compared with chimpanzees, in which females use tools more frequently and more skillfully than males, may have arisen from the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size of the two species, which is larger in capuchins than in chimpanzees. Our findings show the importance of taking sex and body mass into account as separate variables to assess their role in tool use. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. The C-Factor has been used widely to rationalize the changes in shrinkage stress occurring at the tooth/resin-composite interfaces. Experimentally, such stresses have been measured in a uniaxial direction between opposed parallel walls. The situation of adjoining cavity walls has been neglected. The aim was to investigate the hypothesis that: within stylized model rectangular cavities of constant volume and wall thickness, the interfacial shrinkage-stress at the adjoining cavity walls increases steadily as the C-Factor increases. Methods. Eight 3D-FEM restored Class I 'rectangular cavity' models were created by MSC.PATRAN/MSC.Marc, r2-2005 and subjected to 1% of shrinkage, while maintaining constant both the volume (20 mm(3)) and the wall thickness (2 mm), but varying the C-Factor (1.9-13.5). An adhesive contact between the composite and the teeth was incorporated. Polymerization shrinkage was simulated by analogy with thermal contraction. Principal stresses and strains were calculated. Peak values of maximum principal (MP) and maximum shear (MS) stresses from the different walls were displayed graphically as a function of C-Factor. The stress-peak association with C-Factor was evaluated by the Pearson correlation between the stress peak and the C-Factor. Results. The hypothesis was rejected: there was no clear increase of stress-peaks with C-Factor. The stress-peaks particularly expressed as MP and MS varied only slightly with increasing C-Factor. Lower stress-peaks were present at the pulpal floor in comparison to the stress at the axial walls. In general, MP and MS were similar when the axial wall dimensions were similar. The Pearson coefficient only expressed associations for the maximum principal stress at the ZX wall and the Z axis. Significance. Increase of the C-Factor did not lead to increase of the calculated stress-peaks in model rectangular Class I cavity walls. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundamental principles of mechanics were primarily conceived for constant mass systems. Since the pioneering works of Meshcherskii (see historical review in Mikhailov (Mech. Solids 10(5):32-40, 1975), efforts have been made in order to elaborate an adequate mathematical formalism for variable mass systems. This is a current research field in theoretical mechanics. In this paper, attention is focused on the derivation of the so-called 'generalized canonical equations of Hamilton' for a variable mass particle. The applied technique consists in the consideration of the mass variation process as a dissipative phenomenon. Kozlov's (Stek. Inst. Math 223:178-184, 1998) method, originally devoted to the derivation of the generalized canonical equations of Hamilton for dissipative systems, is accordingly extended to the scenario of variable mass systems. This is done by conveniently writing the flux of kinetic energy from or into the variable mass particle as a 'Rayleigh-like dissipation function'. Cayley (Proc. R Soc. Lond. 8:506-511, 1857) was the first scholar to propose such an analogy. A deeper discussion on this particular subject will be left for a future paper.


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Scientific education and divulgation not only amplify people's vocabulary and repertory of scientific concepts but, at the same time, promote the diffusion of certain conceptual and cognitive metaphors. Here we describe this process and propose a classification in terms of visible, invisible, basic and derived metaphors. We focus our attention on physical metaphors applied to psychological and socio-economical phenomena, by studying two exemplar cases through an exhaustive exam of the online content of large Brazilian journalistic portals. Finally, we present implications and suggestions from Lakiff and Johnson's cognitive metaphor theory for the scientific education and divulgation process.


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Thiosemicarbazones are cruzain inhibitors which have been identified as potential antitrypanosomal agents. In this work, several molecular properties were calculated at the density functional theory (DFT)/B3LYP/6-311G* level for a set of 44 thiosemicarbazones. Unsupervised and supervised pattern recognition techniques (hierarchical cluster analysis, principal component analysis, kth-nearest neighbors, and soft independent modeling by class analogy) were used to obtain structureactivity relationship models, which are able to classify unknown compounds according to their activities. The chemometric analyses performed here revealed that 12 descriptors can be considered responsible for the discrimination between high and low activity compounds. Classification models were validated with an external test set, showing that predictive classifications were achieved with the selected variable set. The results obtained here are in good agreement with previous findings from the literature, suggesting that our models can be useful on further investigations on the molecular determinants for the antichagasic activity. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This new and general method here called overflow current switching allows a fast, continuous, and smooth transition between scales in wide-range current measurement systems, like electrometers. This is achieved, using a hydraulic analogy, by diverting only the overflow current, such that no slow element is forced to change its state during the switching. As a result, this approach practically eliminates the long dead time in low-current (picoamperes) switching. Similar to a logarithmic scale, a composition of n adjacent linear scales, like a segmented ruler, measures the current. The use of a linear wide-range system based on this technique assures fast and continuous measurement in the entire range, without blind regions during transitions and still holding suitable accuracy for many applications. A full mathematical development of the method is given. Several computer realistic simulations demonstrated the viability of the technique.


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We study the interaction between dark sectors by considering the momentum transfer caused by the dark matter scattering elastically within the dark energy fluid. Describing the dark scattering analogy to the Thomson scattering which couples baryons and photons, we examine the impact of the dark scattering in CMB observations. Performing global fitting with the latest observational data, we find that for a dark energy equation of state w < -1, the CMB gives tight constraints on dark matter-dark energy elastic scattering. Assuming a dark matter particle of proton mass, we derive an elastic scattering cross section of sigma(D) < 3.295 x 10(-10)sigma(T) where sigma(T) is the cross section of Thomson scattering. For w > -1, however, the constraints are poor. For w = -1, sigma(D) can formally take any value.


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Mach number and thermal effects on the mechanisms of sound generation and propagation are investigated in spatially evolving two-dimensional isothermal and non-isothermal mixing layers at Mach number ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 and Reynolds number of 400. A characteristic-based formulation is used to solve by direct numerical simulation the compressible Navier-Stokes equations using high-order schemes. The radiated sound is directly computed in a domain that includes both the near-field aerodynamic source region and the far-field sound propagation. In the isothermal mixing layer, Mach number effects may be identified in the acoustic field through an increase of the directivity associated with the non-compactness of the acoustic sources. Baroclinic instability effects may be recognized in the non-isothermal mixing layer, as the presence of counter-rotating vorticity layers, the resulting acoustic sources being found less efficient. An analysis based on the acoustic analogy shows that the directivity increase with the Mach number can be associated with the emergence of density fluctuations of weak amplitude but very efficient in terms of noise generation at shallow angle. This influence, combined with convection and refraction effects, is found to shape the acoustic wavefront pattern depending on the Mach number.


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This is an observational study of the large-scale moisture transport over South America, with some analyses on its relation to subtropical rainfall. The concept of aerial rivers is proposed as a framework: it is an analogy between the main pathways of moisture flow in the atmosphere and surface rivers. Opposite to surface rivers, aerial rivers gain (lose) water through evaporation (precipitation). The magnitude of the vertically integrated moisture transport is discharge, and precipitable water is like the mass of the liquid column-multiplied by an equivalent speed it gives discharge. Trade wind flow into Amazonia, and the north/northwesterly flow to the subtropics, east of the Andes, are aerial rivers. Aerial lakes are the sections of a moisture pathway where the flow slows down and broadens, because of diffluence, and becomes deeper, with higher precipitable water. This is the case over Amazonia, downstream of the trade wind confluence. In the dry season, moisture from the aerial lake is transported northeastward, but weaker flow over southern Amazonia heads southward toward the subtropics. Southern Amazonia appears as a source of moisture to this flow. Aerial river discharge to the subtropics is comparable to that of the Amazon River. The variations of the amount of moisture coming from Amazonia have an important effect over the variability of discharge. Correlations between the flow from Amazonia and subtropical rainfall are not strong. However, some months within the set of dry seasons observed showed a strong increase (decrease) occurring together with an important increase (decrease) in subtropical rainfall.


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A tank experiment was conducted to check if self-potential (SP) signals can be generated when buried organic matter is wire-connected to a near-surface, oxygen-rich, sediment layer. This experiment demonstrated that once wired, there was a flux of electrons (hence an electric current) between the lower and upper layers of the sandbox with the system responding as a large-scale microbial fuel cell (a type of bioelectrochemical system). An electric current was generated by this process in the wire and the SP method was used to monitor the associated electric potential distribution at the top of the tank.. The electric field was controlled by the flux of electrons through the wire, the oxidation of the organic matter, the reduction of oxygen used as a terminal electron acceptor, and the distribution of the DC resistivity in the tank. The current density through the wire was limited by the availability of oxygen and not by the oxidation of the organic matter. This laboratory experiment incorporated key elements of the biogeobattery observed in some organic-rich contaminant plumes. This analogy includes the generation of SP signals associated with a flux of electrons, the capacity of buried organic matter in sustaining anodic reactions, network resistance connecting terminal redox reactions spatially separated in space, and the existence of anodic secondary coupled reactions. A resistivity tomogram of the tank, after almost a year in operation, suggests that oxidative processes triggered by this geobattery can be imaged with this method to determine the radius of influence of the bioelectrochemical system.


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Miltefosine (MT) is an alkylphospholipid approved for breast cancer metastasis and visceral leishmaniasis treatments, although the respective action mechanisms at the molecular level remain poorly understood. In this work, the interaction of miltefosine with the lipid component of stratum corneum (SC), the uppermost skin layer, was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of several fatty acid spin-labels. In addition, the effect of miltefosine on (i) spherical lipid vesicles of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and (ii) lipids extracted from SC was also investigated, by EPR and time-resolved polarized fluorescence methods. In SC of neonatal Wistar rats, 4% (w/w) miltefosine give rise to a large increase of the fluidity of the intercellular membranes, in the temperature range from 6 to about 50 degrees C. This effect becomes negligible at temperatures higher that ca. 60 degrees C. In large unilamelar vesicles of DPPC no significant changes could be observed with a miltefosine concentration 25% molar, in close analogy with the behavior of biomimetic vesicles prepared with bovine brain ceramide, behenic acid and cholesterol. In these last samples, a 25 mol% molar concentration of miltefosine produced only a modest decrease in the bilayer fluidity. Although miltefosine is not a feasible skin permeation enhancer due to its toxicity, the information provided in this work could be of utility in the development of a MT topical treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Reinforced concrete beam elements are submitted to applicable loads along their life cycle that cause shear and torsion. These elements may be subject to only shear, pure torsion or both, torsion and shear combined. The Brazilian Standard Code ABNT NBR 6118:2007 [1] fixes conditions to calculate the transverse reinforcement area in beam reinforced concrete elements, using two design models, based on the strut and tie analogy model, first studied by Mörsch [2]. The strut angle θ (theta) can be considered constant and equal to 45º (Model I), or varying between 30º and 45º (Model II). In the case of transversal ties (stirrups), the variation of angle α (alpha) is between 45º and 90º. When the equilibrium torsion is required, a resistant model based on space truss with hollow section is considered. The space truss admits an inclination angle θ between 30º and 45º, in accordance with beam elements subjected to shear. This paper presents a theoretical study of models I and II for combined shear and torsion, in which ranges the geometry and intensity of action in reinforced concrete beams, aimed to verify the consumption of transverse reinforcement in accordance with the calculation model adopted As the strut angle on model II ranges from 30º to 45º, transverse reinforcement area (Asw) decreases, and total reinforcement area, which includes longitudinal torsion reinforcement (Asℓ), increases. It appears that, when considering model II with strut angle above 40º, under shear only, transverse reinforcement area increases 22% compared to values obtained using model I.


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Staphylococcus aureus TenA (SaTenA) is a thiaminase type II enzyme that catalyzes the deamination of aminopyrimidine, as well as the cleavage of thiamine into 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine (HMP) and 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole (THZ), within thiamine (vitamin B1) metabolism. Further, by analogy with studies of Bacillus subtilis TenA, SaTenA may act as a regulator controlling the secretion of extracellular proteases such as the subtilisin type of enzymes in bacteria. Thiamine biosynthesis has been identified as a potential drug target of the multi-resistant pathogen S. aureus and therefore all enzymes involved in the S. aureus thiamine pathway are presently being investigated in detail. Here, the structure of SaTenA, determined by molecular replacement and refined at 2.7 A ° resolution to an R factor of 21.6% with one homotetramer in the asymmetric unit in the orthorhombic space group P212121, is presented. The tetrameric state of wild-type (WT) SaTenA was postulated to be the functional biological unit and was confirmed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments in solution. To obtain insights into structural and functional features of the oligomeric SaTenA, comparative kinetic investigations as well as experiments analyzing the structural stability of the WT SaTenA tetramer versus a monomeric SaTenA mutant were performed.


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Working with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in quadrupolar spin systems, in this paper we transfer the concept of atomic coherent state to the nuclear spin context, where it is referred to as pseudonuclear spin coherent state (pseudo-NSCS). Experimentally, we discuss the initialization of the pseudo- NSCSs and also their quantum control, implemented by polar and azimuthal rotations. Theoretically, we compute the geometric phases acquired by an initial pseudo-NSCS on undergoing three distinct cyclic evolutions: (i) the free evolution of the NMR quadrupolar system and, by analogy with the evolution of the NMR quadrupolar system, that of (ii) single-mode and (iii) two-mode Bose-Einstein Condensate like system. By means of these analogies, we derive, through spin angular momentum operators, results equivalent to those presented in the literature for orbital angular momentum operators. The pseudo-NSCS description is a starting point to introduce the spin squeezed state and quantum metrology into nuclear spin systems of liquid crystal or solid matter.