11 resultados para Aeronautics in agriculture.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Metadata is data that fully describes the data and the areas they represent, allowing the user to decide on their use as best as possible. Allow reporting on the existence of a set of data linked to specific needs. The use of metadata has the purpose of documenting and organizing a structured organizational data in order to minimize duplication of efforts to locate them and to facilitate maintenance. It also provides the administration of large amounts of data, discovery, retrieval and editing features. The global use of metadata is regulated by a technical group or task force composed of several segments such as industries, universities and research firms. Agriculture in particular is a good example for the development of typical applications using metadata is the integration of systems and equipment, allowing the implementation of techniques used in precision agriculture, the integration of different computer systems via webservices or other type of solution requires the integration of structured data. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the standards of metadata areas consolidated as agricultural.


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Sulfur (S) deficiency in soils is becoming increasingly common in many areas of the world as a result of agronomic practices, high biomass exportation and reduced S emissions to the atmosphere. In this review, the incidence and commercial exploitation of S pools in nature are discussed, as well as the importance of S for plants and the organic and inorganic S forms in soil and their transformations, especially the process of microbiological oxidation of elemental sulfur (S0) as an alternative to the replenishment of S levels in the soil. The diversity of S0-oxidizing microorganisms in soils, in particular the genus Thiobacillus, and the biochemical mechanisms of S0 oxidation in bacteria were also addressed. Finally, the main methods to measure the S0 oxidation rate in soils and the variables that influence this process were revised.


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BACKGROUND: Leaf-cutting ants collect plant fresh material for the cultivation of their mutualistic fungus. Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) cause great economic losses through their foraging activity, mainly in agriculture. The main control method is the application of granulated toxic baits incorporated with an active ingredient (AI). The present goal is to evaluate the effect of caffeine on in vitro growth of the mutualistic fungus and on the survival of the leaf-cutting ants, aiming to verify the potential toxicity of this secondary metabolite over these organisms. RESULTS: Three distinct patterns of fungal growth correlated with caffeine concentration were observed: (1) no effect (0.01% caffeine); (2) intermediate growth reduction (0.05% caffeine); (3) drastic growth reduction (0.10 and 0.50% caffeine). The highest caffeine concentration causes fungus death in the first week. As for insect survival, caffeine does not seem to exert any effect. The treatments with diet containing caffeine showed similar values of M50, irrespective of caffeine concentration. CONCLUSION: As caffeine was shown to reduce growth of the mutualistic fungus of Atta sexdens rubropilosa, but with no conclusive effect on insect survival, a hypothetical explanation for the selection of different Coffea species by this leaf-cutting ant species might be associated with caffeine toxicity to the fungus. Copyright (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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The sludge generated by sewage treatment which meets regulatory standards can be used in agriculture. With this understanding, the focus of this study is the evaluation of the agricultural characteristics and inorganic substances in excess activated sludge, which was subjected to drying in a greenhouse. The variables (factor) evaluated during the drying process were: type of sludge (digested or not digested), addition of lime to the sludge, and the physical layout and rotation of sludge in the greenhouse. The parameters monitored for this assessment were moisture, volatile solids and pH. The greenhouse cover and sides were made of translucent plastic to allow the penetration of solar radiation and prevent water from entering. A impermeable floor was used. The sludge was generated in sewage treatment plants located in the metropolitan region of Grande Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil. The solar drying of wastewater sludge in a greenhouse presented satisfactory results.


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Hybrids or open pollinated tomato cultivars used for sauces and ketchups production usually has determinate growth habit, while most of the genotypes used in the production to salads (in natura consumption) has indeterminate growth habit. Additionally, growth habit can have influence on culture management, productivity and total soluble solids (TSS) in fruits. The growth habit is mainly controlled by the gene SELF-PRUNING (SP), which is a component of a small gene family which is also part of the gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT), currently considered one of the components so sought after 'florigin'. Understanding the biochemical function and physiological effect of such genes in interaction with the environment and other genes (epistasis), allows the manipulation of parameters such as precocity and TSS. It also provides subsidies to understand the genetic basis of semideterminate growth, which combines the advantages of determinate and indeterminate habit and can be used for plant breeders to development of new cultivars.


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We decompose the recent changes in regional inequality in Brazil into its components, highlighting the role of spatially blind social programs. We aggregate personal income micro data to the state level, differentiating nine income sources, and assess the role of these components in the observed changes in regional inequality indicators. The main results indicate that the largest part of the recent reduction in regional inequality is related to the dynamics of the market-related labor income, with manufacturing and services favoring deconcentration. Labor income in agriculture, retirement and pensions, and property rents and other sources favored concentration. The social programs Bolsa Familia and Beneficios de Prestacao Continuada are responsible for more than 24 percent of the reduction in inequality, although they account for less than 1.7 percent of the disposable household income. Such positive impact on regional concentration is impressive, since the goals of the programs are clearly nonspatial.


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Centrifugal spreaders dominate the application of solid materials in agriculture offering expressive operational field capacity and extended range of applied rates. Field tests for characterization of theirperformance are conducted without any physical obstacles (such as the presence of plants) during the parabolic trajectory of the falling particles of fertilizer to the soil. The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate the transverse distribution of solid fertilizers applied on cropped corn, soybeans and cotton. Evaluations of the spreaders were designed according to ASAE S341.3/99 Standard. Tests consisted in aligning side by side collectors in-between the cropped rows and weighting the material deposited. The results showed that transverse distribution of solid fertilizers applied over the cotton and corn crops is affected by the crop height, interfering directly on the effective width of the spreader application, which was not observedin the soybean crop, once the fertilizer application is done when the crop was still below the collector's height. The results suggest that evaluation of effective width of the spreaders application need to be done under real crop environment.


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Background: Sugarcane is one of the most important crops in Brazil, mainly because of its use in biofuel production. Recent studies have sought to determine the role of sugarcane endophytic microbial diversity in microorganism-plant interactions, and their biotechnological potential. Epicoccum nigrum is an important sugarcane endophytic fungus that has been associated with the biological control of phytopathogens, and the production of secondary metabolites. In spite of several studies carried out to define the better conditions to use E. nigrum in different crops, little is known about the establishment of an endophytic interaction, and its potential effects on plant physiology. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report an approach based on inoculation followed by re-isolation, molecular monitoring, microscopic analysis, plant growth responses to fungal colonization, and antimicrobial activity tests to study the basic aspects of the E. nigrum endophytic interaction with sugarcane, and the effects of colonization on plant physiology. The results indicate that E. nigrum was capable of increasing the root system biomass and producing compounds that inhibit the in vitro growth of sugarcane pathogens Fusarium verticillioides, Colletotrichum falcatum, Ceratocystis paradoxa, and Xanthomomas albilineans. In addition, E. nigrum preferentially colonizes the sugarcane surface and, occasionally, the endophytic environment. Conclusions/Significance: Our work demonstrates that E. nigrum has great potential for sugarcane crop application because it is capable of increasing the root system biomass and controlling pathogens. The study of the basic aspects of the interaction of E. nigrum with sugarcane demonstrated the facultative endophytism of E. nigrum and its preference for the phylloplane environment, which should be considered in future studies of biocontrol using this species. In addition, this work contributes to the knowledge of the interaction of this ubiquitous endophyte with the host plant, and also to a better use of microbial endophytes in agriculture.


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Weed control has always been an important issue in agriculture. With the advent of no-till systems, soil erosion was reduced but herbicide use was increased. Organic no-till systems try to adjust reduced erosion to the no use of herbicides. Nevertheless, this adjustment is limited by the cost of mechanical weed control. This cost may be reduced by improved cultural weed control with cover crops mulches. In this paper we report a study on the application of compost manure on an oats winter cover crop, preceding soybean, instead of on the soybean summer crop. Treatments comprised a control without compost manure, and compost manure doses of 4 and 8 Mg ha-1 applied either on oats in winter or soybean in summer, organized in a randomized block design, with five replications. In summer, plots were split into weed-controlled or not controlled subplots. The timing of application and the manure doses did not affect the oats biomass or the soybean performance. However, in summer, without water stress, the application of manure at 8 Mg ha-1 directly on soybean has reduced weed biomass in this crop.


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Variedades ou híbridos de tomateiro utilizados para produção de molhos e ketchups costumam ter hábito determinado, enquanto a maioria dos genótipos utilizados na produção para mesa (consumo in natura) possuem hábito indeterminado. Além de influenciar no manejo da cultura, o hábito de crescimento pode alterar parâmetros de produtividade, como o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) nos frutos. O hábito de crescimento é controlado principalmente pelo gene SELF-PRUNING (SP), que é um dos componentes de uma pequena família gênica da qual faz parte também o gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT), atualmente considerado um dos componentes do tão buscado "florígeno". O entendimento da função bioquímica e o efeito fisiológico de tais genes em interação com o ambiente e outros genes (epistasia) possibilita a manipulação de parâmetros como precocidade e SST. Além disso, fornece subsídios para compreender a base genética do crescimento semideterminado, que combina vantagens do hábito determinado e indeterminado, podendo ser usado pelos melhoristas de plantas para o desenvolvimento de novas cultivares.


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Recently high spectral resolution sensors have been developed, which allow new and more advanced applications in agriculture. Motivated by the increasing importance of hyperspectral remote sensing data, the need for research is important to define optimal wavebands to estimate biophysical parameters of crop. The use of narrow band vegetation indices (VI) derived from hyperspectral measurements acquired by a field spectrometer was evaluated to estimate bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grain yield, plant height and leaf area index (LAI). Field canopy reflectance measurements were acquired at six bean growth stages over 48 plots with four water levels (179.5; 256.5; 357.5 and 406.2 mm) and tree nitrogen rates (0; 80 and 160 kg ha-1) and four replicates. The following VI was analyzed: OSNBR (optimum simple narrow-band reflectivity); NB_NDVI (narrow-band normalized difference vegetation index) and NDVI (normalized difference index). The vegetation indices investigated (OSNBR, NB_NDVI and NDVI) were efficient to estimate LAI, plant height and grain yield. During all crop development, the best correlations between biophysical variables and spectral variables were observed on V4 (the third trifoliolate leaves were unfolded in 50 % of plants) and R6 (plants developed first flowers in 50 % of plants) stages, according to the variable analyzed.