10 resultados para Abdominoperineal amputation

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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During the last century, great improvements have been made in rectal cancer management regarding preoperative staging, pathologic assessment, surgical technique, and multimodal therapies. Surgically, there was a move from a strategy characterized by simple perineal excision to complex procedures performed by means of a laparoscopic approach, and more recently with the aid of robotic systems. Perhaps the most important advance is that rectal cancer is no longer a fatal disease as it was at the beginning of the 20th century. This achievement is definitely due in part to Ernest Mile's contribution regarding lymphatic spread of tumor cells, which helped clarify the natural history of the disease and the proper treatment alternatives. He advocated a combined approach with the rationale to clear "the zone of upward spread." The aim of the present paper is to present a brief review concerning the evolution of rectal cancer surgery, focusing attention on Miles' abdominoperineal excision of the rectum (APR) and its controversies and refinements over time. Although APR has currently been restricted to a small proportion of patients with low rectal cancer, recent propositions to excise the rectum performing a wider perineal and a proper pelvic floor resection have renewed interest on this procedure, confirming that Ernest Miles' original ideas still influence rectal cancer management after more than 100 years.


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Malignant triton tumor (MTT) is an aggressive peripheral nerve sheath tumor with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation. Less than 100 cases have been described, being mostly male children with type 1 neurofibromatosis. We report a 6-year-old female with MTT and no diagnostic criteria for neurofibromatosis type 1. Cytogenetic analysis showed a 46,X,-X[4]/46,XX[16] karyotype. She underwent a transfemoral amputation and chemotherapy and is free of disease 15 months after diagnosis. The few cytogenetic studies of MTT described in the literature have been inconclusive. Further cytogenetic analyses are needed to understand the role of chromosome X monosomy in the pathogenesis of this rare tumor. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2012; 59: 13201323. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Introduction: Despite the growing interest in the study of Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) infections, very little information on osteomyelitis caused by GNB is available in the medical literature. Objectives and methods: To assess clinical and microbiological features of 101 cases of osteomyelitis caused by GNB alone, between January 2007 and January 2009, in a reference center for the treatment of high complexity traumas in the city of Sao Paulo. Results: Most patients were men (63%), with median age of 42 years, affected by chronic osteomyelitis (43%) or acute osteomyelitis associated to open fractures (32%), the majority on the lower limbs (71%). The patients were treated with antibiotics as inpatients for 40 days (median) and for 99 days (median) in outpatient settings. After 6 months follow-up, the clinical remission rate was around 60%, relapse 19%, amputation 7%, and death 5%. Nine percent of cases were lost to follow-up. A total of 121 GNB was isolated from 101 clinical samples. The most frequently isolated pathogens were Enterobacter sp. (25%), Acinetobacter baumannii (21%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20%). Susceptibility to carbapenems was about 100% for Enterobacter sp., 75% for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 60% for Acinetobacter baumannii. Conclusion: Osteomyelitis caused by GNB remains a serious therapeutic challenge, especially when associated to nonfermenting bacteria. We emphasize the need to consider these agents in diagnosed cases of osteomyelitis, so that an ideal antimicrobial treatment can be administered since the very beginning of the therapy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: Retrospective evaluation of cases of limb replantation after avulsion injuries. Evaluation of the techniques and tactics used, that contributed to success and good functional results. Methods: Forty-three patients' records were assessed. All the cases had been submitted to limb replantation after avulsion injuries. Results: The majority of the cases were young men. The most common injury was to the thumbs. The surgical techniques and tactics used were: nerve grafting, vein grafting, transposition of the digital vessels, limb shortening, and heterotopic replantation. The most commonly used technique was vein graft. The limb survival rate was high (93%), as was patient satisfaction. Conclusion: Replantation after avulsion injury depends on the correct diagnosis of the limb viability and the use of appropriate surgical techniques and tactics for each case. The experience of the team of surgeons and a good hospital structure are essential for good results. There are few articles in medical literature about the indications, techniques and results of limb replantation after avulsion injuries. We believe that this retrospective evaluation can bring new information and contributions to the correct management of this highly complex situation. Level of evidence IV, Case Series.


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The objective of this integrative review is to analyze the scientific production addressing the sexuality of women with breast cancer following mastectomy, focused on the effects that the physical discomfort due to cancer treatments have on their sex life. The search included articles published in the period between 2000 and 2009 on the MEDLINE, LILACS and PsycINFO databases, using the following descriptors: mastectomy, breast neoplasms, sexuality, sexual behavior, amputation, psychosexual development, and marital relations. Nine articles were selected, which addressed the effects of the physical discomfort from cancer treatments on the patients' sexuality. The findings revealed that, even when the patient's sex life is intense and fulfilling before the disease, factors such as stress, pain, fatigue, insult to body image, and low self-esteem due to the treatments may alter the sexual functioning of the affected woman. Healthcare professionals must be sensitized in order to welcome and include the topic in policies as well as in preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic strategies.


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Objective: To evaluate the value of post-treatment follow-up in osteosarcoma patients. Methods: Data were collected through a clinical record, with socio-demographic and clinical data, and information relating to the medical appointment. Descriptive analysis of the data was carried out. The Chi-squared test was used to associate the independent variables with attendance at scheduled follow-up appointments. Results: We found a recurrence in 59.6% of cases, of which 58% were lung related; 44% presented clinical complaints and arrived on the scheduled date of the appointment. There was no statistically significant association between the demographic characteristics and early attendance of follow-up visits. 81.3% of the cases who came for the appointment earlier than originally scheduled presented complaints compared to those who did not (p=0.005). Of the cases who presented recurrence, 12.9% attended an appointment late and those who did not present recurrence, 47.6% were late for the appointment (p=0.006). Conclusion: It is seen that the patients who came for an earlier appointment presented more complaints and were associated with the positive result of the exams carried out. The patients who had recurrence and came for an earlier appointment did not present a statistically significant difference in recurrence-free survival. It was observed that distance was not a predominant factor in late attendance at appointments. Level of Evidence II, Retrospective Study.


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Background: Polyneuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus that has been very challenging for clinicians. It results in high public health costs and has a huge impact on patients' quality of life. Preventive interventions are still the most important approach to avoid plantar ulceration and amputation, which is the most devastating endpoint of the disease. Some therapeutic interventions improve gait quality, confidence, and quality of life; however, there is no evidence yet of an effective physical therapy treatment for recovering musculoskeletal function and foot rollover during gait that could potentially redistribute plantar pressure and reduce the risk of ulcer formation. Methods/Design: A randomised, controlled trial, with blind assessment, was designed to study the effect of a physiotherapy intervention on foot rollover during gait, range of motion, muscle strength and function of the foot and ankle, and balance confidence. The main outcome is plantar pressure during foot rollover, and the secondary outcomes are kinetic and kinematic parameters of gait, neuropathy signs and symptoms, foot and ankle range of motion and function, muscle strength, and balance confidence. The intervention is carried out for 12 weeks, twice a week, for 40-60 min each session. The follow-up period is 24 weeks from the baseline condition. Discussion: Herein, we present a more comprehensive and specific physiotherapy approach for foot and ankle function, by choosing simple tasks, focusing on recovering range of motion, strength, and functionality of the joints most impaired by diabetic polyneuropathy. In addition, this intervention aims to transfer these peripheral gains to the functional and more complex task of foot rollover during gait, in order to reduce risk of ulceration. If it shows any benefit, this protocol can be used in clinical practice and can be indicated as complementary treatment for this disease.


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BACKGROUND: Neoadjuvant chemoradiation (CRT) therapy may result in significant tumor regression in patients with rectal cancer. Patients who develop complete tumor regression have been managed by treatment strategies that are alternatives to standard total mesorectal excision. Therefore, assessment of tumor response with positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) after neoadjuvant treatment may offer relevant information for the selection of patients to receive alternative treatment strategies. METHODS: Patients with clinical T2 (cT2) through cT4NxM0 rectal adenocarcinoma were included prospectively. Neoadjuvant therapy consisted of 54 grays of radiation and 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy. Baseline PET/CT studies were obtained before CRT followed by PET/CT studies at 6 weeks and 12 weeks after the completion of CRT. Clinical assessment was performed at 12 weeks after CRT completion. PET/CT results were compared with clinical and pathologic data. RESULTS: In total, 99 patients were included in the study. Twenty-three patients were complete responders (16 had a complete clinical response, and 7 had a complete pathologic response). The PET/CT response evaluation at 12 weeks indicated that 18 patients had a complete response, and 81 patients had an incomplete response. There were 5 false-negative and 10 false-positive PET/CT results. PET/CT for the detection of residual cancer had 93% sensitivity, 53% specificity, a 73% negative predictive value, an 87% positive predictive value, and 85% accuracy. Clinical assessment alone resulted in an accuracy of 91%. PET/CT information may have detected misdiagnoses made by clinical assessment alone, improving overall accuracy to 96%. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of tumor response at 12 weeks after CRT completion with PET/CT imaging may provide a useful additional tool with good overall accuracy for the selection of patients who may avoid unnecessary radical resection after achieving a complete clinical response. Cancer 2012;35013511. (C) 2011 American Cancer Society.


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Abstract Background The etiology of Bell's palsy can vary but anterograde axonal degeneration may delay spontaneous functional recovery leading the necessity of therapeutic interventions. Corticotherapy and/or complementary rehabilitation interventions have been employed. Thus the natural history of the disease reports to a neurotrophic resistance of adult facial motoneurons leading a favorable evolution however the related molecular mechanisms that might be therapeutically addressed in the resistant cases are not known. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) pathway signaling is a potential candidate for therapeutic development because its role on wound repair and autocrine/paracrine trophic mechanisms in the lesioned nervous system. Methods Adult rats received unilateral facial nerve crush, transection with amputation of nerve branches, or sham operation. Other group of unlesioned rats received a daily functional electrical stimulation in the levator labii superioris muscle (1 mA, 30 Hz, square wave) or systemic corticosterone (10 mgkg-1). Animals were sacrificed seven days later. Results Crush and transection lesions promoted no changes in the number of neurons but increased the neurofilament in the neuronal neuropil of axotomized facial nuclei. Axotomy also elevated the number of GFAP astrocytes (143% after crush; 277% after transection) and nuclear FGF-2 (57% after transection) in astrocytes (confirmed by two-color immunoperoxidase) in the ipsilateral facial nucleus. Image analysis reveled that a seven days functional electrical stimulation or corticosterone led to elevations of FGF-2 in the cytoplasm of neurons and in the nucleus of reactive astrocytes, respectively, without astrocytic reaction. Conclusion FGF-2 may exert paracrine/autocrine trophic actions in the facial nucleus and may be relevant as a therapeutic target to Bell's palsy.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliação retrospectiva criteriosa de casos de reimplantes após amputação por avulsão. Avaliação de técnicas e táticas utilizadas que determinaram evolução satisfatória e bom resultado funcional. METÓDOS: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, prontuários de 43 pacientes que tiveram membros amputados por mecanismo de avulsão e reimplantados nos últimos 21 anos. RESULTADOS: A maior parte dos casos envolvia homens adultos jovens. A localização de amputação mais frequente foi do polegar. As técnicas e táticas cirúrgicas utilizadas isoladas ou conjuntamente incluem: enxertos de nervo, enxertos vasculares (veia ou artéria), transposição de feixe vascular digital, encurtamento do membro e reimplante heterotópico. A técnica mais frequentemente utilizada foi o emprego de enxertos venosos. A taxa de sobrevida dos reimplantes foi alta (93%), assim como a satisfação dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os reimplantes por mecanismo de avulsão dependem do correto diagnóstico de viabilidade anatômica e utilização de técnicas e táticas cirúrgicas apropriadas para cada caso. A experiência da equipe cirúrgica e estrutura hospitalar adequada são fundamentais para obtenção de bons resultados. Existem poucos relatos na literatura sobre indicação, tática, técnicas e resultados de procedimentos de reimplantes em amputações por avulsão. Acreditamos que a avaliação retrospectiva desta série de casos possa trazer novas informações e contribuições no atendimento desta situação de alta complexidade. Nível de evidência IV, Série de casos.