138 resultados para Freshwater biology.


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Thirty-eight stations were sampled in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to assess the spatio-temporal diversity and biomass of sublittoral polychaetes. Samples were collected during the dry (September 2000) and rainy season (May 2001) in shallow sublittoral sediments. The polychaete spatial composition showed a heterogeneous distribution throughout the bay. A negative gradient of diversity and biomass was observed towards the inner parts of the bay and sheltered areas. A wide azoic area was found inside the bay. Some high-biomass and low-diversity spots were found near a sewage-discharge point. In these areas, the polychaete biomass increased after the rainy season. A diversified polychaete community was identified around the bay mouth, with no dramatic changes of this pattern between the two sampling periods. Deposit-feeders were dominant in the entire study area. The relative importance of carnivores and omnivores increased towards the outer sector, at stations with coarse sediment fractions. Guanabara Bay can be divided into three main zones with respect to environmental conditions and polychaete diversity and biomass patterns: A) High polychaete diversity, hydrodynamically exposed areas composed of sandy, oxidized or moderately reduced sediments with normoxic conditions in the water column. B) Low diversity and high biomass of deposit and suspension-feeding polychaete species in the middle part of the bay near continental inflows, comprising stations sharing similar proportions of silt, clay and fine sands. C) Azoic area or an impoverished polychaete community in hydrodynamically low-energy areas of silt and clay with extremely reduced sediments, high total organic matter content and hypoxic conditions in the water column, located essentially from the mid-bay towards the north sector. High total organic matter content and hypoxic conditions combined with slow water renewal in the inner bay seemed to play a key role in the polychaete diversity and biomass. Sedimentation processes and organic load coming from untreated sewage into the bay may have negatively affected the survivorship of the fauna.


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The northernmost occurrence of Bassanago albescens in the western Atlantic Ocean (off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is presented and compared with the available data on this species. Specimens formerly identified as Rhynchoconger guppyi from off the southern Brazilian coast are regarded as B. albescens. (C) 2010 The Authors


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Portunid crabs are an important resource in estuaries, and require appropriate management to guarantee their long-term availability. We investigated the population dynamics and reproduction of Callinectes danae in the Estuarine-Bay Complex of Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Brazil, to provide basic biological information for public policies for the management of this fishery. Monthly samples were obtained from March 2007 to February 2008 on eight transects, four in the estuary and four in the bay. A total of 2261 specimens (403 males, 1288 females, of which 570 were ovigerous) were collected. Males were significantly larger than females, and the size-frequency distribution was unimodal for males, females and ovigerous females. The sex ratio was nearly always skewed toward females (M:F - 1:4.6). C. danae showed seasonal-continuous reproduction, with high reproductive activity in the warmer season. C. danae breeds in the estuarine-bay complex, with males and juvenile females concentrated in the estuary. After copulation, fertilized females migrate to the estuary entrance and the bay, where ovigerous females are commonly found spawning in high-salinity areas. Therefore, to manage this important economic resource, both the estuary and the bay should be considered for protection, but special attention should be given to the estuary entrance during the summer months, when ovigerous females concentrate.


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The aim of this work is to use GIS integration data to characterize sedimentary processes in a SubTropical lagoon environment. The study area was the Canan,ia Inlet estuary in the southeastern section of the Canan,ia Lagoon Estuarine System (CLES), state of So Paulo, Brazil (25A degrees 03'S/47A degrees 53'W). The area is formed by the confluence of two estuarine channels forming a bay-shaped water body locally called "Trapand, Bay". The region is surrounded by one of the most preserved tracts of Atlantic Rain Forest in Southwestern Brazil and presents well-developed mangroves and marshes. In this study a methodology was developed using integrated a GIS database based on bottom sediment parameters, geomorphological data, remote sensing images, Hidrodynamical Modeling data and geophysical parameters. The sediment grain size parameters and the bottom morphology of the lagoon were also used to develop models of net sediment transport pathways. It was possible to observe that the sediment transport vectors based on the grain size model had a good correlation with the transport model based on the bottom topography features and Hydrodynamic model, especially in areas with stronger energetic conditions, with a minor contribution of finer sediments. This relation is somewhat less evident near shallower banks and depositional features. In these regions the organic matter contents in the sediments was a good complementary tool for inferring the hydrodynamic and depositional conditions (i.e. primary productivity, sedimentation rates, sources, oxi-reduction rates).


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The University of So Paulo Gracilariaceae Germplasm Bank has 50 strains collected mostly in Brazil, but also elsewhere in the world. This bank has been used as a source of material for research developed locally and abroad. With over 200 species, some of which have high economic value, the family Gracilariaceae has been extensively studied. Nonetheless, taxonomic problems still persist by the existence of cryptic species, phenotypic plasticity, and broad geographic distribution. In the case of algae kept in culture for long periods of time, the identification is even more problematic as a consequence of considerable morphological modification. Thus, the use of molecular markers has been shown to be an efficient tool to elucidate taxonomic issues in the group. In this work, we sequenced the 5'-end of the cox1 gene for 41 strains and the universal plastid amplicon (UPA) plastid region for 45 strains, covering all 50 strains in the bank. In addition, the rbcL for representatives of the cox1/UPA clusters was sequenced for 14 strains. The original species identification based on morphology was compared with the molecular data obtained in this work, resulting in the identification of 13 different species. Our analyses indicate that cox1 and UPA are suitable markers for the delineation of species of Gracilariales in the germplasm bank. The addition of DNA barcode tags to the samples in the Gracilariaceae germplasm bank and the molecular identification of the species will make this bank even more useful for future research as the species can be easily traced and confirmed.


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Microplastics are omnipresent in the oceans and generally have negative impacts on the biota. However, flotsam may increase the availability of hard substrates, which are considered a limiting resource for some oceanic species, e.g. as oviposition sites for the ocean insect Halobates. This study describes the use of plastic pellets as an oviposition site for Halobates micans and discusses possible effects on its abundance and dispersion. Inspection of egg masses on stranded particles on beaches revealed that a mean of 24% (from 0% to 62%) of the pellets bore eggs (mean of 5 and max. of 48 eggs per pellet). Most eggs (63%) contained embryos, while 37% were empty egg shells. This shows that even small plastic particles are used as oviposition site by H. micans, and that marine litter may have a positive effect over the abundance and dispersion of this species. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study presents new information on feeding habits of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, in south-eastern Brazil, together with new regression equations to evaluate the weight and length of fish from otoliths, showing an overview on the knowledge about this species' diet in this area. Eighteen stomach contents had been analysed and compared to 180 samples collected in another eight feeding studies. The analysed specimens were either incidentally caught in gillnets used in coastal waters by the fleet based in the Cananeia main harbour (25 degrees 00'S 47 degrees 55'W), south of Sao Paulo State, or found dead in inner waters of the Cananeia estuary between 2003 and 2009. Based on the index of relative importance analysis, the most important fish species were the banded croaker, Paralonchurus brasiliensis. Doryteuthis plei was the most representative cephalopod species. Stellifer rastrifer was the most important fish species observed in dolphins in inner estuarine waters and P. brasiliensis in recovered dolphins from coastal waters. Loliguncula brevis is the only cephalopod species reported from dolphins found in inner estuarine waters up to date. Doryteuthis plei was the most important cephalopod species observed in coastal dolphins. When considering other feeding studies, the most representative fish family in the diet of S. guianensis was Sciaenidae, which is mainly represented by demersal fishes. The main preys of S. guianensis are abundant in the studied areas, which may indicate an opportunistic feeding habit. The majority of them are not the most important target species by the commercial fishery in south-eastern Brazil.


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Currently, five genera are assigned to red seaweeds of the Laurencia complex worldwide: Chondrophycus, Laurencia s.s., Osmundea, Palisada and Yuzurua. The genera are segregated on the basis of morphological characters, especially the reproductive traits, and molecular sequences of the plastid-encoded gene rbcL. Four of the genera have been resolved as monophyletic, but not Laurencia s.s. In this study based on an rbcL gene phylogeny we show the presence of a sixth lineage within the Laurencia complex, viz., Laurencia marilzae plus two unidentified species of Laurencia from Brazil. The phylogenetic position of this group, combined with the high genetic divergence from Laurencia s.s. (8.2-11%), strongly support the establishment of a sixth genus for the complex, proposed here as Laurenciella gen. nov. This new taxon differs from Laurencia s.s. and from the other genera of the complex by molecular sequence data, but is indistinguishable from Laurencia s.s. by the usual morphological features.


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A total of 3,631 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were established from two size-selected cDNA libraries made from the tetrasporophytic phase of the agarophytic red alga Gracilaria tenuistipitata. The average sizes of the inserts in the two libraries were 1,600 bp and 600 bp, with an average length of the edited sequences of 850 bp. Clustering gave 2,387 assembled sequences with a redundancy of 53%. Of the ESTs, 65% had significant matches to sequences deposited in public databases, 11% to proteins without known function, and 35% were novel. The most represented ESTs were a Na/K-transporting ATPase, a hedgehog-like protein, a glycine dehydrogenase and an actin. Most of the identified genes were involved in primary metabolism and housekeeping. The largest functional group was thus genes involved in metabolism with 14% of the ESTs; other large functional categories included energy, transcription, and protein synthesis and destination. The codon usage was examined using a subset of the data, and the codon bias was found to be limited with all codon combinations used.


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The present study aimed to comparatively verify the relation between the hermit crabs and the shells they use in two populations of Loxopagurus loxochelis. Samples were collected monthly from July 2002 to June 2003, at Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba Bay, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The animals sampled had their sex identified, were weighed and measured; their shells were identified, measured and weighed, and their internal volume determined. To relate the hermit crab's characteristics and the shells' variables, principal component analysis (PCA) and a regression tree were used. According to the PCA analysis, the three gastropod shells most frequently used by L. loxochelis varied in size. The regression tree successfully explained the relationship between the hermit crab's characteristics and the internal volume of the inhabited shell. It can be inferred that the relationship between the morphometry of an individual hermit crab and its shell is not straightforward and it is impossible to explain only on the basis of direct correlations between the body's and the shell's attributes. Several factors (such as the morphometry and the availability of the shell, environmental conditions and inter- and intraspecific competition) interact and seem to be taken into consideration by the hermit crabs when they choose a shell, resulting in the diversified pattern of shell occupancy shown here and elsewhere.


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Morphological and molecular studies have been performed on Laurencia dendroidea derived from Brazil and the Canary Islands. This species possesses all of the characters that are typical of the genus Laurencia, including the production of the first pericentral cell underneath the basal cell of the trichoblast; the production of tetrasporangia from particular pericentral cells without the formation of additional fertile pericentral cells; spermatangial branches that are produced from one of two laterals on the suprabasal cell of the trichoblasts; and a procarp-bearing segment that possesses five pericentral cells. The phylogenetic position of L. dendroidea was inferred by analysing the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences of 51 taxa. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the taxa previously identified and cited in Brazil as Laurencia filiformis, L. majuscula and L. obtusa and in the Canary Islands as L. majuscula all represent the same taxonomic entity and examination of type material allowed us to identify this entity as L. dendroidea, whose type locality is in Brazil. Laurencia obtusa from the Northern Atlantic is confirmed to represent a distinct species, which displays high genetic divergence with respect to western and eastern Atlantic samples. The phylogenetic analyses also supported the nomenclatural transfer of Chondrophycus furcatus (Cordeiro-Marino & M. T. Fujii) M. T. Fujii & Senties to Palisada furcata (Cordeiro-Marino & M. T. Fujii) Cassano & M. T. Fujii comb. nov.


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This paper is part of an extensive study on the biodiversity of the macroalgal flora of So Paulo state, SE Brazil. Previous assessments were based only on morphological descriptions. Here, we tested the effectiveness of DNA barcoding, in comparison with morphological observations for the recognition and cataloging of species. The focus of this study is the genus Porphyra, which is a conspicuous component of the upper intertidal on rocky shores of this region. With five currently accepted species, we have sequenced three short markers: cox1, cox2-3 spacer and UPA to establish the first DNA barcode database for the Porphyra species from the Brazilian coast. The three markers, although with different evolution rates, recovered a cryptic species (Porphyra sp. 77), grouped two different species (Porphyra drewiana and Porphyra spiralis) that are being synonymized, and finally indicated that varieties within P. acanthophora and P. spiralis are merely morphological, with no sequence divergence in the studied molecular markers.


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During the evolutionary process of the sex chromosomes, a general principle that arises is that cessation or a partial restriction of recombination between the sex chromosome pair is necessary. Data from phylogenetically distinct organisms reveal that this phenomenon is frequently associated with the accumulation of heterochromatin in the sex chromosomes. Fish species emerge as excellent models to study this phenomenon because they have much younger sex chromosomes compared to higher vertebrates and many other organisms making it possible to follow their steps of differentiation. In several Neotropical fish species, the heterochromatinization, accompanied by amplification of tandem repeats, represents an important step in the morphological differentiation of simple sex chromosome systems, especially in the ZZ/ZW sex systems. In contrast, multiple sex chromosome systems have no additional increase of heterochromatin in the chromosomes. Thus, the initial stage of differentiation of the multiple sex chromosome systems seems to be associated with proper chromosomal rearrangements, whereas the simple sex chromosome systems have an accumulation of heterochromatin. In this review, attention has been drawn to this contrasting role of heterochromatin in the differentiation of simple and multiple sex chromosomes of Neotropical fishes, highlighting their surprising evolutionary dynamism.


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Recent studies indicate that ascidians are efficiently dispersed by human transport. We have chosen the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) to address whether Clavelina oblonga is an introduced species in the Brazilian coast. Colonies of C. oblonga were sampled in different localities along Atlantic coasts of USA, Panama, and Brazil. The sequencing of 92 colonies resulted in three haplotypes for the species, two unique to Florida and the other shared by exemplars collected in Brazil and Panama; the latter haplotype is identical to the published sequence of Azores. Our evidence, including the absence of C. oblonga in the country's northern tropical waters, its association with artificial habitats and lack of COI variation suggest that the species has been introduced in the southeastern and southern Brazilian coasts. Previous records (85 years old) suggest that it could be a relatively long-term introduction.