66 resultados para Palestra
We present a new Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Timed- Array Transmitter System with Beamforming capability for high-resolution remote acquisition of vital signals. The system consists of four identical channels, where each is formed of a serial topology with three modules: programmable delay circuit (PDC or τ), a novel UWB 5th Gaussian Derivative order pulse generator circuit (PG), and a planar Vivaldi antenna. The circuit was designed using 0.18μm CMOS standard process and the planar antenna array was designed with filmconductor on Rogers RO3206 substrate. Spice simulations results showed the pulse generation with 104 mVpp amplitude and 500 ps width. The power consumption is 543 μW, and energy consumption 0.27 pJ per pulse using a 2V power supply at a pulse repetition rate (PRR) of 100 MHz. Electromagnetic simulations results, using CST Microwave (MW) Studio 2011, showed the main lobe radiation with a gain maximum of 13.2 dB, 35.5º x 36.7º angular width, and a beam steering between 17º and -11º for azimuthal (θ) angles and 17º and -18º for elevation (φ) angles at the center frequency of 6 GHz
In this work, metamaterial patterns are applied to a GTEM – Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic Chamber to improve and give flexibility to its frequency response. The main goal is to achieve a better frequency resonance regardless the dimensions of the original chamber. Therefore, a comparison between the CLL – Capacitively Loaded Loop and Fractal metamaterial technology for these purposes, is done. Experimental results are compared to the simulated ones
The objective of this work were apply and provide a preliminary evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) performance, for Londrina region. We performed comparison with measurements obtained in meteorological stations. The model was configured to run with three domains with 27,9 and 3 km of grid resolution, using the ndown program and also was realized a simulation with the model configured to run with a single domain using a land use file based in a classified image for region of MODIS sensor. The emission files to supply the chemistry run were generated based in the work of Martins et al., 2012. RADM2 chemical mechanism and MADE/SORGAM modal aerosol models were used in the simulations. The results demonstrated that model was able to represent coherently the formation and dispersion of the pollution in Metropolitan Region of Londrina and also the importance of using the appropriate land use file for the region.
A análise de elementos traço, tais como terras raras, TH, U, Ta, Hf, Ba, Rb e Ba, é uma ferramenta muito importante para estudos petrogenéticos. No intuito de estudar tais processos em diques do Enxame Serra do Mar (litoral de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro), pertencente à Provincia Magmática do Paraná (PMP), uma das províncias de basaltos continentais mais expressivas do mundo, foram realizadas análises por ativação com nêutrons nestes diques. A técnica, empregada no Centro de Reator de pesquisa do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, forneceu concentrações de elementos traço com os níveis de precisão de 10% e exatidão 9% os quais são adequadas para estudos petrogenéticos. Devido as baixas concentrações dos elementos analisados, a rotina experimental de preparação das amostras abrangeu processos bastantes cuidadosos para evitar contaminação. As amostras investigadas podem ser divididas em quatro grupos: rochas básicas (SiO2<55%) com Ti/Y<500; rochas intermediárias (55%
Topologies of motor drive systems are studied, aiming the reduction of common-mode (CM) currents. Initially, the aspects concerning the CM currents circulation are analysed. The reason of common-mode voltages generation, the circulating paths for the resulting CM currents and their effects are discussed. Then, a non-conventional drive system configuration is proposed in order to reduce the CM currents and their effects. This configuration comprehends a non-conventional inverter module wired to a motor with an unusual connection. The cables arrangement differs from the standard solution, too. The proposed topology is compared with other ones, like the active circuit for common-mode voltages compensation. The contribution of the configuration to the reduction of CM voltages and currents and their related interferences are evaluated, based on numerical simulations. Some results are presented and discussed regarding the suitability of the proposed configuration as a potential solution to reduce the CM currents effects, when the state of art and implementation cost of drives are taken into account.
An important feature in computer systems developed for the agricultural sector is to satisfy the heterogeneity of data generated in different processes. Most problems related with this heterogeneity arise from the lack of standard for different computing solutions proposed. An efficient solution for that is to create a single standard for data exchange. The study on the actual process involved in cotton production was based on a research developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) that reports all phases as a result of the compilation of several theoretical and practical researches related to cotton crop. The proposition of a standard starts with the identification of the most important classes of data involved in the process, and includes an ontology that is the systematization of concepts related to the production of cotton fiber and results in a set of classes, relations, functions and instances. The results are used as a reference for the development of computational tools, transforming implicit knowledge into applications that support the knowledge described. This research is based on data from the Midwest of Brazil. The choice of the cotton process as a study case comes from the fact that Brazil is one of the major players and there are several improvements required for system integration in this segment.