111 resultados para Brazil, Parana, Tres Corregos Complex
The aim of the study was to evaluate rickettsial infection in ticks from wild birds of the Semidecidual and Atlantic Rainforest remnants of three municipalities of the State of Parana, southern Brazil. Overall, 53 larvae and nymphs collected from birds were checked for the presence of Rickettsia DNA by molecular tests. Five tick species were tested: Amblyomma aureolatum (Pallas), Amblyomma calcaratum Neumann, Amblyomma longirostre (Koch), Amblyomma ovale Koch, and Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Aragao. A. longirostre ticks were infected with the spotted fever group agents Rickettsia amblyommii strain AL (32.3% infection rate) and Rickettsia parkeri strain NOD (5.9% infection rate). A new rickettsial genotype was detected in the tick A. parkeri (50% infection rate), which had never been reported to be infected by rickettsiae. Through phylogenetic analysis, this new genotype, here designated as strain ApPR, grouped in a cluster composed by different strains of Rickettsia africae, Rickettsia sibirica, and R. parkeri. We consider strain ApPR to be a new genotype of R. parkeri. This study reports for the first time rickettsial infection in ticks from birds in southern Brazil. The role of migrating birds in the dispersal of these rickettsial strains should be considered in ecological studies of spotted fever group agents in Brazil.
Magnetization measurements were performed on CeCoIn5 at temperatures down to 20 mK and magnetic fields up to 17 T applied along different crystallographic orientations. For field configurations nearly parallel to the ab plane (theta less than or similar to 40 degrees and T <= 50 mK), we have found an intriguing vortex dynamics regime revealed by a hysteretic and metastable anomalous peak effect (APE), which gives evidence of surface barrier effects enhanced by antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the mixed state of CeCoIn5. Furthermore, we have observed crossover features in the torque and magnetization traces at fields below H-c2, which are consistent with vortices lattice phase transitions and with the anomalies speculated to be the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superconducting state in CeCoIn5. All of the above features were found to be dramatically perturbed in Ce0.98Gd0.02CoIn5.
The magnetic properties of Mn nanostructures on the Fe(001) surface have been studied using the noncollinear first-principles real space-linear muffin-tin orbital-atomic sphere approximation method within density-functional theory. We have considered a variety of nanostructures such as adsorbed wires, pyramids, and flat and intermixed clusters of sizes varying from two to nine atoms. Our calculations of interatomic exchange interactions reveal the long-range nature of exchange interactions between Mn-Mn and Mn-Fe atoms. We have found that the strong dependence of these interactions on the local environment, the magnetic frustration, and the effect of spin-orbit coupling lead to the possibility of realizing complex noncollinear magnetic structures such as helical spin spiral and half-skyrmion.
Objectives: To identify levels, tendency and recent differentials in fertility in Curitiba, Brazil. Methods: It is a quantitative and temporal series study, in which the birth rates, general and total fertility indicators, for the period of 1995-2007, were calculated and analyzed in Curitiba, Brazil, as well as the proportion of women with high fertility in 2005-2007, compared to the state of Parana. In order to evaluate inner regional differences in the city of Curitiba the same rates were calculated for each one of the administrative districts in the capital. Results: It was noticed a tendency of decline in fertility rates in Curitiba. The total fertility rate in 2007 was 1.49 children per woman and 1.66 in Parana state. The proportion of women with high fertility in the interior of Parana was 1.8 times higher than in the capital. The analysis of fertility rates by districts in Curitiba pointed out important differences: only 10 out of 75 districts had total fertility rates higher than 2.1 children per woman, and 9 districts concentrated 59.6% of women with high fertility. Conclusions: Curitiba showed a quick and sharp reduction in fertility rates. However, the inner regional differences in the city suggests the need to devise actions of reproductive health and social measures, directed to specific groups of population.
Background: Few cross-sectional studies involving adults and elderly patients with major DDIs have been conducted in the primary care setting. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in patients treated in primary care. Methodology/Principal Findings: A cross-sectional study involving patients aged 45 years or older was conducted at 25 Basic Health Units in the city of Maringa (southern Brazil) from May to December 2010. The data were collected from prescriptions at the pharmacy of the health unit at the time of the delivery of medication to the patient. After delivery, the researcher checked the electronic medical records of the patient. A total of 827 patients were investigated (mean age: 64.1; mean number of medications: 4.4). DDIs were identified in the Micromedex (R) database. The prevalence of potential DDIs and major DDIs was 63.0% and 12.1%, respectively. In both the univariate and multivariate analyses, the number of drugs prescribed was significantly associated with potential DDIs, with an increasing risk from three to five drugs (OR = 4.74; 95% CI: 2.90-7.73) to six or more drugs (OR = 23.03; 95% CI: 10.42-50.91). Forty drugs accounted for 122 pairs of major DDIs, the most frequent of which involved simvastatin (23.8%), captopril/enalapril (16.4%) and fluoxetine (16.4%). Conclusions/Significance: This is the first large-scale study on primary care carried out in Latin America. Based on the findings, the estimated prevalence of potential DDIs was high, whereas clinically significant DDIs occurred in a smaller proportion. Exposing patients to a greater number of prescription drugs, especially three or more, proved to be a significant predictor of DDIs. Prescribers should be more aware of potential DDIs. Future studies should assess potential DDIs in primary care over a longer period of time.
In this paper we have quantified the consistency of word usage in written texts represented by complex networks, where words were taken as nodes, by measuring the degree of preservation of the node neighborhood. Words were considered highly consistent if the authors used them with the same neighborhood. When ranked according to the consistency of use, the words obeyed a log-normal distribution, in contrast to Zipf's law that applies to the frequency of use. Consistency correlated positively with the familiarity and frequency of use, and negatively with ambiguity and age of acquisition. An inspection of some highly consistent words confirmed that they are used in very limited semantic contexts. A comparison of consistency indices for eight authors indicated that these indices may be employed for author recognition. Indeed, as expected, authors of novels could be distinguished from those who wrote scientific texts. Our analysis demonstrated the suitability of the consistency indices, which can now be applied in other tasks, such as emotion recognition.
This study aimed to estimate the owned dog and cat populations of Sao Paulo city using a complex sample with random selection in two stages. In each administrative district, six census sectors and 20 households in each sampled sector were visited from September 2006 to September 2009, totalizing 11,272 interviews. The human: dog ratio was 4.34 and the human: cat ratio was 19.33. The dog population was 2,507,401 and the cat population, 562,965. The dog population was composted of 52.7% males, while among the cat population it was 45.1%. The proportion of sterilized females (23.4% among dogs and 46.1% among cats) was higher than males (11.4% among dogs and 31.5% among cats). The mean age of dogs was 4.99 years, and for cats, 3.53 years. The proportion of restricted (without access to the street) dogs, 64.4%, was higher than restricted cats, 42.5%. The average number of animals/household was 1.60 for dogs and 1.69 for cats. The animal ownership is associated with cultural factors, therefore the characterization of canine and feline population is essential to implement an adequate animal population management program and zoonosis control.
The automatic disambiguation of word senses (i.e., the identification of which of the meanings is used in a given context for a word that has multiple meanings) is essential for such applications as machine translation and information retrieval, and represents a key step for developing the so-called Semantic Web. Humans disambiguate words in a straightforward fashion, but this does not apply to computers. In this paper we address the problem of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) by treating texts as complex networks, and show that word senses can be distinguished upon characterizing the local structure around ambiguous words. Our goal was not to obtain the best possible disambiguation system, but we nevertheless found that in half of the cases our approach outperforms traditional shallow methods. We show that the hierarchical connectivity and clustering of words are usually the most relevant features for WSD. The results reported here shed light on the relationship between semantic and structural parameters of complex networks. They also indicate that when combined with traditional techniques the complex network approach may be useful to enhance the discrimination of senses in large texts. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
Oriocrassatella Etheridge Jr., 1907 is a long range crassatellid bivalve genus well recognized in shallow waters of epeiric seas throughout the upper part of Paleozoic. The first occurrences of this genus are recorded in the sedimentary successions of the Gondwana, both in Australia and South America. However, the geographic and age distribution of Oriocrassatella in Late Mississippian deposits of Australia and Argentina may indicate an earliest Visean or even a pre-Visean origin for the genus. Following its origin in Early Carboniferous a complex paleobiogeographic history from Southern to Northern Hemisphere took place in the Permian. During its initial dispersal phase from Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian the genus thrived in cold water environments associated to the Late Paleozoic Gondwana glaciation. Shallow-water bottoms of the warm waters of the central Gondwana fringe and Laurussia were colonized by Oriocrassatella only during Early Permian times when the genus became cosmopolitan. A new species of this genus is described herein, Oriocrassatella piauiensis n. sp., recorded from the Piaui Formation, Pennsylvanian of the Parnaiba Basin. This new species may represent an early adaptation to warm waters. However, based on available data, species of this genus seem to have adapted definitely to warm water environments probably related the Late Pennsylvanian interglacial phases. In these phases, climatic barrier were interrupted allowing the faunal interchange and larval dispersion following a South to North migration route through the eastern margins of Gondwana and the eastern Paleotethys.
Birds that remove ectoparasites and other food material from their hosts are iconic illustrations of mutualistic-commensalistic cleaning associations. To assess the complex pattern of food resource use embedded in cleaning interactions of an assemblage of birds and their herbivorous mammal hosts in open habitats in Brazil, we used a network approach that characterized their patterns of association. Cleaning interactions showed a distinctly nested pattern, related to the number of interactions of cleaners and hosts and to the range of food types that each host species provided. Hosts that provided a wide range of food types (flies, ticks, tissue and blood, and organic debris) were attended by more species of cleaners and formed the core of the web. On the other hand, core cleaner species did not exploit the full range of available food resources, but used a variety of host species to exploit these resources instead. The structure that we found indicates that cleaners rely on cleaning interactions to obtain food types that would not be available otherwise (e.g., blood-engorged ticks or horseflies, wounded tissue). Additionally, a nested organization for the cleaner bird mammalian herbivore association means that both generalist and selective species take part in the interactions and that partners of selective species form an ordered subset of the partners of generalist species. The availability of predictable protein-rich food sources for birds provided by cleaning interactions may lead to an evolutionary pathway favoring their increased use by birds that forage opportunistically. Received 30 June 2011, accepted 10 November 2011.
Bioethics applied to medicine extrapolates the traditional medical concepts of non-maleficence (primum non nocere) and beneficence (bonum facere) and regards to justice, autonomy, equity, protection, compassion and humanization, not considering people just like patients, but understanding the complex existence of each single person. Worldwide, the morbidity and mortality indices regarding to diseases of heart and blood vessels became progressively grater. For countries in development, like Brazil, these numbers are even more expressive and this increase trend seems to be caused by wider exposition of population to some risk factors. This article broaches an intersection between bioethics and medicine, focusing the reality of cardiovascular diseases in Brazil and the necessity of doctors to base their behavior in bioethical paradigms.
Various organisms have been characterized by molecular methods, including fungi of the genus Cryptococcus. The purposes of this study were: to determine the discriminatory potential of the RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primers, the pattern of similarity of the Cryptococcus species, and discuss their useful application in epidemiological studies. We analyzed 10 isolates of each specie/group: C. albidus, C. laurentii complex, C. neoformans var. grubii, all from environmental source, and two ATCC strains, C. neoformans var. grubii ATCC 90112, and C. neoformans var. neoformans ATCC 28957 by RAPD-PCR using the primers CAV1, CAV2, ZAP19, ZAP20, OPB11 and SEQ6. The primers showed a good discriminatory power, revealing important differences between them and between species; the SEQ6 primer discriminated a larger number of isolates of three species. Isolates of C. laurentii showed greater genetic diversity than other species revealed by all six primers. Isolates of C. neoformans were more homogeneous. Only the primer CAV2 showed no amplification of DNA bands for C. albidus. It was concluded that the use of limited number of carefully selected primers allowed the discrimination of different isolates, and some primers (e. g., CAV2 for C. albidus) may not to be applied to some species.
Nannoplecostomus eleonorae, a new genus and species of a miniature suckermouth armored catfish, is described based on specimens collected from the karst region of Sao Domingos, upper Rio Tocantins basin, Goias State, central Brazil. The new genus and species can be diagnosed among loricariids by presenting a unique reductive pattern of lateral dermal plates, with most of the body covered by only three series of plates (viz., dorsal, mid-ventral, and ventral). Based on the available published phylogenetic studies for the family, we provisionally consider Nannoplecostomus eleonorae as being an incertae sedis taxon within Loricariidae. Achieving a maximum standard length of 22.2 mm SL, Nannoplecostomus eleonorae is the smallest known loricariid catfish, and a list of the remaining smallest loricariids is provided.
This article analyses the changes in Brazilian food retailing by investigating the co-existence of, and the pricing variation across, large supermarket chains and small independent supermarkets. It uses cointegration tests to show that, despite the widespread belief that small supermarkets are inefficient and charge higher prices, they in fact charge lower prices. Accordingly, in contrast to the prevailing literature on food-retail development, competition in food retail is complex and cannot be described as a simple Darwinian process of market concentration. The article explores the survival of small retail and its consequences for the current discussion on modern food retail in developing countries.
The deep-water molluscs collected during the expedition MD55 off SE Brazil have been gradually studied in some previous papers. The present one is focused on samples belonging to caenogastropod taxa Xenophoridae Troschel, 1852, Cypraeoidea Rafinesque, 1815, mitriforms and Terebridae Morch, 1852. Regarding the Xenophoridae, Onustus aquitanus n. sp. is a new species, collected off the littoral of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 430-637 m depth (continental slope). The main characters of the species include the small size (c. 20 mm), the proportionally wide shell, the white colour, the short peripheral flange, the oblique riblets weakly developed and a brown multispiral protoconch. This appears to be the smallest living species of the family, resembling in this aspect fossil species. In respect to the Cypraeoidea, the following results were obtained: family Cypraeidae Rafinesque, 1815: Erosaria acicularis (Gmelin, 1791) and Luria cinerea (Gmelin, 1791) had the deepest record, respectively 607-620 m and 295-940 m, although the samples were all dead, eroded shells. Family Lamellariidae d'Orbigny, 1841: a total of three lots were collected, provisionally identified as Lamellaria spp. as the samples consist of only vestigial shells; possibly each lot represents a different species. Family Pediculariidae Gray, 1853: a sample of Pedicularia tibia Simone, 2005 was found, expanding the range c. 1000 km southwards, from Ceara to Espirito Santo. Family Ovulidae Fleming, 1822: Pseudosimnia lacrima n. sp., collected off Espirito Santo, 607-620 m depth, is described here and is mainly characterised by its strong biconic outline, small size (c. 7 mm), and a thick peripheral callus. Family Triviidae Troschel, 1863: Cleotrivia antillarum (Schilder, 1922) is recorded for the first time as deep as 620 m, and its distribution expanded from Rio Grande do Norte to Espirito Santo; Dolichupis akangus n. sp. with rounded outline and c. 15 transverse ribs; D. pingius n. sp. with the outer lip expanded posteriorly and c. 10 ribs. In respect to the mitriform neogastropods, the following species are emphasised: family Costellariidae MacDonald, 1860: Vexillum sp., 607-620 m depth; Turricostellaria amphissa n. sp., 295 m depth; T. jukyry n. sp.; T. apyrahi n. sp., both 790-1575 m depth; T. ovir n. sp., 1200 m depth; Nodicostellaria crassa (Simone, 1995), 240-600 m depth, with extension northwards of the range up to Espirito Santo; Austromitra decresca n. sp., 60-105 m depth. Family Mitridae Swainson, 1829: Subcancilla joapyra n. sp., 295 m depth; S. cf. straminea (Adams, 1853), 607-620 m depth. Family Volutomitridae Gray, 1854: Microvoluta corona n. sp., 1500-1575 m depth. Family Mitromorphidae Casey, 1904: Mitromorpha sama n. sp., 607-940 m depth; M. mirim n. sp., 60105 m depth. Regarding the conoidean Terebridae, this paper is a complement of a previous study. It deals with a new species Terebra assu Simone n. sp., from the Abrolhos Bank, 295 m depth, characterised by its narrow outline, yellowish colour, weak sculpture on the last whorls, and a proportionally broad, paucispiral protoconch. A second finding of Terebra alagoensis Lima, Tenorio & Barros, 2007 expands the geographic range from Alagoas to north Espirito Santo. A discussion on the systematics of the "complex Terebra doellojuradoi" in South American coast is also provided, highlighting the improbability of synonymy between T. leptapsis Simone, 1999 and T doellojuradoi Carcelles, 1953. Differences in size, sculpture, spire angulation, aperture, and mainly in protoconch, indicate specific separations. The presently studied terebrids belong to the "complex Terebra doellojuradoi", which encompasses closely related, deep-water, small species, possessing a relatively high degree of endemicity.