62 resultados para eastern Brazil


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Mosquitoes are vectors of arboviruses that can cause encephalitis and hemorrhagic fevers in humans. Aedes serratus (Theobald), Aedes scapularis (Rondani) and Psorophora ferox (Von Humboldt) are potential vectors of arboviruses and are abundant in Vale do Ribeira, located in the Atlantic Forest in the southeast of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objective of this study was to predict the spatial distribution of these mosquitoes and estimate the risk of human exposure to mosquito bites. Results of the analyses show that humans are highly exposed to bites in the municipalities of Cananeia, Iguape and Ilha Comprida. In these localities the incidence of Rocio encephalitis was 2% in the 1970s. Furthermore, Ae. serratus, a recently implicated vector of yellow fever virus in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, should be a target for the entomological surveillance in the southeastern Atlantic Forest. Considering the continental dimensions of Brazil and the inherent difficulties in sampling its vast area, the habitat suitability method used in the study can be an important tool for predicting the distribution of vectors of pathogens.


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The circulation at the Eastern Brazilian Shelf (EBS), near 13 degrees S, is discussed in terms of the currents and hydrography, associating large-scale circulation, transient and local processes to establish a regional picture of the EBS circulation. The results show that the circulation within the continental shelf and slope region is strongly affected by the seasonal changes in the wind field and mesa/large-scale circulation. Transient processes associated to the passage of Cold Front systems or meso-scale activity and the presence of a local canyon add more complexity to the system. During the austral spring and summer seasons, the prevailing upwelling favorable winds blowing from E-NE were responsible for driving southwestward shelf currents. The interaction with the Western Boundary Current (the Brazil Current), especially during summer, was significant and a considerable vertical shear in the velocity field was observed at the outer shelf. The passage of a Cold Front system during the springtime caused a complete reversal of the mean flow and contributed to the deepening of the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD). In addition, the presence of Salvador Canyon, subject to an upwelling favorable boundary current, enhanced the upwelling system, when compared to the upwelling observed at the adjacent shelf. During the austral autumn and winter seasons the prevailing downwelling favorable winds blowing from the SE acted to total reverse the shelf circulation, resulting in a northeastward flow. The passage of a strong Cold Front, during the autumn season, contributed not only to the strengthening of the flow but also to the deepening of the MLD. The presence of the Salvador Canyon, when subject to a downwelling favorable boundary current, caused an intensification of the downwelling process. Interestingly, the alongshore velocity at the shelf region adjacent to the head of the canyon was less affected when compared to the upwelling situation.


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The Paraguay Belt in central South America is part of a larger chain of orogenic belts, including the Araguaia Belt to the northeast and potentially the Pampean Belt to the south, which are believed to mark the suture zone of the Clymene Ocean - interpreted amongst the youngest of the Gondwana amalgamation orogens. The post-orogenic Sao Vicente Granite crops out in the northern Paraguay Belt and cuts the basal unit of the deformed and metamorphosed Cuiaba Group. The age of this granite therefore provides a long sort after minimum age for orogenesis within the belt. Dating crystallisation of this important intrusion is challenging due to the presence of considerable common-Pb. However, based on LA-ICPMS dating of more than 100 zircons from three separate samples we interpret a robust crystallisation age for the Sao Vicente batholith at 518 +/- 4 Ma. This age constrains the termination of deformation within the Paraguay Belt and the final accretion of the supercontinent Gondwana. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that crystals of topaz from the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province may turn blue by the irradiation with Co-60 gamma rays followed by heat treatment. Also, it is known that the sensation of color changes with the thickness of these crystals. The dependence of the color, given by 1931 CIE chromaticity coordinates, with the thickness of the crystal was analyzed. The absorbance used in the calculation of these coordinates was given by the sum of Gaussian lines. The parameters of these lines were determined through the decomposition of the optical absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible regions. The decomposition revealed several lines, whose assignment was made considering studies in spodumene and beryl crystals and highly accurate quantum mechanical calculations. The transmittance becomes very narrow with increasing thickness, and the CIE chromaticity coordinates converge to the borderline of the CIE Chromaticity Diagram at the wavelength of maximum transmittance. Furthermore, the purity of color increases with increasing thickness, and the dominant wavelength reaches the wavelength of maximum transmittance.


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Oriocrassatella Etheridge Jr., 1907 is a long range crassatellid bivalve genus well recognized in shallow waters of epeiric seas throughout the upper part of Paleozoic. The first occurrences of this genus are recorded in the sedimentary successions of the Gondwana, both in Australia and South America. However, the geographic and age distribution of Oriocrassatella in Late Mississippian deposits of Australia and Argentina may indicate an earliest Visean or even a pre-Visean origin for the genus. Following its origin in Early Carboniferous a complex paleobiogeographic history from Southern to Northern Hemisphere took place in the Permian. During its initial dispersal phase from Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian the genus thrived in cold water environments associated to the Late Paleozoic Gondwana glaciation. Shallow-water bottoms of the warm waters of the central Gondwana fringe and Laurussia were colonized by Oriocrassatella only during Early Permian times when the genus became cosmopolitan. A new species of this genus is described herein, Oriocrassatella piauiensis n. sp., recorded from the Piaui Formation, Pennsylvanian of the Parnaiba Basin. This new species may represent an early adaptation to warm waters. However, based on available data, species of this genus seem to have adapted definitely to warm water environments probably related the Late Pennsylvanian interglacial phases. In these phases, climatic barrier were interrupted allowing the faunal interchange and larval dispersion following a South to North migration route through the eastern margins of Gondwana and the eastern Paleotethys.


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Final Gondwana amalgamation was marked by the closure of the Neoproterozoic Clymene ocean between the Amazonia craton and central Gondwana. The events which occurred in the last stage of this closure were recorded in the upper Alto Paraguai Group in the foreland of the Paraguay orogen. Outcrop-based fades analysis of the siliciclastic rocks of upper Alto Paraguai Group, composed of the Sepotuba and Diamantino Formations, was carried out in the Diamantino region, within the eastern part of the Barra dos Bugres basin, Mato Grosso state, central-western Brazil. The Sepotuba Formation is composed of sandy shales with planar to wave lamination interbedded with fine-grained sandstone with climbing ripple cross-lamination, planar lamination, swaley cross-stratification and tangential to sigmoidal cross-bedding with mud drapes, related to marine offshore deposits. The lower Diamantino Formation is composed of a monotonous, laterally continuous for hundreds of metres, interbedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone succession with regular parallel lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination and ripple-bedding interpreted as distal turbidites. The upper part of this formation consists of fine to medium-grained sandstones with sigmoidal cross-bedding, planar lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination, symmetrical to asymmetrical and linguoid ripple marks arranged in lobate sand bodies. These fades are interbedded with thick siltstone in coarsening upward large-scale cycles related to a delta system. The Sepotuba Formation characterises the last transgressive deposits of the Paraguay basin representing the final stage of a marine incursion of the Clymene ocean. The progression of orogenesis in the hinterland resulted in the confinement of the Sepotuba sea as a foredeep sub-basin against the edge of the Amazon craton. Turbidites were generated during the deepening of the basin. The successive filling of the basin was associated with progradation of deltaic lobes from the southeast, in a wide lake or a restricted sea that formed after 541 +/- 7 Ma. Southeastern to east dominant Neoproterozoic source regions were confirmed by zircon grains that yielded ages around 600 to 540 Ma, that are interpreted to be from granites in the Paraguay orogen. This overall regressive succession recorded in the Alto Paraguai Group represents the filling up of a foredeep basin after the final amalgamation of westem Gondwana in the earliest Phanerozoic. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The occurrence of two alien alpheid shrimps of the genus Athanas Leach, 1814 [in Leach 1813-1814], the Indo-West Pacific A. dimorphus Ortmann, 1894 and the Eastern Atlantic A. nitescens (Leach, 1813 [in Leach 1813-1814]), on the coast of the state of So Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The presence of A. dimorphus extends the range of this species in the western Atlantic farther to the south in Brazil, whereas A. nitescens is reported for the first time in the western Atlantic, representing the second alien alpheid species on this side of the Atlantic and the twenty-first decapod crustacean introduced in Brazil. We provide morphological accounts of the material examined and illustrate the most important diagnostic characters of both species. An overview of the possible mechanisms of their introduction on the coast of So Paulo is also provided.


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Background: Most investigations regarding the First Americans have primarily focused on four themes: when the New World was settled by humans; where they came from; how many migrations or colonization pulses from elsewhere were involved in the process; and what kinds of subsistence patterns and material culture they developed during the first millennia of colonization. Little is known, however, about the symbolic world of the first humans who settled the New World, because artistic manifestations either as rock-art, ornaments, and portable art objects dated to the Pleistocene/Holocene transition are exceedingly rare in the Americas. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we report a pecked anthropomorphic figure engraved in the bedrock of Lapa do Santo, an archaeological site located in Central Brazil. The horizontal projection of the radiocarbon ages obtained at the north profile suggests a minimum age of 9,370640 BP, (cal BP 10,700 to 10,500) for the petroglyph that is further supported by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates from sediment in the same stratigraphic unit, located between two ages from 11.7 +/- 0.8 ka BP to 9.9 +/- 0.7 ka BP. Conclusions: These data allow us to suggest that the anthropomorphic figure is the oldest reliably dated figurative petroglyph ever found in the New World, indicating that cultural variability during the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in South America was not restricted to stone tools and subsistence, but also encompassed the symbolic dimension.


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The dynamics, over the last 7500 years, of a mangrove at Marajo Island in northern Brazil were studied by pollen and sedimentary facies analyses using sediment cores. This island, located at the mouth of the Amazon River. is influenced by riverine inflow combined with tidal fluctuations of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Herbaceous vegetation intermingled with rainforest dominates the central area of the island, while varzea is the main vegetation type along the littoral. In particular, the modem northeastern coastal zone is covered by a mosaic of dense rainforest, herbaceous vegetation, mangroves, varzea, and restinga. The integration of pollen data and fades descriptions indicates a tidal mud flat colonized by mangroves in the interior of Marajo Island between similar to 7500 cal yr BP and similar to 3200 cal yr BP. During the late Holocene, mangroves retracted to a small area (100-700 m in width) along the northeastern coastal plain. Mangrove expansion during the early and mid Holocene was likely caused by the post-glacial sea-level rise which, combined with tectonic subsidence, led to a rise in tidal water salinity. Salinity must have further increased due to low river discharge resulting from increased aridity during the early and mid Holocene. The shrinking of the area covered by mangrove vegetation during the late Holocene was likely caused by the increase in river discharge during the late Holocene, which has maintained relatively low tidal water salinity in Marajo Island. Tidal water salinity is relatively higher in the northeastern part of the island than in others, due to the southeast-northwest trending current along the littoral. The mixing of marine and riverine freshwater inflows has provided a refuge for mangroves in this area. The increase in flow energy during the last century is related to landward sand migration, which explains the current retraction of mangroves. These changes may indicate an increased exposure to tidal influence driven by the relative sea-level rise, either associated with global fluctuations or tectonic subsidence, and/or by an increase in river water discharge. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Dom Feliciano Belt, situated in southernmost Brazil and Uruguay, contains a large mass of granite-gneissic rocks (also known as Florianopolis/Pelotas Batholith) formed during the pre-, syn- and post-orogenic phases of the Brasiliano/Pan-African cycle. In the NE extreme of this granitic mass, pre-, syn- and post-tectonic granites associated with the Major Gercino Shear Zone (MGSZ) are exposed. The granitic manifestation along the MGSZ can be divided into pre-kinematic tonalitic gneisses, peraluminous high-K calcalkaline early kinematic shoshonitic, and metaluminous post-kinematic granites. U-Pb zircon data suggest an age of 649 +/- 10 Ma for the pre-tectonic gneisses, and a time span from 623 +/- 6 Ma to 588 +/- 3 Ma for the early to post-tectonic magmatism. Negative epsilon Hf (t) values ranging from -4.6 to -14.6 and Hf model ages ranging from 1.64 to 2.39 Ga for magmatic zircons coupled with whole rock Nd model ages ranging from 1.24 to 2.05 Ga and epsilon Nd (t) values ranging from -3.84 to -7.50, point to a crustal derivation for the granitic magmatism. The geochemical and isotope data support a continental magmatic arc generated from melting of dominant Paleoproterozoic crust, and a similar evolution for the granitic batholiths of the eastern Dom Feliciano Belt and western Kaoko Belt. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Baccharis umbellata, a new species of Parana State, southern Brazil, is described. The new species, belonging to subgen. Baccharis sect. Agglomeratae, is easily recognized by the pedunculate heads arranged in an umbel-like capitulescence. Baccharis umbellata is a narrow endemic of the peaks of the southern range of Serra do Mar. It is morphologically most similar to the allopatric species B. platypoda, which mainly inhabits mountain summits in western and eastern South America. Illustrations, a distribution map, habitat information, and a conservation assessment are also provided for the new species.


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During the Ediacaran, southern Brazil was the site of multiple episodes of volcanism and sedimentation, which are best preserved in the 3000 km(2) Camaqua Basin. The interlayered sedimentary and volcanic rocks record tectonic events and paleoenvironmental changes in a more than 10 km-thick succession. In this contribution, we report new U-Pb and Sm-Nd geochronological constraints for the 605 to 580 Ma Born Jardim Group, the 570 Ma Acampamento Velho Formation, and a newly-recognized 544 Ma volcanism. Depositional patterns of these units reveal the transition from a restricted, fault-bounded basin into a wide, shallow basin. The expansion of the basin and diminished subsidence rates are demonstrated by increasing areal distribution and compressed isopachs and increasing onlap of sediments onto the basement to the west. The Sm-Nd isotopic composition of the volcanic rocks indicates mixed sources, including crustal rocks from the adjacent basement. Both Neoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic sources are indicated for the western part of the basin, whereas only the older Paleoproterozoic signature can be discerned in the eastern part of the basin. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paleoclimatic record of Jureia Paleolagoon, coastal southeastem Brazil, includes cyclic and gradual changes with different intensities and frequencies through geological time, and it is controlled by astronomical, geophysical, and geological phenomena. These variations are not due to one single cause, but they result from the interaction of several factors, which act at different temporal and spatial scales. Here, we describe paleoenvironmental evidence regarding climatic and sea level changes from the last 9400 cal yr BP at the Jureia Paleolagoon - one of the main groups of protected South Atlantic ecosystems. Geochemical evidences were used to identify anomalies from multi-proxy analyses of a paleolagoon sediment core. The anomalies of centennial scale were correlated to climate and transgression-regression cycles from the Holocene period. Decadal scale anomalous oscillations in the Quaternary paleolagoon sediments occur between 9400 and 7500 cal yr BP, correlated with long- and short-term natural events, which generated high sedimentation rates, mainly between 8385 and 8375 cal yr BP (10 cm/yr). Our results suggest that a modem-day short-duration North Atlantic climatic event, such as the 82 ka event, could affect the environmental equilibrium in South America and intensify the South American Summer Monsoon. (C) 2011 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Several publications have contributed to improve the stratigraphy of the Paraíba Basin in northeastern Brazil. However, the characterization and distribution of sedimentary units in onshore areas of this basin are still incomplete, despite their significance for reconstructing the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the South American passive margin. This work provides new information to differentiate among lithologically similar strata, otherwise entirely unrelated in time. This approach included morphological, sedimentological and stratigraphic descriptions based on surface and sub-surface data integrated with remote sensing, optically stimulated luminescence dating, U+Th/He dating of weathered goethite, and heavy mineral analysis. Based on this study, it was possible to show that Cretaceous units are constrained to the eastern part of the onshore Paraíba Basin. Except for a few outcrops of carbonatic rocks nearby the modern coastline, deposits of this age are not exposed to the surface in the study area. Instead, the sedimentary cover throughout the basin is constituted by mineralogically and chronologically distinctive deposits, inserted in the Barreiras Formation and mostly in the Post-Barreiras Sediments, of early/middle Miocene and Late Pleistocene-Holocene ages, respectively. The data presented in this work support tectonic deformation as a factor of great relevance to the distribution of the sedimentary units of the Paraíba Basin.


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This study investigates the species richness and abundance of Drosophila Fallén, 1823 attracted to dung and carrion baited pitfall traps in natural areas with heterogeneous habitats at the Sierra de Minas, Eastern Serranías, southeastern Uruguay. Collecting was carried out on a monthly basis (May 2002 through April 2003). Drosophilids accounted for 0.84% (n = 131) and 3.61% (n = 158) of the Diptera collected from dung (n = 15,630) and carrion (n = 4,382) pitfall traps, respectively. A total of 12 species were identified, 11 of which belong to the subgenus Drosophila (the richest) and one to the subgenus Sophophora Sturtevant, 1939. Over 90% of the Drosophila specimens collected belong to five species of the subgenus Drosophila, namely D. gaucha Jaeger & Salzano, 1953, D. immigrans Sturtevant, 1921, D. mediovittata Frota-Pessoa, 1954, D. aff. nappae Vilela, Valente & Basso-da-Silva, 2004, and D. ornatifrons Duda, 1927. Drosophila cardini Sturtevant, 1916 is recorded for the first time from Uruguay. Drosophila abundance and species richness in the four habitats sampled in the Uruguayan Eastern Serranías, namely woodlands sierra, riparian forest, pine plantation and grazing grassland, were considered to be a function of habitat conservation. Diversity indices were low in all habitats. Different habitats supported particular coprophilous and necrophilous Drosophila species. The woodland sierra represents the most preserved habitat, and contributed with the highest species richness observed. Drosophila ornatifrons was the dominant species, with a restricted habitat distribution. On the other hand, grazed grassland, an environment modified by livestock management, had the lowest species richness: only a few specimens of D. repleta Wollaston, 1858. Regarding species composition, significant differences were found in some pairwise comparisons of groups of Drosophila species that included D. ornatifrons. Fly attraction to dung can be exploited as an alternative and/or complementary collecting method in ecological studies of Drosophila assemblages in natural areas.