66 resultados para Tagus Estuary


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The present study reports on a survey of the gelatinous zooplankton fauna (Cnidaria, Ctenophora and Thaliacea) from the proposed Baia da Babitonga marine protected area (southern Brazil; similar to 26 degrees S), based on collections from multiple sites over different seasons and from published literature. In order to sample both small and large gelatinous animals, plankton hauls (n = 255) and fishing trawls (n = 126) were employed. More than 20,000 organisms were studied, which, including literature data, totaled 48 species: one cubomedusa, three scyphomedusae, four siphonophores, 36 hydromedusae, two ctenophores, and two thaliaceans. Among these, the hydromedusae Cnidostoma fallax Vanhoffen and Helgicirrha sp. are recorded for the first time from the southwestern Atlantic coast and Paulinum sp. and Protiara sp. are recorded for the first time from the South Atlantic. A description of young stages of the hydromedusa Gossea brachymera Bigelow is presented and shows that Octobulbacea montehermosensis Zamponi is a junior synonym of the former. Although comprehensive local assessment of diverse taxonomic groups is still lacking, the high diversity observed herein underscores the importance of Ba a da Babitonga as a high priority site for conservation of regional marine biodiversity.


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This study presents new information on feeding habits of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, in south-eastern Brazil, together with new regression equations to evaluate the weight and length of fish from otoliths, showing an overview on the knowledge about this species' diet in this area. Eighteen stomach contents had been analysed and compared to 180 samples collected in another eight feeding studies. The analysed specimens were either incidentally caught in gillnets used in coastal waters by the fleet based in the Cananeia main harbour (25 degrees 00'S 47 degrees 55'W), south of Sao Paulo State, or found dead in inner waters of the Cananeia estuary between 2003 and 2009. Based on the index of relative importance analysis, the most important fish species were the banded croaker, Paralonchurus brasiliensis. Doryteuthis plei was the most representative cephalopod species. Stellifer rastrifer was the most important fish species observed in dolphins in inner estuarine waters and P. brasiliensis in recovered dolphins from coastal waters. Loliguncula brevis is the only cephalopod species reported from dolphins found in inner estuarine waters up to date. Doryteuthis plei was the most important cephalopod species observed in coastal dolphins. When considering other feeding studies, the most representative fish family in the diet of S. guianensis was Sciaenidae, which is mainly represented by demersal fishes. The main preys of S. guianensis are abundant in the studied areas, which may indicate an opportunistic feeding habit. The majority of them are not the most important target species by the commercial fishery in south-eastern Brazil.


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This study describes the spatio-temporal distribution, population biology, and diet of the puffer fish Lagocephalus laevigatus in Caraguatatuba Bay, south-eastern Brazil. Monthly samples were taken between August 2003 and October 2004 by trawls in two areas, south and north, at depths of 1 to 4 m. The fish were measured and their sex and reproductive stage determined. The abundance of this species was compared between areas and among months, and the items in the diet were identified and quantified. Lagocephalus laevigatus was rare in Caraguatatuba Bay, where only 199 small individuals (4.8 to 15.4 cm) were obtained in the entire study period, suggesting that this species uses the estuary as a nursery. None of the specimens of L. laevigatus captured in Caraguatatuba Bay were sexually mature. Higher densities of L. laevigatus in the bay were recorded in the south area and between October and December 2003, i.e. in the spring, suggesting that spawning may occur from late winter to spring (August through to November). The diet items consumed by L. laevigatus in Caraguatatuba Bay were, as expected from the current literature, crustaceans, mainly amphipods, and fish. However, the most-consumed item was the sea whip Leptogorgia setacea (Cnidaria). This feeding habit may be related to the presence of toxins (tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin) that are frequently found in the skin and viscera of L. laevigatus, which may be sequestered from the sea whip, which possibility still needs to be specifically evaluated.


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The diverse Holocene morphological features along the south coast of the state of Santa Catarina include lagoons and residual lakes, a barrier, a delta (constructed by the Tubarao River), and pre-existing incised valleys that have flooded and filled. This scenario contains the sedimentary record of the transition from a bay to a lagoon system, which occurred during the rise and subsequent semi-stabilisation of the relative sea-level during the Holocene. The geomorphological evolution of this area was investigated using a combination of morphology, stratigraphic analysis of rotary push cores, vibracores and trenches with radiocarbon dating, taxonomic determination and taphonomic characterisation of Holocene fossil molluscs. Palaeogeographic maps were constructed to illustrate how the bay evolved over the last 8000 years. The relative sea-level rise and local sedimentary processes were the prime forcing factors determining the depositional history and palaeogeographic changes. The Holocene sedimentary succession began between 8000 and 5700 cal BP with the deposits of transgressive sandsheets. These deposits correspond to the initial marine flooding surface that was formed while the relative sea-level rose at a higher rate than the input of sediments, prior to the formation of the coastal barrier. The change from a bay to a lagoon system occurred around 5700 and 2500 cal BP during the mid-Holocene highstand with the formation of the barrier and with the achievement of a balance between sea-level rise and sedimentary supply. Until 2500 cal BP, the presence of this barrier, the following gentle decline in sea level and the initial emergence of back-barrier features restricted the hydro-dynamic circulation inside the bay and favoured an increase in the Tubarao River delta progradation rate. The final stage, during the last 2500 years, was marked by the increasing back-barrier width, with the establishment of salt marshes, the arrival of the delta in the back-barrier, and the advance of aeolian dunes along the outer lagoon margins. This study shed light on the mechanisms of coastal bay evolution in a setting existed prior to the beginning of barrier lagoon sedimentation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study raised the hypothesis that the trophic status in a tropical coastal food web from southeastern Brazil can be measured by the relation between total mercury (THg) and nitrogen isotope (delta(15)N) in their components. The analysed species were grouped into six trophic positions: primary producer (phytoplankton), primary consumer (zooplankton), consumer 1 (omnivore shrimp), consumer 2 (pelagic carnivores represented by squid and fish species), consumer 3 (demersal carnivores represented by fish species) and consumer 4 (pelagic-demersal top carnivore represented by the fish Trichiurus lepturus). The values of THg, delta(15)N, and trophic level (TLv) increased significantly from primary producer toward top carnivore. Our data regarding trophic magnification (6.84) and biomagnification powers (0.25 for delta(15)N and 0.83 for TLv) indicated that Hg biomagnification throughout trophic positions is high in this tropical food web, which could be primarily related to the quality of the local water.


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The occurrence of persistent organic pollutants (POPS) as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in crabs Hepatus pudibundus and Callinectes danae was assessed from two different places inside of the Santos Bay and Moela Island near one of the most economically important metropolitan areas in Southern Brazil. Among POPs analyzed, Sigma PCBs (222-923 ng g(-1) lipid weight) and Sigma DDTs (154-410 ng g(-1) lw) exhibited the highest concentrations in the crabs. Sigma HCHs ranged from 10.3 to 30.9 ng g(-1), lw and were found in all individuals. Other OCPs found in lower concentration was Mirex (7.6-41.6 ng g(-1) lw) and HCB (5.83-16.9 ng g(-1) lw). Sigma PBDEs (24.1 ng g(-1) lw) were only found in one male individual from the species C. danae collected near to the submarine sewage of Santos. Male crabs showed higher POP concentrations than female crabs for those two species. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the spatio-temporal distribution, population biology and diet of Menticirrhus americanus in Caraguatatuba Bay. Samples were taken monthly between August 2003 and October 2004, by trawling in two previously selected areas. The northern area is more exposed to wave activity and is influenced by a river, functioning as a small estuary. In contrast, the southern area is relatively sheltered from wave energy and influenced to a lesser degree by smaller rivers. The fishes' length was measured, and the sex and gonadal stage macroscopically identified. The abundance of this species was compared between areas and among months. The diet was identified and quantified. M. americanus occurred in equal proportions in the two study areas, being most abundant in April 2004, followed by December 2003 and January 2004. The population was dominated by small immature individuals. The few individuals in maturation or mature that were captured showed no seasonal pattern of distribution. This species had a varied diet, feeding on worms (nemerteans, sipunculans and echiurans), mollusks (bivalves and cephalopods), polychaetes, crustaceans and fish. The presence of intact nematodes in the intestine suggests that these are parasites. The results demonstrated that M. americanus has a homogeneous spatial and temporal distribution in Caraguatatuba Bay, being uniformly distributed between the south and north areas as well as across the months. This species can be considered a carnivorous predator, showing a preference for consuming benthic sandy-beach species such as glycerids and other polychaetes, crustaceans, and bivalve siphons.


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Ecosystems may reflect environmental changes in many respects, from the debilitation of individuals to alterations in community composition. Equally, population parameters may provide reliable indications of environmental changes. Members of the sciaenid fish genus Stellifer are usually very abundant where they occur, often with two or more species living in sympatry. Here, the population dynamics of three Stellifer species from southeastern Brazil were assessed. Sampling was carried out in shallow marine areas of Caraguatatuba Bay, from August 2003 to October 2004. The species evaluated were Stellifer rastrifer (n=3183), S. brasiliensis (n=357) and S. stellifer (n=116). The area under greater continental influence tended to support more, but smaller individuals. Size variations over time were similar among species and negatively correlated with Krel, which showed smooth fluctuations. The general length-frequency distribution was concentrated between 6.0 and 9.0 cm, and the great majority of females did not present mature gonads during the sampling period. The findings support the existence of a stratification by size for these species, indicating that the area is essential for the development of younger fish. Failure to consider these characteristics for the management of similar areas may have serious implications for these environments.


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Nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes (NAE) were taken as biomarkers in the catfish Cathorops spixii (Ariidae) sampled in an estuary little affected by human activity (Cananeia) and in three regions (Santos Channel: SC, Santos Bay: SB and Sao Vicente Channel: SVC) of the Santos-Sao Vicente estuary impacted by various anthropogenic activities. Increases in NAE were observed in fish from SC and SVC sampled in the summer period as compared with specimens from the Cananeia estuary. These results suggest the presence of genotoxic compounds in these regions. However, the absence of significant differences in micronuclei frequency reflects slight mutagenic effects in these individuals. It is possible that the lower NAE frequency in specimens from SB might be associated with the greater remobilization and dilution of chemicals in this region. The low frequency of NAE in C. spixii from the Cananeia estuary is in accordance with the slight anthropogenic influence in this system, and may be suggestive of the absence of genotoxic and mutagenic effects in these organisms.


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The hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus is a typical organism from intertidal regions being considered as a good bioindicator of tributyltin presence at these environments. Thus this study presents the analytical performance and validation method for TBT quantification in tissues of C. vittatus by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) after extraction with an apolar solvent (toluene) and Grignard derivatization. The limits of detection of the method (LOD) were 2.0 and 2.8 ng g(-1) for TBT and DBT (dibutyltin), respectively, and its limits of quantification (LOQ) were 6.6 and 8.9 ng g(-1) for TBT and DBT, respectively. The method was applied to samples from Santos Estuary, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. TBT and DBT concentrations ranged from 26.7 to 175.0 ng g(-1) and from 46.2 to 156.0 ng g(-1), respectively. These concentrations are worrisome since toxic effects (such as endocrine disruption) have been reported for other organisms even under lower levels of registred at this study.


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Estuarine systems play an important role in the retention of toxic trace elements owing to the affinity of these elements with particles dissolved in water. This work presents the use of a voltammetric sensor to monitor heavy metal (Zn (II), Cd(II) and Pb (II)) concentrations in the Cananeia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon region (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Lower concentrations were found in the Southern estuarine system (Cananeia City) and increased concentrations observed in the Northern sector (Iguape City) were promoted by anthropogenic activities, with particular influence from the historical introduction of mining wastes and inputs from agricultural, industrial and domestic effluents. The proposed method is reliable, inexpensive and fast, can simultaneously provide information on the concentration of these metallic ions and can be easily used for field measurements aboard oceanographic ships.


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The sources and concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), faecal and biogenic sterols, and trace metals at 10 sampling sites located in Laranjeiras Bay, a large Environmental Protection Area in the southern Atlantic region of Brazil, were determined to assess the sources of organic matter and the contamination status of estuarine sediments. Organic compounds were determined by GC-FID and GC-MS, and ICP-OES was used to evaluate trace metals. The total AHs concentration ranged from 0.28 to 8.19 mu g g(-1), and n-C-29 and n-C-31 alkanes were predominant, indicating significant inputs from higher terrestrial plants. Unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) were not detected at any site, suggesting that the study area was not significantly contaminated by fossil fuels. The total PAH concentration varied from 3.85 to 89.2 ng g(-1). The ratio between selected PAH isomers showed that combustion of biomass, coal, and petroleum is the rnain source of PAHs in the study area. The concentrations of the faecal sterols coprostanol and epicoprostanol were below the detection limits, suggesting that sewage was not a significant contributor to sedimentary organic matter. The concentrations of the trace metals (As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were low, except near sites located at the mouths of rivers that discharge into the study area and near urbanised regions (Paranagua city and the adjoining harbour). In general, the concentrations of PAHs were below the threshold effect concentrations (TEL) levels. Although the As, Cr and Ni concentrations were above the TEL levels, the study area can be considered as preserved from human activities.


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Neritina zebra is a common brackish water gastropod living on muddy bottoms with poorly known morphological characters. The morphology, including the variety of colour and pattern of shells, and the anatomy are described. We mainly analyzed the animals collected in the estuary of the Ceara river, Ceara, Brazil, from "Parque Estadual do rio Coco", and specimens from other places deposited in institutional collections, from French Guyana (topotypes) to Sao Paulo. A complete anatomical description is performed, including illustration and discussion ninth concerned to systematics. Amongst the more important anatomical data are: heart diotocardian; kidneys solid; anterior esophagus with pair of ventral esophageal pouches; odontophore with 4 cartilages and 2 horizontal muscles (m6, m6a); males with penis dorsal-right to snout, bearing a terminal papilla; pallial oviduct triaulic, possessing 3 pallial apertures.


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Euterpe edulis is an endangered species due to palm heart overharvesting, the most important non-timber forest product of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and fruit exploitation has been introduced as a low impacting alternative. However, E. edulis is a keystone species for frugivores birds, and even the impact of fruit exploitation needs to be better investigated. Since this species occurs over contrasting habitats, the establishment of site-specific standards and limits for exploitation may also be essential to achieve truly sustainable management. In this context, we sought to investigate how soil chemical composition would potentially affect E. edulis (Arecaceae) palm heart and fruit exploitation considering current standards of management. We studied natural populations found in Restinga Forest and Atlantic Rainforest remnants established within Natural Reserves of Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil, where 10.24 ha permanent plots, composed of a grid of 256 subplots (20 m x 20 m), were located. In each of these subplots, we evaluated soil chemical composition and diameter at breast height of E. edulis individuals. Additionally, we evaluated fruit yield in 2008 and 2009 in 20 individuals per year. The Atlantic Rainforest population had a much higher proportion of larger diameter individuals than the population from the Restinga Forest, as a result of habitat-mediated effects, especially those related to soil. Sodium and potassium concentration in Restinga Forest soils, which have strong negative and positive effect on palm growth, respectively, played a key role in determining those differences. Overall, the number of fruits that could be exploited in the Atlantic Rainforest was four times higher than in Restinga Forest. If current rules for palm heart and fruit harvesting were followed without any restriction to different habitats, Restinga Forest populations are under severe threat, as this study shows that they are not suitable for sustainable management of both fruits and palm heart. Hence, a habitat-specific approach of sustainable management is needed for this species in order to respect the demographic and ecological dynamics of each population to be managed. These findings suggest that any effort to create general management standards of low impacting harvesting may be unsuccessful if the species of interest occur over a wide range of ecosystems. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Analysis of thermohaline properties and currents sampled at an anchor station in the Piacaguera Channel (Santos Estuary) in the austral winter was made in terms of tidal (neap and spring tidal cycles) and non-tidal conditions, with the objective to characterize the stratification, circulation and salt transport due to the fortnightly tidal modulation. Classical methods of observational data analysis of hourly and nearly synoptic observations and analytical simulations of nearly steady-state salinity and longitudinal velocity profiles were used. During the neap tidal cycle the flood (v<0) and ebb (v>0) velocities varied in the range of -0.20 m/s to 0.30 m/s associated with a small salinity variation from surface to bottom (26.4 psu to 30.7 psu). In the spring tidal cycle the velocities increased and varied in the range of -0.40 m/s to 0.45 m/s, but the salinity stratification remained almost unaltered. The steady-state salinity and velocity profiles simulated with an analytical model presented good agreement (Skill near 1.0), in comparison with the observational profiles. During the transitional fortnightly tidal modulation period there was no changes in the channel classification (type 2a - partially mixed and weakly stratified), because the potential energy rate was to low to enhance the halocline erosion. These results, associated with the high water column vertical stability (RiL > 20) and the low estuarine Richardson number (RiE = 1.6), lead to the conclusions: i) the driving mechanism for the estuary circulation and mixing was mainly balanced by the fresh water discharge and the tidal forcing associated with the baroclinic component of the gradient pressure force; ii) there was no changes in the thermohaline and circulation characteristics due to the forthnigtly tidal modulation; and iii) the nearly steady-state of the vertical salinity and velocity profiles were well simulated with a theoretical classical analytical model.