60 resultados para Osteodistrofia renal
Background Oxidative stress is recognized as a major pathogenic factor of cellular damage caused by hyperglycemia. NOX/NADPH oxidases generate reactive oxygen species and NOX1, NOX2 and NOX4 isoforms are expressed in kidney and require association with subunit p22phox (encoded by the CYBA gene). Increased expression of p22phox was described in animal models of diabetic nephropathy. In the opposite direction, glutathione is one of the main endogenous antioxidants whose plasmatic concentrations were reported to be reduced in diabetes patients. The aim of the present investigation was to test whether functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes involved in the generation of NADPH-dependent O2•- (-675 T → A in CYBA, unregistered) and in glutathione metabolism (-129 C → T in GCLC [rs17883901] and -65 T → C in GPX3 [rs8177412]) confer susceptibility to renal disease in type 1 diabetes patients. Methods 401 patients were sorted into two groups according to the presence (n = 104) or absence (n = 196) of overt diabetic nephropathy or according to glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimated by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation: ≥ 60 mL (n = 265) or < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (n = 136) and were genotyped. Results No differences were found in the frequency of genotypes between diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. The frequency of GFR < 60 mL/min was significantly lower in the group of patients carrying CYBA genotypes T/A+A/A (18.7%) than in the group carrying the T/T genotype (35.3%) (P = 0.0143) and the frequency of GFR < 60 mL/min was significantly higher in the group of patients carrying GCLC genotypes C/T+T/T (47.1%) than in the group carrying the C/C genotype (31.1%) (p = 0.0082). Logistic regression analysis identified the presence of at least one A allele of the CYBA SNP as an independent protection factor against decreased GFR (OR = 0.38, CI95% 0.14-0.88, p = 0.0354) and the presence of at least one T allele of the GCLC rs17883901 SNP as an independent risk factor for decreased GFR (OR = 2.40, CI95% 1.27-4.56, p = 0.0068). Conclusions The functional SNPs CYBA -675 T → A and GCLC rs17883901, probably associated with cellular redox imbalances, modulate the risk for renal disease in the studied population of type 1 diabetes patients and require validation in additional cohorts.
Background Renal evaluation studies are rare in American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). The aim of this study is to investigate whether specific treatment reverts ACL-associated renal dysfunction. Methods A prospective study was conducted with 37 patients with ACL. Urinary concentrating and acidification ability was assessed before and after treatment with pentavalent antimonial. Results The patients mean age was 35.6 ± 12 years and 19 were male. Before treatment, urinary concentrating defect (U/Posm <2.8) was identified in 27 patients (77%) and urinary acidification defect in 17 patients (46%). No significant glomerular dysfunction was observed before and after specific ACL treatment. There was no reversion of urinary concentrating defects, being observed in 77% of the patients before and in 88% after treatment (p = 0.344). Urinary acidification defect was corrected in 9 patients after treatment, reducing its prevalence from 40% before to only 16% after treament, (p = 0.012). Microalbuminuria higher than 30 mg/g was found in 35% of patients before treatment and in only 8% after treatment. Regarding fractional excretion of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, there was no significant difference between pre and post-treatment period. Conclusion As previously described, urinary concentrating and acidification defects were found in an important number of patients with ACL. Present results demonstrate that only some patients recover urinary acidification capacity, while no one returned to normal urinary concentration capacity.
Abstract Background Exercise stress was shown to increase oxidative stress in rats. It lacks reports of increased protection afforded by dietary antioxidant supplements against ROS production during exercise stress. We evaluated the effects of vitamin E supplementation on renal non-enzymatic antioxidants in young rats submitted to exhaustive exercise stress. Methods Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 1) control group; 2) exercise stress group and; 3) exercise stress + Vitamin E group. Rats from the group 3 were treated with gavage administration of 1 mL of Vitamin E (5 mg/kg) for seven consecutive days. Animals from groups 2 and 3 were submitted to a bout of swimming exhaustive exercise stress. Kidney samples were analyzed for Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances to (TBARS) by malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and vitamin-E levels. Results The group treated with vitamin E and submitted to exercise stress presented the lowest levels of renal MDA (1: 0.16+0.02 mmmol/mgprot vs. 2: 0.34+0.07 mmmol/mgprot vs. 3: 0.1+0.01 mmmol/mgprot; p < 0.0001), the highest levels of renal GSH (1: 23+4 μmol/gprot vs. 2: 23+2 μmol/gprot vs. 3: 58+9 μmol/gprot; p < 0.0001) and the highest levels of renal vitamin E (1: 24+6 μM/gtissue vs. 2: 28+2 μM/gtissue vs. 3: 43+4 μM/gtissue; p < 0.001). Conclusion Vitamin E supplementation improved non-enzymatic antioxidant activity in young rats submitted to exhaustive exercise stress.
A sepse associada à falência de múltiplos órgãos como a lesão renal aguda (LRA) demonstra alta taxa de mortalidade no paciente crítico. Este estudo investigou a LRA induzida pela sepse em modelo experimental. Foram utilizados ratos da raça Wistar, adultos e machos divididos nos seguintes grupos: Controle - controle cirúrgico e Sepse - indução da sepse pela ligadura e punção do cécon (LPC). Foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos (temperatura retal, pressão arterial média - PAM, glicemia sérica e fluxo urinário); a função renal (clearance de creatinina); o estresse oxidativo (peróxidos urinários e substâncias reativas com ácido tiobarbitúrico - TBARS) e realizada a análise histológica renal. O estudo conclui que a LRA induzida pela sepse caracteriza-se por lesão endotelial com disfunção hemodinâmica, liberação de mediadores inflamatórios e geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) por células tubulares, caracterizando-se como uma associação de vasoconstrição renal de origem hemodinâmica e inflamatória.
A utilização de técnicas ultrassonográficas na área de Medicina Veterinária está cada vez mais presente e a capacitação nesta área tornou-se indispensável para o clínico, auxiliando-o na obtenção de informações rápidas e valiosas das afecções patológicas que podem acometer os animais. O exame ultrassonográfico renal revelou-se de grande importância neste âmbito, com o objetivo de avaliar e mensurar os parâmetros morfométricos renais normais de fêmeas caprinas (Capra hircus). Por meio de técnicas ultrassonográficas procedeu-se o estudo de 30 fêmeas da raça Saanen, divididas em três grupos: fêmeas com idade inferior a 6 meses (3,0±1,0 meses), de 6-18 meses (9,0±4,3 meses) e com idade superior a 18 meses (46,3±17,4 meses). Realizaram-se imagens dos rins, em secções longitudinais, medidas de comprimento e largura e, em secções transversais, medidas de altura (ou espessura). Com estes valores calcularam-se volumes renais, corticais e medulares, além da relação cortico-medular. Com relação ao comprimento renal os grupos com idade inferior a 6 meses, de 6-18 meses e com idade superior a 18 meses obtiveram média e desvio padrão de 4,20±0,36cm, 5,56±0,40cm e 6,77±0,64cm, respectivamente. Tratando-se do volume renal, estes grupos apresentaram média e desvio padrão de 17,02±3,99cm³, 19,99±5,86cm³; e, 41,23±13,05cm³. Comparou-se a equivalência métrica das médias entre os dois rins de forma que os parâmetros volumétricos e lineares renais com diferença entre si são comprimento renal, volume renal e volume cortical para o grupo de fêmeas com idade de 6-18 meses, e comprimento renal e comprimento medular para o grupo com idade superior a 18 meses. Entre diferentes grupos observou-se que somente o comprimento medular esquerdo apresentou média equivalente em todos os grupos, ou seja, entre o grupo com idade inferior a 6 meses e o grupo com idade de 6-18 meses e, entre este último e o grupo com idade superior a 18 meses. Os resultados mostraram correlações diretas e positivas entre peso corporal e idade com os parâmetros lineares e volumétricos, a relação cortico-medular esquerda foi a única que apresentou correlação significativa com o peso (r= -0,365; P = 0,047). Para aqueles parâmetros que apresentaram correlação significativa foi realizada análise de regressão, obtendo-se a linha de melhor ajuste das variáveis.
Animal models of gentamicin nephrotoxicity present acute tubular necrosis associated with inflammation, which can contribute to intensify the renal damage. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a signaling molecule involved in inflammation. We evaluated the effect of DL-propargylglycine (PAG), an inhibitor of endogenous H2S formation, on the renal damage induced by gentamicin. Male Wistar rats (N = 8) were injected with 40 mg/kg gentamicin (im) twice a day for 9 days, some of them also received PAG (N = 8, 10 mg·kg-1·day-1, ip). Control rats (N = 6) were treated with saline or PAG only (N = 4). Twenty-four-hour urine samples were collected one day after the end of these treatments, blood samples were collected, the animals were sacrificed, and the kidneys were removed for quantification of H2S formation and histological and immunohistochemical studies. Gentamicin-treated rats presented higher sodium and potassium fractional excretion, increased plasma creatinine [4.06 (3.00; 5.87) mg%] and urea levels, a greater number of macrophages/monocytes, and a higher score for tubular interstitial lesions [3.50 (3.00; 4.00)] in the renal cortex. These changes were associated with increased H2S formation in the kidneys from gentamicin-treated rats (230.60 ± 38.62 µg·mg protein-1·h-1) compared to control (21.12 ± 1.63) and PAG (11.44 ± 3.08). Treatment with PAG reduced this increase (171.60 ± 18.34), the disturbances in plasma creatinine levels [2.20 (1.92; 4.60) mg%], macrophage infiltration, and score for tubular interstitial lesions [2.00 (2.00; 3.00)]. However, PAG did not interfere with the increase in fractional sodium excretion provoked by gentamicin. The protective effect of PAG on gentamicin nephrotoxicity was related, at least in part, to decreased H2S formation.
INTRODUÇÃO: Hipovitaminose D é bem documentada em pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica (DRC). Espera-se níveis inferiores em habitantes de regiões não tropicais em relação aos habitantes de regiões tropicais, pela inferição de uma maior exposição solar e maior produção de vitamina D. OBJETIVO: Analisar os níveis séricos de vitamina D, como 25-hidroxivitamina D - 25(OH)D, de 125 pacientes brasileiros portadores de DRC em fase pré-dialítica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 125 pacientes (57,4 ± 16,2 anos, 78 brancos e 55,2% homens), com creatinina de 2,67 ± 1,73 mg/dL e o clearance estimado 43,7 ± 34,5 mL/min. O índice de massa corporal era de 27,4 ± 4,7 kg/m² e a circunferência abdominal de 95,0 ± 14,0 cm. O cálcio era de 9,3 ± 0,6 mg/dL, o paratormônio intacto (PTHi) 212,6 ± 221,2 pg/mL e a albumina sérica 4,2 ± 0,6 g/dL. A média de 25(OH)D era de 23,9 ± 10,7 ng/mL. RESULTADOS: Dos 125 pacientes, 92 (72,6%) apresentavam níveis de 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL, sendo que 65 (52%) apresentavam insuficiência (15-29 ng/mL); 27 (21,5%) apresentavam deficiência (5-14 ng/mL) e apenas um paciente apresentava deficiência severa < 5 ng/mL. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os níveis de 25(OH)D nos pacientes estratificados quanto ao estágio de DRC. Os níveis de 25(OH)D foram maiores nos homens (38,1 ± 20,6 versus 22,4 ± 9,7 ng/ml; p < 0,0001), havendo também uma correlação inversa entre os níveis de 25(OH)D e de PTHi, proteinúria e circunferência abdominal, e uma correlação positiva entre 25(OH)D e cálcio total e albumina sérica. Na análise multivariada, encontrou-se apenas correlação inversa entre 25(OH)D e circunferência abdominal e PTHi. CONCLUSÃO: A despeito de a população do Brasil estar em um clima tropical, a maioria dos pacientes analisados apresentou níveis séricos subótimos de vitamina D, podendo este achado estar relacionado ao desenvolvimento de hiperparatireoidismo.
OBJETIVOS: O estudo visou verificar a ação renoprotetora da sinvastatina em modelo animal de isquemia/reperfusão por 30 minutos. MÉTODOS: A isquemia foi obtida por meio do clampeamento dos pedículos renais bilaterais por 30 minutos, seguida de reperfusão. Ratos Wistar, machos foram usados pesando entre 250-300g, distribuídos nos seguintes grupos: SHAM (controle, sem clampeamento renal); Isquemia (isquemia renal por 30 minutos); Isquemia+Estatina (sinvastatina 0,5 mg/kg, via oral durante três dias). A função renal (clearance de creatinina, método de Jaffé), a osmolalidade urinária, os peróxidos urinários foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que a estatina melhorou a função renal, a osmolalidade urinária e reduziu a excreção de PU. CONCLUSÃO: Em síntese, o estudo confirmou o efeito renoprotetor da estatina, com ação antioxidante de proteção renal.
Primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1) differs in many aspects from sporadic hyperparathyroidism, which is the most frequently occurring form of hyperparathyroidism. Bone mineral density has frequently been studied in sporadic hyperparathyroidism but it has very rarely been examined in cases of hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Cortical bone mineral density in hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 cases has only recently been examined, and early, severe and frequent bone mineral losses have been documented at this site. Early bone mineral losses are highly prevalent in the trabecular bone of patients with hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. In summary, bone mineral disease in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1related hyperparathyroidism is an early, frequent and severe disturbance, occurring in both the cortical and trabecular bones. In addition, renal complications secondary to sporadic hyperparathyroidism are often studied, but very little work has been done on this issue in hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. It has been recently verified that early, frequent, and severe renal lesions occur in patients with hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, which may lead to increased morbidity and mortality. In this article we review the few available studies on bone mineral and renal disturbances in the setting of hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. We performed a meta-analysis of the available data on bone mineral and renal disease in cases of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-related hyperparathyroidism.
Abstract Background Intronic and intergenic long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging gene expression regulators. The molecular pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is still poorly understood, and in particular, limited studies are available for intronic lncRNAs expressed in RCC Methods Microarray experiments were performed with custom-designed arrays enriched with probes for lncRNAs mapping to intronic genomic regions. Samples from 18 primary RCC tumors and 11 nontumor adjacent matched tissues were analyzed. Meta-analyses were performed with microarray expression data from three additional human tissues (normal liver, prostate tumor and kidney nontumor samples), and with large-scale public data for epigenetic regulatory marks and for evolutionarily conserved sequences. Results A signature of 29 intronic lncRNAs differentially expressed between RCC and nontumor samples was obtained (false discovery rate (FDR) <5%). A signature of 26 intronic lncRNAs significantly correlated with the RCC five-year patient survival outcome was identified (FDR <5%, p-value ≤0.01). We identified 4303 intronic antisense lncRNAs expressed in RCC, of which 22% were significantly (p <0.05) cis correlated with the expression of the mRNA in the same locus across RCC and three other human tissues. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of those loci pointed to 'regulation of biological processes’ as the main enriched category. A module map analysis of the protein-coding genes significantly (p <0.05) trans correlated with the 20% most abundant lncRNAs, identified 51 enriched GO terms (p <0.05). We determined that 60% of the expressed lncRNAs are evolutionarily conserved. At the genomic loci containing the intronic RCC-expressed lncRNAs, a strong association (p <0.001) was found between their transcription start sites and genomic marks such as CpG islands, RNA Pol II binding and histones methylation and acetylation. Conclusion Intronic antisense lncRNAs are widely expressed in RCC tumors. Some of them are significantly altered in RCC in comparison with nontumor samples. The majority of these lncRNAs is evolutionarily conserved and possibly modulated by epigenetic modifications. Our data suggest that these RCC lncRNAs may contribute to the complex network of regulatory RNAs playing a role in renal cell malignant transformation.
Angiomyolipomas (AMLs) are mesenchymal neoplasms, named so because of the complex tissue composition represented by variable proportions of mature adipose tissue, smooth muscle cells, and dysmorphic blood vessels. Although AMLs may rise in different sites of the body, they are mostly observed in the kidney and liver. In the case of renal AMLs, they are described in two types: isolated AMLs and AMLs associated with tuberous sclerosis (TS). While most cases of AMLs are found incidentally during imaging examinations and are asymptomatic, others may reach huge proportions causing symptoms. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare benign disease characterized by cystic changes in the pulmonary parenchyma and smooth muscle proliferation, leading to a mixed picture of interstitial and obstructive disease. AML and LAM constitute major features of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a multisystem autosomal dominant tumor-suppressor gene complex diagnosis. The authors report the case of a young female patient who presented a huge abdominal tumor, which at computed tomography (CT) show a fat predominance. The tumor displaced the right kidney and remaining abdominal viscera to the left. Chest CT also disclosed pulmonary lesions compatible with lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Because of sudden abdominal pain accompanied by a fall in the hemoglobin level, the patient underwent an urgent laparotomy. The excised tumor was shown to be a giant renal AML with signs of bleeding in its interior. The authors call attention to the diagnosis of AML and the huge proportions that the tumor can reach, as well as for ruling out the TSC diagnosis, once it may impose genetic counseling implications.
In 1877, Dr. Nikolaus Friedreich (1825- 1882; student of Virchow who became Professor of Pathology at Heidelberg and who also described Friedreich’s ataxia) first described renal papillary necrosis (RPN) in patients with prostatic hypertrophy and secondary hydronephrosis. Thereafter in 1937, Froboese and Günther emphasized the association of this entity with diabetes mellitus. These authors also observed renal papillary necrosis in cases of urinary tract obstruction even in the absence of diabetes mellitus.
Renovascular hypertension induced by 2 Kidney-1 Clip (2K-1C) is a renin-angiotensin-system (RAS)-dependent model, leading to renal vascular rarefaction and renal failure. RAS inhibitors are not able to reduce arterial pressure (AP) and/or preserve the renal function, and thus, alternative therapies are needed. Three weeks after left renal artery occlusion, fluorescently tagged mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) (2×10(5) cells/animal) were injected weekly into the tail vein in 2K-1C hypertensive rats. Flow cytometry showed labeled MSC in the cortex and medulla of the clipped kidney. MSC prevented a further increase in the AP, significantly reduced proteinuria and decreased sympathetic hyperactivity in 2K-1C rats. Renal function parameters were unchanged, except for an increase in urinary volume observed in 2K-1C rats, which was not corrected by MSC. The treatment improved the morphology and decreased the fibrotic areas in the clipped kidney and also significantly reduced renal vascular rarefaction typical of 2K-1C model. Expression levels of IL-1β, TNF-α angiotensinogen, ACE, and Ang II receptor AT1 were elevated, whereas AT2 levels were decreased in the medulla of the clipped kidney. MSC normalized these expression levels. In conclusion, MSC therapy in the 2K-1C model (i) prevented the progressive increase of AP, (ii) improved renal morphology and microvascular rarefaction, (iii) reduced fibrosis, proteinuria and inflammatory cytokines, (iv) suppressed the intrarenal RAS, iv) decreased sympathetic hyperactivity in anesthetized animals and v) MSC were detected at the CNS suggesting that the cells crossed the blood-brain barrier. This therapy may be a promising strategy to treat renovascular hypertension and its renal consequences in the near future.
Considering the similarity between structural, hemodynamic, and functional changes of obesity-related renal disease and diabetic nephropathy, we hypothesized that renal glucose transporter changes occur in obesity as in diabetes. The aim of the work was to evaluate GLUT1 and GLUT2 in kidneys of an animal model of metabolic syndrome. Neonate spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), n=15/group, were treated with monosodium glutamate (5 mg/g) (MetS) for 9 days and compared with saline-treated Wistar-Kyoto (C) and SHR (H) rats. Lee index, systolic arterial pressure (SAP), glycemia, insulin resistance, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol were evaluated at 3 and 6 months. Medullar GLUT1 and cortical GLUT2 were analyzed by Western blot. MetS vs. C and H rats had the highest Lee index (p<0.001) and insulin resistance (3-months C: 4.3±0.7, H: 3.9±0.9, MetS: 2.7±0.6; 6-months C: 4.2±0.6, H: 3.8±0.5, MetS: 2.4±0.6% • min−1, p<0.001), similar glycemia, and the lowest HDL-cholesterol at 6-months (p<0.001). In the MetS and H rats, SAP was higher vs. C at 3-months (p<0.001) and 6-months (C: 151±15, H: 190±11, MetS: 185±13 mm Hg, p<0.001) of age. GLUT1 was ̴ 13× lower (p<0.001) at 3-months, reestablishing its content at 6-months in MetS group, while GLUT2 was 2× higher (p<0.001) in this group at 6-months of age. Renal GLUT1 and GLUT2 are modulated in kidney of rats with metabolic syndrome, where obesity, insulin resistance and hypertension coexist, despite normoglycemia. Like in diabetes, cortical GLUT2 overexpression may contribute to the development of kidney disease
Aims: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are used in diabetic kidney disease to reduce systemic/intra-glomerular pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate whether reducing blood pressure (BP) could modulate renal glucose transporter expression, and urinary markers of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic hypertensive rats treated with ramipril or amlodipine. Main methods: Diabetes was induced in spontaneously-hypertensive rats (~210 g) by streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). Thirty days later, animals received ramipril 15 μg/kg/day (R, n =10), or amlodipine 10 mg/kg/day (A, n= 8,) or water (C, n = 10) by gavage. After 30-day treatment, body weight, glycaemia, urinary albumin and TGF-β1 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and BP (tail-cuff pressure method) were evaluated. Kidneys were removed for evaluation of renal cortex glucose transporters (Western blotting) and renal tissue ACE activity (fluorometric assay). Key findings: After treatments, body weight (p = 0.77) and glycaemia (p = 0.22) were similar among the groups. Systolic BP was similarly reduced (p < 0.001) in A and R vs. C (172.4 ± 3.2; 186.7 ± 3.7 and 202.2 ± 4.3 mm Hg; respectively). ACE activity (C: 0.903 ± 0.086; A: 0.654 ± 0.025, and R: 0.389 ± 0.057 mU/mg), albuminuria (C: 264.8 ± 15.4; A: 140.8 ± 13.5 and R: 102.8 ± 6.7 mg/24 h), and renal cortex GLUT1 content (C: 46.81 ± 4.54; A: 40.30 ± 5.39 and R: 26.89 ± 0.79 AU) decreased only in R (p < 0.001, p < 0.05 and p < 0.001; respectively). Significance:We concluded that the blockade of the renin–angiotensin systemwith ramipril reduced earlymarkers of diabetic nephropathy, a phenomenon that cannot be specifically related to decreased BP levels.