59 resultados para Luiz Eduardo Martins Ferreira
The sedimentary unconsolidated cover of the Aveiro-Espinho continental shelf and upper slope (NW Portugal) records a complex interplay of processes including wave energy and currents, fluvial input, sediment transport alongshore and cross-shelf, geological and oceanographic processes and sediment sources and sinks. In order to study this record, a set of surface sediment samples was studied. Sediment grain size and composition, as well as the mineralogical composition (by XRD) of the fine (<63 mu m) and clay (<2 mu m) fractions and benthic microfaunal (foraminifera) data were analysed. Cluster analysis applied to the sedimentological data (grain size, sediment composition and mineralogy) allowed the establishment of three main zones corresponding to the: inner-, mid- and outer-shelf/upper slope. On the inner-shelf, the sedimentary coverture is composed of siliciclastic fine to very fine sand, essentially comprising modern (immature) terrigenous particles. The sediment grain size, as well as mineralogical and microfaunal composition, denote the high energetic conditions of this sector in which the alongshore transport of sand is predominantly southward and occurs mostly during the spring-summer oceanographic regime, when the main river providing sediments to this area, the River Douro, undergoes periods of drought. This effect may emphasize the erosive character of this coastal sector at present, since the Ria de Aveiro provides the shelf with few sediments. On the mid-shelf, an alongshore siliciclastic band of coarse sand and gravel can be found between the 40 m and 60 m isobaths. This gravelly deposit includes relic sediments deposited during lower sea-level stands. This structure stays on the surface due to the high bottom energy, which promotes the remobilization of the fine-grained sediments, and/or events of sediments bypassing. Benthic foraminifera density and "Benthic Foraminifera High Productivity" (BFHP) proxy values are in general low, which is consistent with the overall small supply of organic matter to the oceanic bottom in the inner- and mid-shelf. However, the Ria de Aveiro outflow, which delivers organic matter to the shelf, leaves its imprint mainly on the mid-shelf, identifiable by the increase in foraminifera density and BFHP values in front of the lagoon mouth. The higher values of BFHP along the 100 m isobath trace the present position of an oceanic thermal front whose situation may have changed in the last 3/5 ka BP. This zone marks a clear difference in the density, diversity and composition of benthic foraminifera assemblages. Here, in addition, sediment composition changes significantly, giving rise to carbonate-rich fine to medium sand in the deeper sector. The low bottom energy and the small sedimentation rate of the outer-shelf contributed to the preservation of a discontinuous carbonate-rich gravel band, between the 100 m and 140 m isobaths, also related to paleo-littorals, following the transgression that has occurred since the Last Glacial Maximum. The winter oceanographic regime favours the transport of fine grained sediments to the outer-shelf and upper slope. The inner- and mid-shelf, however, have low amounts of this kind of sediment and the Cretacic carbonated complexes Pontal da Galega and Pontal da Cartola, rocky outcrops located at the mid- and outer-shelf, act as morphological barriers to the cross-shelf transport of sediments. Thus a reduced sedimentation rate occurs in these deeper sectors, as indicated by the lower abundance of detrital minerals, which is compensated for the high sedimentary content of biogenic carbonates. The relatively high BFHP and Shannon Index values indicate water column stratification, high supply of organic matter and environmental stability, which provide favourable conditions for a diversified benthic fauna to flourish. These conditions also encourage authigenic chemical changes, favourable to glauconite formation, as well as illite and kaolinite degradation. Benthic foraminifera and clay mineral assemblages also reveal the effect of the internal waves pushing upward, and downslope losses of the sediments on the outer-shelf and upper slope.
Galvao FHF, Soler W, Pompeu E, Waisberg DR, Mello ES, Costa ACL, Teodoro W, Velosa AP, Capelozzi VL, Antonangelo L, Catanozi S, Martins A, Malbouisson LMS, Cruz RJ, Figueira ER, Filho JAR, Chaib E, D'Albuquerque LAC. Immunoglobulin G profile in hyperacute rejection after multivisceral xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation 2012; 19: 298304. (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: Introduction: Xenotransplantation is a potential solution for the high mortality of patients on the waiting list for multivisceral transplantation; nevertheless, hyperacute rejection (HAR) hampers this practice and motivates innovative research. In this report, we describe a model of multivisceral xenotransplantation in which we observed immunoglobulin G (IgG) involvement in HAR. Methods: We recovered en bloc multivisceral grafts (distal esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, pancreas, and kidneys) from rabbits (n = 20) and implanted them in the swine (n = 15) or rabbits (n = 5, control). Three hours after graft reperfusion, we collected samples from all graft organs for histological study and to assess IgG fixation by immunofluorescence. Histopathologic findings were graded according to previously described methods. Results: No histopathological features of rejection were seen in the rabbit allografts. In the swine-to-rabbit grafts, features of HAR were moderate in the liver and severe in esophagus, stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas, and kidney. Xenograft vessels were the central target of HAR. The main lesions included edema, hemorrhage, thrombosis, myosites, fibrinoid degeneration, and necrosis. IgG deposition was intense on cell membranes, mainly in the vascular endothelium. Conclusions: Rabbit-to-swine multivisceral xenotransplants undergo moderate HAR in the liver and severe HAR in the other organs. Moderate HAR in the liver suggests a degree of resistance to the humoral immune response in this organ. Strong IgG fixation in cell membranes, including vascular endothelium, confirms HAR characterized by a primary humoral immune response. This model allows appraisal of HAR in multiple organs and investigation of the livers relative resistance to this immune response.
FUNDAMENTO: Infusão de intralipid e heparina resulta em aumento da pressão arterial e também em anormalidades autonômicas em indivíduos normais e hipertensos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade a insulina e o impacto da infusão de intralipid e de heparina (ILH) sobre a resposta hemodinâmica, metabólica e autonômica em pacientes com a forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas. MÉTODOS: Doze pacientes com a forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas e 12 voluntários saudáveis foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial basal e a frequência cardíaca foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Os níveis plasmáticos de noradrenalina encontravam-se ligeiramente aumentados no grupo de pacientes chagásicos. Após o Teste de Tolerância a Insulina (TTI), houve um declínio significativo na glicose dos dois grupos. A Infusão de ILH resultou em aumento da pressão arterial em ambos os grupos, mas não houve nenhuma mudança significativa na noradrenalina plasmática. O componente de Baixa Frequência (BF) mostrou-se semelhante e aumentou de forma semelhante em ambos os grupos. O componente de Alta Frequência (AF) apresentou-se menor no grupo chagásico. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas apresentaram aumento da atividade simpática no momento basal e uma resposta inadequada à insulina. Eles também tiveram um menor componente de alta frequência e sensibilidade barorreflexa prejudicada no momento basal e durante a infusão de intralipid e heparina.
INTRODUÇÃO: Marketing médico é um assunto controverso, principalmente no que concerne a princípios éticos. Portanto, frente à competição acirrada de mercado, é necessário o preparo profissional. Conhecer a percepção dos alunos de Medicina pode auxiliar na estruturação de alternativas de capacitação. METODOLOGIA: Inicialmente, identificaram-se crenças sobre marketing médico através de grupo focal composto por 12 alunos. Com base nesses dados, dez afirmações para avaliar atitudes foram aplicadas aos alunos de uma Faculdade de Medicina pública brasileira. RESULTADOS: Observou-se falta de clareza sobre o conceito de marketing, preocupação com princípios éticos e necessidade de marketing no mercado competitivo. Na fase de aplicação, foram obtidas 280 respostas de diversos estágios do curso. Apenas 16,8% admitiram contato com o tema. Houve clareza sobre ética em relação ao paciente, influenciada positivamente pela progressão no curso, mas houve divergência na ética entre profissionais. CONCLUSÕES: Marketing médico é uma área pouco compreendida e relegada ao currículo oculto, sendo influenciada por transposições inadequadas de métodos didáticos destinados à comunicação profissional para a população leiga. Novos métodos de ensino, como a educação tutorial, podem ser uma alternativa para lidar com essas situações.
Soils of a large tropical area with differentiated landscapes cannot be treated uniformly for ecological applications. We intend to develop a framework based on physiography that can be used in regional applications. The study region occupies more than 1.1 million km² and is located at the junction of the savanna region of Central Brazil and the Amazon forest. It includes a portion of the high sedimentary Central Brazil plateau and large areas of mostly peneplained crystalline shield on the border of the wide inner-Amazon low sedimentary plain. A first broad subdivision was made into landscape regions followed by a more detailed subdivision into soil regions. Mapping information was extracted from soil survey maps at scales of 1:250000-1:500000. Soil units were integrated within a homogenized legend using a set of selected attributes such as taxonomic term, the texture of the B horizon and the associated vegetation. For each region, a detailed inventory of the soil units with their area distribution was elaborated. Ten landscape regions and twenty-four soil regions were recognized and delineated. Soil cover of a region is normally characterized by a cluster composed of many soil units. Soil diversity is comparable in the landscape and the soil regions. Composition of the soil cover is quantitatively expressed in terms of area extension of the soil units. Such geographic divisions characterized by grouping soil units and their spatial estimates must be used for regional ecological applications.
As doenças pulmonares intersticiais (DPIs) são afecções heterogêneas, envolvendo um elevado número de condições, cuja abordagem ainda é um grande desafio para o pneumologista. As Diretrizes de DPIs da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia, publicadas em 2012, foram estabelecidas com o intuito de fornecer aos pneumologistas brasileiros um instrumento que possa facilitar a abordagem dos pacientes com DPIs, padronizando-se os critérios utilizados para a definição diagnóstica das diferentes condições, além de orientar sobre o melhor tratamento nas diferentes situações. Esse artigo teve como objetivo descrever resumidamente os principais destaques dessas diretrizes.
A poluição atmosférica encontra-se presente nos mais diferentes cenários ao longo dos últimos 250 anos, desde que a Revolução Industrial acelerou o processo de emissão de poluentes que, até então, estava limitado ao uso doméstico de combustíveis vegetais e minerais e às emissões vulcânicas intermitentes. Hoje, aproximadamente 50% da população do planeta vivem em cidades e aglomerados urbanos e estão expostas a níveis progressivamente maiores de poluentes do ar. Este estudo é uma revisão não sistemática sobre os diferentes tipos e fontes de poluentes do ar e os efeitos respiratórios atribuídos à exposição a esses contaminantes. Podem ser creditados aos poluentes particulados e gasosos, emitidos por diferentes fontes, aumentos nos sintomas de doenças, na procura por atendimentos em serviços de emergência e no número de internações e de óbitos. Mais do que descompensar doenças pré-existentes, exposições crônicas têm ajudado a aumentar o número de casos novos de asma, de DPOC e de câncer de pulmão, tanto em áreas urbanas quanto em áreas rurais, fazendo com que os poluentes atmosféricos rivalizem com a fumaça do tabaco pelo papel de principal fator de risco para estas doenças. Na rotina de clínicos e pneumologistas, esperamos contribuir para consolidar a importância da investigação sobre a exposição aos poluentes do ar e o reconhecimento de que esse fator de risco merece ser levado em conta na adoção da melhor terapêutica para o controle das descompensações agudas das doenças respiratórias e para a sua manutenção entre as crises.
O cisto ósseo traumático é uma entidade patológica caracterizada pela presença de uma cavidade óssea assintomática desprovida de revestimento epitelial, sendo raramente encontrado nos maxilares. OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínico-cirúrgicas e radiográficas dos cistos ósseos traumáticos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo de caráter retrospectivo dos pacientes diagnosticados com cisto ósseo traumático em um serviço de patologia oral no período de 1992 a 2007. Informações referentes às características clínicas, radiográficas e cirúrgicas foram coletadas. RESULTADOS: Vinte e seis casos de cisto ósseo traumático foram diagnosticados no período de 15 anos, 17 pertencentes ao sexo masculino e 09 ao sexo feminino. A maioria dos pacientes afetados pertencia às duas primeiras décadas de vida, não relatava sintomatologia dolorosa, bem como história de trauma na região da lesão. O padrão multilocular foi observado em apenas sete casos, dando às lesões uma aparência radiográfica tumoral. A presença de ar no interior da cavidade patológica foi relatada em aproximadamente 70% dos casos, sendo rara a presença de conteúdo serossanguíneo e seroso. CONCLUSÃO: A maior prevalência de casos em pacientes jovens, a infrequente história de trauma e o pequeno número de lesões com conteúdo serossanguíneo refletem a necessidade de se discutir a real patogênese do cisto ósseo traumático.
INTRODUCTION: Among the sleep disorders reported by the American Academy of Sleep, the most common is obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), which is caused by difficulties in air passage and complete interruption of air flow in the airway. This syndrome is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in apneic individuals. OBJECTIVE: It was the objective of this paper to evaluate a removable mandibular advancement device as it provides a noninvasive, straightforward treatment readily accepted by patients. METHODS: In this study, 15 patients without temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and with excessive daytime sleepiness or snoring were evaluated. Data were collected by means of: Polysomnography before and after placement of an intraoral appliance, analysis of TMD signs and symptoms using a patient history questionnaire, muscle and TMJ palpation. RESULTS: After treatment, the statistical analysis (t-test, and the "before and after" test) showed a mean reduction of 77.6% (p=0.001) in the apnea-hypopnea index, an increase in lowest oxyhemoglobin saturation (p=0.05), decrease in desaturation (p=0.05), decrease in micro-awakenings or EEG arousals (p=0.05) and highly significant improvement in daytime sleepiness (p=0.005), measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. No TMD appeared during the monitoring period. CONCLUSION: The oral device developed in this study was considered effective for mild to moderate OSAHS.
Two new species of inseminating freshwater fishes of the genus Monotocheirodon, family Characidae, are described from Peru. Males and females of both new species have an external, visually obvious urogenital papilla that was not detected in the females in previous studies, with this longer in males, which use it as an inseminating organ. A third inseminating species from Bolivia, Monotocheirodon pearsoni, unstudied in any detail since its original description in 1924, is redescribed. This latter species lacks an inseminating organ. Monotocheirodon is redescribed, its phylogenetic relationships are briefly discussed and it is suggested that it is possibly related to the stevardiin genera Ceratobranchia, Othonocheirodus, and Odontostoechus.
Context. To date, the CoRoT space mission has produced more than 124 471 light curves. Classifying these curves in terms of unambiguous variab ility behavior is mandatory for obtaining an unbi ased statistical view on th eir controlling root-causes. Aims. The present study provides an overview of semi-sinusoidal light curves observed by the CoRoT exo-field CCDs. Methods. We selected a sample of 4206 light curves presenting well-defined semi-si nusoidal signatures. Th e variability periods were computed based on Lomb-Scargle periodograms, harmonic fits, and visual inspection. Results. Color–period diagrams for the present sample show the trend of an increase of the variability periods as long as the stars evolve. This evolutionary behavior is also noticed when comparing the period distribution in the Galactic center and anti-center directions. These aspect s indicate a compatibility with stellar rotation, although more inform ation is needed to confirm their root- causes. Considering this possi bility, we identified a subset of th ree Sun-like candidates by their photometric peri od. Finally, the variability period versus color diagr am behavior was found to be highly depe ndent on the reddening correction.
Angiomyolipomas (AMLs) are mesenchymal neoplasms, named so because of the complex tissue composition represented by variable proportions of mature adipose tissue, smooth muscle cells, and dysmorphic blood vessels. Although AMLs may rise in different sites of the body, they are mostly observed in the kidney and liver. In the case of renal AMLs, they are described in two types: isolated AMLs and AMLs associated with tuberous sclerosis (TS). While most cases of AMLs are found incidentally during imaging examinations and are asymptomatic, others may reach huge proportions causing symptoms. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare benign disease characterized by cystic changes in the pulmonary parenchyma and smooth muscle proliferation, leading to a mixed picture of interstitial and obstructive disease. AML and LAM constitute major features of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a multisystem autosomal dominant tumor-suppressor gene complex diagnosis. The authors report the case of a young female patient who presented a huge abdominal tumor, which at computed tomography (CT) show a fat predominance. The tumor displaced the right kidney and remaining abdominal viscera to the left. Chest CT also disclosed pulmonary lesions compatible with lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Because of sudden abdominal pain accompanied by a fall in the hemoglobin level, the patient underwent an urgent laparotomy. The excised tumor was shown to be a giant renal AML with signs of bleeding in its interior. The authors call attention to the diagnosis of AML and the huge proportions that the tumor can reach, as well as for ruling out the TSC diagnosis, once it may impose genetic counseling implications.
Este artigo apresenta um modelo matemático de otimização logística para o transporte multimodal de safras agrícolas pelo corredor Centro-Oeste. Tal ferramenta foi desenvolvida no contexto de três amplos projetos de pesquisa financiados pela FINEP e executados por um grupo de universidades. O modelo, conhecido genericamente como Modelo de fluxo de Custo Mínimo Multiproduto, considera a otimização de fluxos em rede, para os produtos açúcar, álcool, milho, soja, óleo de soja, farelo de soja e trigo. O modelo proposto para estimativa dos fluxos inter-regionais mostrou-se uma ferramenta factível para fins de avaliação do potencial de utilização da multimodalidade. A análise destes resultados gera importantes subsídios para a seleção dos locais com potencial para instalação de mecanismos e equipamentos de transferência de cargas, além de auxiliar no dimensionamento dessas infraestruturas. Também é um resultado importante do ferramental desenvolvido a identificação das zonas de cargas que apresentam potencial captável pelas ferrovias, hidrovias e dutovias, ou seja, possibilita a identificação das regiões que revelam potencial para uso da multimodalidade.
OBJECTIVE: Wilson's disease (WD) is an inborn error of metabolism caused by abnormalities of the copper-transporting protein encoding gene ATP7B. In this study, we examined ATP7B for mutations in a group of patients living in southern Brazil. METHODS: 36 WD subjects were studied and classified according to their clinical and epidemiological data. In 23 subjects the ATP7B gene was analyzed. RESULTS: Fourteen distinct mutations were detected in at least one of the alleles. The c.3207C>A substitution at exon 14 was the most common mutation (allelic frequency=37.1%) followed by the c.3402delC at exon 15 (allelic frequency=11.4%). The mutations c.2018-2030del13 at exon 7 and c.4093InsT at exon 20 are being reported for the first time. CONCLUSION: The c.3207C>A substitution at exon 14, was the most common mutation, with an allelic frequency of 37.1%. This mutation is the most common mutation described in Europe.