77 resultados para Genus


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Currently the genus Corynoneura Winnertz comprises 10 species already cited or described for the Neotropical region. In the present paper 15 new species are described for the Neotropics: 12 new species are described from Brazil, five of them are described as male, female, pupa and larva, Corynoneura canchim sp. n., C. diogo sp. n., C. espraiado sp. n., C. humbertoi sp. n., C. salviniatilis sp. n.; three as male, pupa and larva, C. franciscoi sp. n.; C. longiantenna sp. n. and C. renata sp. n.; the species C. sisbiota sp. n. as male, female and pupa; C. bodoquena sp. n. as male and pupa and C. boraceiasp. n. and C. vidiapodeme sp. n. as males. Corynoneura trondi sp. n. is described from Chile (male, pupa), C. guanacaste sp. n. from Costa Rica (male) and C. zempoala sp. n. from Mexico (male). The knowledge of the distribution of Corynoneura fortispicula, C. sertaodaquina, C. septadentata and C. unicapsulata all species described by Wiedenbrug and Trivinho-Strixino (2011) as well as Corynoneura ferelobata Sublette et Sasa is extended. A larval morphotype is also included. Keys for males, females, pupae and larvae to known species of the Neotropical Corynoneura are given.


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Background: Tospoviruses (Genus Tospovirus, Family Bunyaviridae) are phytopathogens responsible for significant worldwide crop losses. They have a tripartite negative and ambisense RNA genome segments, termed S (Small), M (Medium) and L (Large) RNA. The vector-transmission is mediated by thrips in a circulative-propagative manner. For new tospovirus species acceptance, several analyses are needed, e. g., the determination of the viral protein sequences for enlightenment of their evolutionary history. Methodology/Principal Findings: Biological (host range and symptomatology), serological, and molecular (S and M RNA sequencing and evolutionary studies) experiments were performed to characterize and differentiate a new tospovirus species, Bean necrotic mosaic virus (BeNMV), which naturally infects common beans in Brazil. Based upon the results, BeNMV can be classified as a novel species and, together with Soybean vein necrosis-associated virus (SVNaV), they represent members of a new evolutionary lineage within the genus Tospovirus. Conclusion/Significances: Taken together, these evidences suggest that two divergent lineages of tospoviruses are circulating in the American continent and, based on the main clades diversity (American and Eurasian lineages), new tospovirus species related to the BeNMV-SVNaV clade remain to be discovered. This possible greater diversity of tospoviruses may be reflected in a higher number of crops as natural hosts, increasing the economic impact on agriculture. This idea also is supported since BeNMV and SVNaV were discovered naturally infecting atypical hosts (common bean and soybean, respectively), indicating, in this case, a preference for leguminous species. Further studies, for instance a survey focusing on crops, specifically of leguminous plants, may reveal a greater tospovirus diversity not only in the Americas (where both viruses were reported), but throughout the world.


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Oriocrassatella Etheridge Jr., 1907 is a long range crassatellid bivalve genus well recognized in shallow waters of epeiric seas throughout the upper part of Paleozoic. The first occurrences of this genus are recorded in the sedimentary successions of the Gondwana, both in Australia and South America. However, the geographic and age distribution of Oriocrassatella in Late Mississippian deposits of Australia and Argentina may indicate an earliest Visean or even a pre-Visean origin for the genus. Following its origin in Early Carboniferous a complex paleobiogeographic history from Southern to Northern Hemisphere took place in the Permian. During its initial dispersal phase from Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian the genus thrived in cold water environments associated to the Late Paleozoic Gondwana glaciation. Shallow-water bottoms of the warm waters of the central Gondwana fringe and Laurussia were colonized by Oriocrassatella only during Early Permian times when the genus became cosmopolitan. A new species of this genus is described herein, Oriocrassatella piauiensis n. sp., recorded from the Piaui Formation, Pennsylvanian of the Parnaiba Basin. This new species may represent an early adaptation to warm waters. However, based on available data, species of this genus seem to have adapted definitely to warm water environments probably related the Late Pennsylvanian interglacial phases. In these phases, climatic barrier were interrupted allowing the faunal interchange and larval dispersion following a South to North migration route through the eastern margins of Gondwana and the eastern Paleotethys.


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The genus Trichomycterus is a highly diverse group of Neotropical catfishes that encompass almost 60% of all the currently recognized species of the Trichomycteridae. A new species of this genus, T. perkos, is herein described from tributaries of the Paranapanema and Uruguai River basins, southern Brazil. The new species exhibits a remarkable ontogenetic change in its pigmentation, having a unique color pattern when adult. The adult pigmentation consists of three wide dark brown stripes, located in an inner skin layer of trunk and caudal peduncle, combined with a superficial light brown freckled pattern on the dorsum and caudal peduncle. Small, presumably juvenile specimens lack the superficial freckles but already have the dark stripes, thus resembling the color pattern of a few other congeners. Nevertheless, several unequivocal morphological features distinguish both juveniles and adults of T. perkos from these congeners. In spite of the difficulties in estimating phylogenetic relationships within Trichomycterus, the new species is tentatively proposed as being the sister-taxon of a small group of species composed by T. crassicaudatus, T. igobi, and T. stawiarski.


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Nannoplecostomus eleonorae, a new genus and species of a miniature suckermouth armored catfish, is described based on specimens collected from the karst region of Sao Domingos, upper Rio Tocantins basin, Goias State, central Brazil. The new genus and species can be diagnosed among loricariids by presenting a unique reductive pattern of lateral dermal plates, with most of the body covered by only three series of plates (viz., dorsal, mid-ventral, and ventral). Based on the available published phylogenetic studies for the family, we provisionally consider Nannoplecostomus eleonorae as being an incertae sedis taxon within Loricariidae. Achieving a maximum standard length of 22.2 mm SL, Nannoplecostomus eleonorae is the smallest known loricariid catfish, and a list of the remaining smallest loricariids is provided.


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The occurrence of two alien alpheid shrimps of the genus Athanas Leach, 1814 [in Leach 1813-1814], the Indo-West Pacific A. dimorphus Ortmann, 1894 and the Eastern Atlantic A. nitescens (Leach, 1813 [in Leach 1813-1814]), on the coast of the state of So Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The presence of A. dimorphus extends the range of this species in the western Atlantic farther to the south in Brazil, whereas A. nitescens is reported for the first time in the western Atlantic, representing the second alien alpheid species on this side of the Atlantic and the twenty-first decapod crustacean introduced in Brazil. We provide morphological accounts of the material examined and illustrate the most important diagnostic characters of both species. An overview of the possible mechanisms of their introduction on the coast of So Paulo is also provided.


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Hisonotus bockmanni, new species, is described based on specimens collected in a sandbank in the Rio Cururu, a tributary to the Rio Teles Pires, one of the rivers forming the Rio Tapajos in the Amazon Basin. The new taxon is distinguished from its congeners by a unique color pattern, whose most striking features are: two elliptical white spots, anterior to nostrils; predorsal region darkly pigmented with five unpigmented spots arranged as anteriorly pointed chevron; and a rostrocaudally elongate cross along most of the caudal peduncle. The placement of the new species in Hisonotus as well as its possible affinities within that genus are discussed in light of the current knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships among the Hypoptopomatinae.


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A phylogenetic analysis of a fragment of the mitochondrial gene 16S was used to test the monophyletic status of Potimirim. Existing doubts on the taxonomic status of brasiliana (once P glabra) and P potimirim (once P mexicana) were clarified. Potimirim mexicana and P potimirim are distinct species according to molecular data and appendix masculina morphology. A new species (Potimirim sp. 1) from Puerto Rico was revealed with molecular data, and it is evolutionarily related to P potimirim and P mexicana according to our analysis. We found out three distinct species under the name P glabra. Then, we recommend the application of the name P glabra for the populations of the Pacific slope of Central America and revalidation of P brasiliana for the Brazilian ones. The need for a new name to those "P glabra" of the Caribbean is highlighted, and it was provisionally referred as Potimirim sp. 2. The ontogenetic (juveniles to adults) development of the appendix masculina of P brasiliana was observed and compared to the other species of Potimirim (adults). In the light of our phylogenetic hypothesis, we postulate a pattern of character addition for the evolution of the appendix masculina of Potimirim. This hypothesis is plausible for two key reasons. First. Potimirim is a monophyletic group according to our hypothesis. Second, the shape of appendix masculina found in adults of P. americana is similar and comparable to those found in the earliest juvenile stages of P brasiliana, a derived species according to our phylogeny (P americana, ((P mexicana, Potimirim sp. 1. P potimirim), (P glabra, (brasiliana, Potimirim sp. 2)))). As so, the basal P americana retain the ancestral morphological state of the appendix masculina when compared to the other species of Potimirim. In our interpretation the ontogeny of the appendix masculina recapitulated the proposed phylogeny, giving further support to it.


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The New World genus Cathorops in the family Ariidae (Sea Catfishes) includes species that inhabit estuarine and coastal waters as well as freshwaters, playing an important role in Neotropical coastal and estuarine fisheries. The relatively conserved external morphology coupled with the marked sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic variation makes it difficult to recognize and diagnose the species. One of the major problems concerns the nomenclatural and geographical limits, of C. spixii, described from tropical Brazil and often treated as the only coastal marine species in the genus from the Western Atlantic. Examination of types of nominal species as well as comprehensive collections of non-types from Caribbean and Atlantic South America, lead us to conclude that C. spixii is restricted to Brazil and that C. nuchalis is a valid species, ranging from Venezuela to Guyana. The nominal species Arius laticeps, Arius nigricans, and Arius variolosus are synonyms of C. nuchalis, C. spixii, and C. arenatus, respectively. We also describe a new species in the Cathorops mapale species group from Colombia and Venezuela.


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The biological characteristics of Telenomus remus Nixon, 1937 (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) on eggs of Spodoptera albula (Walker, 1857); S. cosmioides Walker 1858, S. eridania (Cramer, 1782); and S. frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were evaluated under different temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C). The duration of the T remus egg-to-adult period on eggs of all four Spodoptera species and the longevity of adults of T. remus were both inversely proportional to the increase in temperature. Parasitoid emergence was higher than 80% at temperatures from 19 to 28 degrees C when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. eridania and S. frugiperda. Differently, when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. albula and S. cosmioides, T. remus emergence at rates of 80% or higher just occurred from 22 to 25 degrees C and at 22 degrees C, respectively. At 34 degrees C, this parameter was lower than 30% for T reams reared in all hosts. The sex ratio was 64-86% females, except for T. remus in S. cosmioides eggs at 34 C, in which temperature it was 39%. The estimated thermal requirements of T. remus, for the thermal constant (K) and the base temperature (T(base)), were: 125.39 DD and 15.139 degrees C; 125.56 DD and 14.912 degrees C; 142.98 DD and 14.197 degrees C; and 149.16 DD and 13.846 degrees C, for S. cosmioides, S. frugiperda, S. albula, and S. eridania, respectively. In general, T. remus showed good parasitism potential on all the hosts, although eggs of S. frugiperda, S. eridania, and S. albula proved to be the most suitable for mass rearing of T reams in the laboratory. Eggs of S. cosmioides are less suitable because of the lower parasitoid emergence observed at most of the temperatures with exception of 22 degrees C.


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Speocarcinus dentatus n. sp. is described from the southwestern Atlantic. The new species can be easily separated from its congeners by a suite of carapace and appendage characters. Speocarcinus Stimpson, 1859, now includes eight extant species, all from the Atlantic or Pacific coasts of the Americas. Additional characters to further differentiate between S. carolinensis Stimpson, 1859, and S. lobatus Guinot, 1969, and between S. granulimanus Rathbun, 1894, and S. spinicarpus Guinot, 1969 are documented. The lectotype of S. granulimanus is first described and a key to the species of Speocarcinus is provided.


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A new eriophyoid mite genus and species, Gymnaceria cupuassu n. sp. et n. gen. (Acari: Eriophyidae: Eriophyinae: Aceriini), is described from young fruits and other plant parts of the cupuacu tree, Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. Ex Spreng.) K. Schum. (Sterculiaceae), from the State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. No visible damage symptoms were observed.


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Fifteen species have been placed in Blattisocius Keegan of which only three were previously reported from Brazil. These mites are found in several different habitats and often mentioned as predators of pests of stored food. In this work, specimens of this genus collected from commercial dog food in Brazil were determined as a new species which is here described as Blattisocius everti n. sp. and the closely related Blattisocius keegani Fox, here redescribed. Subsequently, other specimens of Blattisocius deposited in the mite collection of "Departamento de Entomologia e Acarologia of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de Sao Paulo" were examined and identified. Finally, a dichotomous key to separate the world species of Blattisocius was elaborated based on the examination of the specimens at hand and on the descriptions and redescriptions of other species.


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Three new species of the recently discovered, and hitherto monotypic, feather mite genus Nanopterodectes Mironov, 2009 are described: N. acutirostris n. sp. from Stymphalornis acutirostris Bornschein, Reinert & Teixeira, N. mentalis n. sp. from Dysithamnus mentalis (Temminck), and N. leucopterus n. sp. from Pyriglena leucoptera (Vieillot). This feather mite genus is currently restricted to passerine birds of the Neotropical family Thamnophilidae in Brazil. A key to the known species of Nanopterodectes is presented for both sexes.


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We describe a new species of the Bokermannohyla circumdata group from the Estacao de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Ambiental Galheiro (EPDA-Galheiro) (19 degrees 12'S; 47 degrees 08'W), Municipality of Perdizes, State of Minas Gerais, a mid-altitudinal (similar or equal to 850 m above sea level) riparian forest environment in the Cerrado of southeastern Brazil. Bokermannohyla napolii sp. nov. is allied to the large-sized species of the group, diagnosed on the basis of adult morphology/morphometrics, and mainly vocalizations. Adult specimens of the new species are most closely related to those of B. luctuosa and B. circumdata, but can be differentiated from the former by having distal subarticular tubercle of finger III bifid/divided in males, and finger IV bifid/divided in males and females; and from both B. luctuosa and B. circumdata by a distinctive advertisement call structure. We also provide bioacoustic data on seven other species of the genus, including previously unknown advertisement calls of B. circumdata and B. carvalhoi, and re-description of the advertisement calls of B. luctuosa, B. ibitiguara, B. nanuzae, B. sazimai, and B. hylax.