62 resultados para GIANT KIDNEY WORM
We report the first case of ocular infestation by Loa loa in Brazil. Loiasis is caused by infestation with Loa loa, a filarial parasite originally found in the rainforests of western and central Africa. It is transmitted by the bite of the fly Chrysops and has been recently described in other places other than Africa, in African immigrants or travellers. Our case is a 33 year-old woman from Cameroon who was living in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for 5 years. She was asymptomatic until one morning she started feeling "something moving" in the left eye. Under topical anesthesia, on the slit lamp, a moving worm was removed from the subconjunctival space, which later was confirmed to be a male Loa loa adult specimen. Blood tests revealed microfilaraemia of 129 mf/mL. The patient was treated with 400 mg oral albendazole for 3 weeks and 60 mg prednisone. This report illustrates an unusual ocular disease, which is extremely rare outside of Africa, but easily diagnosed and treated. Ophthalmologists should be aware of it, in face of an increasingly globalized world.
We report the discovery by the CoRoT space mission of a new giant planet, CoRoT-20b. The planet has a mass of 4.24 +/- 0.23 M-Jup and a radius of 0.84 +/- 0.04 R-Jup. With a mean density of 8.87 +/- 1.10 g cm(-3), it is among the most compact planets known so far. Evolutionary models for the planet suggest a mass of heavy elements of the order of 800 M-circle plus if embedded in a central core, requiring a revision either of the planet formation models or both planet evolution and structure models. We note however that smaller amounts of heavy elements are expected by more realistic models in which they are mixed throughout the envelope. The planet orbits a G-type star with an orbital period of 9.24 days and an eccentricity of 0.56. The star's projected rotational velocity is v sin i = 4.5 +/- 1.0 km s(-1), corresponding to a spin period of 11.5 +/- 3.1 days if its axis of rotation is perpendicular to the orbital plane. In the framework of Darwinian theories and neglecting stellar magnetic breaking, we calculate the tidal evolution of the system and show that CoRoT-20b is presently one of the very few Darwin-stable planets that is evolving toward a triple synchronous state with equality of the orbital, planetary and stellar spin periods.
Food intake and nutritional status modify the physiological responses of the immune system to illness and infection and regulate the development of chronic inflammatory processes, such as kidney disease. Adipose tissue secretes immune-related proteins called adipokines that have pleiotropic effects on both the immune and neuroendocrine systems, linking metabolism and immune physiology. Leptin, an adipose tissue-derived adipokine, displays a variety of immune and physiological functions, and participates in several immune responses. Here, we review the current literature on the role of leptin in kidney diseases, linking adipose tissue and the immune system with kidney-related disorders. The modulation of this adipose hormone may have a major impact on the treatment of several immune- and metabolic-related kidney diseases.
Using giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) made from POPC. DPPC, cholesterol and a small amount of a porphyrin-based photosensitizer that we name PE-porph, we investigated the response of the lipid bilayer under visible light, focusing in the formation of domains during the lipid oxidation induced by singlet oxygen. This reactive species is generated by light excitation of PE-porf in the vicinity of the membrane, and thus promotes formation of hydroperoxides when unsaturated lipids and cholesterol are present. Using optical microscopy we determined the lipid compositions under which GUVs initially in the homogeneous phase displayed Lo-Ld phase separation following irradiation. Such an effect is attributed to the in situ formation of both hydroperoxized POPC and cholesterol. The boundary line separating homogeneous Lo phase and phase coexistence regions in the phase diagram is displaced vertically towards the higher cholesterol content in respect to ternary diagram of POPC:DPPC:cholesterol mixtures in the absence of oxidized species. Phase separated domains emerge from sub-micrometer initial sizes to evolve over hours into large Lo-Ld domains completely separated in the lipid membrane. This study provides not only a new tool to explore the kinetics of domain formation in mixtures of lipid membranes, but may also have implications in biological signaling of redox misbalance. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of treatment of central giant cell lesion to intralesional corticosteroid injections. Study Design: Review of articles indexed in PubMed on the topic between the years 1988 and 2011, and development of a descriptive meta-analysis of the results. Results: Sample of 41 patients primarily treated with intralesional corticosteroid injections was obtained, with a male female ratio of 1:0.95, being 23 aggressive and 18 non-aggressive central giant cell lesions. Triamcinolone acetonide and triamcinolone hexacetonide were the drugs used, and 78.0% cases were considered as good result, 14.6% were considered as moderate response and 7.3% were considered as negative result to treatment. Considering the aggressiveness, 88.9% of non-aggressive lesions presented a good response to treatment, in aggressive central giant cell lesions, 69.6% presented a good response to intralesional corticosteroid injections. Conclusion: In view of the results analyzed, intralesional corticosteroid injections could be considered as first treatment option for central giant cell lesion.
Background: Central giant cell granuloma is a benign condition of the jaws which may present an aggressive behavior. Case report: A 9-year-old boy was complaining of swelling in the floor of the mouth. A solid swelling was observed in the area of the lower incisors. From the radiographic exam, we observed a radiolucent image in the mandibular bone with well-defined limits extending from the apical region of tooth 33 to the apical region of tooth 42. Discussion: Due to the diagnosis and the age of the patient, we chose a conservative treatment, administering subcutaneous injections of calcitonin. During this treatment, no reduction to the lesion was observed. Therefore, we chose to treat the lesion with triamcinolone acetonide. Monthly follow-ups demonstrated good lesion reduction and the absence of any clinical symptoms during the first 2 years. After a 3-year follow-up, the patient returned, presenting mobility of the lower incisors. A significant increase in the size of the lesion was observed. After a biopsy, with the removal of tissuewhich had the appearance of a cyst capsule, microscopic analyses were found to be compatible with a secondarily infected cyst. Two months following this procedure, the patient did not present tooth mobility anymore and the oral mucosa presented a normal aspect. Following a radiographic exam, full lesion repair was observed. These conservative treatments should be the first option in cases of central giant cell granuloma and the patient must be observed for a long period of time, until no further clinical or radiographic signs of lesions are observed
Abstract Background Sequential physicochemical alterations in blood and urine in the course of acute kidney injury (AKI) development have not been previously described. We aimed to describe these alterations in parallel to traditional renal and acid–base parameters. Methods One hundred and sixty eight consecutive critically ill patients with no previous kidney disease, who had an indwelling urinary catheter at ICU admission and who remained with the catheter for at least two days without dialysis were included. A sample of blood and spot urine were collected simultaneously, once daily, until catheter removal or dialysis requirement. Traditional acid–base and renal parameters were sequentially evaluated in parallel to blood and urinary physicochemical parameters. Patients were classified during this period as having or not AKI and, for patients with AKI, duration (transient or persistent) and severity (creatinine-based AKIN stage) were evaluated. Results One hundred and thirteen patients (67.3%) had AKI: 92 at ICU admission and 21 during the observation period. AKI development was characterized in blood by increased values of phosphate and unmeasured anions (SIG), decreased albumin, and in urine by decreased values of sodium (NaU), chloride (ClU) as well as high urinary strong ion difference (SIDu). These alterations began to occur before AKI diagnosis, and they reverted in transient AKI but remained in persistent AKI. NaU, ClU and albumin decreased, and phosphate, SIG and SIDu increased with AKI severity progression. NaU and ClU values increased again when AKIN stage 3 was reached. Conclusions Simultaneous physicochemical analysis of blood and urine revealed standardized alterations that characterize AKI development in critically ill patients. These alterations paralleled AKI duration and severity. Future studies should consider including sequential evaluation of urine biochemistry as part of the armamentarium for AKI diagnosis and management.
A mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC) is a rare and recently described kidney neoplasm with distal nephron differentiation. It can affect patients of all ages and is more prevalent among women. In this case report, we present a 50-year-old woman who had a renal mass, which was accidently discovered during an investigation for chronic anemia. The final diagnosis of MTSCC was made after the lesion was removed and a pathology work-up was performed. The clinical, pathological and imaging findings of this rare neoplasm are described in this report.
Abstract Background The aim of this study was to determine the effects of creatine supplementation on kidney function in resistance-trained individuals ingesting a high-protein diet. Methods A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed. The participants were randomly allocated to receive either creatine (20 g/d for 5 d followed by 5 g/d throughout the trial) or placebo for 12 weeks. All of the participants were engaged in resistance training and consumed a high-protein diet (i.e., ≥ 1.2 g/Kg/d). Subjects were assessed at baseline (Pre) and after 12 weeks (Post). Glomerular filtration rate was measured by 51Cr-EDTA clearance. Additionally, blood samples and a 24-h urine collection were obtained for other kidney function assessments. Results No significant differences were observed for 51Cr-EDTA clearance throughout the trial (Creatine: Pre 101.42 ± 13.11, Post 108.78 ± 14.41 mL/min/1.73m2; Placebo: Pre 103.29 ± 17.64, Post 106.68 ± 16.05 mL/min/1.73m2; group x time interaction: F = 0.21, p = 0.64). Creatinine clearance, serum and urinary urea, electrolytes, proteinuria, and albuminuria remained virtually unchanged. Conclusions A 12-week creatine supplementation protocol did not affect kidney function in resistance-trained healthy individuals consuming a high-protein diet; thus reinforcing the safety of this dietary supplement. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01817673
PURPOSE: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). METHOD: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM. RESULTS: The mean age of the population under study was 58.01 years, while the mean FIM point score was 118.38 points, showing a level of complete or modified independence within this population. Even though the level of dependence found has been low, this can be highlighted, within the locomotion domain, in the activity of going up and down stairs (10.28%). Age, complications arising from haemodialysis, and comorbidities show a negative correlation with FIM. CONCLUSION: Awareness of the level of functional independence of the patients being subjected to treatment with haemodialysis is essential in order to back up intervention for the improvement of nursing assistance provided to this population.
Tridacnid clams are conspicuous inhabitants of Indo-Pacific coral reefs and are traded and cultivated for the aquarium and food industries. In the present study, daily growth rates of larvae of the giant clam Tridacna crocea were determined in the laboratory during the first week of life. Adults were induced to spawn via intra-gonadal serotonin injection through the byssal orifice. After spawning oocytes were collected, fertilized and kept in 3 L glass beakers and raceways treated with antibiotics to avoid culture contamination. Larvae were fed twice with the microalga Isochrysis galbana and zooxanthellae were also offered twice during the veliger stage (days 4 and 6). Larval length was measured using a digitizing tablet coupled to a microcomputer. Larval mortality was exponential during the first 48 hours of life declining significantly afterwards. Mean growth rate was 11.3 μm day-1, increasing after addition of symbionts to 18.0 μm day-1. Survival increased to ca. 75% after the addition of zooxanthellae. The results describe the growth curve for T. crocea larvae and suggest that the acquisition of symbionts by larvae may be useful for larval growth and survival even before larvae have attained metamorphosis.
We have completed a high-contrast direct imaging survey for giant planets around 57 debris disk stars as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. We achieved median H-band contrasts of 12.4 mag at 0.''5 and 14.1 mag at 1'' separation. Follow-up observations of the 66 candidates with projected separation <500 AU show that all of them are background objects. To establish statistical constraints on the underlying giant planet population based on our imaging data, we have developed a new Bayesian formalism that incorporates (1) non-detections, (2) single-epoch candidates, (3) astrometric and (4) photometric information, and (5) the possibility of multiple planets per star to constrain the planet population. Our formalism allows us to include in our analysis the previously known β Pictoris and the HR 8799 planets. Our results show at 95% confidence that <13% of debris disk stars have a ≥5 M Jup planet beyond 80 AU, and <21% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet outside of 40 AU, based on hot-start evolutionary models. We model the population of directly imaged planets as d 2 N/dMdavpropm α a β, where m is planet mass and a is orbital semi-major axis (with a maximum value of a max). We find that β < –0.8 and/or α > 1.7. Likewise, we find that β < –0.8 and/or a max < 200 AU. For the case where the planet frequency rises sharply with mass (α > 1.7), this occurs because all the planets detected to date have masses above 5 M Jup, but planets of lower mass could easily have been detected by our search. If we ignore the β Pic and HR 8799 planets (should they belong to a rare and distinct group), we find that <20% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet beyond 10 AU, and β < –0.8 and/or α < –1.5. Likewise, β < –0.8 and/or a max < 125 AU. Our Bayesian constraints are not strong enough to reveal any dependence of the planet frequency on stellar host mass. Studies of transition disks have suggested that about 20% of stars are undergoing planet formation; our non-detections at large separations show that planets with orbital separation >40 AU and planet masses >3 M Jup do not carve the central holes in these disks.
We have carried out high contrast imaging of 70 young, nearby B and A stars to search for brown dwarf and planetary companions as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. Our survey represents the largest, deepest survey for planets around high-mass stars (≈1.5-2.5 M ☉) conducted to date and includes the planet hosts β Pic and Fomalhaut. We obtained follow-up astrometry of all candidate companions within 400 AU projected separation for stars in uncrowded fields and identified new low-mass companions to HD 1160 and HIP 79797. We have found that the previously known young brown dwarf companion to HIP 79797 is itself a tight (3 AU) binary, composed of brown dwarfs with masses 58$^{+21}_{-20}$ M Jup and 55$^{+20}_{-19}$ M Jup, making this system one of the rare substellar binaries in orbit around a star. Considering the contrast limits of our NICI data and the fact that we did not detect any planets, we use high-fidelity Monte Carlo simulations to show that fewer than 20% of 2 M ☉ stars can have giant planets greater than 4 M Jup between 59 and 460 AU at 95% confidence, and fewer than 10% of these stars can have a planet more massive than 10 M Jup between 38 and 650 AU. Overall, we find that large-separation giant planets are not common around B and A stars: fewer than 10% of B and A stars can have an analog to the HR 8799 b (7 M Jup, 68 AU) planet at 95% confidence. We also describe a new Bayesian technique for determining the ages of field B and A stars from photometry and theoretical isochrones. Our method produces more plausible ages for high-mass stars than previous age-dating techniques, which tend to underestimate stellar ages and their uncertainties.
Undoubtedly the most important result of the investigations in physiology and biophysics was the discovery of the electrochemical mechanism of propagation of the action potential in nerves that was made by Hodgkin and Huxley during the first half of the past century. Since some decades ago diverse experiments about the electro optical properties of the axon membrane there was published using the most diverse optical experimental ‘procedures POT 6-10’. In this paper some results of a dynamical speckle technique applied for obtaining microscopic images of a section of a squid giant axon membrane during the activation by electrical impulses and his digital process are presented.