34 resultados para URINARY SEDIMENT
Intensive surveys have been conducted to unravel spatial patterns of benthic infauna communities. Although it has been recognized that benthic organisms are spatially structured along the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the sediment, little is known on how these two dimensions interact with each other. In this study we investigated the interdependence between the vertical and horizontal dimensions in structuring marine nematodes assemblages. We tested whether the similarity in nematode species composition along the horizontal dimension was dependent on the vertical layer of the sediment. To test this hypothesis, three-cm interval sediment samples (15 cm depth) were taken independently from two bedforms in three estuaries. Results indicated that assemblages living in the top layers are more abundant, species rich and less variable, in terms of species presence/absence and relative abundances, than assemblages living in the deeper layers. Results showed that redox potential explained the greatest amount (12%) of variability in species composition, more than depth or particle size. The fauna inhabiting the more oxygenated layers were more homogeneous across the horizontal scales than those from the reduced layers. In contrast to previous studies, which suggested that reduced layers are characterized by a specific set of tolerant species, the present study showed that species assemblages in the deeper layers are more causal (characterized mainly by vagrant species). The proposed mechanism is that at the superficial oxygenated layers, species have higher chances of being resuspended and displaced over longer distances by passive transport, while at the deeper anoxic layers they are restricted to active dispersal from the above and nearby sediments. Such restriction in the dispersal potential together with the unfavorable environmental conditions leads to randomness in the presence of species resulting in the high variability between assemblages along the horizontal dimension.
LO, Denise Swei et al. Community-acquired urinary tract infection: age and gender-dependent etiology. J. Bras. Nefrol. [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.2, pp. 93-98. ISSN 0101-2800. http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/0101-2800.20130016. INTRODUCTION: Choosing the antimicrobial agent for initial therapy of urinary tract infection (UTI) is usually empirical and should consider the prevalence of uropathogens in different age groups and gender. OBJECTIVE: To establish prevalence rates of uropathogens in community-acquired UTI in relation to age and gender. METHODS: Crosssectional study conducted in the emergency department (ED) of a general hospital, from January to December, 2010, in patients younger than 15 years old who had clinical suspicion of UTI and collected quantitative urine culture. UTI was defined as urine culture with growth of a single agent > 100.000 colony forming units (cfu)/mL in a midstream collection or > 50.000 cfu/mL in urethral catheterization. RESULTS: There were 63.464 visits to ED. 2577 urine cultures were obtained, of whom 291 were positive for UTI (prevalence = 11.3% of clinical suspicion and 0.46% of visits), 212 cases (72.8%) in females, median age = 2.6 years. The predominant uropathogen was E. coli (76.6%), followed by Proteus mirabilis (10.3%) and Staphylococcus saprophyticus (4.1%). Among infants < 3 months, prevalence rates of E. coli were significantly lower (50% vs 78.4%; OR = 0.276; p = 0.006). Higher prevalences of Staphylococcus saprophyticus occurred among patients > 10 years (24.4% vs 0.4%; OR = 79.265; p < 0.0001). Proteus mirabilis was significantly more prevalent in boys than girls (24.0% vs 5.2%; OR = 5.786; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: E. coli was the most prevalent community-acquired uropathogen. Nevertheless, initial empiric antimicrobial treatment of UTI should consider the significant prevalence of other agents different from E. coli in infants < 3 months, the high prevalence of Staphylococcus saprophyticus in patients > 10 years and Proteus mirabilis in males.
Ria de Aveiro is a large and shallow lagoon on the west coast of Portugal (40º38’N, 8º45´W), characterized by a complex geometry. It includes large areas of intertidal flats and a network of narrow channels which are connected to the Atlantic by an artificial inlet. Tides are the main forcing of the hydrology and physical processes of the lagoon. The deeper areas near the inlet are characterized by strong marine influence through tidal inflow, with high values of current velocity (>1m/s) and tidal range (2–3 m at spring tides), while in remote shallow areas, the circulation and the sea water inflow are reduced. These remote areas are more influenced by fresh waters received from several rivers and several small streams. The Aveiro lagoon is a very important ecosystem but as been used as recipient for various kinds of anthropogenic wastes resulting from the high population density, urban activities and industrial development. One of the most important Portuguese industrial centre is located in the lagoon margins. Ria de Aveiro is a coastal lagoon under huge direct antropization. This system also suffers strong diffuse antropization. This work is related with diffuse antropization linked with chemical pollution which may lead to biological stress and collapse.