39 resultados para Tooth wear


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The aim of this study was to evaluate, histometrically, the bone healing of the molar extraction socket just after cigarette smoke inhalation (CSI). Forty male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to a test group (animals exposed to CSI, starting 3 days before teeth extraction and maintained until sacrifice; n=20) and a control group (animals never exposed to CSI; n=20). Second mandibular molars were bilaterally extracted and the animals (n=5/group/period) were sacrificed at 3, 7, 10 and 14 days after surgery. Digital images were analyzed according to the following histometric parameters: osteoid tissue (OT), remaining area (RA), mineralized tissue (MT) and non-mineralized tissue (NMT) in the molar socket. Intergroup analysis showed no significant differences at day 3 (p>0.05) for all parameters. On the 7th day, CSI affected negatively (p<0.05) bone formation with respect to NMT and RA (MT: 36%, NMT: 53%, RA: 12%; and MT: 39%, NMT: 29%, RA: 32%, for the control and test groups, respectively). In contrast, no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were found at days 10 and 14. It may be concluded that CSI may affect socket healing from the early events involved in the healing process, which may be critical for the amount and quality of new-bone formation in smokers.


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Bruxism has a multifactorial etiology, and psychosocial factors have been considered to increase the risk of occurrence of this parafunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior profile of a group of children diagnosed with bruxism. Eighty 7-11-year-old children of both genders (mean age 8.8 years) first recruited as eligible participants. Twenty-nine children (18 males and 11 females) whose parents/guardians reported to present frequent episodes of tooth grinding/clenching while awake or during sleep (at least 3 nights a week) in the previous 3 months were enrolled in the study. The diagnosis of bruxism was established based on the parents/guardians' report about the children's behavior, habits and possible discomforts in the components of the stomatognathic system allied to the presence of signs and symptoms such as pain on the masticatory muscles, masseter muscle hypertrophy, wear facets, fractures of restorations, dental impressions on the cheek mucosa and tongue. As part of the psychological evaluation, the Rutter's Child Behavior Scale-A2 was applied to the parents/caregivers (one for each child) and the Child Stress Scale was applied to the children. Data were analyzed descriptively based on the frequency of each studied variable. Twenty-four (82.76%) children needed psychological or psychiatric intervention; 17 of them presented neurotic disorders and 7 children presented antisocial disorders. Six (20.70%) children presented significant physical and psychological manifestations of stress. The findings of the present study suggest that behavioral problems and potential emotional problems can be risk factors to bruxism in children.


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This study evaluated by an in vitro model the effect of beverages on dental enamel previously subjected to erosive challenge with hydrochloric acid. The factor under study was the type of beverage, in five levels: Sprite® Zero Low-calorie Soda Lime (positive control), Parmalat® ultra high temperature (UHT) milk, Ades® Original soymilk, Leão® Ice Tea Zero ready-to-drink low-calorie peach-flavored black teaand Prata® natural mineral water (negative control). Seventy-five bovine enamel specimens were distributed among the five types of beverages (n=15), according to a randomized complete block design. For the formation of erosive wear lesions, the specimens were immersed in 10 mL aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid 0.01 M for 2 min. Subsequently, the specimens were immersed in 20 mL of the beverages for 1 min, twice daily for 2 days at room temperature. In between, the specimens were kept in 20 mL of artificial saliva at 37ºC. The response variable was the quantitative enamel microhardness. ANOVA and Tukey's test showed highly significant differences (p<0.00001) in the enamel exposed to hydrochloric acid and beverages. The soft drink caused a significantly higher decrease in microhardness compared with the other beverages. The black tea caused a significantly higher reduction in microhardness than the mineral water, UHT milk and soymilk, but lower than the soft drink. Among the analyzed beverages, the soft drink and the black tea caused the most deleterious effects on dental enamel microhardness.


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Besides the risk of filling material extrusion throughout the apex, a satisfactory apical seal can be difficult to achieve in canals with open apices or iatrogenic enlargements of the apical constriction. These situations pose a challenge to root canal filling. This paper describes the root canal filling of a maxillary right canine with an overinstrumented apex, complete loss of the apical stop, extensive canal transportation and apical periodontitis. A 5 mm calcium hydroxide apical plug was placed before root canal filling. The plug was made by soaking paper points with saline, dipping the points in calcium hydroxide powder and then applying it to the apex several times, until a consistent apical plug was obtained. The canal was then irrigated with saline in order to remove any residual calcium hydroxide from the root canal walls, dried with paper points and obturated with an inverted #80 gutta-percha cone and zinc oxide-eugenol based sealer by the lateral condensation technique. An 8-year radiographic follow-up showed formation of mineralized tissue sealing the apical foramen, apical remodeling and no signs of apical periodontitis.


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The scope of this paper is to describe the work of manual sugarcane harvesters, assessing the nutritional behavior and body composition between the beginning and the end of the harvest. A descriptive longitudinal study was made of harvesters in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, who answered a socio-demographic questionnaire and authorized measurement of Body Mass Index, Body Fat Percentage and Arm Muscle Circumference at three stages. Creatine kinase on the skeletal isoform, C-reactive protein and plasma urea were measured at the end of the harvest. Thirty male migrant harvesters with ages ranging from 18 to 44 from the Northeast (Ceará) were assessed over a nine-month period. The workers suffered significant body fat and weight loss in the first half of the harvest. Eighteen workers had abnormal levels of creatine kinase and four - out of 24 who had donated blood - had altered urea levels. Sugarcane harvesting work causes weight and body fat loss and gains in the lean body mass index, which suffers wear-out when working on consecutive harvests. It can also cause changes in biochemical markers of chronic systemic inflammation. Further studies will make it possible to comprehend the relationships between stress, wear-out, labor longevity and health in sugarcane harvesting.


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Dental erosion is a multifactorial condition. The consideration of chemical, biological and behavioral factors is fundamental for its prevention and therapy. Among the biological factors, saliva is one of the most important parameters in the protection against erosive wear. Objective: This review discusses the role of salivary factors on the development of dental erosion. Material and Methods: A search was undertaken on MeDLINe website for papers from 1969 to 2010. The keywords used in the research were "saliva", "acquired pellicle", "salivary flow", "salivary buffering capacity" and "dental erosion". Inclusion of studies, data extraction and quality assessment were undertaken independently and in duplicate by two members of the review team. Disagreements were solved by discussion and consensus or by a third party. Results: Several characteristics and properties of saliva play an important role in dental erosion. Salivary clearance gradually eliminates the acids through swallowing and saliva presents buffering capacity causing neutralization and buffering of dietary acids. Salivary flow allows dilution of the acids. In addition, saliva is supersaturated with respect to tooth mineral, providing calcium, phosphate and fluoride necessary for remineralization after an erosive challenge. Furthermore, many proteins present in saliva and acquired pellicle play an important role in dental erosion. Conclusions: Saliva is the most important biological factor affecting the progression of dental erosion. Knowledge of its components and properties involved in this protective role can drive the development of preventive measures targeting to enhance its known beneficial effects.


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There is no reason for Dentistry to use different terms for phenomena defined in Physics, the specific field in which concepts associated with forces are established and adapted. In place of pressure/tension, the compression/traction pair should be used. This study defines each one of these terms and justifies their use. Our contemporary world demands standardized criteria, methods, measures, concepts and terms to ensure that study protocols, results and applications are used in the same way in any country or area of human action.


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This research addresses the application of friction stir welding (FWS) of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V. Friction stir welding is a recent process, developed in the 1990s for aluminum joining; this joining process is being increasingly applied in many industries from basic materials, such as steel alloys, to high performance alloys, such as titanium. It is a process in great development and has its economic advantages when compared to conventional welding. For high performance alloys such as titanium, a major problem to overcome is the construction of tools that can withstand the extreme process environment. In the literature, the possibilities approached are only few tungsten alloys. Early experiments with tools made of cemented carbide (WC) showed optimistic results consistent with the literature. It was initially thought that WC tools may be an option to the FSW process since it is possible to improve the wear resistance of the tool. The metallographic analysis of the welds did not show primary defects of voids (tunneling) or similar internal defects due to processing, only defects related to tool wear which can cause loss of weld quality. The severe tool wear caused loss of surface quality and inclusions of fragments inside the joining, which should be corrected or mitigated by means of coating techniques on tool, or the replacement of cemented carbide with tungsten alloys, as found in the literature.


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Since the earliest developments of human history, friction has been a major issue. From the invention of the wheel and the use of the first lubricants to the studiesof coated and microtexturized surfaces, significant effort has been put on improvements that couldovercome the resistance to motion. Areview by Holmberg, Andersson and Erdemir[1] shows that, in an average passenger car, about one third of the total energy consumptionis due to friction losses. Of these, another one third is consumed in the engine system. The optimization of the lubricating oil formulation used ininternal combustion enginesis an important way to reduce friction, therefore improving energeticefficiencyand controllingemissions.Lubrication is also a way to assure the required protection to the system by maintaining wear rates in an adequate level, which helps to minimize maintenance costs.