39 resultados para NEUTRON-STAR DENSITIES


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The present star formation rate (SFR) in the inner Galaxy is puzzling for the chemical evolution models (CEM). No static CEM is able to reproduce the peak of the SFR in the 4 kpc ring. The main reason is probably a shortage of gas, which could be due to the dynamical effects produced by the galactic bar, not considered by these models. We developed a CEM that includes radial gas flows in order to mimic the effects of the galactic bar in the first 5 kpc of the galactic disk. In this model, the star formation (SF) is a two-step process: first, the diffuse gas forms molecular clouds. Then, stars form from cloud-cloud collisions or by the interaction between massive stars and the molecular gas. The former is called spontaneous and the latter induced SF. The mass in the different phases of each region changes by the processes associated with the stellar formation and death by: the SF due to spontaneous fragmentation of gas in the halo; formation of gas clouds in the disk from the diffuse gas; induced SF in the disk due to the interaction between massive stars and gas clouds; and finally, the restitution of the diffuse gas associated to these process of cloud and star formation. In the halo, the star formation rate for the diffuse gas follows a Schmidt law with a power n = 1.5. In the disk, the stars form in two steps: first, molecular clouds are formed from the diffuse gas also following a Schmidt law with n=1.5 and a proportionality factor. Including a specific pattern of radial gas flows, the CEM is able to reproduce with success the peak in the SFR at 4 kpc (fig. 1).


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Aims. The main theoretical problem for the formation of a Keplerian disk around Be stars is how angular momentum is supplied from the star to the disk, even more so since Be stars probably rotate somewhat subcritically. For instance, nonradial pulsation may transport angular momentum to the stellar surface until (part of) this excess supports the disk-formation/replenishment. The nearby Be star Achernar is presently building a new disk and o ers an excellent opportunity to observe this process from relatively close-up. Methods. Spectra from various sources and epochs are scrutinized to identify the salient stellar parameters characterizing the disk life cycle as defined by H emission. The variable strength of the non-radial pulsation is confirmed, but does not a ect the other results. Results. For the first time it is demonstrated that the photospheric line width does vary in a Be star, by as much as v sin i . 35 km However, unlike assumptions in which a photospheric spin-up accumulates during the diskless phase and then is released into the disk as it is fed, the apparent photospheric spin-up is positively correlated with the appearance of H line emission. The photospheric line widths and circumstellar emission increase together, and the apparent stellar rotation declines to the value at quiescence after the H line emission becomes undetectable


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Binary stars are frequent in the universe, with about 50% of the known main sequence stars being located at a multiple star system (Abt, 1979). Even though, they are universally thought as second rate sites for the location of exo-planets and the habitable zone, due to the difficulties of detection and high perturbation that could prevent planet formation and long term stability. In this work we show that planets in binary star systems can have regular orbits and remain on the habitable zone. We introduce a stability criterium based on the solution of the restricted three body problem and apply it to describe the short period planar and three-dimentional stability zones of S-type orbits around each star of the Alpha Centauri system. We develop as well a semi-analytical secular model to study the long term dynamics of fictional planets in the habitable zone of those stars and we verify that planets on the habitable zone would be in regular orbits with any eccentricity and with inclination to the binary orbital plane up until 35 degrees. We show as well that the short period oscillations on the semi-major axis is 100 times greater than the Earth's, but at all the time the planet would still be found inside the Habitable zone.


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To reliably determine the main physical parameters (masses and ages) of young stars, we must know their distances. While the average distance to nearby star-forming regions (<300 pc) is often known, the distances to individual stars are usually unknown. Individual distances to members of young moving groups can be derived from their radial velocities and proper motions using the convergent-point strategy. We investigate the kinematic properties of the Lupus moving group with the primary objective of deriving individual distances to all group members.


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We use the star count model of Ortiz & Lépine to perform an unprecedented exploration of the most important Galactic parameters comparing the predicted counts with the Two Micron All Sky Survey observed star counts in the J, H, and KS bands for a grid of positions covering the whole sky. The comparison is made using a grid of lines of sight given by the HEALPix pixelization scheme. The resulting best-fit values for the parameters are: 2120 ± 200 pc for the radial scale length and 205 ± 40 pc for the scale height of the thin disk, with a central hole of 2070$_{-800}^{+2000}$ pc for the same disk, 3050 ± 500 pc for the radial scale length and 640 ± 70 pc for the scale height of the thick disk, 400 ± 100 pc for the central dimension of the spheroid, 0.0082 ± 0.0030 for the spheroid to disk density ratio, and 0.57 ± 0.05 for the oblate spheroid parameter.


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Context. HD140283 is a nearby (V = 7:7) subgiant metal-poor star, extensively analysed in the literature. Although many spectra have been obtained for this star, none showed a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio high enough to enable a very accurate derivation of abundances from weak lines. Aims. The detection of europium proves that the neutron-capture elements in this star originate in the r-process, and not in the s-process, as recently claimed in the literature. Methods. Based on the OSMARCS 1D LTE atmospheric model and with a consistent approach based on the spectrum synthesis code Turbospectrum, we measured the europium lines at 4129 Å and 4205 Å, taking into account the hyperfine structure of the transitions. The spectrum, obtained with a long exposure time of seven hours at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), has a resolving power of 81 000 and a S/N ratio of 800 at 4100 Å. Results. We were able to determine the abundance A(Eu) =


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Context. Be stars are rapidly rotating stars with a circumstellar decretion disk. They usually undergo pressure and/or gravity pulsation modes excited by the κ-mechanism, i.e. an effect of the opacity of iron-peak elements in the envelope of the star. In the Milky Way, p-modes are observed in stars that are hotter than or equal to the B3 spectral type, while g-modes are observed at the B2 spectral type and cooler. Aims. We observed a B0IVe star, HD51452, with the high-precision, high-cadence photometric CoRoT satellite and high-resolution, ground-based HARPS and SOPHIE spectrographs to study its pulsations in great detail. We also used the lower resolution spectra available in the BeSS database. Methods. We analyzed the CoRoT and spectroscopic data with several methods: Clean-NG, FreqFind, and a sliding window method. We also analyzed spectral quantities, such as the violet over red (V/R) emission variations, to obtain information about the variation in the circumstellar environment. We calculated a stellar structure model with the ESTER code to test the various interpretation of the results. Results. We detect 189 frequencies of variations in the CoRoT light curve in the range between 0 and 4.5 c d−1. The main frequencies are also recovered in the spectroscopic data. In particular we find that HD51452 undergoes gravito-inertial modes that are not in the domain of those excited by the κ-mechanism. We propose that these are stochastic modes excited in the convective zones and that at least some of them are a multiplet of r-modes (i.e. subinertial modes mainly driven by the Coriolis acceleration). Stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes had never been observed in any star, and theory predicted that their very low amplitudes would be undetectable even with CoRoT. We suggest that the amplitudes are enhanced in HD51452 because of the very rapid stellar rotation. In addition, we find that the amplitude variations of these modes are related to the occurrence of minor outbursts. Conclusions. Thanks to CoRoT data, we have detected a new kind of pulsations in HD51452, which are stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes, probably due to its very rapid rotation. These modes are probably also present in other rapidly rotating hot Be stars.


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We use the star count model of Ortiz & L´epine to perform an unprecedented exploration of the most important Galactic parameters comparing the predicted counts with the Two Micron All Sky Survey observed star counts in the J, H, and KS bands for a grid of positions covering the whole sky. The comparison is made using a grid of lines of sight given by the HEALPix pixelization scheme. The resulting best-fit values for the parameters are: 2120 ± 200 pc for the radial scale length and 205 ± 40 pc for the scale height of the thin disk, with a central hole of 2070+2000 −800 pc for the same disk, 3050 ± 500 pc for the radial scale length and 640 ± 70 pc for the scale height of the thick disk, 400 ± 100 pc for the central dimension of the spheroid, 0.0082 ± 0.0030 for the spheroid to disk density ratio, and 0.57 ± 0.05 for the oblate spheroid parameter.


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A systematic study of the response of different nuclei to the (18O, 16O) two-neutron transfer reaction at 84 MeV incident energy was pursued at the INFN-LNS in Catania (Italy). The experiments were performed using several solid targets from light (9Bc, 11 B, 12,13C, 16O, 28Si) to heavier ones (58,64Ni, 120Sn, 208Pb). The 16O ejectiles were detected at forward angles by the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer and identified without the need of time of flight measurements. Exploiting the large momentum (≈ 25%) and angular (50 msr) acceptance of the spectrometer, energy spectra were obtained with a relevant yield up to about 20 MeV excitation energy. A common feature of the light nuclei spectra is the strong population of states with well known configuration of two-particle over a core and the appearance of unknown resonant structures in the continuum. These latter can reveal the excitation of a collective mode connected with the transfer of a pair. For the heavier nuclei as 66Ni a completely different behaviour is observed indicating the presence of more dissipative processes in the reaction mechanisms that hide the spectroscopic information.