101 resultados para Maxillary Sinusitis


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The Gillbacker Sea Catfish is a valid species of ariid catfish from the northeastern coast of South America. There are many synonyms In the literature for the Gillbacker Sea Catfish and even recent classifications have used different scientific names. Examination of a wide range of sizes of Individuals from different localities and examination of types and original species descriptions of Silurus parkeri, Bagrus flavescens, B. emphysetus, Arius physacanthus, A. bonneti, A. clavispinosus, and A. despaxi has lead us to the conclusion that all these names refer to the Gillbacker Sea Catfish and the valid name for the species is Sciades parkeri. The species is distinguished from all other ariid species by the following combination of features: body coloration yellow; swim bladder divided Into three chambers, posterior chamber moderately sized; nuchal plate shield-shaped, usually larger than supraocciptal process; anterior notch of nuchal plate absent; head shield exposed and granulated In orbital and postorbital regions; lateral edge of accessory patches not emarginated or shallowly notched; fleshy furrow connecting posterior nares absent; and mesial gill rakers absent from first two gill arches. Striking intraspecific and/or ontogenetic variation In eye size, maxillary-barbel length, supraoccipital-process size, nuchal-plate size and shape, and dorsal-spine thickness contributed to the numerous synonyms and misidentifications for Sciades parkeri. Bagrus albicans, described from French Guiana, has at times been listed as a synonym of Sciades parkeri. Our examination of the holotype of B. albicans, however, led us to conclude that It is a synonym of Sciades proops.


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Extant Doras are newly diagnosed among Doradidae by the unique combination of maxillary barbels long and fimbriate; mesethmoid with anterior lateral margins converging towards narrow tip; single anterior cranial fontanel contained largely within frontals and anteriorly by mesethmoid (posterior cranial fontanel occluded); anterior nuchal plate wide, pentaganol or roughly hexagonal, sharing distinct lateral suture with epioccipital and isolating supraoccipital from middle nuchal plate; nuchal foramina absent; coracoid process short, posterior tip falling well short of that of postcleithral process; dentary with acicular teeth; and skin immediately ventral to postcleithral process perforated with conspicuous pores. One fossil species, dagger D. dioneae, and two nominal extant species, D. carinatus and D. micropoeus, are recognized as valid and the latter two redescribed. Three additional extant species, D. phlyzakion, D. higuchii and D. zuanoni, are newly described from the middle Amazon and tributaries, lower Amazon tributaries and rio Araguaia (Tocantins drainage), respectively. Doras phlyzakion and D. zuanoni form a monophyletic group that is found in lowland, lentic habitats, and is characterized by multiple conspicuous pores in skin on breast and abdomen, a trait unique among doradids and rare if not unique among all catfishes. The remaining extant species, D. carinatus, D. higuchii and D. micropoeus, with uncertain relationships, are found in upland, lotic habitats. The occurrence of D. carinatus in the Orinoco basin suggests a historical link between right-bank tributaries of the lower Orinoco (e.g., Caroni) draining the western Guiana Shield and more eastern rivers (e.g., Cuyuni-Essequibo) that drain the Shield directly into the Atlantic Ocean. A key to extant species is provided, a neotype is designated for Silurtis carinatus Linnaeus 1766, and Mormyropsis Miranda Ribeiro, 1911, is placed in the synonymy of Doras Lacepede, 1803.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of high and low dose methotrexate (MTX) treated rats submitted to experimentally displaced mandibular condyle fracture through the recording of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: One hundred male Wistar rats underwent surgery using an experimental model of right condylar fracture. Animals were divided into four groups: A - saline solution (1mL/week); B - dexamethasone (DEX) (0,15mg/Kg); C - MTX low dose (3 mg/Kg/week); D - MTX high dose (30 mg/Kg). Animals were sacrificed at 1, 7, 15, 30 and 90 days postoperatively (n=5). Body weight was recorded. Specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. Linear measurements of skull and mandible, as well as angular measurements of mandibular deviation were taken. Data were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups, periods of sacrifice and between the sides in each group (alpha=0.05). RESULTS: Animals regained body weight over time, except in group D. There was reduction in the mandibular length and also changes in the maxilla as well as progressive deviation in the mandible in relation to the skull basis in group D. CONCLUSION: Treatment with high dose methotrexate had deleterious effect on facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimentally displaced condylar process fracture.


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Autogenous bone grafts are considered to be the gold standard in bone regeneration because of their osteogenic activity; however, due to limited availability of intraoral donor sites and the need to resolve the demands of patients requires an alternative to these. Two male patients were submitted to implant surgery in two stages with 6 months intervals between each of them: the first was exodontia and placement of DBM graft into the socket; the second stage was the drill with a 2 mm internal diameter trephine in center of the alveolar ridge previously grafted with DBM and subsequent implant placement. The samples were analyzed under histological techniques. A very mature bone was observed at 6 months after DBM graft placement in the sockets, showing it to be a good alternative as bone graft.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different restorative procedures on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth submitted to intracoronal bleaching. Fifty upper central incisors were distributed into 5 groups: GI - healthy teeth; GII - endodontically treated teeth sealed with Coltosol; GIII - endodontically treated teeth bleached and sealed with Coltosol; GIV - endodontically treated teeth bleached and restored with composite resin; and GV - endodontically treated teeth bleached and restored with a fiberglass post and composite resin. In the bleached specimens, a cervical seal was made prior to bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide. The gel was applied on the buccal surface and in the pulp chamber, and was then light-activated for 45 s. This procedure was repeated three times per session for four sessions, and each group was submitted to the restorative procedures described above. The specimens were submitted to fracture resistance testing in a universal testing machine. There were statistically significant differences among the groups (p < 0.05). The mean value found for GIII was the lowest (0.32 kN) and was significantly different from the values found for GI (0.75 kN), GII (0.67 kN), GIV (0.70 kN), and GV (0.72 kN), which were not significantly different from each other (p > 0.05). The restorative procedures using composite resin were found to successfully restore the fracture resistance of endodontically treated and bleached teeth.


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Introduction: The purpose of this research was to study the influence of soft laser treatment on the process of bone repair after expansion of the midpalatal suture. Methods: The sample for this case-control experimental study was 11 dogs. They were randomly divided into 2 groups, both of which underwent rapid maxillary expansion with a hyrax appliance. The animals in group 1 were also treated with laser therapy. They were killed, and histologic specimens of the palatal suture were prepared. The Student t test was applied for independent data, and the Mann-Whitney test was used for nonparametric data. Results: A significant difference was observed in the quality of the palatal sutures between the animals in groups 1 and 2. The connective tissues of the sutures in the group 1 animals were similar to the original configurations, with more advanced osteogenesis and fibrogenesis, compared with those of group 2. Conclusions: Soft laser appears to influence the behavior of the repair process, contributing to suture reorganization and palatal bone osteogenesis during and after expansion. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012; 142: 615-24)


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This study, using surface electromyography, analyzed the activity of the masseter muscles of 30 patients with facial bone fractures that were surgically treated. Evaluations were made before surgery and in the 7th, 30th, and 60th days after surgery. The value of each measure and the average of 3 maximum voluntary isometric contractions lasting 5 seconds each were registered, and statistical analyses were performed. Patients had a mean age of 31 years and an average of 1.33 fractures. They were grouped according to the type of fracture as follows: mandibular (50%), zygomatic complex (33%), maxilla (10%), and associated fractures (6.7%). There was a lower masseter activity in the preoperative period, when compared with normal values in all groups of fractures. There was a sharp drop in the masseter activity in the postoperative period of 7 days, and all groups showed recovery of activity in 60 days but still below the normal value referenced in the literature. The mean values of the masseter activity, in descending order, were from the zygomatic complex, mandibular, maxillary, and associated fractures. The unilateral mandibular fractures showed higher values than the bilateral fractures in most of the evaluations. There was a highly significant difference in the comparison of the evolution of the masseter activity on both sides, for mandibular and zygomatic complex fractures, and the pairwise comparison showed significant difference between most groups. It was concluded that facial fractures and surgical procedures had negative effects in the muscle activity as observed using electromyography.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the internal fit (IF) of glass-infiltrated alumina (ICA - In-Ceram Alumina), yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (Y-TZP - IPS e.max ZirCAD), and metal-ceramic (MC - Ni-Cr alloy) crowns. Material and Methods: Sixty standardized resin-tooth replicas of a maxillary first molar were produced for crown placement and divided into 3 groups (n=20 each) according to the core material used (metal, ICA or Y-TZP). The IF of the crowns was measured using the replica technique, which employs a light body polyvinyl siloxane impression material to simulate the cement layer thickness. The data were analyzed according to the surfaces obtained for the occlusal space (OS), axial space (AS) and total mean (TM) using two-way ANOVA with Tukey's multiple comparison test (p<0.05). Results: No differences among the different areas were detected in the MC group. For the Y-TZP and ICA groups, AS was statistically lower than both OS and TM. No differences in AS were observed among the groups. However, OS and TM showed significantly higher values for ICA and Y-TZP groups than MC group. Comparisons of ICA and Y-TZP revealed that OS was significantly lower for Y-TZP group, whereas no differences were observed for TM. Conclusions: The total mean achieved by all groups was within the range of clinical acceptability. However, the metal-ceramic group demonstrated significantly lower values than the all-ceramic groups, especially in OS.


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Objective: This ex vivo study evaluated the effect of pre-flaring and file size on the accuracy of the Root ZX and Novapex electronic apex locators (EALs). Material and methods: The actual working length (WL) was set 1 mm short of the apical foramen in the palatal root canals of 24 extracted maxillary molars. The teeth were embedded in an alginate mold, and two examiners performed the electronic measurements using #10, #15, and #20 K-files. The files were inserted into the root canals until the "0.0" or "APEX" signals were observed on the LED or display screens for the Novapex and Root ZX, respectively, retracting to the 1.0 mark. The measurements were repeated after the pre-flaring using the S1 and SX Pro-Taper instruments. Two measurements were performed for each condition and the means were used. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to verify the intra-and inter-examiner agreement. The mean differences between the WL and electronic length values were analyzed by the three-way ANOVA test (p<0.05). Results: ICCs were high (>0.8) and the results demonstrated a similar accuracy for both EALs (p>0.05). Statistically significant accurate measurements were verified in the pre-flared canals, except for the Novapex using a #20 K-file. Conclusions: The tested EALs showed acceptable accuracy, whereas the pre-flaring procedure revealed a more significant effect than the used file size.


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Introduction: The aim of this prospective clinical study was to investigate the cephalometric changes produced by bonded spurs associated with high-pull chincup therapy in children with Angle Class I malocclusion and anterior open bite. Methods: Thirty patients with an initial mean age of 8.14 years and a mean anterior open bite of -3.93 mm were treated with bonded spurs associated with chincup therapy for 12 months. An untreated control group of 30 subjects with an initial mean age of 8.36 years and a mean anterior open bite of -3.93 mm and the same malocclusion was followed for 12 months for comparison. Student t tests were used for intergroup comparisons. Results: The treated group demonstrated a significantly greater decrease of the gonial angle, and increase in overbite, palatal tipping of the maxillary incisors, and vertical dentoalveolar development of the maxillary and mandibular incisors compared with the control group. Conclusions: The association of bonded spurs with high-pull chincup therapy was efficient for the correction of the open bite in 86.7% of the patients, with a 5.23-mm (SD, +/- 1.69) overbite increase. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:487-93)


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Dental lesions represent about 1% of oral cavity tumors being ameloblastoma the most common one. It is a tumor of epithelial origin that mainly affects the jaw, and less commonly the maxilla. Its clinical presentation is that of an asymptomatic slow-growing tumor. Despite being a benign tumor, it has an invasive behavior with a high rate of recurrence if not treated properly. Objective: To describe the cases of ameloblastoma in a reference department. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 40 cases. The variables analyzed were: age, gender, ethnicity, tumor location, type of treatment, complications and recurrence. Results: The most affected gender was male - 21 cases (52.5%); with a predominance of Caucasians - 24 cases (60%). The mean age was 35.45 years; the most common location was in.the jaw - 37 cases (92.5%). Facial asymmetry was the most frequent complaint. Of the 40 cases, 33 were submitted to surgery. Of those submitted to surgery, 24 (72.72%) underwent segmental resection, with recurrence in 4 (12.12%) cases. Conclusion: Ameloblastoma may relapse when treatment is not performed with broad surgical resection of the lesion with wide safety margins.


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Scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy were used to elucidate the morphology of the rostrum, as well as the mandibular and maxillary stylets of the psyllid Diaphorina cirri, vector of phloem-inhabiting bacteria associated with citrus huanglongbing (HLB) disease. D. cirri has a cone-shaped rostrum that extends behind the pair of prothoracic coxae. The stylet bundle comprises a pair of mandibular (Md) and maxillary (Mx) stylets with a mean length of 513.3 mu m; when retracted, their proximal portions form a loop and are stored in the crumena (Cr). Serial cross-sections of the rostrum revealed that the mandibles are always projected in front of the maxillary stylets. The two maxillary stylets form the food and salivary canals, with diameters of 0.9 mu m and 0.4 mu m respectively. These two canals merge at the end of the stylets forming a common duct with a length of 4.3 mu m and a mean diameter of 0.9 mu m. The acrostyle, a distinct anatomical structure present in the common duct of aphid maxillary stylets, was not observed by TEM in the ultrathin cross-sections of the common duct (CD) of D. citri. This study provides new information on D. citri mouthparts that may help to understand the behaviour of this important vector of HLB-associated bacteria. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: This study aimed to investigate (1) the influence of complete denture quality and years of denture use on masticatory efficiency and (2) the relationship between complete denture quality and years of use. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 93 edentulous patients (mean age: 65.6 years) wearing both mandibular and maxillary dentures. Patients were classified into two categories according to years of denture use: <= 2 years and >= 5 years. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated via the colorimetric method with beads as the artificial test food. A reproducible method for objective evaluation of the technical quality of complete dentures was employed. The association between denture quality and years of denture use was analyzed using chi-square and Fisher exact tests. The results of masticatory efficiency testing were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (with the Tukey post hoc test) in terms of years of denture use <= 2 years, >= 5 years) and denture quality (poor, average, good). Results: A significant relationship was found between denture quality and years of denture use (P < .05). Masticatory efficiency differed significantly (P < .05) between patients with <= 2 years of denture use (0.101 +/- 0.076 absorbance) and >= 5 years of use (0.068 +/- 0.076 absorbance). Masticatory efficiency was not influenced by denture quality. Conclusions: Complete denture quality and masticatory efficiency significantly decreased over time. However, complete denture quality did not influence masticatory efficiency. Int J Prosthodont 2012;25:625-630.


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Objective. The purposes of this study were to assess clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of 22 oral neurofibromas (NFs) and discuss with previously described literature, addressing the main aspects regarding the differential diagnosis. Materials and methods. Immunohistochemical reactions included S-100, CD34, GLUT-1, EMA, Ki-67, p53 and Collagen IV and histochemical reactions for Alcian blue. Results. Clinically, the preferential location was the maxillary bones, tongue and buccal mucosa. Microscopically, widely spread spindle-shaped cells with scant cytoplasm and elongated nuclei were observed. Immunostaining revealed that the tumor cells weakly expressed GLUT-1, Collagen IV, Ki-67 and p53. They were variably positive for CD34, S-100 protein and membrane epithelial antigen (EMA). Conclusions. The different types of nerve sheath cells observed in the present series reinforce the presence of heterogeneous population in NFs. The strong positivity for S-100 suggests that the lesions were more composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells than other cells. Besides, the high number of CD34-positive cells suggests that this marker can be useful for the differential diagnosis of NFs against PEN, traumatic neuromas and Schwannomas. Finally, the low immunostaining for p53 and Ki-67 may indicate that NFs massively composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells present low potential of aggressiveness and malignant transformation.


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Aim: To evaluate the effect of a space-maintaining device fixed to the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus after the elevation of the sinus mucosa on bone filling of the sinus cavity. Material and methods: Immediately after the elevation of the maxillary sinus Schneiderian membrane accomplished through lateral antrostomy in four monkeys, a titanium device was affixed to the lateral sinus wall protruding into the sinus cavity to maintain the mucosa elevated without the use of grafting material. The healing of the tissue around the implants was evaluated after 3 and 6 months. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed histologically. Results: The void under the elevated sinus membrane, originally filled with the blood clot, was reduced after 3 as well as after 6 months of healing of about 56% and 40.5%, respectively. In seven out of eight cases, the devices had perforated the sinus mucosa. The formation of mineralized bone and bone marrow amounted to about 42% and 69% after 3 and 6 months, respectively. The connective tissue represented about 53% and 23% of the newly formed tissue after 3 and 6 months, respectively. Conclusions: New bone formation was found below the devices. However, shrinkage of the newly formed tissue was observed both after 3 and 6 months of healing. Hence, the space-maintaining function of the devices used in the present study has to be questioned.