36 resultados para Jens Eder


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We examined the capacity of high-intensity intermittent training (HI-IT) to facilitate the delivery of lipids to enzymes responsible for oxidation, a task performed by the carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) system in the rat gastrocnemius muscle. Male adult Wistar rats (160-250 g) were randomly distributed into 3 groups: sedentary (Sed, N = 5), HI-IT (N = 10), and moderate-intensity continuous training (MI-CT, N = 10). The trained groups were exercised for 8 weeks with a 10% (HI-IT) and a 5% (MI-CT) overload. The HI-IT group presented 11.8% decreased weight gain compared to the Sed group. The maximal activities of CPT-I, CPT-II, and citrate synthase were all increased in the HI-IT group compared to the Sed group (P < 0.01), as also was gene expression, measured by RT-PCR, of fatty acid binding protein (FABP; P < 0.01) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL; P < 0.05). Lactate dehydrogenase also presented a higher maximal activity (nmol·min-1·mg protein-1) in HI-IT (around 83%). We suggest that 8 weeks of HI-IT enhance mitochondrial lipid transport capacity thus facilitating the oxidation process in the gastrocnemius muscle. This adaptation may also be associated with the decrease in weight gain observed in the animals and was concomitant to a higher gene expression of both FABP and LPL in HI-IT, suggesting that intermittent exercise is a "time-efficient" strategy inducing metabolic adaptation.


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O avanço verificado no enfrentamento de neoplasias malignas por meio dos sistemas de saúde envolve melhorias nas áreas de vigilância, organização de redes de assistência, programas específicos voltados às prevenções primária e secundária e, obviamente, aos avanços técnico-científicos que caracterizam a abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica. Embora seja notável o reconhecimento de avanços no manejo de neoplasias malignas em todas as áreas citadas, o câncer da boca permanece com indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade que parecem não acompanhar o acúmulo científico no conhecimento da doença. O presente manuscrito objetiva discutir os motivos desse descompasso, a necessidade de reorientação de prioridades na abordagem do câncer da boca e sua efetivação como política pública de saúde.


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Caffeine determination using a fast-scan voltammetric procedure at a carbon fiber ultramicroelectrode (CF-UME) is described. The CF-UME was submitted to electrochemical pretreatment. Parameters such as number of acquisition cycles, scan rate, potential window, and the electrochemical surface pretreatment were optimized. Using the optimized conditions, it was possible to achieve a LDR from 10.0 up to 200 μmol L-1, with a LOD of 3.33 μmol L-1. The method has been applied in the determination of caffeine in commercial samples, with errors of 1.0-3.5% in relation to the label values and recoveries of 97-114% within the linear range.


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A bare graphite-polyurethane composite was evaluated in the tetracycline (TC) determination in natural water samples. Using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), a linear response was observed in the range of 4.00-40.0 µmol L-1 with limit of detection of 2.80 µmol L-1, without the need of surface renewing between successive runs. During the tetracycline determination in water samples, recoveries between 92.6 and 100% were found. The results for TC determination in water samples after a pre-concentration stage agreed with spiked value at a 95% confidence level according to student t-test.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the frequencies of human platelet antigens in oncohematological patients with thrombocytopenia and to analyze the probability of their incompatibility with platelet transfusions. METHODS: Platelet antigen genotyping was performed by sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR) for the HPA-1a, HPA-1b, HPA-2a, HPA-2b, HPA-3a, HPA-3b, HPA-4a, HPA-4b, HPA-5a, HPA-5b; HPA-15a, HPA-15b alleles in 150 patients of the Hematology Service of the Hospital das Clínicas (FMUSP). RESULTS: The allele frequencies found were: HPA-1a: 0.837; HPA-1b: 0.163; HPA-2a: 0.830; HPA-2b: 0.170; HPA-3a: 0.700; HPA-3b: 0.300; HPA-4a: 1; HPA-4b: 0; HPA-5a: 0.887; HPA-5b: 0.113; HPA-15a: 0.457 and HPA-15b: 0.543. CONCLUSIONS: Data from the present study showed that the A allele is more common in the population than the B allele, except for HPA-15. This suggests that patients homozygous for the B allele are more predisposed to present alloimmunization and refractoriness to platelet transfusions by immune causes. Platelet genotyping could be of great value in the diagnosis of alloimmune thrombocytopenia and to provide compatible platelet concentrates for these patients.


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Ao longo da História, a concepção a cerca da deficiência visual e do próprio deficiente vem sofrendo mudanças significativas. Podemos dividi-la em três fases: mística, Biológica e Científica. Nessa última, surgida na Idade Média, o cego passou a ser visto como um ser social, lançando as bases para um processo de inclusão. Trazendo para o Ensino de Física, o processo de inclusão só se tornará possível quando superarmos alguns obstáculos, como a relação entre conhecer um fenômeno físico e ver esse fenômeno, e o predomínio de atividades passivas à participativas. O presente trabalho é parte integrante de um projeto de doutorado, cuja proposta é investigar as potencialidades e limitações de softwares leitores de tela, e avaliar suas possibilidades de integração com as modalidades de ensino utilizadas em aulas de Física, sugerindo estratégias alternativas para a inclusão desses alunos ao mundo da Física.