46 resultados para Health education. Popular health education. Group diabetes Mellitus.


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Abstract Background The use of stem cells to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus has been proposed for many years, both to downregulate the immune system and to provide β cell regeneration. Conclusion High dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is able to induce complete remission (insulin independence) in most patients with early onset type 1 diabetes mellitus.


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Abstract Background To identify the most appropriate cut-off points of fasting glycemia for the screening of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) with the comparison of the properties of capillary glycemia (CG) and venous blood plasma glycemia (PG) in a population of Japanese origin from the community of Mombuca, Guatapará - SP, Brazil. Methods This was a population-based descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on a sample of 131 individuals of both genders aged 20 years or more (66.8% of the target population). CG was measured with a glucometer in a blood sample obtained from the fingertip and PG was determined by an enzymatic method (hexokinase) in venous blood plasma, after a 10-14 hour fast in both cases. Data were analyzed by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve in order to identify the best cut-off point for fasting glycemia (CG and PG) for the diagnosis of DM, using the 2-hour plasma glycemia > 200 mg/dl as gold - standard. Results The ROC curve revealed that the best cut-off point for the screening of DM was 110 mg/dl for CG and 105 mg/dl for PG, values that would optimize the relation between individuals with positive and false-positive results. The area under the ROC curve was 0.814 for CG (p < 0.01) and 0.836 for PG (p < 0.01). Conclusions The cut-off points of 105 mg/dl(5.8 mmol/l) for PG and of 110 mg/dl(6.1 mmol/l) for CG appear to be the most appropriate for the screening of DM2 in the population under study, with emphasis on the fact that the value recommended for CG is 5 mg/dl higher than that for PG, in contrast to WHO recommendations.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a percepção de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 acerca do transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH). Participaram do estudo 12 pacientes, com idades entre 16 e 24 anos. Foi aplicado um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada antes e um ano após o TCTH. Os relatos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática e agrupados em três categorias: impacto do adoecimento, vivência do TCTH e retomada do cotidiano. Os resultados evidenciaram que os participantes foram capazes de identificar ganhos e refletir sobre as perdas advindas dessa situação-limite. Puderam perceber possibilidades de se beneficiarem do TCTH e vislumbraram no transplante uma oportunidade para além das inevitáveis dificuldades e limitações impostas pela terapêutica.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar as causas referidas na etiologia das úlceras em pés de pessoas com Diabetes mellitus (DM). MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional, quantitativo, realizado no Ambulatório de Diabetes de um Hospital Universitário em Ribeirão Preto - SP. Os dados foram coletados com instrumento estruturado e exame físico dos pés de amostra de 30 pacientes diabéticos. RESULTADOS: Amostra com idade média de 57,5 anos, predominância do sexo masculino e baixa escolaridade; 90% possuíam DM tipo 2, de longa duração e mal controlado; obesidade/sobrepeso em 77% e insensibilidade plantar em 93,3%. A região metatarsiana foi o local de úlcera referido com maior frequência, e a causa foi a calosidade. CONCLUSÃO: as causas referidas envolvidas na etiologia das úlceras correspondem, de forma direta ou indireta, a fatores extrínsecos que podem ser prevenidos com cuidados básicos e de baixo custo. A insensibilidade plantar, fator fundamental desencadeador das úlceras, no entanto não foi reconhecida pelas pessoas.


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Friends' support is a key element in the management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. This study describes the influence of friends on the lives of children with Diabetes Mellitus and its implications for managing the disease. Empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews, supported with the use of puppets, with 19 children aged between seven and 12 years old. The qualitative analysis of the testimonies allowed understanding the phenomenon from two perspectives: the attitude of friends towards the child, positively or negatively affecting the disease's management, and the attitude of the child toward friends. The knowledge of those involved and the interaction between the children with DM1 and their friends impacts the management of the disease. Understanding the implications of these interactions contributes to the delivery of qualified nursing care to this population.


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Abstract Background Regardless the regulatory function of microRNAs (miRNA), their differential expression pattern has been used to define miRNA signatures and to disclose disease biomarkers. To address the question of whether patients presenting the different types of diabetes mellitus could be distinguished on the basis of their miRNA and mRNA expression profiling, we obtained peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) RNAs from 7 type 1 (T1D), 7 type 2 (T2D), and 6 gestational diabetes (GDM) patients, which were hybridized to Agilent miRNA and mRNA microarrays. Data quantification and quality control were obtained using the Feature Extraction software, and data distribution was normalized using quantile function implemented in the Aroma light package. Differentially expressed miRNAs/mRNAs were identified using Rank products, comparing T1DxGDM, T2DxGDM and T1DxT2D. Hierarchical clustering was performed using the average linkage criterion with Pearson uncentered distance as metrics. Results The use of the same microarrays platform permitted the identification of sets of shared or specific miRNAs/mRNA interaction for each type of diabetes. Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-126, hsa-miR-1307, hsa-miR-142-3p, hsa-miR-142-5p, hsa-miR-144, hsa-miR-199a-5p, hsa-miR-27a, hsa-miR-29b, and hsa-miR-342-3p) were shared among T1D, T2D and GDM, and additional specific miRNAs were identified for T1D (20 miRNAs), T2D (14) and GDM (19) patients. ROC curves allowed the identification of specific and relevant (greater AUC values) miRNAs for each type of diabetes, including: i) hsa-miR-1274a, hsa-miR-1274b and hsa-let-7f for T1D; ii) hsa-miR-222, hsa-miR-30e and hsa-miR-140-3p for T2D, and iii) hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-1268 for GDM. Many of these miRNAs targeted mRNAs associated with diabetes pathogenesis. Conclusions These results indicate that PBMC can be used as reporter cells to characterize the miRNA expression profiling disclosed by the different diabetes mellitus manifestations. Shared miRNAs may characterize diabetes as a metabolic and inflammatory disorder, whereas specific miRNAs may represent biological markers for each type of diabetes, deserving further attention.


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This article reports, in a systemized and analytical way, the experience of an Outreach Program in the period between 2010 and 2011. The study focused on health education interventions as strategies to improve the adherence of individuals with insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), clients of a blood glucose self-Monitoring program. In addition, we intended to contribute to the reorganization of the program's working processes in the unit. Health education strategies were used in both educational groups and home visits, thus permitting the provision of care that was more individualized. Data regarding the clients were organized on a spreadsheet and in files for the Family Health teams, which made it easier to identify the patients, including those who were absent, helping to decentralize the care. By using health education strategies, we intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and emancipatory care of the clients, aimed at a continuous reflection of the workers regarding their practices.


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People with hypertension constantly deal with issues related to mental health due to the psychosocial determinants of this illness, and leisure is an important control strategy. The objective of this study was to promote health education to a group of hypertensive patients, through research-action, based on critical-social pedagogy, and taking into consideration the participants' perception of leisure. Educational activities were conducted and, following, an evaluation was performed regarding the subjects' opinion about the impact of leisure on their lives and mental health. The group perceived leisure as a coping strategy for loneliness and also as a late development of independence; it was also regarded as a means of socialization and as a promotion of mental health. These perceptions revealed two themes: aging, leisure, and chronic disease; and knowledge and leisure experiences. Educational actions, such as group dynamics and discussions, were planned considering these themes with the purpose of providing the necessary conditions for socializing and exchanging experiences.


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To evaluate the impact of a medication therapy management (MTM) program on the clinical outcomes and the quality of life (QoL) of a group of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). The study was conducted in a community pharmacy in Aracaju, Brazil, from February to November 2009. A quasi-experimental, longitudinal, prospective study was conducted by intervention. The group patients received medication therapy management from a clinical pharmacist. A sample of convenience was obtained for patients of both genders aged from 60 to 75 years. Monthly visits were scheduled over 10 months. At these consultations, sociodemographic, clinical data were obtained. QoL assessment was conducted using a generic instrument-the Medical Outcomes Studies 36-item Short Form Survey (SF-36 (R)). In total, 34 completed the study. The mean age of the patients was 65.9 (4.7) years. In total, 117 DRPs were identified. Patients' baseline and final evaluation measures for glycosylated hemoglobin, capillary blood glucose, blood pressure, and waist circumference were significantly different (p < 0.05). The domains of QoL assessed by the SF-36 (R) also shows significant differences between patients' baseline and final evaluation scores. The co-responsibility and active participation on the part of the elderly may have helped pharmacotherapy achieve its clinical and humanistic aims.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a health promotion program on cardiometabolic risk profile in Japanese-Brazilians. METHODS: A total of 466 subjects from a study on diabetes prevalence conducted in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil, in 2000 completed a 1-year intervention program (2005-2006) based on healthy diet counseling and physical activity. Changes in blood pressure and metabolic parameters in the 2005-2006 period were compared with annual changes in these same variables in the 2000-2005 period. RESULTS: During the intervention, there were greater annual reductions in mean (SD) waist circumference [-0.5(3.8) vs. 1.2(1.2) cm per year, p<0.001], systolic blood pressure [-4.6(17.9) vs. 1.8(4.3) mmHg per year, p<0.001], 2-hour plasma glucose [-1.2(2.1) vs. -0.2(0.6) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], LDL-cholesterol [-0.3(0.9) vs. -0.1(0.2) mmol/L per year, p<0.001] and Framingham coronary heart disease risk score [-0.25(3.03) vs. 0.11(0.66) per year, p=0.02] but not in triglycerides [0.2(1.6) vs. 0.1(0.42) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], and fasting insulin level [1.2(5.8) vs. -0.7(2.2) IU/mL per year, p<0.001] compared with the pre-intervention period. Significant reductions in the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose/impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes were seen during the intervention (from 58.4% to 35.4%, p<0.001; and from 30.1% to 21.7%, p= 0.004, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: A one-year community-based health promotion program brings cardiometabolic benefits in a high-risk population of Japanese-Brazilians.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a relação da síndrome metabólica (SM) com o nível socioeconômico, hábitos comportamentais, condições de saúde, antecedentes familiares de morbidades e áreas de residência. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal. A amostra aleatória foi constituída por usuários de duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da cidade de São Paulo - Jardim Comercial (UBS1) e Jardim Germânia (UBS2) -, totalizando 452. Para o diagnóstico de SM utilizou-se o critério do Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (NCEP-ATP III). Na avaliação antropométrica foram aferidas medidas de peso, estatura, circunferências abdominal e do quadril. Foi utilizado questionário geral para obtenção de dados sociodemográficos, socioeconómicos, antecedentes familiares e pessoais de morbidades, hábitos comportamentais como tabagismo, etilismo e nível de atividade física. Foi estabelecida associação entre as variáveis explicativas de interesse e SM, empregando-se a regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Na UBS1, o percentual de SM foi de 56,1% e na UBS2, de 34,0%. Houve associação direta e significativa entre SM e idade, sexo feminino, cor, tabagismo, etilismo, nível de atividade física, estresse e antecedentes familiares de doença cardíaca e de diabetes mellitus. A escolaridade apresentou associação inversa: morar no bairro de menor nível socioeconómico aumentou a chance de SM. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que as morbidades que compõem a SM são um grave problema de saúde pública nessa população.


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Although low- and middle-income countries still bear the burden of major infectious diseases, chronic noncommunicable diseases are becoming increasingly common due to rapid demographic, epidemiologic, and nutritional transitions. However, information is generally scant in these countries regarding chronic disease incidence, social determinants, and risk factors. The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) aims to contribute relevant information with respect to the development and progression of clinical and subclinical chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. In this report, the authors delineate the study's objectives, principal methodological features, and timeline. At baseline, ELSA-Brasil enrolled 15,105 civil servants from 5 universities and 1 research institute. The baseline examination (2008-2010) included detailed interviews, clinical and anthropometric examinations, an oral glucose tolerance test, overnight urine collection, a 12-lead resting electrocardiogram, measurement of carotid intima-media thickness, echocardiography, measurement of pulse wave velocity, hepatic ultrasonography, retinal fundus photography, and an analysis of heart rate variability. Long-term biologic sample storage will allow investigation of biomarkers that may predict cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Annual telephone surveillance, initiated in 2009, will continue for the duration of the study. A follow-up examination is scheduled for 2012-2013.


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The present research examined the effects of a cognitive training program combined with psychoeducational intervention for diabetic elderly patients. Specifically, it aimed at assessing the effects of an eight-session cognitive training and educational program in diabetic elderly individuals and investigating changes in their awareness about specific aspects of diabetes. The final sample consisted of 34 individuals-19 in the experimental group (EG) and 15 in the control group (CG), all residing in the eastern region of the city of Sao Paulo. The protocol included clinical and sociodemographic questions; the Diabetes Attitudes Questionnaire (ATT-19); Diabetes Knowledge Scale (DKN-A); Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE); Verbal Fluency-animal category (VF); Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS); Short Cognitive Performance Test (SKT); and the Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test (RBMT). Results pointed to a significant difference between the two groups for the ATT-19, DKN, and SKT-memory and SKT-total, and a marginally significant difference for the RBMT history in the posttest. As for the remaining cognitive variables, no changes were observed. Retest effects were not observed in the CG. We concluded that cognitive training combined with psychoeducational intervention in diabetic elderly individuals may be effective in producing cognitive gains as well as attitude and knowledge improvement concerning diabetes mellitus (DM).


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Insulin resistance condition is associated to the development of several syndromes, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Although the factors linking insulin resistance to these syndromes are not precisely defined yet, evidence suggests that the elevated plasma free fatty acid (FFA) level plays an important role in the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance. Accordantly, in vivo and in vitro exposure of skeletal muscle and myocytes to physiological concentrations of saturated fatty acids is associated with insulin resistance condition. Several mechanisms have been postulated to account for fatty acids-induced muscle insulin resistance, including Randle cycle, oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Here we reviewed experimental evidence supporting the involvement of each of these propositions in the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance induced by saturated fatty acids and propose an integrative model placing mitochondrial dysfunction as an important and common factor to the other mechanisms.


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O trabalho relata, de maneira sistematizada e crítica, a experiência de um Projeto de Extensão no período de 2010 a 2011. Teve como foco ações de educação em saúde como estratégia para melhorar a adesão das pessoas com diabetes mellitus e insulinodependentes, de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do município de São Paulo, ao Programa Automonitoramento Glicêmico. Além disso, pretendeu-se contribuir na reorganização do processo de trabalho em relação ao Programa na unidade. Foram utilizadas estratégias de educação em saúde em grupos educativos e visitas domiciliares, assim, possibilitando cuidados mais singulares. Dados dos usuários foram organizados em planilha e em pastas para as equipes de Saúde da Família, facilitando na identificação dos usuários, inclusive os faltosos, e auxiliando na descentralização do cuidado. Com as ações de educação em saúde, pretendeu-se contribuir para um cuidado mais integral e emancipatório aos usuários, para um contínuo refletir dos trabalhadores quanto a suas práticas.