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This study compared dentine demineralization induced by in vitro and in situ models, and correlated dentine surface hardness (SH), cross-sectional hardness (CSH) and mineral content by transverse microradiography (TMR). Bovine dentine specimens (n = 15/group) were demineralized in vitro with the following: MC gel (6% carboxymethylcellulose gel and 0.1 m lactic acid, pH 5.0, 14 days); buffer I (0.05 m acetic acid solution with calcium, phosphate and fluoride, pH 4.5, 7 days); buffer II (0.05 m acetic acid solution with calcium and phosphate, pH 5.0, 7 days), and TEMDP (0.05 m lactic acid with calcium, phosphate and tetraethyl methyl diphosphonate, pH 5.0, 7 days). In an in situ study, 11 volunteers wore palatal appliances containing 2 bovine dentine specimens, protected with a plastic mesh to allow biofilm development. The volunteers dripped a 20% sucrose solution on each specimen 4 times a day for 14 days. In vitro and in situ lesions were analyzed using TMR and statistically compared by ANOVA. TMR and CSH/SH were submitted to regression and correlation analysis (p < 0.05). The in situ model produced a deep lesion with a high R value, but with a thin surface layer. Regarding the in vitro models, MC gel produced only a shallow lesion, while buffers I and II as well as TEMDP induced a pronounced subsurface lesion with deep demineralization. The relationship between CSH and TMR was weak and not linear. The artificial dentine carious lesions induced by the different models differed significantly, which in turn might influence further de- and remineralization processes. Hardness analysis should not be interpreted with respect to dentine mineral loss


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The objective of this study was to evaluate accuracy, precision and robustness of two methods to obtain silage samples, in comparison with extraction of liquor by manual screw-press. Wet brewery residue alone or combined with soybean hulls and citrus pulp were ensiled in laboratory silos. Liquor was extracted by a manual screw-press and a 2-mL aliquot was fixed with 0.4 mL formic acid. Two 10-g silage samples from each silo were diluted in 20 mL deionized water or 17% formic acid solution (alternative methods). Aliquots obtained by the three methods were used to determine the silage contents of fermentation end-products. The accuracy of the alternative methods was evaluated by comparing mean bias of estimates obtained by manual screw-press and by alternative methods, whereas precision was assessed by the root mean square prediction error and the residual error. Robustness was determined by studying the interaction between bias and chemical components, pH, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and buffer capacity. The 17% formic acid method was more accurate for estimating acetic, butyric and lactic acids, although it resulted in low overestimates of propionic acid and underestimates of ethanol. The deionized water method overestimated acetic and propionic acids and slightly underestimated ethanol. The 17% formic acid method was more precise than deionized water for estimating all organic acids and ethanol. The robustness of each method with respect to variation in the silage chemical composition, IVDMD and pH is dependent on the fermentation end-product at evaluation. The robustness of the alternative methods seems to be critical at the determination of lactic acid and ethanol contents.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção da silagem e o uso de aditivos no processo de ensilagem do resíduo úmido de cervejaria, foram realizados 5 tratamentos: controle (C: ensilagem de 100% de resíduo úmido de cervejaria); PC15 (15% de polpa cítrica); PC30 (30% de polpa cítrica); CS15 (15% de casca de soja); CS30 (30% de casca de soja) – com base na matéria fresca do resíduo de cervejaria. As silagens foram confeccionadas em baldes plásticos com 252mm de altura e 245mm de diâmetro (0,06174m³), e amostras foram coletadas para análises bromatológicas, pH, nitrogênio amoniacal, digestão in vitro de matéria seca, ácidos orgânicos e perfil microbiológico. Os resultados foram analisados pelo programa computacional Statistical Analysis System (Statistical..., 1985), sendo verificada a normalidade dos resíduos pelo Teste de Shapiro-Wilk (PROC UNIVARIATE), e as variâncias, pelo Teste de Hartley. Os efeitos dos níveis de adição foram separados por meio de contrastes polinomiais utilizando o nível de significância de 5%. Houve aumento do teor de matéria seca, carboidratos solúveis, ácido lático, digestão in vitro de matéria seca, da população de bactérias ácido láticas e redução do pH, ácido butírico, propiônico e nitrogênio amoniacal a partir das inclusões de polpa cítrica e casca de soja, sendo os melhores resultados encontrados para o tratamento com inclusão de 30% de polpa cítrica (P<0,05). A ensilagem do bagaço de malte por si só é uma alternativa para o produtor rural como suporte alimentar e confecção de silagem de qualidade que pode ser incrementada com o uso de aditivos a serem avaliados de acordo com a relação custo-benefício para eficiência da produção