39 resultados para Dependent Diabetes-mellitus
OBJETIVOS: Relacionar o conhecimento e a atitude de usuários com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2), conforme a escolaridade e o tempo da doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa, descritivo transversal realizado em uma Unidade Básica Distrital de Saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, em 2010. Foram entrevistados 123 usuários com DM2, que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Para coleta de dados, foram utilizados: Questionário de Conhecimento (DKN-A) e Questionário de Atitudes Psicológicas do Diabetes (ATT-19). Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista dirigida. Para a análise, utilizou-se o teste Exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 63,87±9,09 anos, 4,54±3,66 anos de estudo, tempo médio de doença 11,18±8,64 anos. A escolaridade e o tempo de doença mostraram-se estatisticamente significantes (p<0,01 e 0,02, respectivamente) para a aquisição do conhecimento e prontidão para o autocuidado em Diabetes. CONCLUSÕES: escolaridade e tempo de doença são variáveis que influenciam o conhecimento e atitude do paciente com DM2.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o componente resultado em um serviço de atenção secundária a usuários com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tomando como indicadores os controles de pressão arterial, hemoglobina glicada e lipoproteína de baixa densidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo documental e retrospectivo envolvendo a análise desses indicadores, obtidos nos anos entre 2007 e 2009, com base na consulta de 108 prontuários de usuários de um serviço de atenção secundária, realizada na avaliação de cuidados em saúde. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que 30,3% dos usuários alcançaram a meta para a hemoglobina glicada, 48,1%, para a pressão arterial e 42,3%, para a lipoproteína de baixa densidade. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados avaliados foram semelhantes aos encontrados em outras investigações internacionais e nacionais, com grande proporção de usuários com DM2 estudados, apresentando controle dos níveis hemoglobina A1c, PA e LDL-C, aquém do preconizado nos consensos.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the perception of social support and the relationship of sociodemographic, clinical and metabolic control variables in individuals with diabetes mellitus and foot ulcers in an outpatient unit. METHODS: A quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out using a social support network inventory. RESULTS: Participants had a high perception of social support; family and health professionals were identified as the main support sources. Fasting plasma glucose values were directly related with social support. CONCLUSION: Family members were identified as the main support source, which emphasizes their importance in the health care process.
Friends' support is a key element in the management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. This study describes the influence of friends on the lives of children with Diabetes Mellitus and its implications for managing the disease. Empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews, supported with the use of puppets, with 19 children aged between seven and 12 years old. The qualitative analysis of the testimonies allowed understanding the phenomenon from two perspectives: the attitude of friends towards the child, positively or negatively affecting the disease's management, and the attitude of the child toward friends. The knowledge of those involved and the interaction between the children with DM1 and their friends impacts the management of the disease. Understanding the implications of these interactions contributes to the delivery of qualified nursing care to this population.
OBJETIVOS: Comparar custos e benefícios clínicos de três terapias adicionais à metformina (MF) para pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2). MÉTODOS: Um modelo de simulação de eventos discretos foi construído para estimar a relação custo-utilidade (custo por QALY) da saxagliptina como uma terapia adicional à MF comparada à rosiglitazona ou pioglitazona. Um modelo de impacto orçamentário (BIM - Budget Impact Model) foi construído para simular o impacto econômico da adoção de saxagliptina no contexto do Sistema Suplementar de Saúde brasileiro. RESULTADOS: O custo de aquisição da medicação para o grupo de pacientes hipotéticos analisados, para o horizonte temporal de três anos, foi de R$ 10.850.185,00, R$ 14.836.265,00 e R$ 14.679.099,00 para saxagliptina, pioglitazona e rosiglitazona, respectivamente. Saxagliptina exibiu menores custos e maior efetividade em ambas as comparações, com economias projetadas para os três primeiros anos de -R$ 3.874,00 e -R$ 3.996,00, respectivamente. O BIM estimou uma economia cumulativa de R$ 417.958,00 com o reembolso da saxagliptina em três anos a partir da perspectiva de uma operadora de plano de saúde com 1 milhão de vidas cobertas. CONCLUSÃO: Da perspectiva da fonte pagadora privada, a projeção é de que o acréscimo de saxagliptina à MF poupe custos quando comparado ao acréscimo de rosiglitazona ou pioglitazona em pacientes com DMT2 que não atingiram a meta de hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) com metformina em monoterapia. O BIM, para a inclusão de saxagliptina nas listas de reembolso das operadoras de planos de saúde, indicou uma economia significativa para o horizonte de 3 anos.
Abstract Background Regardless the regulatory function of microRNAs (miRNA), their differential expression pattern has been used to define miRNA signatures and to disclose disease biomarkers. To address the question of whether patients presenting the different types of diabetes mellitus could be distinguished on the basis of their miRNA and mRNA expression profiling, we obtained peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) RNAs from 7 type 1 (T1D), 7 type 2 (T2D), and 6 gestational diabetes (GDM) patients, which were hybridized to Agilent miRNA and mRNA microarrays. Data quantification and quality control were obtained using the Feature Extraction software, and data distribution was normalized using quantile function implemented in the Aroma light package. Differentially expressed miRNAs/mRNAs were identified using Rank products, comparing T1DxGDM, T2DxGDM and T1DxT2D. Hierarchical clustering was performed using the average linkage criterion with Pearson uncentered distance as metrics. Results The use of the same microarrays platform permitted the identification of sets of shared or specific miRNAs/mRNA interaction for each type of diabetes. Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-126, hsa-miR-1307, hsa-miR-142-3p, hsa-miR-142-5p, hsa-miR-144, hsa-miR-199a-5p, hsa-miR-27a, hsa-miR-29b, and hsa-miR-342-3p) were shared among T1D, T2D and GDM, and additional specific miRNAs were identified for T1D (20 miRNAs), T2D (14) and GDM (19) patients. ROC curves allowed the identification of specific and relevant (greater AUC values) miRNAs for each type of diabetes, including: i) hsa-miR-1274a, hsa-miR-1274b and hsa-let-7f for T1D; ii) hsa-miR-222, hsa-miR-30e and hsa-miR-140-3p for T2D, and iii) hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-1268 for GDM. Many of these miRNAs targeted mRNAs associated with diabetes pathogenesis. Conclusions These results indicate that PBMC can be used as reporter cells to characterize the miRNA expression profiling disclosed by the different diabetes mellitus manifestations. Shared miRNAs may characterize diabetes as a metabolic and inflammatory disorder, whereas specific miRNAs may represent biological markers for each type of diabetes, deserving further attention.
This article reports, in a systemized and analytical way, the experience of an Outreach Program in the period between 2010 and 2011. The study focused on health education interventions as strategies to improve the adherence of individuals with insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), clients of a blood glucose self-Monitoring program. In addition, we intended to contribute to the reorganization of the program's working processes in the unit. Health education strategies were used in both educational groups and home visits, thus permitting the provision of care that was more individualized. Data regarding the clients were organized on a spreadsheet and in files for the Family Health teams, which made it easier to identify the patients, including those who were absent, helping to decentralize the care. By using health education strategies, we intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and emancipatory care of the clients, aimed at a continuous reflection of the workers regarding their practices.
Quercetin is a potent anti-inflammatory flavonoid, but its capacity to modulate insulin sensitivity in obese insulin resistant conditions is unknown. This study investigated the effect of quercetin treatment upon insulin sensitivity of ob/ob mice and its potential molecular mechanisms. Obese ob/ob mice were treated with quercetin for 10 weeks, and L6 myotubes were treated with either palmitate or tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) plus quercetin. Cells and muscles were processed for analysis of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), TNF alpha and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and inhibitor of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) kinase (I kappa K) phosphorylation. Myotubes were assayed for glucose uptake and NF-kappa B translocation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assessed NF-kappa B binding to GLUT4 promoter. Quercetin treatment improved whole body insulin sensitivity by increasing GLUT4 expression and decreasing JNK phosphorylation, and TNF alpha and iNOS expression in skeletal muscle. Quercetin suppressed palmitate-induced upregulation of TNF alpha and iNOS and restored normal levels of GLUT4 in myotubes. In parallel, quercetin suppressed TNF alpha-induced reduction of glucose uptake in myotubes. Nuclear accumulation of NF-kappa B in myotubes and binding of NF-kappa B to GLUT4 promoter in muscles of ob/ob mice were also reduced by quercetin. We demonstrated that quercetin decreased the inflammatory status in skeletal muscle of obese mice and in L6 myotubes. This effect was followed by increased muscle GLUT4, with parallel improvement of insulin sensitivity. These results point out quercetin as a putative strategy to manage inflammatory-related insulin resistance. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is frequently accompanied by dyslipidemia related with insulin-dependent steps of the intravascular lipoprotein metabolism. T1DM dyslipidemia may predispose to precocious cardiovascular disease and the lipid status in T1DM under intensive insulin treatment has not been sufficiently explored. The aim was to investigate the plasma lipids and the metabolism of LDL and HDL in insulin-treated T1DM patients with high glycemic levels. Methods Sixteen male patients with T1DM (26 ± 7 yrs) with glycated hemoglobin >7%, and 15 control subjects (28 ± 6 yrs) were injected with a lipid nanoemulsion (LDE) resembling LDL and labeled with 14C-cholesteryl ester and 3H-free-cholesterol for determination of fractional clearance rates (FCR, in h-1) and cholesterol esterification kinetics. Transfer of labeled lipids from LDE to HDL was assayed in vitro. Results LDL-cholesterol (83 ± 15 vs 100 ± 29 mg/dl, p=0.08) tended to be lower in T1DM than in controls; HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides were equal. LDE marker 14C-cholesteryl ester was removed faster from plasma in T1DM patients than in controls (FCR=0.059 ± 0.022 vs 0.039 ± 0.022h-1, p=0.019), which may account for their lower LDL-cholesterol levels. Cholesterol esterification kinetics and transfer of non-esterified and esterified cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides from LDE to HDL were also equal. Conclusion T1DM patients under intensive insulin treatment but with poor glycemic control had lower LDL-cholesterol with higher LDE plasma clearance, indicating that LDL plasma removal was even more efficient than in controls. Furthermore, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, cholesterol esterification and transfer of lipids to HDL, an important step in reverse cholesterol transport, were all normal. Coexistence of high glycemia levels with normal intravascular lipid metabolism may be related to differences in exogenous insulin bioavailabity and different insulin mechanisms of action on glucose and lipids. Those findings may have important implications for prevention of macrovascular disease by intensive insulin treatment.