32 resultados para Combustion reactions
A systematic study of the response of different nuclei to the (18O, 16O) two-neutron transfer reaction at 84 MeV incident energy was pursued at the INFN-LNS in Catania (Italy). The experiments were performed using several solid targets from light (9Bc, 11 B, 12,13C, 16O, 28Si) to heavier ones (58,64Ni, 120Sn, 208Pb). The 16O ejectiles were detected at forward angles by the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer and identified without the need of time of flight measurements. Exploiting the large momentum (≈ 25%) and angular (50 msr) acceptance of the spectrometer, energy spectra were obtained with a relevant yield up to about 20 MeV excitation energy. A common feature of the light nuclei spectra is the strong population of states with well known configuration of two-particle over a core and the appearance of unknown resonant structures in the continuum. These latter can reveal the excitation of a collective mode connected with the transfer of a pair. For the heavier nuclei as 66Ni a completely different behaviour is observed indicating the presence of more dissipative processes in the reaction mechanisms that hide the spectroscopic information.
We present the results of experiments using a 6He beam on a 9Be target at energies 7 − 9 times the Coulomb barrier. Angular distributions of the elastic, inelastic scattering (target breakup) and the -particle production in the 6He+9Be collision have been analysed. Total reaction cross sections were obtained from the elastic scattering analyses and a considerable enhancement has been observed by comparing to stable systems.