57 resultados para Acute Myocardial Infarction


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Inoue BH, dos Santos L, Pessoa TD, Antonio EL, Pacheco BPM, Savignano FA, Carraro-Lacroix LR, Tucci PJF, Malnic G, Girardi ACC. Increased NHE3 abundance and transport activity in renal proximal tubule of rats with heart failure. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 302: R166-R174, 2012. First published October 26, 2011; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00127.2011.-Heart failure (HF) is associated with a reduced effective circulating volume that drives sodium and water retention and extracellular volume expansion. We therefore hypothesized that Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3), the major apical transcellular pathway for sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule, is upregulated in an experimental model of HF. HF was induced in male rats by left ventricle radiofrequency ablation. Sham-operated rats (sham) were used as controls. At 6 wk after surgery, HF rats exhibited cardiac dysfunction with a dramatic increase in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. By means of stationary in vivo microperfusion and pH-dependent sodium uptake, we demonstrated that NHE3 transport activity was significantly higher in the proximal tubule of HF compared with sham rats. Increased NHE3 activity was paralleled by increased renal cortical NHE3 expression at both protein and mRNA levels. In addition, the baseline PKA-dependent NHE3 phosphorylation at serine 552 was reduced in renal cortical membranes of rats with HF. Collectively, these results suggest that NHE3 is upregulated in the proximal tubule of HF rats by transcriptional, translational, and posttranslational mechanisms. Enhanced NHE3-mediated sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule may contribute to extracellular volume expansion and edema, the hallmark feature of HF. Moreover, our study emphasizes the importance of undertaking a cardiorenal approach to contain progression of cardiac disease.


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Objective: To analyze the results of isolated on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) in patients >= 70 years old in comparison to patients <70 years old. Methods: Patients undergoing isolated CABG were selected for the study. The patients were assigned into two groups: G1 (age >= 70 years old) and G2 (age <70 years old). The endpoints were in-hospital mortality, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, re-exploration for bleeding, intraaortic balloon pump for circulatory shock, respiratory complications, acute renal failure, mediastinitis, sepsis, atrial fibrillation, and complete atrioventricular block (CAVB). Results: A total of 1,033 were included in the study: G1 comprised 257 (24.8%) patients G2 776 (75.2%). Patients in G1 were more likely to have in-hospital mortality than in G2 (8.9% vs. 3.6%, respectively; P=0.001), while the incidence of AMI was similar (5.8% vs. 5.5%; P=0.87) in G2. More patients in G1 had re-exploration for bleeding (12.1% vs. 6.1%; P=0.003). Compared to G2, G1 had more incidences of respiratory complications (21.4% vs. 9.1%; P<0.001), mediastinitis (5.1% vs. 1.9%; P=0.013), stroke (3.9% vs. 1.3%; P=0.016), acute renal failure (7.8% vs. 1.3%; P<0.001), sepsis (3.9% vs. 1.9%; P=0.003), atrial fibrillation (15.6% vs. 9.8%; P=0.016), and CAVB (3.5% vs. 1.2%; P=0.023). There was no significant difference in the use of the intraaortic balloon pump. In the forward stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis, age >= 70 years was an independent predictive factor for higher in-hospital mortality (P=0.004), re-exploration for bleeding (P=0.002), sepsis (P=0.002), respiratory complications (P<0.001), mediastinitis (P=0.016), stroke (P=0.029), acute renal failure (P<0.001), atrial fibrillation (P=0.021), and CAVB (P=0.031). Conclusion: This study suggests that patients of age >= 70 years were at increased risk of death and other complications in the CABG's postoperative period in comparison to younger patients.


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Introduction The primary end points of randomized clinical trials evaluating the outcome of therapeutic strategies for coronary artery disease (CAD) have included nonfatal acute myocardial infarction, the need for further revascularization, and overall mortality. Noncardiac causes of death may distort the interpretation of the long-term effects of coronary revascularization. Materials and methods This post-hoc analysis of the second Medicine, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study evaluates the cause of mortality of patients with multivessel CAD undergoing medical treatment, percutaneous coronary intervention, or surgical myocardial revascularization [coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG)] after a 6-year follow-up. Mortality was classified as cardiac and noncardiac death, and the causes of noncardiac death were reported. Results Patients were randomized into CABG and non-CABG groups (percutaneous coronary intervention plus medical treatment). No statistical differences were observed in overall mortality (P = 0.824). A significant difference in the distribution of causes of mortality was observed among the CABG and non-CABG groups (P = 0.003). In the CABG group, of the 203 randomized patients, the overall number of deaths was 34. Sixteen patients (47.1%) died of cardiac causes and 18 patients (52.9%) died of noncardiac causes. Of these, seven deaths (20.6%) were due to neoplasia. In the non-CABG group, comprising 408 patients, the overall number of deaths was 69. Fifty-three patients (77%) died of cardiac causes and 16 patients (23%) died of noncardiac causes. Only five deaths (7.2%) were due to neoplasia. Conclusion Different treatment options for multivessel coronary artery disease have similar overall mortality: CABG patients had the lowest incidence of cardiac death, but the highest incidence of noncardiac causes of death, and specifically a higher tendency toward cancer-related deaths. Coron Artery Dis 23:79-84 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.


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Abstract Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death in the world. Current treatments have not been able to reverse this scenario, creating the need for the development of new therapies. Cell therapies have emerged as an alternative for cardiac diseases of distinct causes in experimental animal studies and more recently in clinical trials. Method/Design: We have designed clinical trials to test for the efficacy of autologous bone marrow derived mononuclear cell therapies in four different cardiopathies: acute and chronic ischemic heart disease, and Chagasic and dilated cardiomyopathy. All trials are multicenter, randomized, double-blind and placebo controlled. In each trial 300 patients will be enrolled and receive optimized therapy for their specific condition. Additionally, half of the patients will receive the autologous bone marrow cells while the other half will receive placebo (saline with 5% autologous serum). For each trial there are specific inclusion and exclusion criteria and the method for cell delivery is intramyocardial for the chronic ischemic heart disease and intracoronary for all others. Primary endpoint for all studies will be the difference in ejection fraction (determined by Simpson's rule) six and twelve months after intervention in relation to the basal ejection fraction. The main hypothesis of this study is that the patients who receive the autologous bone-marrow stem cell implant will have after a 6 month follow-up a mean increase of 5% in absolute left ventricular ejection fraction in comparison with the control group. Discussion: Many phase I clinical trials using cell therapy for cardiac diseases have already been performed. The few randomized studies have yielded conflicting results, rendering necessary larger well controlled trials to test for efficacy of cell therapies in cardiopathies. The trials registration numbers at the NIH registry are the following: Chagasic cardiomyopathy (NCT00349271), dilated cardiomyopathy (NCT00333827), acute myocardial infarction (NCT00350766) and Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease (NCT00362388).


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Background UCP2 (uncoupling protein 2) plays an important role in cardiovascular diseases and recent studies have suggested that the A55V polymorphism can cause UCP2 dysfunction. The main aim was to investigate the association of A55V polymorphism with cardiovascular events in a group of 611 patients enrolled in the Medical, Angioplasty or Surgery Study II (MASS II), a randomized trial comparing treatments for patients with coronary artery disease and preserved left ventricular function. Methods The participants of the MASS II were genotyped for the A55V polymorphism using allele-specific PCR assay. Survival curves were calculated with the Kaplan–Meier method and evaluated with the log-rank statistic. The relationship between baseline variables and the composite end-point of cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), refractory angina requiring revascularization and cerebrovascular accident were assessed using a Cox proportional hazards survival model. Results There were no significant differences for baseline variables according genotypes. After 2 years of follow-up, dysglycemic patients harboring the VV genotype had higher occurrence of AMI (p=0.026), Death+AMI (p=0.033), new revascularization intervention (p=0.009) and combined events (p=0.037) as compared with patients carrying other genotypes. This association was not evident in normoglycemic patients. Conclusions These findings support the hypothesis that A55V polymorphism is associated with UCP2 functional alterations that increase the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with previous coronary artery disease and dysglycemia.


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Em todo o mundo, são realizadas mais de 230 milhões de operações por ano e as complicações cardíacas são as causas mais comuns de morbidade e mortalidade pós-operatórias. Com o aumento da expectativa de vida da população mundial, um número crescente de pacientes com múltiplas comorbidades tem sido submetido a operações não cardíacas. Em consequência, é esperado um aumento de complicações cardiovasculares associadas a tais procedimentos e o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) perioperatório poderá se tornar um problema frequente. No Brasil, o número de operações não cardíacas também está aumentando, sendo realizadas aproximadamente três milhões de cirurgias por ano. Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas e anestésicas, a mortalidade e o custo relacionados a estes procedimentos também estão aumentando, sendo fundamental o desenvolvimento de estratégias para a redução da mortalidade. A ocorrência de um IAM perioperatório prolonga a necessidade de terapia intensiva, a estadia hospitalar, aumenta o custo da internação e diminui a sobrevida a longo prazo. Esta revisão aborda a fisiopatologia, a incidência, o diagnóstico e o tratamento do IAM perioperatório, baseado nas evidências atuais.


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OBJETIVO: A cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) na fase aguda do infarto do miocárdio (IAM) está associada a aumento do risco operatório. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar fatores preditores de mortalidade intra-hospitalar nos pacientes submetidos a CRM no IAM. MÉTODOS: Durante três anos, todos os pacientes submetidos a CRM no IAM foram analisados retrospectivamente, utilizando o banco de dados institucional. Sessenta variáveis por paciente foram avaliadas: 49 variáveis pré-operatórias provenientes dos escores 2000 Bernstein-Parsonnet e EuroSCORE; 4 variáveis pré-operatórias não consideradas por esses escores (tempo entre o IAM e a CRM, valor máximo de CKMB, valor máximo de troponina e supradesnivelamento do segmento ST) e 7 variáveis intraoperatórias [uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), tempo de CEC, tipo de cardioplegia, endarterectomia, número de enxertos, uso da artéria torácica interna e revascularização completa]. Análise univariada e multivariada para o desfecho mortalidade intra-hospitalar foram realizadas. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio entre o IAM e a CRM foi de 3,8 ± 3 dias. A mortalidade global foi 19%. Na análise multivariada: idade > 65 anos [OR 16,5 (IC 1,8-152), P=0,013]~ CEC >108 minutos [OR 40 (IC 2,7-578), P=0,007], creatinina > 2 mg/dl [OR 35,5 (IC 1,7-740), P=0,021] e pressão pulmonar sistólica > 60 mmHg [OR 31(IC 1,6-591), P=0,022] foram preditores de mortalidade intra-hospitalar. CONCLUSÃO: Variáveis pré-operatórias clássicas como idade > 65 anos, creatinina > 2 mg/dl e pressão pulmonar sistólica > 60 mmHg foram preditoras de mortalidade intra-hospitalar nos pacientes operados de revascularização miocárdica na fase aguda do infarto.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A fisioterapia na fase I da reabilitação cardiovascular (FTCV) pode ser iniciada de 12 a 24 horas após o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), no entanto, é comum o repouso prolongado no leito em razão do receio de instabilização do paciente. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as respostas autonômicas e hemodinâmicas de pacientes pós-IAM submetidos ao primeiro dia de protocolo de FTCV fase I, bem como sua segurança. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 51 pacientes com primeiro IAM não complicado, 55 ± 11 anos, 76% homens. Foram submetidos ao primeiro dia do protocolo de FTCV fase I, em média 24 horas pós-IAM. A frequência cardíaca (FC) instantânea e os intervalos R-R do ECG foram captados pelo monitor de FC (Polar®S810i) e a pressão arterial (PA) aferida pelo método auscultatório. A variabilidade da FC foi analisada nos domínios do tempo (RMSSD e RMSM dos iR-R em ms) e da frequência. A densidade espectral de potência foi expressa em unidades absolutas (ms²/Hz) e normalizada (un) para as bandas de baixa (BF) e alta frequência (AF) e pela razão BF/AF. RESULTADOS: O índice RMSSD, a AF e a AFun apresentaram redução na execução dos exercícios em relação ao repouso pré e pós-exercício (p < 0,05), a BFun e a razão BF/AF aumentaram (p < 0,05). A FC e a PA sistólica apresentaram aumento durante a execução dos exercícios em relação ao repouso (p < 0,05). Não foi observado qualquer sinal e/ou sintoma de intolerância ao esforço. CONCLUSÕES: O exercício realizado foi eficaz, pois promoveu alterações hemodinâmicas e na modulação autonômica nesses pacientes, sem ocasionar qualquer intercorrência clínica.


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OBJETIVO: Apresenta a metodologia e os resultados de uma pesquisa de campo para avaliar os custos da cadeia de procedimentos para tratamento do Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio (IAM), realizada em 11 hospitais brasileiros de excelência e especializados. MÉTODOS: A apuração do custo utilizou o sistema de custo por procedimento e o sistema por patologia. Os procedimentos associados ao tratamento do IAM foram organizados com sua sequência lógica (protocolos), dando origem a um fluxograma. Os instrumentos de coleta da pesquisa contemplavam informações relativas aos preços e as quantidades (particular, convênios, tabela SUS e Associação Médica Brasileira - AMB), praticados no ano de 2008, bem como os custos pertinentes. RESULTADOS: De forma geral, o custo total dos procedimentos que integram o "tratamento-padrão" do IAM, totalizou R$ 12.873,69 se a intervenção coronária percutânea (ICP) não envolver utilização de stent. Caso este se torne necessário, o custo se eleva para R$ 23.461,87. CONCLUSÃO: Entre os resultados obtidos destacam-se: o fato de os valores dos procedimentos mais caros não apresentarem variações estatísticas significativas entre os hospitais, independentemente de sua localização, clientela predominante ou natureza jurídica; e o fato de os hospitais, que tratam predominantemente de usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde, registrar custos menores, mas não estatisticamente significativos, para toda a cadeia de procedimentos associada à patologia.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the cardiovascular risk, using the Framingham risk score, in a sample of hypertensive individuals coming from a public primary care unit. METHODS: The caseload comprised hypertensive individuals according to criteria established by the JNC VII, 2003, of 2003, among 1601 patients followed up in 1999, at the Cardiology and Arterial Hypertension Outpatients Clinic of the Teaching Primary Care Unit, at the Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. The patients were selected by draw, aged over 20 years, both genders, excluding pregnant women. It was a descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study. The Framingham risk score was used to stratify cardiovascular risk of developing coronary artery disease (death or non-fatal acute myocardial infarction). RESULTS: Age range of 27-79 years ( = 63.2 ± 9.58). Out of 382 individuals studied, 270 (70.7%) were female and 139 (36.4%) were characterized as high cardiovascular risk for presenting diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis documented by event or procedure. Out of 243 stratified patients, 127 (52.3%) had HDL-C < 50 mg/dL; 210 (86.4%) had systolic blood pressure > 120 mmHg; 46 (18.9%) were smokers; 33 (13.6%) had a high cardiovascular risk. Those added to 139 enrolled directly as high cardiovascular risk, totaled up 172 (45%); 77 (20.2%) of medium cardiovascular risk and 133 (34.8%) of low risk. The highest percentage of high cardiovascular risk individuals was aged over 70 years; those of medium risk were aged over 60 years; and the low risk patients were aged 50 to 69 years. CONCLUSION: The significant number of high and medium cardiovascular risk individuals indicates the need to closely follow them up.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O choque cardiogênico é a maior causa de morte em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento de ST (IAMCSST). O presente estudo avaliou pacientes com IAMCSST e choque cardiogênico submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea primária com o objetivo de estabelecer seu perfil e os preditores de mortalidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Registro unicêntrico, incluindo 100 pacientes avaliados no período de 2001 a 2009 quanto a características clínicas, angiográficas e do procedimento, e a desfechos intra-hospitalares. Por análise multivariada foram determinados preditores independentes da mortalidade hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Com relação às características clínicas, foi observada alta prevalência de fatores de risco, sendo a taxa de sucesso angiográfico de 92%, apesar da complexidade das lesões (83,1% do tipo B2/C). A artéria mais acometida foi a descendente anterior (45%), tendo o padrão multiarterial ocorrido em 73% dos casos. A taxa de mortalidade foi de 45%, sendo seus preditores independentes o padrão multiarterial [odds ratio (OR) 2,62; intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) 1,16-5,90] e o fluxo coronário TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento (OR 2,11, IC 95% 1,48-3,02). CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com IAMCSST complicado por choque cardiogênico apresentaram características clínicas e angiográficas de alto risco e, apesar do alto sucesso angiográfico do procedimento, altas taxas de mortalidade. Foram preditores independentes de mortalidade o padrão multiarterial e fluxo TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento.


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Background. Rest myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is effective in managing patients with acute chest pain in developed countries. We aimed to define the role and feasibility of rest MPI in low-to-middle income countries. Methods and Results. Low-to-intermediate risk patients (n = 356) presenting with chest pain to ten centers in eight developing countries were injected with a Tc-99m-based tracer, and standard imaging was performed. The primary outcome was a composite of death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), recurrent angina, and coronary revascularization at 30 days. Sixty-nine patients had a positive MPI (19.4%), and 52 patients (14.6%) had a primary outcome event. An abnormal rest-MPI result was the only variable which independently predicted the primary outcome [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 8.19, 95% confidence interval 4.10-16.40, P = .0001]. The association of MPI result and the primary outcome was stronger (adjusted OR 17.35) when only the patients injected during pain were considered. Rest-MPI had a negative predictive value of 92.7% for the primary outcome, improving to 99.3% for the hard event composite of death or MI. Conclusions. Our study demonstrates that rest-MPI is a reliable test for ruling out MI when applied to patients in developing countries. (J Nucl Cardiol 2012;19:1146-53.)


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BACKGROUND Vorapaxar is a new oral protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) antagonist that inhibits thrombin-induced platelet activation. METHODS In this multinational, double-blind, randomized trial, we compared vorapaxar with placebo in 12,944 patients who had acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation. The primary end point was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, stroke, recurrent ischemia with rehospitalization, or urgent coronary revascularization. RESULTS Follow-up in the trial was terminated early after a safety review. After a median follow-up of 502 days (interquartile range, 349 to 667), the primary end point occurred in 1031 of 6473 patients receiving vorapaxar versus 1102 of 6471 patients receiving placebo (Kaplan-Meier 2-year rate, 18.5010 vs. 19.9%; hazard ratio, 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.85 to 1.01; P=0.07). A composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke occurred in 822 patients in the vorapaxar group versus 910 in the placebo group (14.7% and 16.4%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.81 to 0.98; P=0.02). Rates of moderate and severe bleeding were 7.2% in the vorapaxar group and 5.2% in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.16 to 1.58; P<0.001). Intracranial hemorrhage rates were 1.1% and 0.2%, respectively (hazard ratio, 3.39; 95% CI, 1.78 to 6.45; P<0.001). Rates of nonhemorrhagic adverse events were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS In patients with acute coronary syndromes, the addition of vorapaxar to standard therapy did not significantly reduce the primary composite end point but significantly increased the risk of major bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage. (Funded by Merck; TRACER ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00527943.)


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Background The effect of intensified platelet inhibition for patients with unstable angina or myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation who do not undergo revascularization has not been delineated. Methods In this double-blind, randomized trial, in a primary analysis involving 7243 patients under the age of 75 years receiving aspirin, we evaluated up to 30 months of treatment with prasugrel (10 mg daily) versus clopidogrel (75 mg daily). In a secondary analysis involving 2083 patients 75 years of age or older, we evaluated 5 mg of prasugrel versus 75 mg of clopidogrel. Results At a median follow-up of 17 months, the primary end point of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke among patients under the age of 75 years occurred in 13.9% of the prasugrel group and 16.0% of the clopidogrel group (hazard ratio in the prasugrel group, 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.79 to 1.05; P = 0.21). Similar results were observed in the overall population. The prespecified analysis of multiple recurrent ischemic events (all components of the primary end point) suggested a lower risk for prasugrel among patients under the age of 75 years (hazard ratio, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.00; P = 0.04). Rates of severe and intracranial bleeding were similar in the two groups in all age groups. There was no significant between-group difference in the frequency of nonhemorrhagic serious adverse events, except for a higher frequency of heart failure in the clopidogrel group. Conclusions Among patients with unstable angina or myocardial infarction without ST- segment elevation, prasugrel did not significantly reduce the frequency of the primary end point, as compared with clopidogrel, and similar risks of bleeding were observed. (Funded by Eli Lilly and Daiichi Sankyo; TRILOGY ACS ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00699998.)