22 resultados para portable extractor
Nowadays, the attainment of microsystems that integrate most of the stages involved in an analytical process has raised an enormous interest in several research fields. This approach provides experimental set-ups of increased robustness and reliability, which simplify their application to in-line and continuous biomedical and environmental monitoring. In this work, a novel, compact and autonomous microanalyzer aimed at multiwavelength colorimetric determinations is presented. It integrates the microfluidics (a three-dimensional mixer and a 25 mm length "Z-shape" optical flow-cell), a highly versatile multiwavelength optical detection system and the associated electronics for signal processing and drive, all in the same device. The flexibility provided by its design allows the microanalyzer to be operated either in single fixed mode to provide a dedicated photometer or in multiple wavelength mode to obtain discrete pseudospectra. To increase its reliability, automate its operation and allow it to work under unattended conditions, a multicommutation sub-system was developed and integrated with the experimental set-up. The device was initially evaluated in the absence of chemical reactions using four acidochromic dyes and later applied to determine some key environmental parameters such as phenol index, chromium(VI) and nitrite ions. Results were comparable with those obtained with commercial instrumentation and allowed to demonstrate the versatility of the proposed microanalyzer as an autonomous and portable device able to be applied to other analytical methodologies based on colorimetric determinations.
Current methods for quality control of sugar cane are performed in extracted juice using several methodologies, often requiring appreciable time and chemicals (eventually toxic), making the methods not green and expensive. The present study proposes the use of X-ray spectrometry together with chemometric methods as an innovative and alternative technique for determining sugar cane quality parameters, specifically sucrose concentration, POL, and fiber content. Measurements in stem, leaf, and juice were performed, and those applied directly in stem provided the best results. Prediction models for sugar cane stem determinations with a single 60 s irradiation using portable X-ray fluorescence equipment allows estimating the % sucrose, % fiber, and POL simultaneously. Average relative deviations in the prediction step of around 8% are acceptable if considering that field measurements were done. These results may indicate the best period to cut a particular crop as well as for evaluating the quality of sugar cane for the sugar and alcohol industries.
Portable system of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence was used to determine the elemental composition of 68 pottery fragments from Sambaqui do Bacanga, an archeological site in Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil. This site was occupied from 6600 BP until 900 BP. By determining the element chemical composition of those fragments, it was possible to verify the existence of engobe in 43 pottery fragments. Obtained from two-dimensional graphs and hierarchical cluster analysis performed in fragments of stratigraphies from surface and 113-cm level, and 10 to 20, 132 and 144-cm level, it was possible to group these fragments in five distinct groups, according to their stratigraphies. The results of data grouping (two-dimensional graphics) are in agreement with hierarchical cluster analysis by Ward method. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
An high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the enantioselective determination of donepezil (DPZ), 5-O-desmethyl donepezil (5-ODD), and 6-O-desmethyl donepezil (6-ODD) in Czapek culture medium to be applied to biotransformation studies with fungi is described for the first time. The HPLC analysis was carried out using a Chiralpak AD-H column with hexane/ethanol/methanol (75:20:5, v/v/v) plus 0.3 % triethylamine as mobile phase and UV detection at 270 nm. Sample preparation was carried out by liquid-liquid extraction using ethyl acetate as extractor solvent. The method was linear over the concentration range of 100-10,000 ng mL(-1) for each enantiomer of DPZ (r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0.9985) and of 100-5,000 ng mL(-1) for each enantiomer of 5-ODD (r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0.9977) and 6-ODD (r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0.9951). Within-day and between-day precision and accuracy evaluated by relative standard deviations and relative errors, respectively, were lower than 15 % for all analytes. The validated method was used to assess DPZ biotransformation by the fungi Beauveria bassiana American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 7159 and Cunninghamella elegans ATCC 10028B. Using the fungus B. bassiana ATCC 7159, a predominant formation of (R)-5-ODD was observed while for the fungus C. elegans ATCC 10028B, DPZ was biotransformed to (R)-6-ODD with an enantiomeric excess of 100 %.
Chlorophyll determination with a portable chlorophyll meter can indicate the period of highest N demand of plants and whether sidedressing is required or not. In this sense, defining the optimal timing of N application to common bean is fundamental to increase N use efficiency, increase yields and reduce the cost of fertilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficiency of N sufficiency index (NSI) calculated based on the relative chlorophyll index (RCI) in leaves, measured with a portable chlorophyll meter, as an indicator of time of N sidedressing fertilization and to verify which NSI (90 and 95 %) value is the most appropriate to indicate the moment of N fertilization of common bean cultivar Perola. The experiment was carried out in the rainy and dry growing seasons of the agricultural year 2009/10 on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with five treatments, consisting of N managements (M1: 200 kg ha-1 N (40 kg at sowing + 80 kg 15 days after emergence (DAE) + 80 kg 30 DAE); M2: 100 kg ha-1 N (20 kg at sowing + 40 kg 15 DAE + 40 kg 30 DAE); M3: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 95 %; M4: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 N when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 90 % and, M5: control (without N application)) and four replications. The variables RCI, aboveground dry matter, total leaf N concentration, production components, grain yield, relative yield, and N use efficiency were evaluated. The RCI correlated with leaf N concentrations. By monitoring the RCI with the chlorophyll meter, the period of N sidedressing of common bean could be defined, improving N use efficiency and avoiding unnecessary N supply to common bean. The NSI 90 % of the reference area was more efficient to define the moment of N sidedressing of common bean, to increase N use efficiency.
Essential oils of ripe fruits from Schinus terebinthifolius (Anacardiaceae), obtained using a pilot extractor and a Clevenger apparatus were chemically characterized. Due the high amount of (-)- α-pinene in both oils, this monoterpene was tested against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, showing a moderate potential (IC50 63.56 µg/mL) when compared to benznidazole (IC50 43.14 µg/mL). Otherwise, (-)- α-pinene oxide did not showed anti-trypanosomal activity (IC50 > 400 µg/mL) while (-)-pinane showed an IC50 of 56.50 µg/mL. The obtained results indicated that the epoxydation of α-pinene results to the loss of the anti-parasitic activity while its hydrogenation product, contributed slightly to the increased activity.
Considerando a indisponibilidade de equipamentos avançados de aquisição de imagens nos centros cirúrgicos da maioria dos centros hospitalares e a importância fundamental que têm para o cirurgião uma visualização imediata do implante coclear logo após sua inserção, uma boa opção é a utilização da radiografia convencional. OBJETIVO: Descrever um método radiográfico rápido prático e de baixo custo, que permita avaliar não só a posição, mas também a integridade dos eletrodos, na instalação do implante coclear. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisadas radiografias de 262 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de implante coclear entre Março/2005 e Outubro/2008, com radiografia transoperatória, logo após a inserção dos eletrodos. As radiografias foram analisadas pelo cirurgião no transoperatório e, posteriormente, pelo médico radiologista. RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 524 radiografias das quais, 95,61% apresentavam técnica adequada, com posicionamento do paciente dentro da técnica descrita neste estudo e boa visualização dos eletrodos, sendo consideradas satisfatórias e 4,39% apresentavam técnica inadequada e/ou visualização insatisfatória dos eletrodos, sendo consideradas insatisfatórias. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos aparelhos de Raios X portáteis possuírem limitações, utilizando técnicas e acessórios adequados, é possível conseguir radiografias com resultados satisfatórios para visualização dos implantes cocleares.