20 resultados para patellar tendon


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The aim of this study was to evaluate extracellular matrix components in articular cartilage, ligaments and synovia in an experimental model of diabetes. Young Wistar rats were divided into a streptozotocin-induced (STZ; 35 mg/kg) diabetic group (DG; n=15) and a control group (CG; n=15). Weight, blood glucose and plasma anti-carboxymethyllysine were measured 70 days after STZ infusions. Knee joints, patellar ligaments, and lateral and medial collateral ligaments were isolated and stained with hematoxylineosin and Picrosirius. The total collagen content was determined by morphometry. Immunofluorescence was employed to evaluate types I, III, and V collagen in ligaments and synovial tissues and types II and XI collagen in cartilage. Results: Higher blood glucose levels and plasma anti-carboxymethyllysine were observed in DG rats when compared to those in CG rats. The final weight was significantly lower in the DG rats than in the CG rats. Histomorphometric evaluation depicted a small quantity of collagen fibers in ligaments and articular cartilage in DG rats, as well as increased collagen in synovial tissue. There was a decrease in cartilage proteoglycans in DG rats when compared with CG rats. Immunofluorescence staining revealed an increase of collagen III and V in ligaments, collagen XI in cartilage, and collagen I in synovial tissue of DG rats compared with CG rats. Conclusion: The ligaments, cartilage and synovia are highly affected following STZ-induced diabetes in rats, due the remodeling of collagen types in these tissues. This process may promote the degradation of the extracellular matrix, thus compromising joint function. Our data may help to better understand the pathogenesis of joint involvement related to diabetes.


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Abstract Background Recent reviews have indicated that low level level laser therapy (LLLT) is ineffective in lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET) without assessing validity of treatment procedures and doses or the influence of prior steroid injections. Methods Systematic review with meta-analysis, with primary outcome measures of pain relief and/or global improvement and subgroup analyses of methodological quality, wavelengths and treatment procedures. Results 18 randomised placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) were identified with 13 RCTs (730 patients) meeting the criteria for meta-analysis. 12 RCTs satisfied half or more of the methodological criteria. Publication bias was detected by Egger's graphical test, which showed a negative direction of bias. Ten of the trials included patients with poor prognosis caused by failed steroid injections or other treatment failures, or long symptom duration or severe baseline pain. The weighted mean difference (WMD) for pain relief was 10.2 mm [95% CI: 3.0 to 17.5] and the RR for global improvement was 1.36 [1.16 to 1.60]. Trials which targeted acupuncture points reported negative results, as did trials with wavelengths 820, 830 and 1064 nm. In a subgroup of five trials with 904 nm lasers and one trial with 632 nm wavelength where the lateral elbow tendon insertions were directly irradiated, WMD for pain relief was 17.2 mm [95% CI: 8.5 to 25.9] and 14.0 mm [95% CI: 7.4 to 20.6] respectively, while RR for global pain improvement was only reported for 904 nm at 1.53 [95% CI: 1.28 to 1.83]. LLLT doses in this subgroup ranged between 0.5 and 7.2 Joules. Secondary outcome measures of painfree grip strength, pain pressure threshold, sick leave and follow-up data from 3 to 8 weeks after the end of treatment, showed consistently significant results in favour of the same LLLT subgroup (p < 0.02). No serious side-effects were reported. Conclusion LLLT administered with optimal doses of 904 nm and possibly 632 nm wavelengths directly to the lateral elbow tendon insertions, seem to offer short-term pain relief and less disability in LET, both alone and in conjunction with an exercise regimen. This finding contradicts the conclusions of previous reviews which failed to assess treatment procedures, wavelengths and optimal doses.


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Skeletal muscle is the major deposit of protein molecules. As for any cell or tissue, total muscle protein reflects a dynamic turnover between net protein synthesis and degradation. Noninvasive and invasive techniques have been applied to determine amino acid catabolism and muscle protein building at rest, during exercise and during the recovery period after a single experiment or training sessions. Stable isotopic tracers (13C-lysine, 15N-glycine, ²H5-phenylalanine) and arteriovenous differences have been used in studies of skeletal muscle and collagen tissues under resting and exercise conditions. There are different fractional synthesis rates in skeletal muscle and tendon tissues, but there is no major difference between collagen and myofibrillar protein synthesis. Strenuous exercise provokes increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis, the opposite occurring during the recovery period. Individuals who exercise respond differently when resistance and endurance types of contractions are compared. Endurance exercise induces a greater oxidative capacity (enzymes) compared to resistance exercise, which induces fiber hypertrophy (myofibrils). Nitrogen balance (difference between protein intake and protein degradation) for athletes is usually balanced when the intake of protein reaches 1.2 g·kg-1·day-1 compared to 0.8 g·kg-1·day-1 in resting individuals. Muscular activities promote a cascade of signals leading to the stimulation of eukaryotic initiation of myofibrillar protein synthesis. As suggested in several publications, a bolus of 15-20 g protein (from skimmed milk or whey proteins) and carbohydrate (± 30 g maltodextrine) drinks is needed immediately after stopping exercise to stimulate muscle protein and tendon collagen turnover within 1 h.


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar um dispositivo biomecânico para o estudo da reconstrução do ligamento patelofemoral medial (LPFM) e sua isometricidade. MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvido um sistema biomecânico acessível, que permite a aplicação de forças fisiológicas e não fisiológicas no joelho, através de um braço mecânico e aplicação de pesos e contrapesos, possibilitando a execução de diferentes estudos, além de ter um sistema de medidas bastante preciso de aferição de distâncias entre diferentes estruturas para análise dos experimentos. Este artigo descreve a montagem deste sistema, além de sugerir algumas aplicações práticas. Foram estudados seis joelhos de cadáveres. Os joelhos foram preparados em uma máquina de ensaios desenvolvida no Laboratório de Biomecânica do IOT HC FMUSP, que permitiu a avaliação dinâmica do comportamento patelar, quantificando a sua lateralização entre 0 e 120 graus. A diferença entre as distâncias encontradas, com e sem carga, aplicada na patela foram agrupadas segundo o ângulo de fixação do enxerto (0°, 30°, 60° e 90°) e situação do joelho (íntegro, reconstruído e lesado). RESULTADOS: Houve uma tendência em ocorrer menor desvio lateral em ângulos de fixação acima de 30 graus de flexão, principalmente entre os ângulos entre 45° e 60° graus de flexão, após a reconstrução. Para os demais ângulos não houve significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: O método desenvolvido é uma ferramenta útil para os estudos da articulação patelofemoral, além de ter um sistema de medidas bastante preciso de aferição de distâncias entre diferentes estruturas e permitir a sua utilização em instituições com menos recursos disponíveis.


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No tratamento de lesões tendíneas, o uso do ultrassom surge como possibilidade terapêutica, apesar de lacunas sobre seus efeitos clínicos. O objetivo foi avaliar dois protocolos de ultrassom terapêutico sobre dor e edema após trauma tendíneo. Vinte e um ratos Wistar foram submetidos a trauma no tendão calcâneo e divididos em três grupos: sham (GS); ultrassom contínuo (GUC); e ultrassom pulsado (GUP). O trauma ocorreu sobre a face lateral do tendão calcâneo direito, com energia de 0,40 J. A dor foi avaliada pelo teste de incapacidade funcional e o edema, pelo diâmetro laterolateral. Foram realizadas avaliações previamente à lesão; após 1 hora da indução da lesão; após o 1º tratamento; 2, 8 e 24 horas após lesão; e após o 5º dia. O tratamento ocorreu em 5 dias, com transdutor de 1 MHz, durante 3 minutos, sobre o local do trauma, com dose de 0,4 W/cm² SATA. Os resultados da incapacidade funcional para GS mostraram aumento da nocicepção. Para GUC houve aumento ao comparar a avaliação 1 (AV1) com as avaliações 2 (AV2), 3 (AV3) e 4 (AV4); ao comparar AV2 com as avaliações 5 (AV5) e 6 (AV6) houve diminuição de valores. Para GUP houve aumento ao comparar AV1 com AV2 e AV3, mas ao comparar AV2 com as seguintes, houve diminuição significativa a partir de AV4. Para o edema, os grupos tratados produziram aumento inicial, com redução nas últimas avaliações. O ultrassom terapêutico produziu diminuição de dor e edema, mais precocemente para a forma pulsada.