34 resultados para magnifying glasses


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This work reports on the infrared-to-visible CW frequency upconversion from planar waveguides based on Er3+-Yb3+-doped 100-xSiO(2)-xTa(2)O(5) obtained by a sol-gel process and deposited onto a SiO2-Si substrate by dip-coating. Surface morphology and optical parameters of the planar waveguides were analyzed by atomic force microscopy and the m-line technique. The influence of the composition on the electronic properties of the glass-ceramic films was followed by the band gap ranging from 4.35 to 4.51 eV upon modification of the Ta2O5 content. Intense green and red emissions were detected from the upconversion process for all the samples after excitation at 980 nm. The relative intensities of the emission bands around 550 nm and 665 nm, assigned to the H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions, depended on the tantalum oxide content and the power of the laser source at 980 nm. The upconversion dynamics were investigated as a function of the Ta2O5 content and the number of photons involved in each emission process. Based on the upconversion emission spectra and 1931CIE chromaticity diagram, it is shown that color can be tailored by composition and pump power. The glass ceramic films are attractive materials for application in upconversion lasers and near infrared-to-visible upconverters in solar cells.


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Moderate wine intake (i.e., 1-2 glasses of wine a day) is associated with a reduced risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of a nonalcoholic ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) from a South Brazilian red wine obtained from Vitis labrusca grapes. Experiments were carried out on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor knockout (LDLr-/-) mice, which were subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet and treated with doses of EAF (3, 10, and 30 mg/kg) for 12 weeks. At the end of the treatment, the level of plasma lipids, the vascular reactivity, and the atherosclerotic lesions were evaluated. Our results demonstrated that the treatment with EAF at 3 mg/kg significantly decreased total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL plus very low-density lipoprotein levels compared with control hypercholesterolemic mice. The treatment of mice with EAF at 3 mg/kg also preserved the vasodilatation induced by acetylcholine on isolated thoracic aorta from hypercholesterolemic LDLr-/- mice. This result is in agreement with the degree of lipid deposit on arteries. Taken together, the results show for the first time that the lowest concentration of an EAF obtained from a red wine produced in southern Brazil significantly reduced the progression of atherosclerosis in mice.


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This paper reports on Y2O3:Eu3+ containing 1 mol% of Ag-0 nanoparticle films recovered with a SiO2 layer by using glass foil as a substrate for a possible optical display device application. The obtained film showed an intense emission at 612 nm due to the Eu3+ 5D0 -> F-7(2) hypersensitive transition, a high transmittance in that emission range, an excellent optical quality, and a high absorption only below 300 nm. Moreover, despite the presence of the SiO2 layer used to improve the phosphor adhesion on Corning (R) foil substrates, the intensity ratios between the emissions assigned to Eu3+ D-5(0) -> F-7(2) (dipole electric transition) and D-5(0) -> F-7(1) (dipole magnetic transition) were not affected by it. The x and y coordinate values found in the 1931 Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage Chromaticity Diagram for this film reveal that it has a suitable pure red color emission for optical displays devices. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we report on luminescence and absorbance effects of Er+3:Au-doped tellurite glasses synthesized by a melting-quenching and heat treatment technique. After annealing times of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 h, at 300 A degrees C, the gold nanoparticles (GNP) effects on the Er+3 are verified from luminescence spectra and the corresponding levels lifetime. The localized surface plasmon resonance around 800 nm produced a maximum fluorescence enhancement for the band ranging from 800 to 840 nm, corresponding to the transitions H-4(11/2) -> aEuro parts per thousand I-4(13/2) (805 nm) and S-4(3/2) -> aEuro parts per thousand I-4(13/2) (840 nm), with annealing time till 7.5 h. The measured lifetime of the levels H-4(11/2) and S-4(3/2) confirmed the lifetime reduction due to the energy transfer from the GNP to Er+3, causing an enhanced photon emission rate in these levels.


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Sarmento C. A. P., Ferreira A. O., Rodrigues E. A. F., Lesnau G. G., Rici R. E. G., Abreu D. K., Biasi C. & Miglino M. A. 2012. [Kidney of Minke Whale (Baleanoptera acutorostrata): Architecture and structure.] Rins de Baleia Minke (Baleanoptera acutorostrata): arquitetura e estrutura. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(8): 807-811. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domesticos e Silvestres, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: sarmento@usp.br Among marine mammals, whale is one of the most attention-arousing animals, especially concerning its urinary tract. This system follows the pattern of mammals with regard to its constitution, however, it differs in renal morphology and number of lobes, which, in turn, form complete reniculi, agglutinated in hundreds. This structure is supported by fibrous connective tissue, but highly capable of maintaining electrolyte balance. Six pairs of kidneys of Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), collected in 1982, in Cabedelo, Paraiba, Brazil, in the last fishing allowed, were dissected. These kidneys were preserved in 10% formaldehyde and they presented a very large histologic layer of collagen surrounding the medullary wall. The urinary collecting duct form papillary glasses, that reach a single collecting center which discharges in the ureter. It was found that the kidney of Minke whale has a lobe characteristic, with, on average, 700 reniculi; each reniculus has anatomical and functional characteristics of a unipyramidal kidney, with an inner layer (medulla), and an outer layer (cortex), and independent irrigation, with formation of individually arcuate arteries, as observed in unipyramidal terrestrial mammals. However, the set gathering all these reniculi constitutes, in the end, a multilobular and polipyramidal kidney, contrary to the morphology of most terrestrial mammals. It was not possible to distinguish the renicular cortex structures of the Minke whale in the level of light microscopy. Through scanning electron microscopy, it was possible to visualize a cortical layer located between two fibrous capsules. This joint, in turn, consists of connective tissue, which, along with a layer of collagen and elastic fibers, separates the cortex from the medulla; the kidney glomeruli were visualized, completely taken by the glomerular vessels and arranged into several layers. One notices that the glomerular cavity is almost a virtual space into which the glomerular filtrate is drained, and it does not present a globular shape. Vascularization is increased in the medullary region. The difference between the kidneys of terrestrial and marine mammals consists in the arrangement of morphological components, favoring the organ's physiology.


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We review recent progress in the mathematical theory of quantum disordered systems: the Anderson transition, including some joint work with Marchetti, the (quantum and classical) Edwards-Anderson (EA) spin-glass model and return to equilibrium for a class of spin-glass models, which includes the EA model initially in a very large transverse magnetic field. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4770066]


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The present work reports on the thermo-optical study of germanate thin films doped with Au and Ag nanoparticles. Transmission Electron Microscopy images, UV-visible absorption and Micro-Raman scattering evidenced the presence of nanoparticles and the formation of collective excitations, the so called surface plasmons. Moreover, the effects of the metallic nanoparticles in the thermal properties of the films were observed. The thermal lens technique was proposed to evaluate the Thermal Diffusivity (D) of the samples. It furnishes superficial spatial resolution of about 100 mu m, so it is appropriate to study inhomogeneous samples. It is shown that D may change up to a factor 3 over the surface of a film because of the differences in the nanoparticles concentration distribution. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the effect of the indentation load on the results of hardness and fracture toughness, determined by Vickers micro-hardness measurements, of some glasses and glass-ceramics has been investigated. Furthermore, in order to verify the effect of crystallinity on the results, glasses of composition 52.75 wt.% 3CaO center dot P2O5, 30 wt.% SiO2 and 17.25 wt.% MgO were fused at 1600 degrees C for 4 h and annealed at 700 degrees C for 2h, and further heat-treated at 700, 775, 800 and 900 degrees C for 4h. The obtained materials were analyzed by high resolution X-ray diffraction, HRXRD, to determine the crystallization degree in function of the heat-treatment temperature. The hardness of the different specimens was determined by Vickers' micro-hardness measurements under various loads. It has been observed that with increasing crystallization of the materials their hardness increased. Furthermore, it has been possible to verify the so-called indentation size effect (ISE), i.e. hardness decreases as the indentation depth, under higher loads, increases. This effect has been more pronounced in the glass-ceramic samples. Fracture toughness has been determined by the crack length induced by the Vickers indentations and relating them to the applied loads. Glass materials presented a fracture pattern with characteristics of cleavage, forming cracks of the half-penny shaped type, while the glass-ceramic materials exhibited crack bridging effects and Palmqvist type cracks. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glasses containing metallic nanoparticles are promising materials for technological applications in optics and photonics. Although several methods are available to generate nanoparticles in glass, only femtosecond lasers allow controlling it three-dimensionally. In this direction, the present work investigates the generation of copper nanoparticles on the surface and in the bulk of a borosilicate glass by fs-laser irradiation. We verified the formation of copper nanoparticles, after heat treatment, by UV-Vis absorption, transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. A preferential growth of copper nanoparticles was observed in the bottom of the irradiated region, which was attributed to self-focusing in the glass. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Purpose: To analyze the results of recall absent schoolchildren to eye health projects. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Visual screening was performed in schoolchildren attending 1st to 4th grades at public schools, from 7 to 10 years-old, to select and forward to complete ophthalmic evaluation. The projects were performed during weekends, at a public school, in the same municipality. Free transportation, food and eyeglasses were offered. A second opportunity of examination was offered to the students who were absent from the first call, with the same facilities. Results: 51,509 schoolchildren had their vision tested, 14,651 (28.4%) were referred for ophthalmic examination. Of these, 8,683 (59.3%) attended the first call, 2,228 (37.3%) attended the recall and 25.5% of parents did not take their children to ophthalmic examination. The need for eyeglasses for children who attended the examination was 23.8% and 32.0% in the first opportunity and recall, respectively. The recall increased the coverage in 15.2% (59.3% to 74.5%). Conclusion: An expressive number of parents (25.5%) did not bring their children to be examined, even at a second opportunity of exam. The facilities offered: access, free examination, transportation and glasses. Children who were absent in the first opportunity and appeared at recall had a greater need for eyeglasses. Recall increased the coverage in 15.2% (59.3% to 74.5%) and it is not recommended when financial resources are limited.


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In the present work we revisit the size data of CdS microcrystals previously collected in the glassy matrix of Germanium oxide. The CdS clusters analyzed using electron microscopy images have shown a wurtzite structure. The mean average radius, dispersion and volume evaluated from the histograms showed good agreement for t(1/3), t(2/3) and t laws, respectively. We observed that the amount of microcrystals remains constant throughout the heat treatment process, as well as that the radii distribution has a lower limit and increases with heat treatment. The distribution of radii follows a distribution similar to the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner distribution limited in the origin. Discussions led to the conclusion that the growth of CdS is a process that occurs after the fluctuating nucleation and coalescence phases. We then analyze the growth process, assuming that the evaporation is overcome by the precipitation rate, stabilizing all clusters with respect to dissolution back into the matrix. The problem was simplified neglecting anisotropy and the assuming a spherical shape for clusters and particles. The low interface tension was described in terms of an empirical potential barrier in the surface of the cluster. The growth dynamics developed considering that the number of clusters remains constant, and that the minimum size of these clusters grow with time, as the first order approximation showed a good agreement with the flaw. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glasses in the system [Na2S](2/3)[(B2S3)(x)(P2S5)(1-x)](1/3) (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) were prepared by the melt quenching technique, and their properties were characterized by thermal analysis and impedance spectroscopy. Their atomic-level structures were comprehensively characterized by Raman spectroscopy and B-11, P-31, and Na-23 high resolution solid state magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR techniques. P-31 MAS NMR peak assignments were made by the presence or absence of homonuclear indirect P-31-P-31 spin-spin interactions as detected using homonuclear J-resolved and refocused INADEQUATE techniques. The extent of B-S-P connectivity in the glassy network was quantified by P-31{B-11} and B-11{P-31} rotational echo double resonance spectroscopy. The results clearly illustrate that the network modifier alkali sulfide, Na2S, is not proportionally shared between the two network former components, B and P. Rather, the thiophosphate (P) component tends to attract a larger concentration of network modifier species than predicted by the bulk composition, and this results in the conversion of P2S74-, pyrothiophosphate, Na/P = 2:1, units into PS43-, orthothiophosphate, Na/P = 3:1, groups. Charge balance is maintained by increasing the net degree of polymerization of the thioborate (B) units through the formation of covalent bridging sulfur (BS) units, B S B. Detailed inspection of the B-11 MAS NMR spectra reveals that multiple thioborate units are formed, ranging from neutral BS3/2 groups all the way to the fully depolymerized orthothioborate (BS33-) species. On the basis of these results, a comprehensive and quantitative structural model is developed for these glasses, on the basis of which the compositional trends in the glass transition temperatures (T-g) and ionic conductivities can be rationalized. Up to x = 0.4, the dominant process can be described in a simplified way by the net reaction equation P-1 + B-1 reversible arrow P-0 + B-4, where the superscripts denote the number of BS atoms for the respective network former species. Above x = 0.4, all of the thiophosphate units are of the P-0 type and both pyro-(B-1) and orthothioborate (B-0) species make increasing contributions to the network structure with increasing x. In sharp contrast to the situation in sodium borophosphate glasses, four-coordinated thioborate species are generally less abundant and heteroatomic B-S-P linkages appear to not exist. On the basis of this structural information, compositional trends in the ionic conductivities are discussed in relation to the nature of the charge-compensating anionic species and the spatial distribution of the charge carriers.


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The ground-state phase diagram of an Ising spin-glass model on a random graph with an arbitrary fraction w of ferromagnetic interactions is analysed in the presence of an external field. Using the replica method, and performing an analysis of stability of the replica-symmetric solution, it is shown that w = 1/2, corresponding to an unbiased spin glass, is a singular point in the phase diagram, separating a region with a spin-glass phase (w < 1/2) from a region with spin-glass, ferromagnetic, mixed and paramagnetic phases (w > 1/2).


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Samples of 40SiO(2)center dot 30Na(2)O center dot 1Al(2)O(3)center dot(29 - x)B2O3 center dot xFe(2)O(3) (mol%), with 0.0 <= x <= 17.5, were prepared by the fusion method and investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption (OA) and Mossbauer spectroscopy (MS). The EPR spectra of the as-synthesized samples exhibit two well-defined EPR signals around g = 4.27 and g = 2.01 and a visible EPR shoulder around g = 6.4, assigned to isolated Fe3+ ion complexes (g = 4.27 and g = 6.4) and Fe3+-based clusters (g = 2.01). Analyses of both EPR line intensity and line width support the model picture of Fe3+-based clusters built in from two sources of isolated ions, namely Fe2+ and Fe3+; the ferrous ion being used to build in iron-based clusters at lower x-content (below about x = 2.5%) whereas the ferric ion is used to build in iron-based clusters at higher x-content (above about x = 2.5%). The presence of Fe2+ ions incorporated within the glass template is supported by OA data with a strong band around 1100 nm due to the spin-allowed E-5(g)-T-5(2g) transition in an octahedral coordination with oxygen. Additionally, Mossbauer data (isomer shift and quadrupole splitting) confirm incorporation of both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions within the template, more likely in tetrahedral-like environments. We hypothesize that ferrous ions are incorporated within the glass template as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in non-bridging oxygen (SiO3O-) sites whereas ferric ions are incorporated as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in bridging-like oxygen silicate groups (SiO4). (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.