24 resultados para integrated shape and topology optimisation (IST)


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Manganese tungstate (MnWO4) nanorods were prepared at room temperature by the co-precipitation method and synthesized after processing in a microwave-hydrothermal (MH) system at 140 degrees C for 6-96 min. These nanorods were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinements and Fourier transform (FT)-Raman spectroscopy. The growth direction, shape and average size distribution of nanorods were observed by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution TEM (HR-TEM). The optical properties of the nanorods were investigated by ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) absorption and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinement data and FT-Raman spectroscopy indicate that the MnWO4 precipitate is not a single phase structure while the nanorods synthesized by MH processing have a wolframite-type monoclinic structure without deleterious phases. FT-Raman spectra exhibited the presence of 17 Raman-active modes from 50 to 1,000 cm(-1). TEM and HR-TEM micrographs indicated that the nanorods are aggregated due to surface energy by Van der Waals forces and grow along the [100] direction. UV-vis absorption measurements confirmed non-linear values for the optical band gap (from 3.2 to 2.72 eV), which increased as the MH processing time increased. The structural characterizations indicated that the presence of defects in the MnWO4 precipitate promotes a significant contribution to maximum PL emission, while MnWO4 nanorods obtained by MH processing decrease the PL emission due to the reduction of defects in the lattice.


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Rodrigues M.N., Oliveira G.B., Silva R.S.S, Tivane C.T., Albuquerque J.F.G., Miglino M.A. & Oliveira M.F. 2012. [Gross morphology and topography of the digestive apparatus in rheas (Rhea americana americana).] Macroscopia e topografia do aparelho digestorio de emas (Rhea americana americana). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(7):681-686. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508270, Brazil. E-mail: marcio_medvet@hotmail.com Rheas are birds belonging to the ratites group and, among ostriches and emus, are the largest birds currently alive. In this work we studied the macroscopic aspects of rheas' digestive tract in order to provide important information to a better understanding of these birds' eating habits as well their anatomy. Twenty young animals aging between two and six months from the Centre for Wild Animals Multiplication (Cemas, scientific breeding license form Ibama no.1478912) were used. After dissection it was observed that their tongue was small and presented a rhomboid form, being disposed on the oral cavity floor, and inserted in its base by a frenulum. The esophagus was a rectilinear tube with elastic aspect and longitudinal elastic fibers, without dilation, which gives it an absence of crop. The proventriculus presented a fusiform form and the gastric ventricle showed and slightly oval form when filled, and was internally coated with a thick gastric cuticle. The small intestine was composed of three distinct regions: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The duodenum had a light gray color and showed a "U" curved shaped. The jejunum was dark green, long and composed of several short loops arranged above each other. The ileum had a gray color and was connected with the jejunum. In ventral line to the rectum and cloaca, the ileum extended cranially, dorsally to the ascending duodenum. The large intestine was composed of two caeca, one right and one left, and colon-rectum and ileum were continuous with the cloaca. The structures of the rhea digestive tract resemble those described in the literature regarding to its shape and topography, even though rhea's caeca are well developed and relatively long.


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In this paper, we report our initial research to obtain hexagonal rod-like elongated silver tungstate (alpha-Ag2WO4) microcrystals by different methods [sonochemistry (SC), coprecipitation (CP), and conventional hydrothermal (CH)] and to study their cluster coordination and optical properties. These microcrystals were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinements, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopies. The shape and average size of these alpha-Ag2WO4 microcrystals were observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The optical properties of these microcrystals were investigated by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns and Rietveld refinement data confirmed that alpha-Ag2WO4 microcrystals have an orthorhombic structure. FT-IR spectra exhibited four IR-active modes in a range from 250 to 1000 cm(-1). XANES spectra at the W L-3-edge showed distorted octahedral [WO6] clusters in the lattice, while EXAFS analyses confirmed that W atoms are coordinated by six O atoms. FE-SEM images suggest that the alpha-Ag2WO4 microcrystals grow by aggregation and the Ostwald ripening process. PL properties of alpha-Ag2WO4 microcrystals decrease with an increase in the optical band-gap values (3.19-3.23 eV). Finally, we observed that large hexagonal rod-like alpha-Ag2WO4 microcrystals prepared by the SC method exhibited a major PL emission intensity relative to alpha-Ag2WO4 microcrystals prepared by the CP and CH methods.


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This paper presents a technique for performing analog design synthesis at circuit level providing feedback to the designer through the exploration of the Pareto frontier. A modified simulated annealing which is able to perform crossover with past anchor points when a local minimum is found which is used as the optimization algorithm on the initial synthesis procedure. After all specifications are met, the algorithm searches for the extreme points of the Pareto frontier in order to obtain a non-exhaustive exploration of the Pareto front. Finally, multi-objective particle swarm optimization is used to spread the results and to find a more accurate frontier. Piecewise linear functions are used as single-objective cost functions to produce a smooth and equal convergence of all measurements to the desired specifications during the composition of the aggregate objective function. To verify the presented technique two circuits were designed, which are: a Miller amplifier with 96 dB Voltage gain, 15.48 MHz unity gain frequency, slew rate of 19.2 V/mu s with a current supply of 385.15 mu A, and a complementary folded cascode with 104.25 dB Voltage gain, 18.15 MHz of unity gain frequency and a slew rate of 13.370 MV/mu s. These circuits were synthesized using a 0.35 mu m technology. The results show that the method provides a fast approach for good solutions using the modified SA and further good Pareto front exploration through its connection to the particle swarm optimization algorithm.


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Barium praseodymium tungstate (Ba1-xPr2x/3)WO4 crystals with (x = 0, 0.01, and 0.02) were prepared by the coprecipitation method. These crystals were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinements, Fourier-transform Raman (FT-Raman) and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopies. The shape and size of these crystals were observed by field emission scanning electron microcopy (FE-SEM). Their optical properties were investigated by ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) absorption and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Moreover, we have studied the photocatalytic (PC) activity of crystals for degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) dye. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinements data, FT-Raman and FT-IR spectroscopies indicate that all crystals exhibit a tetragonal structure without deleterious phases. FT-Raman spectra exhibited 13 Raman-active modes in a range from 50 to 1000 cm(-1), while FT-IR spectra have 8 infrared active modes in a range from 200 to 1050 cm(-1). FE-SEM images showed different shapes (bonbon-, spindle-, rice-and flake-like) as well as a reduction in the crystal size with an increase in Pr3+ ions. A possible growth process was proposed for these crystals. UV-vis absorption measurements revealed a decrease in optical band gap values with an increase of Pr3+ into the matrix. An intense green PL emission was noted for (Ba1-xPr2x/3)WO4 crystals (x = 0), while crystals with (x = 0.01 and 0.02) produced a reduction in the wide band PL emission and the narrow band PL emission which is related to f-f transitions from Pr3+ ions. High photocatalytic efficiency was verified for the bonbon-like BaWO4 crystals as a catalyst in the degradation of the RhB dye after 25 min under UV-light. Finally, we discuss possible mechanisms for PL and PC properties of these crystals.


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The stratified oil-water flow pattern is common in the petroleum industry, especially in offshore directional wells and pipelines. Previous studies have shown that the phenomenon of flow pattern transition in stratified flow can be related to the interfacial wave structure (problem of hydrodynamic instability). The study of the wavy stratified flow pattern requires the characterization of the interfacial wave properties, i.e., average shape, celerity and geometric properties (amplitude and wavelength) as a function of holdup, inclination angle and phases' relative velocity. However, the data available in the literature on wavy stratified flow is scanty, especially in inclined pipes and when oil is viscous. This paper presents new geometric and kinematic interfacial wave properties as a function of a proposed two-phase Froude number in the wavy-stratified liquid-liquid flow. The experimental work was conducted in a glass test line of 12 m and 0.026 m id., oil (density and viscosity of 828 kg/m(3) and 0.3 Pa s at 20 degrees C, respectively) and water as the working fluids at several inclinations from horizontal (-20 degrees, -10 degrees, 0 degrees, 10 degrees, 20 degrees). The results suggest a physical relation between wave shape and the hydrodynamic stability of the stratified liquid-liquid flow pattern. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the morphology of the mandibular dental arch and the maxillary central incisor crown. Cast models from 51 Caucasian individuals, older than 15 years, with optimal occlusion, no previous orthodontic treatment, featuring 4 of the 6 keys to normal occlusion by Andrews (the first being mandatory) were observed. The models were digitalized using a 3D scanner, and images of the maxillary central incisor and mandibular dental arch were obtained. These were printed and placed in an album below pre-set models of arches and dental crowns, and distributed to 12 dental surgeons, who were asked to choose which shape was most in accordance with the models and crown presented. The Kappa test was performed to evaluate the concordance among evaluators while the chi-square test was used to verify the association between the dental arch and central incisor morphology, at a 5% significance level. The Kappa test showed moderate agreement among evaluators for both variables of this study, and the chi-square test showed no significant association between tooth shape and mandibular dental arch morphology. It may be concluded that the use of arch morphology as a diagnostic method to determine the shape of the maxillary central incisor is not appropriate. Further research is necessary to assess tooth shape using a stricter scientific basis.


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Eruption sequestrum is an uncommon disturbance in eruption and consists of small fragments of calcified tissue overlying the crowns of erupting permanent molar teeth, especially at the time of eruption of the mandibular first molars. This paper reports a case of unilateral eruption sequestrum in a 7-year-old Brazilian boy and describes its histopathological findings. A white small fragment, 0.5 cm in diameter, with hard consistency, irregular shape and located on the occlusal surface of the erupting mandibular left first molar was excised. Microscopic examination revealed large trabeculae with empty lacunae and a minimal amount of existing spongy bone consisting of acute inflammatory cells (neutrophils). Signs of necrosis were found on the periphery. The histological analysis was consistent with non-vital bone and the diagnosis of eruption sequestrum was established. Clinical and radiographic follow-up visits scheduled at short intervals and then every 6 months revealed normal postoperative conditions.


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Lamellar systems composed of lipid bilayers have been widely used as model system for investigating properties of biological membranes, interactions between membranes and with biomolecules. The composition of the membrane determines its three dimensional shape and its properties such as rigidity and compressibility which play an important role on membrane fusion, protein adhesion, interactions between proteins, etc. We present a systematic study of a lamellar system composed of lecithin and a commercial co-surfactant (Simusol), which is a mixture of ethoxylated fatty acids. Using X ray scattering and a new procedure to fit X-ray experimental data, we determine relevant parameters characterizing the lamellar structure, varying membrane composition from 100% of lecithin to 100% of Simulsol. We present experimental data illustrating the swelling behavior for the membrane of different compositions and the respective behavior of the Caillé parameter. From and GISAXS experiments on oriented films under controlled humidity we investigate the compressibility of the lamellar phase and the effect of incorporating co-surfactant. Combining the Caillé parameter and compressibility studies we determine the bending rigidity of membranes. The results obtained with this experimental approach and new procedure to fit X-ray experimental allows us to identify structural changes in the bilayer depending both on hydration and co-surfactant content, with implications on elastic properties of membranes.