19 resultados para crop yield forecast
Maize is one of the most important crops in the world. The products generated from this crop are largely used in the starch industry, the animal and human nutrition sector, and biomass energy production and refineries. For these reasons, there is much interest in figuring the potential grain yield of maize genotypes in relation to the environment in which they will be grown, as the productivity directly affects agribusiness or farm profitability. Questions like these can be investigated with ecophysiological crop models, which can be organized according to different philosophies and structures. The main objective of this work is to conceptualize a stochastic model for predicting maize grain yield and productivity under different conditions of water supply while considering the uncertainties of daily climate data. Therefore, one focus is to explain the model construction in detail, and the other is to present some results in light of the philosophy adopted. A deterministic model was built as the basis for the stochastic model. The former performed well in terms of the curve shape of the above-ground dry matter over time as well as the grain yield under full and moderate water deficit conditions. Through the use of a triangular distribution for the harvest index and a bivariate normal distribution of the averaged daily solar radiation and air temperature, the stochastic model satisfactorily simulated grain productivity, i.e., it was found that 10,604 kg ha(-1) is the most likely grain productivity, very similar to the productivity simulated by the deterministic model and for the real conditions based on a field experiment.
DISTRIBUTION OF NITROGEN AMMONIUM SULFATE (N-15) SOIL-PLANT SYSTEM IN A NO-TILLAGE CROP SUCCESSION The N use by maize (Zea mays, L.) is affected by N-fertilizer levels. This study was conducted using a sandy-clay texture soil (Hapludox) to evaluate the efficiency of N use by maize in a crop succession, based on N-15-labeled ammonium sulfate (5.5 atom %) at different rates, and to assess the residual fertilizer effect in two no-tillage succession crops (signalgrass and corn). Two maize crops were evaluated, the first in the growing season 2006, the second in 2007, and brachiaria in the second growing season. The treatments consisted of N rates of 60, 120 and 180 kg ha(-1) in the form of labeled N-15 ammonium sulfate. This fertilizer was applied in previously defined subplots, only to the first maize crop (growing season 2006). The variables total accumulated N; fertilizer-derived N in corn plants and pasture; fertilizer-derived N in the soil; and recovery of fertilizer-N by plants and soil were evaluated. The highest uptake of fertilizer N by corn was observed after application of 120 kg ha(-1) N and the residual effect of N fertilizer on subsequent corn and Brachiaria was highest after application of 180 kg ha(-1) N. After the crop succession, soil N recovery was 32, 23 and 27 % for the respective applications of 60, 120 and 180 kg ha(-1) N.
Recently high spectral resolution sensors have been developed, which allow new and more advanced applications in agriculture. Motivated by the increasing importance of hyperspectral remote sensing data, the need for research is important to define optimal wavebands to estimate biophysical parameters of crop. The use of narrow band vegetation indices (VI) derived from hyperspectral measurements acquired by a field spectrometer was evaluated to estimate bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grain yield, plant height and leaf area index (LAI). Field canopy reflectance measurements were acquired at six bean growth stages over 48 plots with four water levels (179.5; 256.5; 357.5 and 406.2 mm) and tree nitrogen rates (0; 80 and 160 kg ha-1) and four replicates. The following VI was analyzed: OSNBR (optimum simple narrow-band reflectivity); NB_NDVI (narrow-band normalized difference vegetation index) and NDVI (normalized difference index). The vegetation indices investigated (OSNBR, NB_NDVI and NDVI) were efficient to estimate LAI, plant height and grain yield. During all crop development, the best correlations between biophysical variables and spectral variables were observed on V4 (the third trifoliolate leaves were unfolded in 50 % of plants) and R6 (plants developed first flowers in 50 % of plants) stages, according to the variable analyzed.
Studies addressing the estimation of genetic parameters in soybean have not emphasized the epistatic effects. The purpose of this study was to estimate the significance of these effects on soybean grain yield, based on the Modified Triple Test Cross design. Thirty-two inbred lines derived from a cross between two contrasting lines were used, which were crossed with two testers (L1 and L2). The experiments were carried out at two locations, in 10 x 10 triple lattice designs with 9 replications, containing 32 lines (Pi ), 64 crosses (32 Pi x L1 and 32 Pi x L2 ) and controls. The variation between ( ͞L1i + ͞L2i - ͞Pi ) revealed the presence of epistasis, as well as an interaction of epistasis x environment. Since the predominant component of epistasis in autogamous species is additive x additive (i type), we suggest postponing the selection for grain yield to later generations of inbreeding in order to exploit the beneficial effects of additive x additive epistasis.