28 resultados para adipocytes


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Festuccia WT, Blanchard PG, Oliveira TB, Magdalon J, Paschoal VA, Richard D, Deshaies Y. PPAR gamma activation attenuates cold-induced upregulation of thyroid status and brown adipose tissue PGC-1 alpha and D2. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 303: R1277-R1285, 2012. First published October 24, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00299.2012.-Here, we investigated whether pharmacological PPAR gamma activation modulates key early events in brown adipose tissue (BAT) recruitment induced by acute cold exposure with the aim of unraveling the interrelationships between sympathetic and PPAR gamma signaling. Sprague-Dawley rats treated or not with the PPAR gamma ligand rosiglitazone (15 mg.kg(-1).day(-1), 7 days) were kept at 23 degrees C or exposed to cold (5 degrees C) for 24 h and evaluated for BAT gene expression, sympathetic activity, thyroid status, and adrenergic signaling. Rosiglitazone did not affect the reduction in body weight gain and the increase in feed efficiency, VO2, and BAT sympathetic activity induced by 24-h cold exposure. Rosiglitazone strongly attenuated the increase in serum total and free T4 and T3 levels and BAT iodothyronine deiodinase type 2 (D2) and PGC-1 alpha mRNA levels and potentiated the reduction in BAT thyroid hormone receptor (THR) beta mRNA levels induced by cold. Administration of T3 to rosiglitazone-treated rats exacerbated the cold-induced increase in energy expenditure but did not restore a proper activation of D2 and PGC-1 alpha, nor further increased uncoupling protein 1 expression. Regarding adrenergic signaling, rosiglitazone did not affect the changes in BAT cAMP content and PKA activity induced by cold. Rosiglitazone alone or in combination with cold increased CREB binding to DNA, but it markedly reduced the expression of one of its major coactivators, CREB binding protein. In conclusion, pharmacological PPAR gamma activation impairs short-term cold elicitation of BAT adrenergic and thyroid signaling, which may result in abnormal tissue recruitment and thermogenic activity.


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Cancer cachexia induces loss of fat mass that accounts for a large part of the dramatic weight loss observed both in humans and in animal models; however, the literature does not provide consistent information regarding the set point of weight loss and how the different visceral adipose tissue depots contribute to this symptom. To evaluate that, 8-week-old male Wistar rats were subcutaneously inoculated with 1 ml (2 x 10(7)) of tumour cells (Walker 256). Samples of different visceral white adipose tissue (WAT) depots were collected at days 0, 4, 7 and 14 and stored at -80 degrees C (seven to ten animals/each day per group). Mesenteric and retroperitoneal depot mass was decreased to the greatest extent on day 14 compared with day 0. Gene and protein expression of PPAR gamma(2) (PPARG) fell significantly following tumour implantation in all three adipose tissue depots while C/EBP alpha (CEBPA) and SREBP-1c (SREBF1) expression decreased over time only in epididymal and retroperitoneal depots. Decreased adipogenic gene expression and morphological disruption of visceral WAT are further supported by the dramatic reduction in mRNA and protein levels of perilipin. Classical markers of inflammation and macrophage infiltration (f4/80, CD68 and MIF-1 alpha) in WAT were significantly increased in the later stage of cachexia (although showing a incremental pattern along the course of cachexia) and presented a depot-specific regulation. These results indicate that impairment in the lipid-storing function of adipose tissue occurs at different times and that the mesenteric adipose tissue is more resistant to the 'fat-reducing effect' than the other visceral depots during cancer cachexia progression. Journal of Endocrinology (2012) 215, 363-373


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Intracellular peptides generated by the proteasome and oligopeptidases have been suggested to function in signal transduction and to improve insulin resistance in mice fed a high-caloric diet. The aim of this study was to identify specific intracellular peptides in the adipose tissue of Wistar rats that could be associated with the physiological and therapeutic control of glucose uptake. Using semiquantitative mass spectrometry and LC/MS/MS analyses, we identified ten peptides in the epididymal adipose tissue of the Wistar rats; three of these peptides were present at increased levels in rats that were fed a high-caloric Western diet (WD) compared with rats fed a control diet (CD). The results of affinity chromatography suggested that in the cytoplasm of epididymal adipose tissue from either WD or CD rats, distinctive proteins bind to these peptides. However, despite the observed increase in the WD animals, the evaluated peptides increased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes treated with palmitate. Thus, intracellular peptides from the adipose tissue of Wistar rats can bind to specific proteins and facilitate insulin-induced glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.


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A low-protein, high-carbohydrate (LPHC) diet for 15 days increased the lipid content in the carcass and adipose tissues of rats. The aim of this work was to investigate the mechanisms of this lipid increase in the retroperitoneal white adipose tissue (RWAT) of these animals. The LPHC diet induced an approximately two- and tenfold increase in serum corticosterone and TNF-alpha, respectively. The rate of de novo fatty acid (FA) synthesis in vivo was reduced (50%) in LPHC rats, and the lipoprotein lipase activity increased (100%). In addition, glycerokinase activity increased (60%), and the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase content decreased (27%). Basal [U-C-14]-glucose incorporation into glycerol-triacylglycerol did not differ between the groups; however, in the presence of insulin, [U-C-14]-glucose incorporation increased by 124% in adipocytes from only control rats. The reductions in IRS1 and AKT content as well as AKT phosphorylation in the RWAT from LPHC rats and the absence of an insulin response suggest that these adipocytes have reduced insulin sensitivity. The increase in NE turnover by 45% and the lack of a lipolytic response to NE in adipocytes from LPHC rats imply catecholamine resistance. The data reveal that the increase in fat storage in the RWAT of LPHC rats results from an increase in FA uptake from circulating lipoproteins and glycerol phosphorylation, which is accompanied by an impaired lipolysis that is activated by NE.


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Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is predominantly regulated by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the adrenergic receptor signaling pathway. Knowing that a mouse with triple beta-receptor knockout (KO) is cold intolerant and obese, we evaluated the independent role played by the beta(1) isoform in energy homeostasis. First, the 30 min i.v. infusion of norepinephrine (NE) or the beta(1) selective agonist dobutamine (DB) resulted in similar interscapular BAT (iBAT) thermal response in WT mice. Secondly, mice with targeted disruption of the beta(1) gene (KO of beta(1) adrenergic receptor (beta 1KO)) developed hypothermia during cold exposure and exhibited decreased iBAT thermal response to NE or DB infusion. Thirdly, when placed on a high-fat diet (HFD; 40% fat) for 5 weeks, beta 1KO mice were more susceptible to obesity than WT controls and failed to develop diet-induced thermogenesis as assessed by BAT Ucp1 mRNA levels and oxygen consumption. Furthermore, beta 1KO mice exhibited fasting hyperglycemia and more intense glucose intolerance, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia when placed on the HFD, developing marked non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. In conclusion, the beta(1) signaling pathway mediates most of the SNS stimulation of adaptive thermogenesis. Journal of Endocrinology (2012) 214, 359-365


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Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate the lipid profiles of the hepatic and adipose tissues of Wistar rats treated for 21 days with a diet high in saturated fat (high saturated fat, n=6) or high in hydrogenated fat, that is, having 50% partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in its composition (high hydrogenated fat, n=6), and compare them to those of a control group (control group, n=6). Methods Adipose tissue and total hepatic fat were higher in the saturated fat group than in the hydrogenated fat group. Hepatic lipid peroxidation was greatest in the saturated fat group, with consequent lower hepatic vitamin E and A levels. In contrast, serum vitamin A was highest in the saturated fat group. Analysis of hepatic lipid fractions found more cholesterol and less high density lipoprotein-cholesterol in the hydrogenated fat group. The hydrogenated fat group had the highest levels of triacylglycerols, followed by the saturated fat group. Results Significant amounts of trans fatty acids were detected in the hepatic and adipose tissues of the hydrogenated fat group. Among the identified fatty acids, 18:1n9 had a higher positive association with hepatic cholesterol and triacylglycerols, and a higher negative association with high density lipoprotein-cholesterol. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil promotes greater accumulation of cholesterol and triacylglycerols in the liver than saturated fats. Conclusion Trans fatty acids were incorporated into hepatocytes and adipocytes in a highly efficient manner.


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Obese fat pads are frequently undervascularized and hypoxic, leading to increased fibrosis, inflammation, and ultimately insulin resistance. We hypothesized that VEGF-A-induced stimulation of angiogenesis enables sustained and sufficient oxygen and nutrient exchange during fat mass expansion, thereby improving adipose tissue function. Using a doxycycline (Dox)-inducible adipocyte-specific VEGF-A overexpression model, we demonstrate that the local up-regulation of VEGF-A in adipocytes improves vascularization and causes a "browning" of white adipose tissue (AT), with massive up-regulation of UCP1 and PGC1 alpha. This is associated with an increase in energy expenditure and resistance to high fat diet-mediated metabolic insults. Similarly, inhibition of VEGF-A-induced activation of VEGFR2 during the early phase of high fat diet-induced weight gain, causes aggravated systemic insulin resistance. However, the same VEGF-A-VEGFR2 blockade in ob/ob mice leads to a reduced body-weight gain, an improvement in insulin sensitivity, a decrease in inflammatory factors, and increased incidence of adipocyte death. The consequences of modulation of angiogenic activity are therefore context dependent. Proangiogenic activity during adipose tissue expansion is beneficial, associated with potent protective effects on metabolism, whereas antiangiogenic action in the context of preexisting adipose tissue dysfunction leads to improvements in metabolism, an effect likely mediated by the ablation of dysfunctional proinflammatory adipocytes.


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Obesity and other chronic diseases are accompanied by adipose tissue, liver, pancreas, muscle and brain low-grade chronic inflammation. Indeed, the obese condition and metabolic syndrome are characterized by an increased expression of inflammatory cytokines and infiltration of immune cells in adipocytes. The inflammatory response promotes the activation of transcriptional factors and pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to an unresolved inflammatory response associated with an inhibition of insulin signalling and high risk for cardiovascular events. Epidemiological and intervention studies have been carried out to find out dietary patterns, foods and bioactive compounds with protective anti-inflammatory actions. The most studied compounds are polyphenols, especially isoflavone and anthocyanin, but quercertin, catechin and resveratrol have also been investigated. Furthermore, some studies have reported the effects of milk peptides, plant sterol and stanol, L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid on inflammatory processes. This review aimed to collect and discuss those relevant studies reported in the scientific literature following a systematic scientific search about the effect of such bioactive compounds on inflammation in humans.


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Cancer cachexia is a multifaceted syndrome whose aetiology is extremely complex and is directly related to poor patient prognosis and survival. Changes in lipid metabolism in cancer cachexia result in marked reduction of total fat mass, increased lipolysis, total oxidation of fatty acids, hyperlipidaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, and hypercholesterolaemia. These changes are believed to be induced by inflammatory mediators, such as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and other factors. Attention has recently been drawn to the current theory that cachexia is a chronic inflammatory state, mainly caused by the host's reaction to the tumour. Changes in expression of numerous inflammatory mediators, notably in white adipose tissue (WAT), may trigger several changes in WAT homeostasis. The inhibition of adipocyte differentiation by PPAR gamma is paralleled by the appearance of smaller adipocytes, which may partially account for the inhibitory effect of PPAR gamma on inflammatory gene expression. Furthermore, inflammatory modulation and/or inhibition seems to be dependent on the IKK/NF-kappa B pathway, suggesting that a possible interaction between NF-kappa B and PPAR gamma is required to modulate WAT inflammation induced by cancer cachexia. In this article, current literature on the possible mechanisms of NF-kappa B and PPAR gamma regulation of WAT cells during cancer cachexia are discussed. This review aims to assess the role of a possible interaction between NF-kappa B and PPAR gamma in the setting of cancer cachexia as well as its significant role as a potential modulator of chronic inflammation that could be explored therapeutically. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho objetiva compreender a possível relação do nível de expressão gênica do mRNA da proteína S100β em adipócitos com o diabetes melito do tipo 2, pela comparação de dados de portadores dessa doença com os de indivíduos normoglicêmicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas amostras de tecido adiposo de oito pacientes da Seção de Coronárias do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia (IDPC), sendo quatro do grupo diabetes e quatro do grupo de normoglicêmicos. Essas amostras foram submetidas à técnica de RT-PCR em tempo real. RESULTADOS: Por meio do Test-t de Student para os valores de diferença entre os ciclos threshold (ΔCt), observou-se que houve aumento de aproximadamente 15 vezes (p = 0,015) da expressão do mRNA da proteína S100β nos adipócitos dos indivíduos do grupo diabetes quando comparado aos do grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados evidenciam, de forma inédita, coexistência entre o aumento da expressão do gene S100β e a patologia do diabetes melito do tipo 2.


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All of the adaptations acquired through physical training are reversible with inactivity. Although significant reductions in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) can be observed within 2 to 4 wk of detraining, the consequences of detraining on the physiology of adipose tissue are poorly known. Our aim was therefore to investigate the effects of discontinuing training (physical detraining) on the metabolism and adipocyte cellularity of rat periepididymal (PE) adipose tissue. Male Wistar rats, aged 6 wk, were divided into three groups and studied for 12 wk under the following conditions: 1) trained (T) throughout the period; 2) detrained (D), trained during the first 8 wk and detrained during the remaining 4 wk; and 3) age-matched sedentary (S). Training consisted of treadmill running sessions (1 h/day, 5 days/wk, 50–60%VO2max). The PE adipocyte size analysis revealed significant differences between the groups. The adipocyte cross-sectional area (in µm2) was significantly larger in D than in the T and S groups (3,474 ± 68.8; 1,945.7 ± 45.6; 2,492.4 ± 49.08, respectively, P < 0.05). Compared with T, the isolated adipose cells (of the D rats) showed a 48% increase in the ability to perform lipogenesis (both basal and maximally insulin-stimulated) and isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis. No changes were observed with respect to unstimulated lipolysis. A 15% reduction in the proportion of apoptotic adipocytes was observed in groups T and D compared with group S. The gene expression levels of adiponectin and PPAR-gamma were upregulated by factors of 3 and 2 in D vs. S, respectively. PREF-1 gene expression was 3-fold higher in T vs. S. From these results, we hypothesize that adipogenesis was stimulated in group D and accompanied by significant adipocyte hypertrophy and an increase in the lipogenic capacity of the adipocytes. The occurrence of apoptotic nuclei in PE fat cells was reduced in the D and T rats; these results raise the possibility that the adipose tissue changes after detraining are obesogenic.


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We investigated whether palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid that enhances whole body glucose disposal and suppresses hepatic steatosis, modulates triacylglycerol (TAG) metabolism in adipocytes. For this, both differentiated 3T3-L1 cells treated with either palmitoleic acid (16:1n7, 200 μM) or palmitic acid (16:0, 200 μM) for 24 h and primary adipocytes from wild-type or PPARα-deficient mice treated with 16:1n7 (300 mg•kg(-1)•day(-1)) or oleic acid (18:1n9, 300 mg•kg(-1)•day(-1)) by gavage for 10 days were evaluated for lipolysis, TAG, and glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis and gene and protein expression profile. Treatment of differentiated 3T3-L1 cells with 16:1n7, but not 16:0, increased basal and isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis, mRNA levels of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and protein content of ATGL and pSer(660)-HSL. Such increase in lipolysis induced by 16:1n7, which can be prevented by pharmacological inhibition of PPARα, was associated with higher rates of PPARα binding to DNA. In contrast to lipolysis, both 16:1n7 and 16:0 increased fatty acid incorporation into TAG and glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis from glucose without affecting glyceroneogenesis and glycerokinase expression. Corroborating in vitro findings, treatment of wild-type but not PPARα-deficient mice with 16:1n7 increased primary adipocyte basal and stimulated lipolysis and ATGL and HSL mRNA levels. In contrast to lipolysis, however, 16:1n7 treatment increased fatty acid incorporation into TAG and glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis from glucose in both wild-type and PPARα-deficient mice. In conclusion, palmitoleic acid increases adipocyte lipolysis and lipases by a mechanism that requires a functional PPARα


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As the size of adipocytes increases during obesity, the establishment of resident immune cells in adipose tissue becomes an important source of proinflammatory mediators. Exercise and caloric restriction are two important, nonpharmacological tools against body mass increase. To date, their effects on the immune cells of adipose tissue in obese organisms, specifically when a high-fat diet is consumed, have been poorly investigated. Thus, after consuming a high-fat diet, mice were submitted to chronic swimming training or a 30% caloric restriction in order to investigate the effects of both interventions on resident immune cells in adipose tissue. These strategies were able to reduce body mass and resulted in changes in the number of resident immune cells in the adipose tissue and levels of cytokines/chemokines in serum. While exercise increased the number of NK cells in adipose tissue and serum levels of IL-6 and RANTES, caloric restriction increased the CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio and MCP-1 levels. Together, these data demonstrated that exercise and caloric restriction modulate resident immune cells in adipose tissues differently in spite of an equivalent body weight reduction. Additionally, the results also reinforce the idea that a combination of both strategies is better than either individually for combating obesity