26 resultados para Treatment and antibiotic susceptibility


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Objective: To determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of parenteral penicillin and moxifloxacin against Streptococcus pneumoniae strains isolated at a hospital center. Methods: In-vitro, prospective study involving 100 S. pneumoniae isolates collected from patients who had been treated, between October of 2008 and July of 2010, at the Hospital das Clinicas complex of the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, located in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The isolates were obtained from respiratory tract cultures or blood samples unrelated to meningeal infections, and they were tested for penicillin and moxifloxacin susceptibility by E-test. The MIC category interpretations were based on updated standards. Results: All isolates were fully susceptible to parenteral penicillin (MIC <= 2 mu g/mL), and, consequently, they were also susceptible to amoxicillin, ampicillin, third/fourth generation cephalosporins, and ertapenem. Of the S. pneumoniae strains, 99% were also susceptible to moxifloxacin, and only one strain showed an MIC = 1.5 mu g/mL (intermediate). Conclusions: Our results showed high susceptibility rates to parenteral penicillin and moxifloxacin among S. pneumoniae isolates unrelated to meningitis, which differs from international reports. Reports on penicillin resistance should be based on updated breakpoints for non-meningitis isolates in order to guide the selection of an antimicrobial therapy and to improve the prediction of the clinical outcomes.


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Stress is the most commonly reported precipitating factor for seizures in patients with epilepsy. Despite compelling anecdotal evidence for stress-induced seizures, animal models of the phenomena are sparse and possible mechanisms are unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that increased levels of the stress-associated hormone corticosterone ( CORT) would increase epileptiform activity and spontaneous seizure frequency in mice rendered epileptic following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. We monitored video-EEG activity in pilocarpine-treated mice 24/7 for a period of four or more weeks, during which animals were serially treated with CORT or vehicle. CORT increased the frequency and duration of epileptiform events within the first 24 hours of treatment, and this effect persisted for up to two weeks following termination of CORT injections. Interestingly, vehicle injection produced a transient spike in CORT levels - presumably due to the stress of injection - and a modest but significant increase in epileptiform activity. Neither CORT nor vehicle treatment significantly altered seizure frequency; although a small subset of animals did appear responsive. Taken together, our findings indicate that treatment of epileptic animals with exogenous CORT designed to mimic chronic stress can induce a persistent increase in interictal epileptiform activity.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite the high prevalence of substance abuse and mood disorders among victimized children and adolescents, few studies have investigated the association of these disorders with treatment adherence, represented by numbers of visits per month and treatment duration. We aimed to investigate the effects of substance abuse and mood disorders on treatment adherence and duration in a special programfor victimized children in Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 351 participants were evaluated for psychiatric disorders and classified into one of five groups: mood disorders alone; substance abuse disorders alone; mood and substance abuse disorders; other psychiatric disorders; no psychiatric disorders. The associations between diagnostic classification and adherence to treatment and the duration of program participation were tested with logistic regression and survival analysis, respectively. RESULTS: Children with mood disorders alone had the highest rate of adherence (79.5%); those with substance abuse disorders alone had the lowest (40%); and those with both disorders had an intermediate rate of adherence (50%). Those with other psychiatric disorders and no psychiatric disorders also had high rates of adherence (75.6% and 72.9%, respectively). Living with family significantly increased adherence for children with substance abuse disorders but decreased adherence for those with no psychiatric disorders. The diagnostic correlates of duration of participation were similar to those for adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Mood and substance abuse disorders were strong predictive factors for treatment adherence and duration, albeit in opposite directions. Living with family seems to have a positive effect on treatment adherence for patients with substance abuse disorders. More effective treatment is needed for victimized substance-abusing youth.


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BACKGROUND: Ghrelin is a gastrointestinal peptide hormone (a 28-amino acid peptide) produced primarily by X/A cells in the oxyntic glands of the stomach fundus and cells lining the duodenum cavern. It suppresses insulin secretion and action and commands a significant role in regulating food intake. The aim of the present study was to show that modified laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (MLSG), in which a significant part of the gastric fundus and body of the stomach is removed up to 1 inch from the pylorus vein, may contribute to decreasing circulating ghrelin levels. METHODS: A study population consisting of 150 individuals was monitored after undergoing a MLSG, with individuals chosen based on a documented history of diabetes mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome, clinical results determining a body mass index (BMI) of 35 to 60 kg/m(2), peptide C level greater than 1, negative anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase, negative anti-insulin, and confirmed stability of drug/insulin treatment and glycosylated hemoglobin greater than 6.5% for at least 24 and 3 months, respectively, before enrollment. RESULTS: Twenty-four months after surgery, 150 patients (86.6%) presented with normal glycemic levels between 77 and 99 mg/dL. All patients improved average serum insulin levels by 9 mU/L and average glycosylated hemoglobin levels by 5.1% (normal range, 4%-6%). All patients tested negative for Helicobacter pylori and stopped using insulin, with 3 patients prescribed twice-daily use of an oral hypoglycemiant. In 14% of cases, patients experienced partial hair loss with low serum zinc levels and were prescribed oral zinc reposition and topical hair stimulants. The average weight loss recorded was 44.6% for patients with a BMI less than 45 kg/m(2) and 58% for patients with a BMI greater than 50 kg/m(2). CONCLUSIONS: The MLSG is a safe procedure with a low morbidity rate (2.7%) (4 cases of fistula and 2 of bleeding) and no surgical mortality in this study. This surgery can promote control of diabetes mellitus type 2 and aid the treatment of exogenous overweight and morbidly obese individuals. The results of this study show that only through resection of the ghrelin-producing gastric area can most obesity cases and diabetes type II conditions be reverted to nonobese and controlled diabetes. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an important signal protein in vertebrate nervous development, promoting neurogenesis, neuronal patterning, and glial cell growth. Bevacizumab, an anti-VEGF agent, has been extensively used for controlling pathological retinal neovascularization in adult and newborn patients, although its effect on the developing retina remains largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of bevacizumab on cell death, proliferation, and differentiation in newborn rat retina. METHODS. Retinal explants of sixty 2-day-old Lister hooded rats were obtained after eye enucleation and maintained in culture media with or without bevacizumab for 2 days. Immunohistochemical staining was assessed against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA, to detect cell proliferation); caspase-3 and beclin-1 (to investigate cell death); and vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, markers of glial cells). Gene expressions were quantified by real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results from treatment and control groups were compared. RESULTS. No significant difference in the staining intensity (on immunohistochemistry) of PCNA, caspase-3, beclin-1, and GFAP, or in the levels of PCNA, caspase-3, beclin-1, and vimentin mRNA was observed between the groups. However, a significant increase in vimentin levels and a significant decrease in GFAP mRNA expression were observed in bevacizumab-treated retinal explants compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS. Bevacizumab did not affect cell death or proliferation in early developing rat retina but appeared to interfere with glial cell maturation by increasing vimentin levels and downregulating GFAP gene expression. Thus, we suggest anti-VEGF agents be used with caution in developing retinal tissue. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:7904-7911) DOI:10.1167/iovs.12-10283


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Abstract: Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ) is characterized as exposed bone in the jaws for more than 8 weeks in patients with current or previous history of therapy with bisphosphonates (BPs) and no history of radiotherapy in the head and neck. We report a case series of 7 patients with BRONJ and analyze the variations of clinical and imaging signs, correlating them with the presence or absence of bone exposure. Among the patients, 6 were women and 1 was a man, aged 42–79 years. Five of the patients were using zoledronic acid and the other 2 alendronate. The use of BPs varied from 3 to 13 years. In 5 patients, tooth extraction was the triggering event of injuries. Panoramic radiographs and computed tomography (CT) were evaluated by a radiologist blinded to the cases. There were persistent unremodeled extraction socket even several months after tooth extraction in 3 of the cases that were consistent wit CT findings that also showed areas of osteosclerosis and osteolysis. Patients were treated according to the recommendations of the AAOMS, with surgical debridement and antibiotic coverage with amoxicillin in the symptomatic patients. The follow-up of these patients ranged from 8 to 34 months, with a good response to treatment. The image findings in this case series were not specific and showed no difference between each stages of BRONJ (AAOMS, 2009). The image features were similar in presence or absence of exposed bone.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite the high prevalence of substance abuse and mood disorders among victimized children and adolescents, few studies have investigated the association of these disorders with treatment adherence, represented by numbers of visits per month and treatment duration. We aimed to investigate the effects of substance abuse and mood disorders on treatment adherence and duration in a special program for victimized children in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 351 participants were evaluated for psychiatric disorders and classified into one of five groups: mood disorders alone; substance abuse disorders alone; mood and substance abuse disorders; other psychiatric disorders; no psychiatric disorders. The associations between diagnostic classification and adherence to treatment and the duration of program participation were tested with logistic regression and survival analysis, respectively. RESULTS: Children with mood disorders alone had the highest rate of adherence (79.5%); those with substance abuse disorders alone had the lowest (40%); and those with both disorders had an intermediate rate of adherence (50%). Those with other psychiatric disorders and no psychiatric disorders also had high rates of adherence (75.6% and 72.9%, respectively). Living with family significantly increased adherence for children with substance abuse disorders but decreased adherence for those with no psychiatric disorders. The diagnostic correlates of duration of participation were similar to those for adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Mood and substance abuse disorders were strong predictive factors for treatment adherence and duration, albeit in opposite directions. Living with family seems to have a positive effect on treatment adherence for patients with substance abuse disorders. More effective treatment is needed for victimized substance-abusing youth


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the PGF2˛treatment givenat the onset of a synchronization of ovulation protocol using a norgestomet (NORG) earimplant on ovarian follicular dynamics (Experiment 1) and pregnancy per AI (P/AI; Exper-iment 2) in cyclic (CL present) Bos indicus heifers. In Experiment 1, a total of 46 heiferswere presynchronized using two consecutive doses of PGF2˛12 days apart. At first dayof the synchronization protocol the heifers received implants containing 3 mg of NORGand 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB). At the same time, heifers were randomly assignedto receive 150 mg of d-cloprostenol (n = 23; PGF2˛) or no additional treatment (n = 23;Control). When the ear implants were removed 8 days later, all heifers received a PGF2˛treatment and 1 mg of EB was given 24 h later. The follicular diameter and interval toovulation were determined by transrectal ultrasonography. No effects of PGF2˛treat-ment on the diameter of the largest follicle present were observed at implant removal(PGF2˛= 9.8 ± 0.4 vs. Control = 10.0 ± 0.3 mm; P = 0.73) or after 24 h (PGF2˛= 11.1 ± 0.4 vs.Control = 11.0 ± 0.4 mm; P = 0.83). No differences in the time of ovulation after ear implantremoval (PGF2˛= 70.8 ± 1.2 vs. Control = 73.3 ± 0.9 h; P = 0.10) or in the ovulation rate(PGF2˛= 87.0 vs. Control = 82.6%; P = 0.64) between treatments were observed. In Experi-ment 2, 280 cyclic heifers were synchronized using the same experimental design describedabove (PGF2˛; n = 143 and Control; n = 137), at random day of the estrous cycle. All heifersreceived 300 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and 0.5 mg of estradiol cypionate(as ovulatory stimulus) when the NORG ear implants were removed. Timed artificial insem-ination (TAI) was performed 48 h after implant removal and the pregnancy diagnosis wasconducted 30 days later. No effects on the P/AI due to PGF2˛treatment were observed(PGF2˛= 51.7 vs. Control = 57.7%; P = 0.29). In conclusion, PGF2˛treatment at the onset ofNORG-based protocols for the synchronization of ovulation did not alter the ovarian follic-ular responses or the P/AI in cyclic Bos indicus beef heifers synchronized for TAI.


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Introduction: Enterococcus faecalis is a member of the mammalian gastrointestinal microbiota but has been considered a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections. In the oral cavity, it is commonly detected from root canals of teeth with failed endodontic treatment. However, little is known about the virulence and genetic relatedness among E. faecalis isolates from different clinical sources. This study compared the presence of enterococcal virulence factors among root canal strains and clinical isolates from hospitalized patients to identify virulent clusters of E. faecalis. Methods: Multilocus sequence typing analysis was used to determine genetic lineages of 40 E. faecalis clinical isolates from different sources. Virulence clusters were determined by evaluating capsule (cps) locus polymorphisms, pathogenicity island gene content, and antibiotic resistance genes by polymerase chain reaction. Results: The clinical isolates from hospitalized patients formed a phylogenetically separate group and were mostly grouped in the clonal complex 2, which is a known virulent cluster of E. faecalis that has caused infection outbreaks globally. The clonal complex 2 group comprised capsule-producing strains harboring multiple antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity island genes. On the other hand, the endodontic isolates were more diverse and harbored few virulence and antibiotic resistance genes. In particular, although more closely related to isolates from hospitalized patients, capsuleproducing E. faecalis strains from root canals did not carry more virulence/antibiotic genes than other endodontic isolates. Conclusions: E. faecalis isolates from endodontic infections have a genetic and virulence profile different from pathogenic clusters of hospitalized patients’ isolates, which is most likely due to niche specialization conferred mainly by variable regions in the genome.


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INTRODUCTION: With the aim of searching genetic factors associated with the response to an immune treatment based on autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells pulsed with autologous inactivated HIV, we performed exome analysis by screening more than 240,000 putative functional exonic variants in 18 HIV-positive Brazilian patients that underwent the immune treatment. METHODS: Exome analysis has been performed using the ILLUMINA Infinium HumanExome BeadChip. zCall algorithm allowed us to recall rare variants. Quality control and SNP-centred analysis were done with GenABEL R package. An in-house implementation of the Wang method permitted gene-centred analysis. RESULTS: CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 1 (CNOT1) gene (16q21), showed the strongest association with the modification of the response to the therapeutic vaccine (p=0.00075). CNOT1 SNP rs7188697 A/G was significantly associated with DC treatment response. The presence of a G allele indicated poor response to the therapeutic vaccine (p=0.0031; OR=33.00; CI=1.74-624.66), and the SNP behaved in a dominant model (A/A vs. A/G+G/G p=0.0009; OR=107.66; 95% CI=3.85-3013.31), being the A/G genotype present only in weak/transient responders, conferring susceptibility to poor response to the immune treatment. DISCUSSION: CNOT1 is known to be involved in the control of mRNA deadenylation and mRNA decay. Moreover, CNOT1 has been recently described as being involved in the regulation of inflammatory processes mediated by tristetraprolin (TTP). The TTP-CCR4-NOT complex (CNOT1 in the CCR4-NOT complex is the binding site for TTP) has been reported as interfering with HIV replication, through post-transcriptional control. Therefore, we can hypothesize that genetic variation occurring in the CNOT1 gene could impair the TTP-CCR4-NOT complex, thus interfering with HIV replication and/or host immune response. CONCLUSIONS: Being aware that our findings are exclusive to the 18 patients studied with a need for replication, and that the genetic variant of CNOT1 gene, localized at intron 3, has no known functional effect, we propose a novel potential candidate locus for the modulation of the response to the immune treatment, and open a discussion on the necessity to consider the host genome as another potential variant to be evaluated when designing an immune therapy study


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The effect of CO2 continuous laser irradiation on the surface properties of veneering porcelains has already been tested. The surface observed after laser irradiation is similar to that achieved by auto-glaze in terms of roughness and color parameters (Sgura R, et al. Dental Materials 2011;27(Suppl. 1):e72–73). The purpose of this study was to analyze the surface porosity of porcelain discs after CO2 laser treatment and compare it to auto-glaze treatment, in furnace. A morphological analysis of the porcelain surface was conducted using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and conventional optical microscopy (OM).