18 resultados para Transmissao vertical de doenca infecciosa
O sistema estuarino-lagunar da Bacia do Pina e Rio Capibaribe situa-se no Recife (PE) Brasil, formado pela confluência dos rios Capibaribe, Tejipió, Jiquiá, Jordão e Pina, de grande importância para a Região Metropolitana do Recife. A variação vertical da porcentagem de carbonato de cálcio (CaCO3) no ambiente e a susceptibilidade magnética são ferramentas utilizadas para identificar o processo sedimentar dominante durante a deposição em ambientes costeiros e marinhos, podendo ser de origem marinha ou continental. Foi recuperado um testemunho, com 109 cm, localizado no setor médio do sistema estuarino. Os valores de susceptibilidade foram obtidos com o medidor da marca Bartington MS 2C, descritos visualmente quanto a granulometria e estruturas sedimentares, sub-amostrados em intervalos de 2 cm para a %CaCO3. Os valores de susceptibilidade variaram de 1 a 24 SI, os valores de carbonato variaram de 1,56 a 41,17 %. De acordo com a descrição visual foi observado a presença de granocrescência ascendente entre areia fina a média, cascalho biodetríticos, fragmentos de CaCO3, camadas de lama com matéria orgânica, fragmentos plásticos em algumas profundidades e a presença de uma camada de cascalho terrígeno. Por ser um ambiente de transição continental/marinho, a variação da sedimentação possivelmente está associada ao regime pluviométrico, onde em períodos chuvosos o sedimento fino presente no ambiente é remobilizado, e no período seco a pouca vazão fluvial favorece a deposição de finos. No intervalo 14 – 16 cm foi observado a maior porcentagem de CaCO3 indicando influência marinha durante a sedimentação. Diversos pulsos de sedimentação predominantemente terrígena foram observados na coluna sedimentar, representados por picos mais altos de susceptibilidade magnética provavelmente associados à ciclicidade das cheias do rio Capibaribe. As variações verticais de carbonato e da susceptibilidade obtidas foram importantes na identificação da variabilidade de influência terrígena ou marinha durante o processo de sedimentação recente no estuário
We apply Stochastic Dynamics method for a differential equations model, proposed by Marc Lipsitch and collaborators (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 260, 321, 1995), for which the transmission dynamics of parasites occurs from a parent to its offspring (vertical transmission), and by contact with infected host (horizontal transmission). Herpes, Hepatitis and AIDS are examples of diseases for which both horizontal and vertical transmission occur simultaneously during the virus spreading. Understanding the role of each type of transmission in the infection prevalence on a susceptible host population may provide some information about the factors that contribute for the eradication and/or control of those diseases. We present a pair mean-field approximation obtained from the master equation of the model. The pair approximation is formed by the differential equations of the susceptible and infected population densities and the differential equations of pairs that contribute to the former ones. In terms of the model parameters, we obtain the conditions that lead to the disease eradication, and set up the phase diagram based on the local stability analysis of fixed points. We also perform Monte Carlo simulations of the model on complete graphs and Erdös-Rényi graphs in order to investigate the influence of population size and neighborhood on the previous mean-field results; by this way, we also expect to evaluate the contribution of vertical and horizontal transmission on the elimination of parasite. Pair Approximation for a Model of Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Parasites.
Background: Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) is one of the most important stifle injuries and a common cause of lameness in dogs. Our objective was to measure the vertical forces in the pads of Pitbulls with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) using a pressure sensitive walkway. A pressure sensitive walkway was used to collect vertical force data from the pads of 10 Pitbulls affected with unilateral CCLR. Ten healthy Pitbulls were included in the study as controls. Velocity varied between 1.3 and 1.6 m/s and acceleration was kept below ± 0.1 m/s2. Differences between groups and between pads in the same limb within groups were investigated using ANOVA and the Tukey test. The paired Student t-test was employed to assess gait symmetry (p < 0.05). Results: Peak vertical forces (PVF) were lower in the affected limb, particularly in the metatarsal pad. Increased PVF values in the forelimb and the contralateral hind limb pads of affected dogs suggest a compensatory effect. Conclusions: A consistent pattern of vertical force distribution was observed in the pads of dogs with CCLR. These data are important for increased understanding of vertical force distribution in the limb of dogs with CCLR disease. Kinetic analysis using pressure sensitive walkways can be useful in follow-up assessment of surgically treated dogs regardless of the surgical technique employed.