22 resultados para Techno-fix


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We estimate the masses of the 1(--) heavy four-quark and molecule states by combining exponential Laplace (LSR) and finite energy (FESR) sum rules known perturbatively to lowest order (LO) in alpha(s) but including non-perturbative terms up to the complete dimension-six condensate contributions. This approach allows to fix more precisely the value of the QCD continuum threshold (often taken ad hoc) at which the optimal result is extracted. We use double ratio of sum rules (DRSR) for determining the SU(3) breakings terms. We also study the effects of the heavy quark mass definitions on these LO results. The SU(3) mass-splittings of about (50-110) MeV and the ones of about (250-300) MeV between the lowest ground states and their 1st radial excitations are (almost) heavy-flavor independent. The mass predictions summarized in Table 4 are compared with the ones in the literature (when available) and with the three Y-c(4260, 4360, 4660) and Y-b(10890) 1(--) experimental candidates. We conclude (to this order approximation) that the lowest observed state cannot be a pure 1(--) four-quark nor a pure molecule but may result from their mixings. We extend the above analyzes to the 0(++) four-quark and molecule states which are about (0.5-1) GeV heavier than the corresponding 1(--) states, while the splittings between the 0(++) lowest ground state and the 1st radial excitation is about (300-500) MeV. We complete the analysis by estimating the decay constants of the 1(--) and 0(++) four-quark states which are tiny and which exhibit a 1/M-Q behavior. Our predictions can be further tested using some alternative non-perturbative approaches or/and at LHCb and some other hadron factories. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phycodnaviruses have a significant role in modulating the dynamics of phytoplankton, thereby influencing community structure and succession, nutrient cycles and potentially atmospheric composition because phytoplankton fix about half the carbon dioxide (CO2) on the planet, and some algae release dimethylsulphoniopropionate when lysed by viruses. Despite their ecological importance and widespread distribution, relatively little is known about the evolutionary history, phylogenetic relationships and phylodynamics of the Phycodnaviruses from freshwater environments. Herein we provide novel data on Phycodnaviruses from the largest river system on earth-the Amazon Basin-that were compared with samples from different aquatic systems from several places around the world. Based on phylogenetic inference using DNA polymerase (pol) sequences we show the presence of distinct populations of Phycodnaviridae. Preliminary coarse-grained phylodynamics and phylogeographic inferences revealed a complex dynamics characterized by long-term fluctuations in viral population sizes, with a remarkable worldwide reduction of the effective population around 400 thousand years before the present (KYBP), followed by a recovery near to the present time. Moreover, we present evidence for significant viral gene flow between freshwater environments, but crucially almost none between freshwater and marine environments. The ISME Journal (2012) 6, 237-247; doi: 10.1038/ismej.2011.93; published online 28 July 2011


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Background: This study measured grating visual acuity in 173 children between 6-48 months of age who had different types of spastic cerebral palsy (CP). Method: Behavioural acuity was measured with the Teller Acuity Cards (TAC) using a staircase psychophysical procedure. Electrophysiological visual acuity was estimated using the sweep VEP (sVEP). Results: The percentage of children outside the superior tolerance limits was 44 of 63 (69%) and 50 of 55 (91%) of tetraplegic, 36 of 56 (64%) and 42 of 53 (79%) of diplegic, 10 of 48 (21%) and 12 of 40 (30%) of hemiplegic for sVEP and TAC, respectively. For the sVEP, the greater visual acuity deficit found in the tetraplegic group was significantly different from that of the hemiplegic group (p < 0.001). In the TAC procedure the mean visual acuity deficits of the tetraplegic and diplegic groups were significantly different from that of hemiplegic group (p < 0.001). The differences between sVEP and TAC means of visual acuity difference were statistically significant for the tetraplegic (p < 0.001), diplegic (p < 0.001), and hemiplegic group (p = 0.004). Discussion: Better visual acuities were obtained in both procedures for hemiplegic children compared to diplegic or tetraplegic. Tetraplegic and diplegic children showed greater discrepancies between the TAC and sVEP results. Inter-ocular acuity difference was more frequent in sVEP measurements. Conclusions: Electrophysiologically measured visual acuity is better than behavioural visual acuity in children with CP.


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The visual system is particularly sensitive to methylmercury (MeHg) exposure and, therefore, provides a useful model for investigating the fundamental mechanisms that direct toxic effects. During a period of 70 days, adult of a freshwater fish species Hoplias malabaricus were fed with fish prey previously labeled with two different doses of methylmercury (0.075 and 0.75 mu g g(-1)) to determine the mercury distribution and morphological changes in the retina. Mercury deposits were found in the photoreceptor layer, in the inner plexiform layer and in the outer plexiform layer, demonstrating a dose-dependent bioaccumulation. The ultrastructure analysis of retina revealed a cellular deterioration in the photoreceptor layer, morphological changes in the inner and outer segments of rods, structural changes in the plasma membrane of rods and double cones, changes in the process of removal of membranous discs and a structural discontinuity. These results lead to the conclusion that methylmercury is able to cross the blood-retina barrier, accumulate in the cells and layers of retina and induce changes in photoreceptors of H. malabaricus even under subchronic exposure. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background The metabolic capacity for nitrogen fixation is known to be present in several prokaryotic species scattered across taxonomic groups. Experimental detection of nitrogen fixation in microbes requires species-specific conditions, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive census of this trait. The recent and rapid increase in the availability of microbial genome sequences affords novel opportunities to re-examine the occurrence and distribution of nitrogen fixation genes. The current practice for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation is to use the presence of the nifH and/or nifD genes. Results Based on a careful comparison of the repertoire of nitrogen fixation genes in known diazotroph species we propose a new criterion for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation: the presence of a minimum set of six genes coding for structural and biosynthetic components, namely NifHDK and NifENB. Using this criterion, we conducted a comprehensive search in fully sequenced genomes and identified 149 diazotrophic species, including 82 known diazotrophs and 67 species not known to fix nitrogen. The taxonomic distribution of nitrogen fixation in Archaea was limited to the Euryarchaeota phylum; within the Bacteria domain we predict that nitrogen fixation occurs in 13 different phyla. Of these, seven phyla had not hitherto been known to contain species capable of nitrogen fixation. Our analyses also identified protein sequences that are similar to nitrogenase in organisms that do not meet the minimum-gene-set criteria. The existence of nitrogenase-like proteins lacking conserved co-factor ligands in both diazotrophs and non-diazotrophs suggests their potential for performing other, as yet unidentified, metabolic functions. Conclusions Our predictions expand the known phylogenetic diversity of nitrogen fixation, and suggest that this trait may be much more common in nature than it is currently thought. The diverse phylogenetic distribution of nitrogenase-like proteins indicates potential new roles for anciently duplicated and divergent members of this group of enzymes.


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A distrofia muscular de Duchenne é uma doença genética caracterizada por enfraquecimento muscular progressivo e degeneração irreversível, acompanhados por danos sensoriais e neuropsicológicos. Os objetivos do estudo consistiram em avaliar o perfil comportamental de crianças/adolescentes com DMD e a influência do prejuízo motor, da idade no início do uso de cadeira de rodas e da idade no diagnóstico. Participaram 34 pacientes e 20 controles. Os pacientes formaram dois grupos conforme o quociente de inteligência (QI). Os pais responderam ao Inventário de Comportamentos da Infância e da Adolescência. Pacientes com DMD obtiveram escores mais baixos em Atividades e Sociabilidade (p < 0,01; ANCOVA). Os pacientes com QI < 80 apresentaram menores índices de Escolaridade. O prejuízo motor e as idades referentes à cadeira e ao diagnóstico correlacionaram-se com sintomas psiquiátricos/somáticos e problemas escolares. Os achados enfatizam a necessidade de programas educacionais acerca da doença como base para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de inclusão social.


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The cellular rheology has recently undergone a rapid development with particular attention to the cytoskeleton mechanical properties and its main components - actin filaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules and crosslinked proteins. However it is not clear what are the cellular structural changes that directly affect the cell mechanical properties. Thus, in this work, we aimed to quantify the structural rearrangement of these fibers that may emerge in changes in the cell mechanics. We created an image analysis platform to study smooth muscle cells from different arteries: aorta, mammary, renal, carotid and coronary and processed respectively 31, 29, 31, 30 and 35 cell image obtained by confocal microscopy. The platform was developed in Matlab (MathWorks) and it uses the Sobel operator to determine the actin fiber image orientation of the cell, labeled with phalloidin. The Sobel operator is used as a filter capable of calculating the pixel brightness gradient, point to point, in the image. The operator uses vertical and horizontal convolution kernels to calculate the magnitude and the angle of the pixel intensity gradient. The image analysis followed the sequence: (1) opens a given cells image set to be processed; (2) sets a fix threshold to eliminate noise, based on Otsu's method; (3) detect the fiber edges in the image using the Sobel operator; and (4) quantify the actin fiber orientation. Our first result is the probability distribution II(Δθ) to find a given fiber angle deviation (Δθ) from the main cell fiber orientation θ0. The II(Δθ) follows an exponential decay II(Δθ) = Aexp(-αΔθ) regarding to its θ0. We defined and determined a misalignment index α of the fibers of each artery kind: coronary αCo = (1.72 ‘+ or =’ 0.36)rad POT -1; renal αRe = (1.43 + or - 0.64)rad POT -1; aorta αAo = (1.42 + or - 0.43)rad POT -1; mammary αMa = (1.12 + or - 0.50)rad POT -1; and carotid αCa = (1.01 + or - 0.39)rad POT -1. The α of coronary and carotid are statistically different (p < 0.05) among all analyzed cells. We discussed our results correlating the misalignment index data with the experimental cell mechanical properties obtained by using Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry with the same group of cells.