34 resultados para TRACHEAL INTUBATION
Brazil is one of the world's largest countries with a rich diversity of wildlife, including resident and migratory wild birds, which may be natural reservoirs of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Because Brazil is a major global exporter of chicken meat, the emergence of such a disease may have a huge negative impact not only on the economy due to trade restrictions and embargoes, but also on the quality of life of the population. Samples were collected from 1,022 asymptomatic domestic and wild birds from the Brazilian coast and the Amazon region using tracheal/cloacal swabs and tested by RT-qPCR. The results showed 7 (0.7%) birds were positive for NDV. The positive samples were then isolated in embryonated chicken eggs and their matrix protein genes were partially sequenced, revealing a low-pathogenicity NDV. This study confirms the maintenance of the velogenic-NDV free status of Brazil.
Use of Sugammadex after Neostigmine Incomplete Reversal of Rocuronium-Induced Neuromuscular Blockade
Menezes CC, Peceguini LAM, Silva ED, Simoes CM Use of Sugammadex after Neostigmine Incomplete Reversal of Rocuronium-Induced Neuromuscular Blockade. Background and objectives: Neuromuscular blockers (NMB) have been used for more than half of a century in anesthesia and have always been a challenge for anesthesiologists. Until recently, the reversal of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers had only one option: the use of anticholinesterase agents. However, in some situations, such as deep neuromuscular blockade after high doses of relaxant, the use of anticholinesterase agents does not allow adequate reversal of neuromuscular blockade: Recently, sugammadex, a gamma-cyclodextrin, proved to be highly effective for reversal of NMB induced by steroidal agents. Case report: A female patient who underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomy after rapid sequence intubation with rocuronium 1.2 mg.kg(-1). At the end of surgery, the pat ent received neostigmine reversal of NMB. However, neuromuscular junction monitoring did not show the expected recovery, presenting residual paralysis. Sugammadex 2 mg.kg(-1) was used and the patient had complete reversal of NMB in just 2 minutes time. Conclusion: Adequate recovery of residual neuromuscular blockade is required for full control of the pharynx and respiratory functions in order to prevent complications. Adequate recovery can only be obtained by neuromuscular junction monitoring with TOF ratio greater than 0.9. Often, the reversal of NMB with anticholinesterase drugs may not be completely reversed. However, in the absence of objective monitoring this diagnosis is not possible. The case illustrates the diagnosis of residual NMB even after reversal with anticholinesterase agents, resolved with the administration of sugammadex, a safe alternative to reverse the NMB induced by steroidal non-depolarizing agents.
To study mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with temporomanclibular disorders (TMD). Objective: To investigate mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with severe TMD referred to surgery. Materials and Methods: Clinical and experimental study involving ten individuals with TMD submitted to deglutition videofluoroscopy. These patients did not have posterior teeth, mastication pain and food replacement in favor of pasty consistence food. The assessment of the oral and pharyngeal phases approached the following aspects: side of onset and preferential side for chewing, premature escape, remains of food residues in the oral cavity or in the pharyngeal recesses, number of necessary swallowing efforts, laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. Results: During mastication and the oral phase we observed tongue compensatory movements upon chewing (n = 7; 70%), premature escape (n = 4; 40%), food remains in the cavity after swallowing (n = 5; 50%) and an excessive number of deglutition efforts (n = 5; 50%). On the pharyngeal phase we observed food remains in the valleculae (n = 6; 60%), in the pyriform sinuses (n = 4; 40%); laryngeal penetration (n = 1; 10%) and tracheal aspiration (n = 4; 40%). Conclusion: TMD patients may have alterations in their chewing and swallowing patterns, with laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. The study indicates the need for a multidisciplinary assessment because of dysphagia in TMD patients.
This quantitative, prospective study, aimed to characterize the profile of users and caregivers and to measure the incidence of gastric extubation, identifying the type and the reasons for the extubation of these users in a Home Care Program of a university hospital. The population consisted of 37 subjects and the date were collected from April to August 2010. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, test of significance of 5% and calculation of indicators were adopted. It was found that 51.4% of the users were female, 67.5% in the age group >= 60 years and 67.6% presented neurological diseases. Regarding the caregivers 89.2% were female and their mean age was 50.6 years. The incidence of extubation, considering 100 days of intubation, corresponded to 1.08, with 0.26 planned and 0.82 unplanned (p=0.009). These results allowed the rates to be calculated of the extubation of patients with gastric intubation for nutritional support in domicile care, providing support in establishing care and management goals for the continuous improvement of quality.
Asthma is an allergic lung disease can be modulated by drugs that modify the activity of central nervous system (CNS) such as amphetamine (AMPH). AMPH is a highly abused drug that exerts potent effects on behavior and immunity. In this study we investigated the mechanism involved in the effects of long-term AMPH treatment on the increased magnitude of allergic lung response. We evaluated mast cells degranulation, cytokines release, airways responsiveness and, expression of adhesion molecules. Male Wistar rats were treated with AMPH or vehicle (PBS) for 21 days and sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA) one week after the first injection of vehicle or AMPH. Fourteen days after the sensitization, the rats were challenged with an OVA aerosol, and 24 h later their parameters were analyzed. In allergic rats, the treatment with AMPH exacerbated the lung cell recruitment due increased expression of ICAM-1, PECAM-1 and Mac-1 in granulocytes and macrophages recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage. Elevated levels of IL-4, but decreased levels of IL-10 were also found in samples of lung explants after AMPH treatment. Conversely, the ex-vivo tracheal hyper-responsiveness to methacholine (MCh) was reduced by AMPH treatment, whereas the force contraction of tracheal segments due to in vitro antigen challenge remained unaltered. Our findings suggest that lung inflammation and airway hyper-responsiveness due to OVA challenge are under the distinct control of AMPH during long-term treatment. Our data strongly indicate that AMPH positively modulates allergic lung inflammation via the increase of ICAM-1, PECAM-1, Mac-1 and IL-4. AMPH also abrogates the release of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Digestive complications in enteral nutrition (EN) can negatively affect the nutrition clinical outcome of hospitalized patients. Diarrhea and constipation are intestinal motility disorders associated with pharmacotherapy, hydration, nutrition status, and age. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of these intestinal motility disorders in patients receiving EN and assess risk factors associated with diarrhea and constipation in hospitalized patients receiving exclusive EN therapy in a general hospital. Materials and Methods: The authors performed a sequential and observational study of 110 hospitalized adult patients fed exclusively by EN through a feeding tube. Patients were categorized according to the type of intestinal transit disorder as follows: group D (diarrhea, 3 or more watery evacuations in 24 hours), group C (constipation, less than 1 evacuation during 3 days), and group N (absence of diarrhea or constipation). All prescription drugs were recorded, and patients were analyzed according to the type and amount of medication received. The authors also investigated the presence of fiber in the enteral formula. Results: Patients classified in group C represented 70% of the study population; group D comprised 13%, and group N represented 17%. There was an association between group C and orotracheal intubation as the indication for EN (P<.001). Enteral formula without fiber was associated with constipation (logistic regression analysis: P<.001). Conclusion: Constipation is more frequent than diarrhea in patients fed exclusively by EN. Enteral diet with fiber may protect against medication-associated intestinal motility disorders. The addition of prokinetic drugs seems to be useful in preventing constipation. (Nutr Clin Pract. XXXX;xx:xx-xx)
Bordetella avium is an opportunistic pathogen that presents tropism for ciliated epithelia, leading to upper respiratory tract disease in turkeys. This agent has also been associated with Lockjaw Syndrome in psittacine birds, but literatures describing the importance of this agent in such species are rare. The purpose of the present study was to report the first outbreak of B. avium infection in juvenile cockatiels demonstrating the Lockjaw Syndrome in Brazil and to investigate the antimicrobial resistance profile and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of these strains. Surprising, the strains obtained from five infected cockatiel chicks from three different breeders from different Brazilian states showed a clonal relationship using the Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis and Single Enzyme Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism techniques. The virulence potentials of the B. avium strains were assessed using tracheal adherence and cytotoxic effects on a VERO cell monolayer. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective:3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA), or ecstasy, is a synthetic drug used recreationally, mainly by young people. It has been suggested that MDMA has a Th cell skewing effect, in which Th1 cell activity is suppressed and Th2 cell activity is increased. Experimental allergic airway inflammation in ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized rodents is a useful model to study Th2 response; therefore, based on the Th2 skewing effect of MDMA, we studied MDMA in a model of allergic lung inflammation in OVA-sensitized mice. Methods: We evaluated cell trafficking in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, blood and bone marrow; cytokine production; L-selectin expression and lung histology. We also investigated the effects of MDMA on tracheal reactivity in vitro and mast cell degranulation. Results: We found that MDMA given prior to OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized mice decreased leukocyte migration into the lung, as revealed by a lower cell count in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung histologic analysis. We also showed that MDMA decreased expression of both Th2-like cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10) and adhesion molecules (L-selectin). Moreover, we showed that the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis is partially involved in the MDMA-induced reduction in leukocyte migration into the lung. Finally, we showed that MDMA decreased tracheal reactivity to methacholine as well as mast cell degranulation in situ. Conclusions:Thus, we report here that MDMA given prior to OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized allergic mice is able to decrease lung inflammation and airway reactivity and that hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activation is partially involved. Together, the data strongly suggest an involvement of a neuroinnmune mechanism in the effects of MDMA on lung inflammatory response and cell recruitment to the lungs of allergic animals. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel
OBJECTIVES: Newborns who undergo surgery for gastroschisis correction may present with oliguria, anasarca, prolonged postoperative ileus, and infection. New postoperative therapeutic procedures were tested with the objective of improving postoperative outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred thirty-six newborns participated in one of two phases. Newborns in the first phase received infusions of large volumes of crystalloid solution and integral enteral formula, and newborns in the second phase received crystalloid solutions in smaller volumes, with albumin solution infusion when necessary and the late introduction of a semi-elemental diet. The studied variables were serum sodium and albumin levels, the need for albumin solution expansion, the occurrence of anasarca, the length of time on parenteral nutrition, the length of time before initiating an enteral diet and reaching a full enteral diet, orotracheal intubation time, length of hospitalization, and survival rates. RESULTS: Serum sodium levels were higher in newborns in the second phase. There was a correlation between low serum sodium levels and orotracheal intubation time; additionally, low serum albumin levels correlated with the length of time before the initiation of an oral diet and the time until a full enteral diet was reached. However, the discharge weights of newborns in the second phase were higher than in the first phase. The other studied variables, including survival rates (83.4% and 92.0%, respectively), were similar for both phases. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of an albumin solution to newborns in the early postoperative period following gastroschisis repair increased their low serum sodium levels but did not improve the final outcome. The introduction of a semi-elemental diet promoted an increase in body weight at the time of discharge.
Objectives To evaluate the accuracy and probabilities of different fetal ultrasound parameters to predict neonatal outcome in isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Methods Between January 2004 and December 2010, we evaluated prospectively 108 fetuses with isolated CDH (82 left-sided and 26 right-sided). The following parameters were evaluated: gestational age at diagnosis, side of the diaphragmatic defect, presence of polyhydramnios, presence of liver herniated into the fetal thorax (liver-up), lung-to-head ratio (LHR) and observed/expected LHR (o/e-LHR), observed/expected contralateral and total fetal lung volume (o/e-ContFLV and o/e-TotFLV) ratios, ultrasonographic fetal lung volume/fetal weight ratio (US-FLW), observed/expected contralateral and main pulmonary artery diameter (o/e-ContPA and o/eMPA) ratios and the contralateral vascularization index (Cont-VI). The outcomes were neonatal death and severe postnatal pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Results Neonatal mortality was 64.8% (70/108). Severe PAH was diagnosed in 68 (63.0%) cases, of which 63 died neonatally (92.6%) (P < 0.001). Gestational age at diagnosis, side of the defect and polyhydramnios were not associated with poor outcome (P > 0.05). LHR, o/eLHR, liver-up, o/e-ContFLV, o/e-TotFLV, US-FLW, o/eContPA, o/e-MPA and Cont-VI were associated with both neonatal death and severe postnatal PAH (P < 0.001). Receiver-operating characteristics curves indicated that measuring total lung volumes (o/e-TotFLV and US-FLW) was more accurate than was considering only the contralateral lung sizes (LHR, o/e-LHR and o/e-ContFLV; P < 0.05), and Cont-VI was the most accurate ultrasound parameter to predict neonatal death and severe PAH (P < 0.001). Conclusions Evaluating total lung volumes is more accurate than is measuring only the contralateral lung size. Evaluating pulmonary vascularization (Cont-VI) is the most accurate predictor of neonatal outcome. Estimating the probability of survival and severe PAH allows classification of cases according to prognosis. Copyright (C) 2011 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Abstract Background Premedication is rarely used in avian species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of premedication on the quality of sevoflurane induction and anaesthesia in parrots. We hypothesised that premedication would facilitate handling and decrease the minimum anaesthetic dose (MAD). Thirty-six adult parrots were randomly distributed in three groups: group S (n = 12) was premedicated with NaCl 0.9%; group KS (n = 12) was premedicated with 10 mg.kg-1 ketamine; and group KDS (n = 12) was premedicated with 10 mg.kg-1 ketamine and 0.5 mg.kg-1 diazepam, delivered intramuscularly. After induction using 4.5% sevoflurane introduced through a facemask, the MAD was determined for each animal. The heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP), and cloacal temperature (CT) were recorded before premedication (T0), 15 minutes after premedication (T1), and after MAD determination (T2). Arterial blood gas analyses were performed at T0 and T2. The quality of anaesthesia was evaluated using subjective scales based on animal behaviour and handling during induction, maintenance, and recovery. Statistical analyses were performed using analysis of variance or Kruskal-Wallis tests followed by Tukey’s or Dunn’s tests. Results The minimal anaesthetic doses obtained were 2.4 ± 0.37%, 1.7 ± 0.39%, and 1.3 ± 0.32% for groups S, KS, and KDS, respectively. There were no differences in HR, RR, or CT among groups, but SAP was significantly lower in group S. Sedation was observed in both the premedicated S-KS and S-KDS groups. There were no differences in the quality of intubation and recovery from anaesthesia among the three groups, although the induction time was significantly shorter in the pre-medicated groups, and the KS group showed less muscle relaxation. Conclusions Ketamine alone or the ketamine/diazepam combination decreased the MAD of sevoflurane in parrots (Amazona aestiva). Ketamine alone or in combination with diazepam promoted a good quality of sedation, which improved handling and reduced the stress of the birds. All protocols provided safe anaesthesia in this avian species.
Abstract Background The PEEP-ZEEP technique is previously described as a lung inflation through a positive pressure enhancement at the end of expiration (PEEP), followed by rapid lung deflation with an abrupt reduction in the PEEP to 0 cmH2O (ZEEP), associated to a manual bilateral thoracic compression. Aim To analyze PEEP-ZEEP technique's repercussions on the cardio-respiratory system in immediate postoperative artery graft bypass patients. Methods 15 patients submitted to a coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) were enrolled prospectively, before, 10 minutes and 30 minutes after the technique. Patients were curarized, intubated, and mechanically ventilated. To perform PEEP-ZEEP technique, saline solution was instilled into their orotracheal tube than the patient was reconnected to the ventilator. Afterwards, the PEEP was increased to 15 cmH2O throughout 5 ventilatory cycles and than the PEEP was rapidly reduced to 0 cmH2O along with manual bilateral thoracic compression. At the end of the procedure, tracheal suction was accomplished. Results The inspiratory peak and plateau pressures increased during the procedure (p < 0.001) compared with other pressures during the assessment periods; however, they were within lung safe limits. The expiratory flow before the procedure were 33 ± 7.87 L/min, increasing significantly during the procedure to 60 ± 6.54 L/min (p < 0.001), diminishing to 35 ± 8.17 L/min at 10 minutes and to 36 ± 8.48 L/min at 30 minutes. Hemodynamic and oxygenation variables were not altered. Conclusion The PEEP-ZEEP technique seems to be safe, without alterations on hemodynamic variables, produces elevated expiratory flow and seems to be an alternative technique for the removal of bronchial secretions in patients submitted to a CABG.
Background Up-regulation of S100A7 (Psoriasin), a small calcium-binding protein, is associated with the development of several types of carcinomas, but its function and possibility to serve as a diagnostic or prognostic marker have not been fully defined. In order to prepare antibodies to the protein for immunohistochemical studies we produced the recombinant S100A7 protein in E. coli. mRNA extracted from human tracheal tumor tissue which was amplified by RT-PCR to provide the region coding for the S100A7 gene. The amplified fragment was cloned in the vector pCR2.1-TOPO and sub-cloned in the expression vector pAE. The protein rS100A7 (His-tag) was expressed in E. coli BL21::DE3, purified by affinity chromatography on an Ni-NTA column, recovered in the 2.0 to 3.5 mg/mL range in culture medium, and used to produce a rabbit polyclonal antibody anti-rS100A7 protein. The profile of this polyclonal antibody was evaluated in a tissue microarray. Results The rS100A7 (His-tag) protein was homogeneous by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry and was used to produce an anti-recombinant S100A7 (His-tag) rabbit serum (polyclonal antibody anti-rS100A7). The molecular weight of rS100A7 (His-tag) protein determined by linear MALDI-TOF-MS was 12,655.91 Da. The theoretical mass calculated for the nonapeptide attached to the amino terminus is 12,653.26 Da (delta 2.65 Da). Immunostaining with the polyclonal anti-rS100A7 protein generated showed reactivity with little or no background staining in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells, detecting S100A7 both in nucleus and cytoplasm. Lower levels of S100A7 were detected in non-neoplastic tissue. Conclusions The polyclonal anti-rS100A7 antibody generated here yielded a good signal-to-noise contrast and should be useful for immunohistochemical detection of S100A7 protein. Its potential use for other epithelial lesions besides human larynx squamous cell carcinoma and non-neoplastic larynx should be explored in future.
AIM: identify and analyze in the literature the evidence of randomized controlled trials on care related to the suctioning of endotracheal secretions in intubated, critically ill adult patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. METHOD: the search was conducted in the PubMed, EMBASE, CENTRAL, CINAHL and LILACS databases. From the 631 citations found, 17 studies were selected. RESULTS: Evidence was identified for six categories of intervention related to endotracheal suctioning, which were analyzed according to outcomes related to hemodynamic and blood gas alterations, microbial colonization, nosocomial infection, and others. CONCLUSIONS: although the evidence obtained is relevant to the practice of endotracheal aspiration, the risks of bias found in the studies selected compromise the evidence's reliability.
INTRODUÇÃO: A granulomatose de Wegener (GW) é uma forma de vasculite sistêmica que envolve primariamente as vias aéreas superiores e inferiores e os rins. As manifestações mais frequentes nas vias aéreas são estenose subglótica e inflamações, estenoses da traqueia e dos brônquios. A visualização endoscópica das vias aéreas é a melhor ferramenta para avaliação, diagnóstico e manejo dessas alterações. OBJETIVOS: Descrever as alterações endoscópicas encontradas na mucosa das vias aéreas de um grupo de pacientes com GW submetido à broncoscopia no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) e relatar as intervenções terapêuticas broncoscópicas utilizadas em alguns casos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 15 pacientes com diagnóstico de GW provenientes do Ambulatório de Vasculites da Disciplina de Pneumologia do HC-FMUSP, encaminhados para a realização de broncoscopia no serviço de Endoscopia Respiratória do HC-FMUSP no período de 2003 a 2007. RESULTADOS: Dos 15 pacientes avaliados, 11 eram mulheres (73,33%) com idade média de 34 ± 11,5 anos. Foram encontradas alterações das vias aéreas em 80% dos pacientes, e o achado endoscópico mais frequente foi estenose subglótica (n = 6). Realizou-se broncoscopia terapêutica em três pacientes com estenose subglótica e em outros três com estenose brônquica, todos apresentando bons resultados. CONCLUSÃO: A broncoscopia permite diagnóstico, acompanhamento e tratamento das lesões de vias aéreas na GW, constituindo-se um recurso terapêutico pouco invasivo em casos selecionados.