29 resultados para Streptococcus pneumoniae - Teses


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Metabolic studies are very important to improve quality of functional dairy products. For this purpose, the behaviors of pure cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus (St) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lr) as well a co-culture of them (St-Lr) were investigated during skim milk fermentation, and the inulin effect as prebiotic was assessed. Lr was able to metabolize 6 g/100 g more galactose than St and St-Lr. Final lactic acid production by Lr was higher (9.8 g/L) compared to St (9.1 g/L) and St-Lr (9.1 g/L). Acetic acid concentration varied from 0.8 g/L (St-Lr) to 1.5 g/L (Lr) and that of ethanol from only 0.2 g/L (St-Lr) to 0.4 g/L (Lr), which suggests the occurrence in Lr of a NADH oxidase activity and citrate co-metabolization via pyruvate, both dissipating a part of the reducing power. Diacetyl and acetoin accumulated at the highest levels (18.4 and 0.8 mg/L, respectively) with St-Lr, which suggests possible synergistic interactions between these microorganisms as well as the Lr capability of co-metabolizing citrate in the presence of lactose. Inulin stimulated both biomass growth and levels of all end-products, as the likely result of fructose release from its partial hydrolysis and subsequent metabolization as an additional carbon and energy source. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To shed light on the interactions occurring in fermented milks when using co-cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus with Lactobacillus bulgaricus (StLb) or Lactobacillus acidophilus (StLa), a new co-metabolic model was proposed and checked either in the presence of Inulin as a prebiotic or not. For this purpose, the experimental data of concentrations of substrates and fermented products were utilized in balances of carbon, reduction degree and ATP. S. thermophilus exhibited always quicker growth compared to the other two microorganisms, while the percentage of lactose fermented to lactic acid, that of galactose metabolized, and the levels of diacetyl and acetoin formed strongly depended on the type of co-culture and the presence of inulin. The StLb co-culture led to higher acetoin and lower diacetyl levels compared to StLa, probably because of more reducing conditions or limited acetoin dehydrogenation. Inulin addition to StLa suppressed acetoin accumulation and hindered that of diacetyl, suggesting catabolite repression of alpha-acetolactate synthase expression in S. thermophilus. Both co-cultures showed the highest ATP requirements for biomass growth and maintenance at the beginning of fermentation, consistently with the high energy demand of enzyme induction during lag phase. Inulin reduced these requirements making biomass synthesis and maintenance less energy-consuming. Only a fraction of galactose was released from lactose, consistently with the galactose-positive phenotype of most dairy strains. The galactose fraction metabolized without inulin was about twice that in its presence, which suggests inhibition of the galactose transport system of S. thermophilus by fructose released from partial inulin hydrolysis. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: The intensities and specificities of salivary IgA antibody responses to antigens of Streptococcus mutans, the main pathogen of dental caries, may influence colonization by these organisms during the first 1.5 year of life. Thus, the ontogeny of salivary IgA responses to oral colonizers continues to warrant investigation, especially with regard to the influence of birth conditions, e.g. prematurity, on the ability of children to efficiently respond to oral microorganisms. In this study, we characterised the salivary antibody responses to two bacterial species which are prototypes of pioneer and pathogenic microorganisms of the oral cavity (Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus mutans, respectively) in fullterm (FT) and preterm (PT) newborn children. Methods: Salivas from 123 infants (70 FT and 53 PT) were collected during the first 10 h after birth and levels of IgA and IgM antibodies and the presence of S. mutans and S. mitis were analysed respectively by ELISA and by chequerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Two subgroups of 24 FT and 24 PT children were compared with respect to patterns of antibody specificities against S. mutans and S. mitis antigens, using Western blot assays. Cross-adsorption of 10 infant's saliva was tested to S. mitis, S. mutans and Enterococcus faecalis antigens. Results: Salivary levels of IgA at birth were 2.5-fold higher in FT than in PT children (Mann-Whitney; P < 0.05). Salivary IgA antibodies reactive with several antigens of S. mitis and S. mutans were detected at birth in children with undetectable levels of those bacteria. Adsorption of infant saliva with cells of S. mutans produced a reduction of antibodies recognizing S. mitis antigens in half of the neonates. The diversity and intensity of IgA responses were lower in PT compared to FT children, although those differences were not significant. Conclusion: These data provide evidence that children have salivary IgA antibodies shortly after birth, which might influence the establishment of the oral microbiota, and that the levels of salivary antibody might be related to prematurity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Pst system is a high-affinity inorganic phosphate transporter found in many bacterial species. Streptococcus mutans, the etiological agent of tooth decay, carries a single copy of the pst operon composed of six cistrons (pstS, pstC1, pstC, pstB, smu.1134 and phoU). Here, we show that deletion of pstS, encoding the phosphate-binding protein, reduces phosphate uptake and impairs cell growth, which can be restored upon enrichment of the medium with high concentrations of inorganic phosphate. The relevance of Pst for growth was also demonstrated in the wild-type strain treated with an anti-PstS antibody. Nevertheless, a reduced ability to bind to saliva-coated surfaces was observed, along with the reduction of extracellular polysaccharide production, although no difference on pH acidification was observed between mutant and wild-type strains. Taken together, the present data indicate that the S.similar to mutans Pst system participates in phosphate uptake, cell growth and expression of virulence-associated traits.


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OBJECTIVE: Enterobacteriaceae bacteria harboring Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase are a serious worldwide threat. The molecular identification of these pathogens is not routine in Brazilian hospitals, and a rapid phenotypic screening test is desirable. This study aims to evaluate the modified Hodge test as a phenotypic screening test for Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase. METHOD: From April 2009 to July 2011, all Enterobacteriaceae bacteria that were not susceptible to ertapenem according to Vitek2 analysis were analyzed with the modified Hodge test. All positive isolates and a random subset of negative isolates were also assayed for the presence of blaKPC. Isolates that were positive in modified Hodge tests were sub-classified as true-positives (E. coli touched the ertapenem disk) or inconclusive (distortion of the inhibition zone of E. coli, but growth did not reach the ertapenem disk). Negative results were defined as samples with no distortion of the inhibition zone around the ertapenem disk. RESULTS: Among the 1521 isolates of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria that were not susceptible to ertapenem, 30% were positive for blaKPC, and 35% were positive according to the modified Hodge test (81% specificity). Under the proposed sub-classification, true positives showed a 98% agreement with the blaKPC results. The negative predictive value of the modified Hodge test for detection was 100%. KPC producers showed high antimicrobial resistance rates, but 90% and 77% of these isolates were susceptible to aminoglycoside and tigecycline, respectively. CONCLUSION: Standardizing the modified Hodge test interpretation may improve the specificity of KPC detection. In this study, negative test results ruled out 100% of the isolates harboring Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-2. The test may therefore be regarded as a good epidemiological tool.


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A study was designed to investigate the molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum -lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated in a centralized region over a 10 year period (200009). Molecular characterization was done using isoelectric focusing, PCR and sequencing for bla(CTX-M), bla(TEM) and bla(SHV) genes and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants. Genetic relatedness was determined with PFGE using XbaI and multilocus sequencing typing. A total of 89 patients with incident infections were identified; the majority presented with hospital-onset urinary tract infections. The absolute number of ESBL-producing isolates remained very low until 2003, increased slightly in 2004, remained stable until 2008 and then in 2009 there was an abrupt increase in the numbers of ESBL producers identified. The majority of K. pneumoniae produced CTX-M-14 and -15, and have replaced SHV-12-producing isolates since 2005. We identified four different major sequence types (STs) among 32 of isolates (i.e. ST17, ST20, and the new ST573 and ST575) and provided insight into their clinical and molecular characteristics. The ST isolates were more likely to produce community-onset infections, were associated with bla(CTX-M) and emerged during the latter part of the study period. ST17 produced CTX-M-15 and SHV-12, and was more likely to be positive for qnrB; ST20 produced CTX-M-14 and was positive for qnrS. The multiresistant ST575 that produced CTX-M-15 appeared in 2009. Our study highlights the importance of molecular epidemiology in providing insight into the emergence, characteristics and distribution of STs among ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae.


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Este artigo faz parte de um amplo estudo de avaliação da adequação no uso de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas em teses e dissertações de duas instituições de ensino superior na área de marketing na temática do comportamento do consumidor, entre 1997 e 2006. Neste artigo são focalizadas onze técnicas multivariadas (análise de regressão, análise discriminante, análise de regressão logística, correlação canônica, análise multivariada de variância, análise conjunta, modelagem de equações estruturais, análise fatorial, análise de conglomerados, análise de correspondência, escalonamento multidimensional), as quais têm apresentado grande potencial de uso em estudos de marketing. Foi objetivo no trabalho relatado a análise da adequação do emprego dessas técnicas às necessidades dos problemas de pesquisa apresentados nas teses e dissertações e, também, a aferição do nível de adequação no atendimento de suas premissas. De forma geral, os resultados sugerem a necessidade de um aumento do comprometimento dos pesquisadores na verificação de todos os preceitos teóricos de aplicação das técnicas multivariadas.


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This study evaluated the inhibitory activity of copaiba oil (Copaifera officinalis against the cariogenic microorganism, Streptococcus mutans. For such purpose, a minimum inhibition concentration test of copaiba oil against S. mutans was performed, using the serial dilution in broth technique, with a negative control, a positive control (0.12% chlorhexidine) and a 10% copaíba oil solution as a test. A minimum bactericidal concentration test with tubes presenting microbial inhibition was also conduced. In the minimum inhibitory concentration test, copaiba oil showed inhibition of bacterial growth at all concentrations tested up to 0.78 µL/mL of the 10% copaiba oil solution in the broth. In addition, the negative control had no inhibition, and the 0.12% chlorhexidine solution was effective up to 6.25 µL/mL in the broth. Copaiba oil showed a bacteriostatic activity against S. mutans at low concentrations, and could be a an option of phytotherapic agent to be used against cariogenic bacteria in the prevention of caries disease.


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Resultado de levantamento exaustivo - que localizou 71 estudos - das teses e das dissertações produzidas no Brasil, entre 1993 e 2007, sobre as diferenças de desempenho escolar entre os sexos, este artigo enfoca 21 trabalhos cujos achados nos pareceram mais relevantes. São pesquisas predominantemente qualitativas e que abordam, principalmente, as séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de escolas públicas em diferentes regiões do País, tanto em áreas urbanas como rurais. Permitem afirmar alguma homogeneidade na cultura escolar, em especial nessas séries, no que tange às opiniões das professoras, reafirmando diferenças de comportamento entre meninos e meninas e atribuindo essas diferenças à socialização familiar. São escassas as pesquisas que incorporam as falas das crianças e escassos os estudos sobre as camadas médias. Do ponto de vista teórico, poucas pesquisas articulam o gênero a outros determinantes sociais e raras demonstram uma apreensão complexa das relações de gênero no campo simbólico, para além da interação homem- mulher.


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We report a case of a child with meningoencephalitis of atypical etiology. The patient developed the disease after an infection in the upper airways with unfavorable evolution. The clinical recovery was only possible after the administration of adequate antibiotic therapy for the etiological agent. This case report describes a child with meningoencephalitis of atypical etiology. The patient developed the disease after an infection in the superior airways with negative evolution. The clinical recovery was possible only after the introduction of adequate antibiotic therapy for the etiological agent.


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OBJECTIVE: Enterobacteriaceae bacteria harboring Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase are a serious worldwide threat. The molecular identification of these pathogens is not routine in Brazilian hospitals, and a rapid phenotypic screening test is desirable. This study aims to evaluate the modified Hodge test as a phenotypic screening test for Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase. METHOD: From April 2009 to July 2011, all Enterobacteriaceae bacteria that were not susceptible to ertapenem according to Vitek2 analysis were analyzed with the modified Hodge test. All positive isolates and a random subset of negative isolates were also assayed for the presence of blaKPC. Isolates that were positive in modified Hodge tests were sub-classified as true-positives (E. coli touched the ertapenem disk) or inconclusive (distortion of the inhibition zone of E. coli, but growth did not reach the ertapenem disk). Negative results were defined as samples with no distortion of the inhibition zone around the ertapenem disk. RESULTS: Among the 1521 isolates of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria that were not susceptible to ertapenem, 30% were positive for blaKPC, and 35% were positive according to the modified Hodge test (81% specificity). Under the proposed sub-classification, true positives showed a 98% agreement with the blaKPC results. The negative predictive value of the modified Hodge test for detection was 100%. KPC producers showed high antimicrobial resistance rates, but 90% and 77% of these isolates were susceptible to aminoglycoside and tigecycline, respectively. CONCLUSION: Standardizing the modified Hodge test interpretation may improve the specificity of KPC detection. In this study, negative test results ruled out 100% of the isolates harboring Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase 2. The test may therefore be regarded as a good epidemiological tool.


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Although infective endocarditis (IE) has been described in reports dating from the Renaissance, the diagnosis still challenges and the outcome often surprises. In the course of time, diagnostic criteria have been updated and validated to reduce misdiagnosis. Some risk factors and epidemiology have shown dynamic changes since degenerative valvular disease became more predominant in developed countries, and the mean age of the affected population increased. Despite streptococci have been being well known as etiologic agents, some groups, although rare, have been increasingly reported (e.g., Streptococcus milleri.) Intracardiac complications of IE are common and have a worse prognosis, frequently requiring surgical treatment. We report a case of a middle-aged diabetic man who presented with prolonged fever, weight loss, and ultimately severe dyspnea. IE was diagnosed based on a new valvular regurgitation murmur, a positive blood culture for Streptococcus anginosus, an echocardiographic finding of an aortic valve vegetation, fever, and pulmonary thromboembolism. Despite an appropriate antibiotic regimen, the patient died. Autopsy findings showed vegetation attached to a bicuspid aortic valve with an associated septal abscess and left ventricle and aortic root fistula connecting with the pulmonary artery. A large thrombus was adherent to the pulmonary artery trunk and a pulmonary septic thromboemboli were also identified.


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O estudo da dinâmica de constituição de uma rede visa identificar que tipos de eventos ocorreram nas conexões entre os nós que levaram a formação da estrutura atual da rede em análise. Entender esses eventos é entender as formas específicas e estratégias de conectividade que deram origem a rede. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar esses eventos geradores com foco específico em redes de colaboração científica, considerando relações de coautoria e participação em bancas de defesas de teses e dissertações. Analisando mais de 11.000 documentos específicos da área das Ciências da Comunicação, propomos dois tipos característicos de eventos que pretendem explicar a dinâmica de formação das redes em análise.


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Streptococcus mutans is considered the primary etiologic agent of dental caries and contributes significantly to the virulence of dental plaque, especially in the presence of sucrose. To avoid the role of sucrose on the virulence factors of S. mutans, sugar substitutes are commonly consumed because they lead to lower or no production of acids and interfere with biofilm formation. This study aimed to investigate the contribution of sugar substitutes in the cariogenic potential of S. mutans biofilms. Thus, in the presence of sucrose, glucose, sucralose and sorbitol, the biofilm mass was quantified up to 96 h, the pH of the spent culture media was measured, the expression of biofilm-related genes was determined, and demineralization challenge experiments were conduct in enamel fragments. The presence of sugars or sugar substitutes profoundly affected the expression of spaP, gtfB, gtfC, gbpB, ftf, vicR and vicX in either biofilm or planktonic cells. The substitution of sucrose induced a down-regulation of most genes involved in sucrose-dependent colonization in biofilm cells. When the ratio between the expression of biofilm and planktonic cells was considered, most of those genes were down-regulated in biofilm cells in the presence of sugars and up-regulated in the presence of sugar substitutes. However, sucralose but not sorbitol fulfilled the purpose of reducing the cariogenic potential of the diet since it induced the biofilm formation with the lowest biomass, did not change the pH of the medium and led to the lowest lesion depth in the cariogenic challenge