23 resultados para Solanum tuberosum


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In the Montane and Submontane Rain Forest of the Carlos Botelho State Park - PECB (ca. 37,000 ha) the composition, richness and geographical distribution of native, vascular forest species was evaluated. The analysis of 1143 species of 140 families supported the pattern found for other forests of Eastern Brazil, showing high species richness of Myrtaceae (85 species), Orchidaceae (81), Fabaceae (57), Asteraceae, Melastomataceae (54), Lauraceae (53), Rubiaceae (51), Bromeliaceae (43), Piperaceae (30) and Solanaceae (25), besides ferns (123). The most species-rich genera were Eugenia (34), Ocotea (26), Leandra, Myrcia, Vriesea (18), Piper, Solanum (16), Miconia (14), Mollinedia (13), and Peperomia (12). The richness and composition varied greatly among life forms, as well as the number of families represented in each one of them (only Rubiaceae had species in all life forms, except parasites). Trees had the largest contribution of total richness (39.1%), a value that represented more than 20% of the species listed for the whole Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil. Trees were followed by epiphytes (22.4%), herbs (18.4%), shrubs (10.1%), lianas (9.1%), and parasites (0.9%). The overall richness and composition of life forms was quite close to other neotropical forests (e.g. high contribution of ferns among epiphytes), although some life forms remain undersampled in the PECB (mainly herbs, lianas and epiphytes). The occurrence of species endemic to the Atlantic Forest was pronounced (65%), with a predominance of species restricted to the Southern Atlantic Forest (43%). Pantropical species were rare (2%), being more common among ferns. Myrtaceae and Melastomataceae were the families with greater number and proportion of endemic species.


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Biochemical responses inherent to antioxidant systems as well morphological and anatomical properties of photomorphogenic, hormonal and developmental tomato mutants were investigated. Compared to the non-mutant Micro-Tom (MT), we observed that the malondialdehyde (MDA) content was enhanced in the diageotropica (dgt) and lutescent (l) mutants, whilst the highest levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were observed in high pigment 1 (hp1) and aurea (au) mutants. The analyses of antioxidant enzymes revealed that all mutants exhibited reduced catalase (CAT) activity when compared to MT. Guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) was enhanced in both sitiens (sit) and notabilis (not) mutants, whereas in not mutant there was an increase in ascorbate peroxidase (APX). Based on PAGE analysis, the activities of glutathione reductase (GR) isoforms III, IV, V and VI were increased in l leaves, while the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoform III was reduced in leaves of sit, epi, Never ripe (Nr) and green flesh (gf) mutants. Microscopic analyses revealed that hp1 and au showed an increase in leaf intercellular spaces, whereas sit exhibited a decrease. The au and hp1 mutants also exhibited a decreased in the number of leaf trichomes. The characterization of these mutants is essential for their future use in plant development and ecophysiology studies, such as abiotic and biotic stresses on the oxidative metabolism.


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Structural differences such as abnormalities, damage and free spaces in seeds may affect germination. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between eggplant seed morphology and seed germination. Ten seed lots of the eggplant cultivar Embu were evaluated by X-ray image analysis and the germination test. Seed image analysis was performed by Image Pro Plus® software and the whole seed area and free space between the embryo and endosperm were measured. The internal seed area filled by the embryo and endosperm was calculated from the difference between the whole seed and free space areas. Based on these results and visual seed analysis, seeds were classified into three categories and information on germination was obtained for each one. X-ray image analysis provides a perfect view of the internal seed parts and for seed morphology studies. An increase in seed area filled by the endosperm and embryo does not improve seed germination. Mechanical seed damage and deteriorated tissues can adversely affect seed germination.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar dois sistemas de tutoramento e condução de plantas na produtividade e seus componentes em híbridos de tomateiro dos segmentos Salada Longa Vida e Santa Cruz de crescimento indeterminado, visando ao consumo in natura. Adotou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com os tratamentos em esquema fatorial 5x2, quatro repetições, sendo avaliados cinco híbridos comerciais, três pertencentes ao grupo Salada Longa Vida ('Alambra', 'Paron' e 'Forty') e dois do grupo Santa Cruz ('Débora Pto' e 'Ellus'), em dois sistemas de condução de plantas (bambu e fitilho). O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo, em Itatiba (SP), de julho de 2007 a janeiro de 2008. Foram consideradas todas as plantas de cada parcela e avaliaram-se a produtividade total, produtividade comercial, produção por planta, massa média de frutos, número total de frutos, número de frutos comercializáveis, número de frutos das classes '3A', '2A' e '1A', número de frutos manchado e com lóculo aberto. Não houve interação entre cultivar e sistema de condução de planta para maioria das características avaliadas, exceto número total de frutos, número de frutos comercializáveis e número de frutos da classe '2A'. O sistema de condução de plantas com uma haste tutorada com fitilho proporcionou incremento na massa média de frutos e número de frutos da classe '3A', e decréscimo do número de frutos da classe '1A', sem reduzir a produtividade total e comercial quando comparado ao método de condução tradicional no bambu com duas hastes por planta.


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The general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA), and heterosis were studied in a complete diallel cross among fresh market tomato breeding lines with reciprocal excluded. Fifteen genotypes (five parents and ten hybrids) were tested using a randomized complete block design, with three replications, and the experiments were conducted in Itatiba, São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2005/06. The yield components evaluated were fruit yield per plant (FP), fruit number per plant (FN), average fruit weight (FW); cluster number per plant (CN); fruit number per cluster (FC), fruit wall thickness (FT) and number of locules per fruit (NL). Fruit quality components evaluated were total soluble solids (SS); total titratable acidity (TA); SS/TA ratio, fruit length (FL); fruit width (WI); length to width ratio (FL/WI). The data for each trait was first subjected to analysis of variance. Griffing's method 2, model 1 was employed to estimate the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities. Parental and hybrid data for each trait were used to estimate of mid-parent heterosis. For plant fruit yield, IAC-2 was the best parental line with the highest GCA followed by IAC-4 and IAC-1 lines. The hybrids IAC-1 x IAC-2, IAC-1 x IAC-4 and IAC-2 x IAC-4 showed the highest effects of SCA. High heterotic responses were found for fruit yield and plant fruit number with values up to 49.72% and 47.19%, respectively. The best hybrids for fruit yield and plant fruit number were IAC-1 x IAC-2, IAC-1 x IAC-4 and IAC-2 x IAC-5, for fruit yield and plant fruit number, the main yield components.


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Genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations were estimated for all possible pairs among eleven characters of tomatoes. Fifteen treatments including five parents and ten hybrids of Instituto Agronômico (IAC) tomato breeding program were evaluated using a randomized complete block experimental design, with tree replications in Itatiba, São Paulo state, Brazil, during 2005/2006. The following traits were evaluated: fruit yield per plant (FP), fruit number per plant (FN), average fruit weight (FW), cluster number per plant (CN), fruit number per cluster (FC), number of locules per fruit (NL), fruit length (FL), fruit width (WI), fruit wall thickness (FT), total soluble solids (SS), and total titratable acidity (TA). The genotypic (rG), phenotypic (rF) and environmental correlations (rA) for two pairs of plant traits were estimated using the Genes© program. High similarity was found among the estimates of genotypic and phenotypic correlations. Positive and high phenotypic and genotypic correlations were observed between FP and the traits FN, FW and FT, and these associations contributed for yield increasing. FW and FT contributed to yield increase and should be considered together as primary yield components in tomato. Positive values of the genotypic and phenotypic correlations revealed that FP influenced FN with high direct effect and significant positive correlation. These traits may be included as the main selection criteria for tomato yield improvement.


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Variedades ou híbridos de tomateiro utilizados para produção de molhos e ketchups costumam ter hábito determinado, enquanto a maioria dos genótipos utilizados na produção para mesa (consumo in natura) possuem hábito indeterminado. Além de influenciar no manejo da cultura, o hábito de crescimento pode alterar parâmetros de produtividade, como o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) nos frutos. O hábito de crescimento é controlado principalmente pelo gene SELF-PRUNING (SP), que é um dos componentes de uma pequena família gênica da qual faz parte também o gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT), atualmente considerado um dos componentes do tão buscado "florígeno". O entendimento da função bioquímica e o efeito fisiológico de tais genes em interação com o ambiente e outros genes (epistasia) possibilita a manipulação de parâmetros como precocidade e SST. Além disso, fornece subsídios para compreender a base genética do crescimento semideterminado, que combina vantagens do hábito determinado e indeterminado, podendo ser usado pelos melhoristas de plantas para o desenvolvimento de novas cultivares.


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Eggplant seeds germination can be slow and uneven, justifying the use of pre-germinative treatments to improve the performance of seed lots. One option of treatment is the controlled hydration of seeds by priming. In this way, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of eggplant seeds cv. Embu submitted to different methodologies of priming. The seeds used in the experiment were stored in cold chamber (15º C and 55% RH) in paper bags. The research was carried out at Central Laboratory of Seeds/UFLA. The seeds were submitted to the priming in aerated solutions varying the following factors: temperature (15º C and 25º C), time (24, 48 and 72 hours) and solution (water, PEG, KNO3 and PEG+KNO3). Seeds were washed in running water and dried at 30º C, until the return to the initial moisture content, around 10%. The variables analyzed were percentage of germination, percentage of emergence, speed index of emergence and electrical conductivity. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design, according to a factorial arrangement 2x3x4+1 (control - seeds without priming). The results showed that priming improves the vigour of eggplant seeds with no effect on viability; the priming in water or KNO3 is efficient to improve the seed vigour and priming in water or KNO3 may use temperature of 15º C or 25º C for 24, 48 or 72 hours.