23 resultados para Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases


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Ethanol intake is associated with increase in blood pressure, through unknown mechanisms. We hypothesized that acute ethanol intake enhances vascular oxidative stress and induces vascular dysfunction through renin-angiotensin system (RAS) activation. Ethanol (1 g/kg; p.o. gavage) effects were assessed within 30 min in male Wistar rats. The transient decrease in blood pressure induced by ethanol was not affected by the previous administration of losartan (10 mg/kg; p.o. gavage), a selective ATI receptor antagonist. Acute ethanol intake increased plasma renin activity (PRA), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity, plasma angiotensin I (ANG I) and angiotensin II (ANG II) levels. Ethanol induced systemic and vascular oxidative stress, evidenced by increased plasma thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS) levels, NAD(P) H oxidase-mediated vascular generation of superoxide anion and p47phox translocation (cytosol to membrane). These effects were prevented by losartan. Isolated aortas from ethanol-treated rats displayed increased p38MAPK and SAPK/JNK phosphorylation. Losartan inhibited ethanol-induced increase in the phosphorylation of these kinases. Ethanol intake decreased acetylcholine-induced relaxation and increased phenylephrine-induced contraction in endothelium-intact aortas. Ethanol significantly decreased plasma and aortic nitrate levels. These changes in vascular reactivity and in the end product of endogenous nitric oxide metabolism were not affected by losartan. Our study provides novel evidence that acute ethanol intake stimulates RAS activity and induces vascular oxidative stress and redox-signaling activation through AT(1)-dependent mechanisms. These findings highlight the importance of RAS in acute ethanol-induced oxidative damage. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that endocannabinoids play an important role in the regulation of food intake and body weight. Endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors are found in the hypothalamus and brainstem, which are central areas involved in the control of food intake and energy expenditure. Activation of these areas is related to hypophagia observed during inflammatory stimulus. This study investigated the effects of cannabinoid (CB1) receptor blockade on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced hypophagia. Male Wistar rats were pretreated with rimonabant (10 mg/kg, by gavage) or vehicle; 30 min later they received an injection of either LPS (100 mu g/kg, intraperitoneal) or saline. Food intake, body weight, corticosterone response, CRF and CART mRNA expression, Fos-CRF and Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus and Fos-tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity in the brainstem were evaluated. LPS administration decreased food intake and body weight gain and increased plasma corticosterone levels and CRF mRNA expression in the PVN. We also observed an increase in Fos-CRF and Fos-TH double-labeled neurons after LPS injection in vehicle-pretreated rats, with no changes in CART mRNA or Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactive neurons in the ARC. In saline-treated animals, rimonabant pretreatment decreased food intake and body weight gain but did not modify hormone response or Fos expression in the hypothalamus and brainstem compared with vehicle-pretreated rats. Rimonabant pretreatment potentiated LPS-induced hypophagia, body weight loss and Fos-CRF and Fos-TH expressing neurons. Rimonabant did not modify corticosterone, CRF mRNA or Fos-alpha-MSH responses in rats treated with LPS. These data suggest that the endocannabinoid system, mediated by CB1 receptors, modulates hypothalamic and brainstem circuitry underlying the hypophagic effect during endotoxemia to prevent an exaggerated food intake decrease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Central Control of Food Intake'. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Emerging evidence suggests that in addition to being the 'power houses' of our cells, mitochondria facilitate effector responses of the immune system. Cell death and injury result in the release of mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) that acts via TLR9 (Toll-like receptor 9), a pattern recognition receptor of the immune system which detects bacterial and viral DNA but not vertebrate DNA. The ability of mtDNA to activate TLR9 in a similar fashion to bacterial DNA stems from evolutionarily conserved similarities between bacteria and mitochondria. mtDNA may be the trigger of systemic inflammation in pathologies associated with abnormal cell death. PE (pre-eclampsia) is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with devastating maternal and fetal consequences. The aetiology of PE is unknown and removal of the placenta is the only effective cure. Placentas from women with PE show exaggerated necrosis of trophoblast cells, and circulating levels of mtDNA are higher in pregnancies with PE. Accordingly, we propose the hypothesis that exaggerated necrosis of trophoblast cells results in the release of mtDNA, which stimulates TLR9 to mount an immune response and to produce systemic maternal inflammation and vascular dysfunction that lead to hypertension and IUGR (intra-uterine growth restriction). The proposed hypothesis implicates mtDNA in the development of PE via activation of the immune system and may have important preventative and therapeutic implications, because circulating mtDNA may be potential markers of early detection of PE, and anti-TLR9 treatments may be promising in the management of the disease.


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The 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) also known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR), mediates the transportation of cholesterol and anions from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane in different cells types. Although recent evidences indicate a potential role for TSPO in the development of inflammatory processes, the mechanisms involved have not been elucidated. The present study investigated the ability of the specific TSPO ligands, the isoquinoline carboxamide PK11195 and benzodiazepine Ro5-4864, on neutrophil recruitment promoted by the N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine peptide (fMLP), an agonist of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Pre-treatment with Ro5-4864 abrograted fMLP-induced leukocyte-endothelial interactions in mesenteric postcapillary venules in vivo. Moreover, in vitro Ro5-4864 treatment prevented fMLP-induced: (i) L-selectin shedding and overexpression of PECAM-1 on the neutrophil cell surface; (ii) neutrophil chemotaxis and (iii) enhancement of intracellular calcium cations (iCa(+2)). Intriguingly, the two latter effects were augmented by cell treatment with PK11195. An allosteric agonist/antagonist relation may be suggested, as the effects of Ro5-4864 on fMLP-stimulated neutrophils were reverted by simultaneous treatment with PK11195. Taken together, these data highlight TSPO as a modulator of pathways of neutrophil adhesion and locomotion induced by GPCR, connecting TSPO actions and the onset of an innate inflammatory response. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Evidences have suggested that the endocannabinoid system is overactive in obesity, resulting in enhanced endocannabinoid levels in both circulation and visceral adipose tissue. The blockade of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) has been proposed for the treatment of obesity. Besides loss of body weight, CB1 antagonism improves insulin sensitivity, in which the glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) plays a key role. The aim of this study was to investigate the modulation of GLUT4-encoded gene (Slc2a4 gene) expression by CB1 receptor. For this, 3T3-L1 adipocytes were incubated in the presence of a highly selective CB1 receptor agonist (1 mu M arachidonyl-2'-chloroethylamide) and/or a CB1 receptor antagonist/inverse agonist (0.1, 0.5, or 1 mu M AM251, 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-4-methyl-N-1-piperidinyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide). After acute (2 and 4 h) and chronic (24 h) treatments, cells were harvested to evaluate: i) Slc2a4, Cnr1 (CB1 receptor-encoded gene), and Srebf1 type a (SREBP-1a type-encoded gene) mRNAs (real-time PCR); ii) GLUT4 protein (western blotting); and iii) binding activity of nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1 specifically in the promoter of Slc2a4 gene (electrophoretic mobility shift assay). Results revealed that both acute and chronic CB1 receptor antagonism greatly increased (similar to 2.5-fold) Slc2a4 mRNA and protein content. Additionally, CB1-induced upregulation of Slc2a4 was accompanied by decreased binding activity of NF-kappa B at 2 and 24 h, and by increased binding activity of the SREBP-1 at 24 h. In conclusion, these findings reveal that the blockade of CB1 receptor markedly increases Slc2a4/GLUT4 expression in adipocytes, a feature that involves NF-kappa B and SREBP-1 transcriptional regulation. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2012) 49, 97-106


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Several studies have pointed out the immunomodulatory properties of the Salivary Gland Extract (SGE) from Lutzomyia longipalpis. We aimed to identify the SGE component (s) responsible for its effect on ovalbumin (OVA)-induced neutrophil migration (NM) and to evaluate the effect of SGE and components in the antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) model. We tested the anti-arthritic activities of SGE and the recombinant LJM111 salivary protein (rLJM111) by measuring the mechanical hypernociception and the NM into synovial cavity. Furthermore, we measured IL-17, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma released by lymph nodes cells stimulated with mBSA or anti-CD3 using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Additionally, we tested the effect of SGE and rLJM111 on co-stimulatory molecules expression (MHC-II and CD-86) by flow cytometry. TNF-alpha and IL-10 production (ELISA) of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) stimulated with LPS, chemotaxis and actin polymerization from neutrophils. Besides, the effect of SGE on CXCR2 and GRK-2 expression on neutrophils was investigated. We identified one plasmid expressing the protein LJM111 that prevented NM in OVA-challenged immunized mice. Furthermore, both SGE and rLJM111 inhibited NM and pain sensitivity in AIA and reduced IL-17, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. SGE and rLJM111 also reduced MHC-II and CD-86 expression and TNF-alpha whereas increased IL-10 release by LPS-stimulated BMDCs. SGE, but not LJM 111, inhibited neutrophils chemotaxis and actin polymerization. Additionally, SGE reduced neutrophil CXCR2 expression and increased GRK-2. Thus, rLJM111 is partially responsible for SGE mechanisms by diminishing DC function and maturation but not chemoattraction of neutrophils. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Despite recent advances in the understanding of lignocellulolytic enzyme regulation, less is known about how different carbon sources are sensed and the signaling cascades that result in the adaptation of cellular metabolism and hydrolase secretion. Therefore, the role played by non-essential protein kinases (NPK) and phosphatases (NPP) in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status was investigated in the model filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Results Eleven NPKs and seven NPPs were identified as being involved in cellulase, and in some cases also hemicellulase, production in A. nidulans. The regulation of CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in the parental strain was determined by fluorescence microscopy, utilising a CreA: GFP fusion protein. The sensing of phosphorylated glucose, via the RAS signalling pathway induced CreA repression, while carbon starvation resulted in derepression. Growth on cellulose represented carbon starvation and derepressing conditions. The involvement of the identified NPKs in the regulation of cellulose-induced responses and CreA derepression was assessed by genome-wide transcriptomics (GEO accession 47810). CreA:GFP localisation and the restoration of endocellulase activity via the introduction of the ∆creA mutation, was assessed in the NPK-deficient backgrounds. The absence of either the schA or snfA kinase dramatically reduced cellulose-induced transcriptional responses, including the expression of hydrolytic enzymes and transporters. The mechanism by which these two NPKs controlled gene transcription was identified, as the NPK-deficient mutants were not able to unlock CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression under derepressing conditions, such as carbon starvation or growth on cellulose. Conclusions Collectively, this study identified multiple kinases and phosphatases involved in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status, while demonstrating the overlapping, synergistic roles of schA and snfA in the regulation of CreA derepression and hydrolytic enzyme production in A. nidulans. The importance of a carbon starvation-induced signal for CreA derepression, permitting transcriptional activator binding, appeared paramount for hydrolase secretion.


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Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors are overexpressed in most neoplastic cell lines and provide a mechanism for the internalization and concentration of drug-laden nanoemulsions that bind to these receptors. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the administration of standard chemotherapeutic schemes can alter the expression of LDL and LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) receptors in breast carcinoma. Fragments of tumoral and normal breast tissue from 16 consecutive volunteer women with breast cancer in stage II or III were obtained from biopsies before the beginning of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and after chemotherapy, from fragments excised during mastectomy. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for both receptors. Because complete response to treatment was achieved in 4 patients, only the tumors from 12 were analyzed. Before chemotherapy, there was overexpression of LDL receptor in the tumoral tissue compared to normal breast tissue in 8 of these patients. LRP-1 receptor overexpression was observed in tumors of 4 patients. After chemotherapy, expression of both receptors decreased in the tumors of 6 patients, increased in 4 and was unchanged in 2. Nonetheless, even when chemotherapy reduced receptors expression, the expression was still above normal. The fact that chemotherapy does not impair LDL receptors expression supports the use of drug carrier systems that target neoplastic cells by the LDL receptor endocytic pathway in patients on conventional chemotherapy.