29 resultados para Rb-


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The existence and stability of three-dimensional (3D) solitons, in cross-combined linear and nonlinear optical lattices, are investigated. In particular, with a starting optical lattice (OL) configuration such that it is linear in the x-direction and nonlinear in the y-direction, we consider the z-direction either unconstrained (quasi-2D OL case) or with another linear OL (full 3D case). We perform this study both analytically and numerically: analytically by a variational approach based on a Gaussian ansatz for the soliton wavefunction and numerically by relaxation methods and direct integrations of the corresponding Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We conclude that, while 3D solitons in the quasi-2D OL case are always unstable, the addition of another linear OL in the z-direction allows us to stabilize 3D solitons both for attractive and repulsive mean interactions. From our results, we suggest the possible use of spatial modulations of the nonlinearity in one of the directions as a tool for the management of stable 3D solitons.


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The OMEX core CD110 W90, retrieved from the Douro Mud Patch (DMP) off the River Douro in the north of Portugal, records the period since the beginning of Little Ice Age (LIA). The core chronology is based upon the data attributes for Pb-210, Cs-137 and a C-14 dating from a level near the core base. Geochemical, granulometric, microfaunal (benthic foraminifera) and compositional data suggest the occurrence of precipitation changes which may have been, at least partially, influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), that contributes to the regulation of the ocean-atmosphere dynamics in the North Atlantic. Southwesterly Atlantic storm track is associated with the negative phases of the NAO, when the Azores High is anomalously weak, higher oceanographic hydrodynamism, downwelling events and increased rainfall generally occurs. Prevalence of these characteristics during the LIA left a record that corresponds to phases of major floods. During these phases the DMP received a higher contribution of relatively coarse-grained terrigenous sediments, enriched in quartz particles, which diluted the contribution of other minerals, as indicated by reduced concentrations of several lithogenic chemical elements such as: Al, As, Ba, Ce, Co, Cu, Fe, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Rb, Sc, Sn, Th, V and Y. The presence of biogenic carbonate particles also underwent dilution, as revealed by the smaller abundance of foraminifera and correlative lower concentrations of Ca and Sr. During this period, the DMP also received an increased contribution of organic matter, indicated by higher values of lignin remains and a benthic foraminifera high productivity index, or BFHP, which gave rise to early diagenetic changes with pyrite formation. Since the beginning of the 20th century this contribution diminished, probably due to several drier periods and the impact of human activities in the river basins, e.g. construction of dams, or, on the littoral areas, construction of hard-engineering structures and sand extraction activities. During the first half of the 20th century mainly positive phases of the NAO prevailed, caused by the above normal strengthening of the subtropical high pressure centre of the Azores and the deepening of the low pressure centre in Iceland. These phases may have contributed to the reduction in the supply of both terrigenous sediments and organic matter from shallow water to the DMP. During the positive phases of the NAO, sedimentation became finer. The development of mining and industrial activities during the 20th century is marked, in this core, by higher concentrations of Pb. Furthermore, the erosion of heaps resulting from wolfram exploitation leaves its signature as a peak of W concentrations recorded in the sediments of the DMP deposited between the 1960s and the 1990s. Wolfram exploitation was an important activity in the middle part of the 20th century, particularly during the period of the Second World War. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In a recent study we demonstrated the emergence of turbulence in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate of Rb-87 atoms. An intriguing observation in such a system is the behavior of the turbulent cloud during free expansion. The aspect ratio of the cloud size does not change in the way one would expect for an ordinary non-rotating (vortex-free) condensate. Here we show that the anomalous expansion can be understood, at least qualitatively, in terms of the presence of vorticity distributed throughout the cloud, effectively counteracting the usual reversal of the aspect ratio seen in free time-of-flight expansion of non-rotating condensates.


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There is currently a strong interest in mirrorless lasing systems(1), in which the electromagnetic feedback is provided either by disorder (multiple scattering in the gain medium) or by order (multiple Bragg reflection). These mechanisms correspond, respectively, to random lasers(2) and photonic crystal lasers(3). The crossover regime between order and disorder, or correlated disorder, has also been investigated with some success(4-6). Here, we report one-dimensional photonic-crystal lasing (that is, distributed feedback lasing(7,8)) with a cold atom cloud that simultaneously provides both gain and feedback. The atoms are trapped in a one-dimensional lattice, producing a density modulation that creates a strong Bragg reflection with a small angle of incidence. Pumping the atoms with auxiliary beams induces four-wave mixing, which provides parametric gain. The combination of both ingredients generates a mirrorless parametric oscillation with a conical output emission, the apex angle of which is tunable with the lattice periodicity.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi parametrizar e avaliar o modelo DSSAT/Canegro para cinco variedades brasileiras de cana-de-açúcar. A parametrização foi realizada a partir do uso de dados biométricos e de crescimento das variedades CTC 4, CTC 7, CTC 20, RB 86-7515 e RB 83-5486, obtidos em cinco localidades brasileiras. Foi realizada análise de sensibilidade local para os principais parâmetros. A parametrização do modelo foi feita por meio da técnica de estimativa da incerteza de probabilidade generalizada ("generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation", Glue). Para a avaliação das predições, foram utilizados, como indicadores estatísticos, o coeficiente de determinação (R2), o índice D de Willmott e a raiz quadrada do erro-médio (RMSE). As variedades CTC apresentaram índice D entre 0,870 e 0,944, para índice de área foliar, altura de colmo, perfilhamento e teor de sacarose. A variedade RB 83-5486 apresentou resultados similares para teor de sacarose e massa de matéria fresca do colmo, enquanto a variedade RB 86-7515 apresentou valores entre 0,665 e 0,873, para as variáveis avaliadas.


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Brazil holds the second largest population of domestic dogs in the world, with 33 million dogs, only behind the United States. The annual consumption of dog food in the country is 1.75 million tons, corresponding to the World's sixth in trade turnover. Dog food is supposed to be a complete and balanced diet, formulated with high quality ingredients. All nutrients and minerals required for an adequate nutrition of dogs are added to the formulation to ensure longevity and welfare. In this context, the present study aimed at assessing the chemical composition of dry dog foods commercialized in Brazil. Thirty-four samples were acquired in the local market of Piracicaba and analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) to determine the elements As, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, La, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, U, and Zn. In general, the concentrations of Ca, Fe, K, Na, and Zn complied with the values required by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). To evaluate the safety of dog food commercialized in Brazil, further investigation is necessary to better understand the presence of toxic elements found in this study, i.e. Sb and U. INAA was useful for the screening analysis of different types and brands of dry dog foods for the determination of both essential and toxic elements.


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Abstract Background The p16INK4A gene product halts cell proliferation by preventing phosphorylation of the Rb protein. The p16INK4a gene is often deleted in human glioblastoma multiforme, contributing to unchecked Rb phosphorylation and rapid cell division. We show here that transduction of the human p16INK4a cDNA using the pCL retroviral system is an efficient means of stopping the proliferation of the rat-derrived glioma cell line, C6, both in tissue culture and in an animal model. C6 cells were transduced with pCL retrovirus encoding the p16INK4a, p53, or Rb genes. These cells were analyzed by a colony formation assay. Expression of p16INK4a was confirmed by immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. The altered morphology of the p16-expressing cells was further characterized by the senescence-associated β-galactosidase assay. C6 cells infected ex vivo were implanted by stereotaxic injection in order to assess tumor formation. Results The p16INK4a gene arrested C6 cells more efficiently than either p53 or Rb. Continued studies with the p16INK4a gene revealed that a large portion of infected cells expressed the p16INK4a protein and the morphology of these cells was altered. The enlarged, flat, and bi-polar shape indicated a senescence-like state, confirmed by the senescence-associated β-galactosidase assay. The animal model revealed that cells infected with the pCLp16 virus did not form tumors. Conclusion Our results show that retrovirus mediated transfer of p16INK4a halts glioma formation in a rat model. These results corroborate the idea that retrovirus-mediated transfer of the p16INK4a gene may be an effective means to arrest human glioma and glioblastoma.


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Abstract Background Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a frequent neoplasm, which is usually aggressive and has unpredictable biological behavior and unfavorable prognosis. The comprehension of the molecular basis of this variability should lead to the development of targeted therapies as well as to improvements in specificity and sensitivity of diagnosis. Results Samples of primary OSCCs and their corresponding surgical margins were obtained from male patients during surgery and their gene expression profiles were screened using whole-genome microarray technology. Hierarchical clustering and Principal Components Analysis were used for data visualization and One-way Analysis of Variance was used to identify differentially expressed genes. Samples clustered mostly according to disease subsite, suggesting molecular heterogeneity within tumor stages. In order to corroborate our results, two publicly available datasets of microarray experiments were assessed. We found significant molecular differences between OSCC anatomic subsites concerning groups of genes presently or potentially important for drug development, including mRNA processing, cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis, metabolic process, cell cycle and apoptosis. Conclusion Our results corroborate literature data on molecular heterogeneity of OSCCs. Differences between disease subsites and among samples belonging to the same TNM class highlight the importance of gene expression-based classification and challenge the development of targeted therapies.


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Epidote-group minerals, together with albite, quartz, fluorite, Al-poor and Fe-rich phyllosilicates, zircon, and minor oxides and sulphides, are typical hydrothermal phases in peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites from the Corupá Pluton, Graciosa Province, South Brazil. The epidote-group minerals occur as single crystals and as aggregates filling in rock interstices and miarolitic cavities. They display complex recurrent zoning patterns with an internal zone of ferriallanite-(Ce), followed by allanite-(Ce), then epidote-ferriepidote, and an external zone with allanite-(Ce), with sharp limits, as shown in BSE and X-ray images. REE patterns show decreasing fractionation degrees of LREE over HREE from ferriallanite to epidote. The most external allanite is enriched in MREE. LA-ICP-MS data indicate that ferriallanite is enriched (>10-fold) in Ti, Sr and Ga, and depleted in Mg, Rb, Th and Zr relative to the host granite. Allanite has lower Ga and Mn and higher Zr, Nb and U contents as compared to ferriallanite, while epidote is enriched in Sr, U and depleted in Pb, Zr, Hf, Ti and Ga. The formation of these minerals is related to the variable concentrations of HFSE, Ca, Al, Fe and F in fluids remaining from magmatic crystallization, in an oxidizing environment, close to the HM buffer. L-MREE were in part released by the alteration of chevkinite, their main primary repository in the host rocks.


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Este estudo ilustra o impacto da calcinação de resíduo de bauxita (RB) nas propriedades de suspensões formuladas com cimento Portland, tanto no estado fresco como no endurecido. As suspensões foram avaliadas contendo uma razão constante de água-cimento e teor de resíduo variando de 5% a 20% em peso e em substituição ao cimento. As propriedades reológicas e a resistência mecânica foram alteradas em função do aumento do teor de RB, mas a calcinação não teve influência no resultado final obtido, seja no estado fresco ou no endurecido. Assim, pode-se afirmar que a utilização de resíduo de bauxita, natural ou calcinada, em formulações com cimento Portland pode reduzir o consumo de cimento, sendo uma alternativa para a utilização de uma grande quantidade deste tipo de resíduo.


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The experiment was conducted to evaluate the bromatological characteristics and the in vitro digestibility of four sugarcane varieties, subjected or not to hydrolysis, with quicklime. A completely randomized design was employed with three replications arranged in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme, with four sugarcane varieties (SP 52454, RB 867515, RB 855536 and IAC 862480), hydrolyzed or not. There was significant effect on brix (p < 0.05) and industrial fiber (p < 0.05), and IAC 862480 variety had the lowest levels of industrial fiber. There were no significant difference (p > 0.05) in neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and lignin levels among the sugarcane varieties under analysis and for the sugarcanes, hydrolyzed or not. The use of sugarcane hydrolysis with 1% quicklime improves the in vitro digestibility of NDF and ADF, regardless of the variety studied. Hydrolysis with 1% quicklime did not alter the sugarcane chemical composition.


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Neste estudo, buscou-se compreender os processos e materiais que contribuíram às fontes mantélicas envolvidas na gênese da Província Magmática do Paraná (PMP). O papel que a crosta, a litosfera e o manto terrestre (raso ou profundo) desempenham na geração de assinaturas químicas e isotópicas em basaltos de derrames continentais e oceânicos tem sido um tema intensamente pesquisado e muito debatido na literatura internacional (e.g., Sheth, 2005). Embora muitos estudos já tenham sido conduzidos na PMP, existe ainda uma grande controvérsia com relação à natureza das regiões-fonte dos magmas (manto litosférico continental ou manto sublitosférico), como também acerca dos mecanismos geodinâmicos que provocam o início da fusão dessas regiões-fonte (e.g., Bellieni et al., 1984; Hawkesworth et al., 1992). Nesse contexto, uma grande quantidade de análises de elementos traço (litófilos e siderófilos), como também dados isotópicos de quatro sistemas de decaimento radioativo (Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb e Re-Os), foram obtidos em basaltos que ocorrem no norte e sul da PMP. A regionalização geoquímica e isotópica (Sr-Nd-Pb) observada nas rochas basálticas da PMP tem sido frequentemente interpretada como resultante da fusão de manto litosférico subcontinental heterogêneo. Entretanto, dados geoquímicos de elementos altamente siderófilos e de razões isotópicas 187Os/188Os, obtidos neste estudo, indicam uma fonte mantélica homogênea, já que os basaltos baixo-TiO2 e alto- TiO2 possuem razões isotópicas de ósmio muito similares (187Os/188Osi = 0,1295±0,0018), as quais são distintas daquelas de manto litosférico subcontinental antigo (Proterozoico ou Arqueano; 187Os/188Os = 0,113). Os dados isotópicos Re-Os exibem uma tendência linear (187Re/188Os versus 187Os/188Os), definindo uma isócrona de boa qualidade (idade = 131,6 ± 2,3 Ma), consistente com as idades obtidas em trabalhos anteriores utilizando o método 40Ar/39Ar. Comumente, a PMP tem sido geneticamente ligada ao hotspot Tristão da Cunha via Rio Grande Rise e Walvis Ridge. No entanto, as razões isotópicas de ósmio determinadas nas rochas da Ilha de Tristão da Cunha são muito distintas daquelas dos basaltos da PMP, reforçando que essa pluma não deve ter contribuído com matéria na gênese dessas rochas. Desta forma, para explicar todas as características isotópicas dos basaltos da PMP é necessário o envolvimento de três componentes mantélicos (Marques et al., 1999). Um deles, empobrecido e semelhante ao DMM, estaria presente na fonte dos basaltos alto-TiO2 e baixo-TiO2, dominando as composições isotópicas de ósmio. Os outros dois componentes enriquecidos (EM-I e EM-II) seriam responsáveis pelas variações nas composições isotópicas de Sr-Nd-Pb. Na gênese dos basaltos alto-TiO2 provavelmente ocorreu envolvimento de crosta continental inferior delaminada (EM-I), enquanto nas rochas baixo-TiO2 há indicação de participação de crosta continental superior reciclada (EM-II). O componente empobrecido possui composição semelhante à de peridotitos de arco, sendo que essa assinatura isotópica pode ter sido gerada por processos metassomáticos relacionados a processos de subducção neoproterozóicas, que teriam modificado o manto astenosférico (DMM). No processo de aglutinação do Gondwana esse manto astenosférico metassomatizado pode ter sido incorporado à base da litosfera, sofrendo posterior refusão, por ocasião da atividade ígnea da PMP.


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A análise de elementos traço, tais como terras raras, TH, U, Ta, Hf, Ba, Rb e Ba, é uma ferramenta muito importante para estudos petrogenéticos. No intuito de estudar tais processos em diques do Enxame Serra do Mar (litoral de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro), pertencente à Provincia Magmática do Paraná (PMP), uma das províncias de basaltos continentais mais expressivas do mundo, foram realizadas análises por ativação com nêutrons nestes diques. A técnica, empregada no Centro de Reator de pesquisa do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, forneceu concentrações de elementos traço com os níveis de precisão de 10% e exatidão 9% os quais são adequadas para estudos petrogenéticos. Devido as baixas concentrações dos elementos analisados, a rotina experimental de preparação das amostras abrangeu processos bastantes cuidadosos para evitar contaminação. As amostras investigadas podem ser divididas em quatro grupos: rochas básicas (SiO2<55%) com Ti/Y<500; rochas intermediárias (55%63%). Diques de composição intermediária e ácida só ocorrem na Ilha de São Sebastião e na região costeira adjacente. As concentrações de elementos maiores e menores, bem como os padrões de abundância de terras raras e de outros elementos incompatíveis dessas rochas mais diferenciadas, apresentaram semelhanças significativas com os das vulcânicas Chapecó do tipo Ourinhos, sugerindo gênese similar, ou seja, incluindo também processos de contaminação crustal .


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Pineal melatonin synthesis can be modulated by many peptides, including insulin. Because melatonin appears to alter leptin synthesis, in this work we aimed to investigate whether leptin would have a role on norepinephrine- (NE-)mediated melatonin synthesis in cultured rat pineal glands. According to our data, cultured rat pineal glands express leptin receptor isoform b (Ob-Rb). Pineal expression of Ob-Rb mRNA was also observed in vivo. Administration of leptin (1 nM) associated with NE ( 1 µM) reduced melatonin content as well as arylalkylamine-N-acetyl transferase (AANAT) activity and expression in cultured pineal glands. Leptin treatment per se induced the expression of STAT3 in cultured pineal glands, but STAT3 does not participate in the leptin modulation of NE-mediated pineal melatonin synthesis. In addition, the expression of inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) was further induced by leptin challenge when associated with NE. In conclusion, leptin inhibition of pineal melatonin synthesis appears to be mediated by a reduction in AANAT activity and expression as well as by increased expression of Icer mRNA. Peptidergic signaling within the pineal gland appears to be one of the most important signals which modulates melatonin synthesis; leptin, as a member of this system, is not an exception