55 resultados para QUASI-SPECIES PRESENT


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The present study evaluated the relative growth and allometry of Massartella brieni Lestage and Thraulodes sp. (Leptophlebiidae: Ephemeroptera). The morphometric analysis was based on 23 measurements and was conducted using a multivariate approach. Throughout postembryonic ontogeny, all of the head measurements, including those of the mouthparts, exhibited negative allometric growth. The mesothorax and wing pad exhibited positive allometric growth. The hind legs lengths in M. brieni and the fore and hind legs lengths in Thraulodes sp. exhibited positive allometry. The abdominal length in these two species exhibited positive allometric growth. Positive allometry was also observed along the abdomen width for M. brieni, and isometry was observed for Thraulodes sp. The relative strengthening of the thorax (in preparation for the winged stage) and the relative increase in the abdomen (which may be related to the development of the reproductive structures) during growth indicate that many of the structures that exhibit positive allometric growth are related to the transition from the aquatic to the adult stage of development.


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Typical antbirds (similar to 209 species) represent a diverse radiation of Neotropical birds that includes many species of conservation concern. Here we present eight anonymous nuclear loci designed for the squamate antbird Myrmeciza squamosa, a species endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. We also show that those anonymous nuclear loci are amplifiable in a number of other typical antbird species from related genera (Myrmeciza, Percnostola, Gymnocichla, Myrmoborus, Pyriglena and Formicivora), including three threatened species (Myrmeciza ruficauda, Formicivora littoralis, and Pyriglena atra). Those markers will be useful not only to help management of threatened species of typical antbirds, but also to explore their evolutionary histories, both at intra and interspecific levels.


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The present study raised the hypothesis that the trophic status in a tropical coastal food web from southeastern Brazil can be measured by the relation between total mercury (THg) and nitrogen isotope (delta(15)N) in their components. The analysed species were grouped into six trophic positions: primary producer (phytoplankton), primary consumer (zooplankton), consumer 1 (omnivore shrimp), consumer 2 (pelagic carnivores represented by squid and fish species), consumer 3 (demersal carnivores represented by fish species) and consumer 4 (pelagic-demersal top carnivore represented by the fish Trichiurus lepturus). The values of THg, delta(15)N, and trophic level (TLv) increased significantly from primary producer toward top carnivore. Our data regarding trophic magnification (6.84) and biomagnification powers (0.25 for delta(15)N and 0.83 for TLv) indicated that Hg biomagnification throughout trophic positions is high in this tropical food web, which could be primarily related to the quality of the local water.


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A new species of Pelexia Poit. ex Until. (Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae) occurring in central Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated as P. vinosa A. W. C. Ferreira, M. I. S. Lima & Pansarin. Pelexia vinosa is recognized by its leaves that are present at flowering and its dark purple leaf blades with reddish margins. Inflorescences are sparsely pubescent and reddish. The red sepals contrast with the white hyaline petals and labellum. The species is notable for its spurlike nectary that is parallel and adnate to the ovary. The new species is morphologically similar to P. laxa (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. In addition, the need to preserve native areas of the interior of Sao Paulo State (habitat of P. vinosa) is discussed.


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Nestmate recognition is fundamental for the maintenance of social organization in insect nests. It is becoming well recognized that cuticle hydrocarbons mediate the recognition process, although the origin of recognition cues in stingless bees remains poorly explored. The present study investigates the effects of endogenously-produced and environmentally-acquired components in cuticular hydrocarbons in stingless bees. The tests are conducted using colonies of Plebeia droryana Friese and Plebeia remota Holmberg. Recognition tests are performed with four different groups: conspecific nestmates, conspecific non-nestmates, heterospecifics and conspecific, genetically-related individuals that emerge in a heterospecific nest. This last group is produced by introducing brood cells of P. droryana into a P. remota colony, and the resulting adult bees are tested for acceptance 10 days after emergence. For all groups, 15 individuals are sampled for chemical analysis. The results show the acceptance of all conspecific nestmates, and the rejection of almost every conspecific non-nestmate and every heterospecific bee. Genetically-related individuals emerging from heterospecific nests present intermediate rejection (66.7% rejection). Chemical analysis shows that P. droryana individuals emerging in a P. remota nest have small amounts of alkene and diene isomers found in P. remota cuticle that are not found in workers from the natal nest. The data clearly show that the majority of the compounds present in P. droryana cuticle are endogenously produced, although a few unsaturated compounds are acquired from the environment, increasing the chemical differences and, consequently, the rejection percentages.


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Context: Schistosomiasis is a major health problem worldwide. Thus, the search for new schistosomicidal agents from natural sources can provide prototypes for drug discovery. Objective: The present study investigated the chemical composition of the EtOAc fractions of Styrax pohlii Pohl (Styracaceae) (EF-SP) aerial parts and S. camporum A. DC. leaves (EF-SC), as well as schistosomicidal activities against Schistosoma mansoni adult worms, which have not yet been studied. Materials and methods: The crude ethanol extracts of S. camporum leaves and S. pohlii aerial parts (EE-SC and EE-SP) were partitioned with n-hexane, EtOAc, and n-BuOH. The EtOAc fractions were purified by preparative HPLC. The crude extracts, EtOAc fractions and pure compounds were tested against S. mansoni adult worms in vitro. Results: The purification procedure resulted in the isolation of kaempferol-3-O-(2 '',4 ''-di-O-(E)-p-coumaroyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1), kaempferol-3-O-(2 '',6 ''-di-O-(E)-p-coumaroyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside (2), quercetin (3), and kaempferol (4). The bioassay results indicated that EE-SC, EF-SC, EF-SP, and compounds 2 and 4 are able to separate coupled S. mansoni adult worms. Additionally, EE-SC, EF-SP, and compound 4 killed the adult schistosomes in vitro at 100 mu g/mL and 100 mu M. Discussion and conclusion: This is the first time that the presence of compounds 1-2 in S. pohlii and 3-4 in S. camporum has been reported. Additionally, biological results indicated that S. pohlii and S. camporum have great potential as a source of active compounds.


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Adult individuals of the island pitviper Bothrops insularis have a diet based on birds. We analysed bird species recorded in the gut of this snake and found that it relies on two out of 41 bird species recorded on the island. When present, these two prey species were among the most abundant passerine birds on the island. A few other migrant birds were very occasionally recorded as prey. A resident bird species (Troglodytes musculus) is the most abundant passerine on the island, but seems able to avoid predation by the viper. Bothrops insularis is most commonly found on the ground. However, during the abundance peak of the tyrannid passerine Elaenia chilensis on the island, more snakes were found on vegetation than on the ground. We suggest that one cause may be that these birds forage mostly on vegetation, and thus cause the snakes to search for prey on this arboreal substratum.


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The genus Crotalaria is one of the largest within the family Leguminosae-Papilionoideae, with more than 600 species. However, few karyotypes have been described. In the present paper, five species belonging to the section Hedriocarpae were studied (subsection Machrostachyae), in order to better understand chromosomal evolution in Crotalaria. The results reveals that all species presented 2n = 2x = 16 with symmetrical karyotypes, and slight differences in the chromosome morphology. A secondary constriction was identified at short arm of the pair 1. The 45S rDNA was mapped in the secondary constriction and adjacent heterochromatin (NOR-heterochromatin) and a minor site was identified in C. ochroleuca. The 5S rDNA was mapped linked to 45S rDNA at chromosome 1 short arm in all species. Additional sites for 5S rDNA were identified in C. pallida, C. striata and C. mucronata. Heterochromatin blocks around the centromeres are not CMA(+) neither DAPI(+). The karyotypes of the subsection Macrostachyae are characterized by an inversion at chromosome pair one in relation to previous specialized floral species analyzed. Additional sites of 45S and 5S rDNA were assumed to be a result of transposition events by different ways. The results suggest heterochromatin differentiation and the position of ribosomal genes indicates chromosomal rearrangements during evolution. Karyotype characteristics corroborate the morphological infrageneric classification.


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Five species of Ctenus from the Amazon basin are redescribed: C. delesserti (Caporiacco, 1947), C. falconensis Schenkel, 1953, C. nigritus F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897, C. serratipes F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 and C. sigma (Schenkel, 1953). Three new synonymies are proposed: Ctenus fulvipes Caporiacco, 1947, C. itatiayaeformis Caporiacco, 1955 and C. scenicus Caporiacco, 1947 with C. serratipes. The female of Ctenus nigritus is described for the first time. The distributional ranges of Ctenus nigritus and C. serratipes are extended. We also present distributional maps of the five redescribed species.


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Lebiasina marilynae n. sp., L. melanoguttata n. sp., and L. minuta n. sp. are described from the headwaters of the rio Curua in Serra do Cachimbo, Para, Brazil, and represent the only members of the Lebiasininae in the Brazilian Shied, so far. A close relationship among these species is proposed based on: I) the presence of a pair of foramina through which the rain us palatinus of the facial nerve passes, a modification unique in Lebiasinidae and apparently in the Characiformes, 2) the enlargement of the extrascapular bone, 3) the absence of the secondary stripe, and 4) the nearly equal length of caudal-fin lobes. Lebiasina marilynae additionally differs from all congeners in having the primary stripe extending from the tip of the snout to the distal border of the caudal-fin peduncle, the possession of two series of dark blotches parallel to the primary stripe, and a rounded dorsal surface of the mesethmoid. Lebiasina melanoguttata and Lebiasina minuta additionally differ from all congeners in the absence of the primary stripe and the caudal blotch, and the presence of three longitudinal series of dark blotches at the base of the scales of series 3-5. Lebiasina melanoguttata differs from Lebiasina minuta in the absence of a dark blotch at the base of the median rays of the dorsal fin, second infrapharyngobranchial bearing conical teeth, the reddish overall coloration of the eye and fins, and the dark blotches never coalescing (vs. dark dorsal-fin blotch present; the second infrapharyngobranchial being edentulous; dark, olive green eyes, and the yellowish overall color of body and fins; and the dark blotches of longitudinal series 3 and 4 coalescing where scales of adjacent longitudinal series overlap). The occurrence of species of the Lebiasininae on the Brazilian Shield is discussed, and the distribution pattern of the species described herein is compared to that of other endemic species of the Serra do Cachimbo, a highly biodiverse area isolated from the rest of the Amazon basin.


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Although the occurrence of glandular trichomes is frequently reported for aerial vegetative organs, many questions still remain opened about the presence of such trichomes in underground systems. Here, we present, for the first time, a comparative study concerning the structure, ultrastructure and chemical aspects of both, the aerial and underground glandular trichomes of two different Chrysolaena species, C obovata and C platensis. Glandular trichomes (GTs) were examined using LM, SEM, and TEM and also analyzed by GC-MS and HPLC coupled to UV/DAD and HR-ESI-MS (HPLC-UV-MS). In both aerial (leaf and bud) and underground (rhizophore) organs, the GTs are multicellular, biseriate and formed by five pairs of cells: a pair of support cells, a pair of basal cells, and three pairs of secreting cells. These secreting cells have, at the beginning of secretory process, abundance of smooth ER. The same classes of secondary metabolites are biosynthesized and stored in both aerial and underground GTs of C platensis and C obovata. These GTs from aerial and underground organs have similar cellular and sub-cellular anatomy, however the belowground trichomes show a higher diversity of compounds when compared to those from the leaves. We also demonstrate by means of HPLC-UV-DAD that the sesquiterpene lactones are located inside the trichomes and that hirsutinolides are not artifacts. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Electrophysiological responses based on electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and electroantennography (EAG) analysis of Naupactus bipes beetles (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Brachycerinae) were used to test volatile oils of Piper gaudichaudianum, P. regnellii and P. hispidum. In the EAG experiments, female and male beetles showed significant EAG response to the three volatile oils of Piper species, with the females' responses slightly higher than the males'. The experiments with GC-EAD revealed that some terpenoids (namely, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, alpha-copaene and germacrene) present in the leaf essential oils of the Piper species are perceptible to female and male beetles.


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The species Eremanthus mattogrossensis, known as "veludo do cerrado" (cerrado velvet), is native to the Brazilian Cerrado. Because the amount of metabolites present in plants may be influenced by biological and environmental factors, here we conducted an HPLC-DAD-MS/MS investigation of the metabolite concentrations found in the MeOH/H2O extract of the leaves of this species. The main compounds were identified and quantified, and the metabolites were grouped by chemical class (caffeoylquinic acids, flavonoids, and sesquiterpene lactone). Statistical analysis indicated a straight correlation between the quantity of metabolites and seasonality, suggesting that environmental properties elicit important metabolic responses.


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With fossils found worldwide, Crocodyliformes stands as one of the best documented vertebrates over the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The multiple phylogenetic hypotheses of relationship proposed for the group allow plenty of space for contentious results, partially due to the small overlapping of taxa and disagreeing homology statements among studies. We present two supertrees of Crocodyliformes, based on different protocols of source tree selection, summarising phylogenetic data for the group into a 'synthetic consensus'. The consensus of the most parsimonious trees, containing 184 terminal taxa, has a remarkably well-resolved branching structure, which may serve as a framework for further macroevolutionary studies. In addition, the IterPCR script was for the first time used in the supertree context to build a reduced consensus tree with the pruning of unstable taxa.


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Styrax camporum Pohl, known in Brazil as estoraque do campo or cuia de brejo, has been used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The therapeutic action of S. camporum has been attributed to the ethyl acetate fraction, although the chemical composition of this fraction has not yet been analyzed. In this study, a high-performance liquid chromatography photodiode array detection (HPLC-PAD) method for analysis of Brazilian Styrax species has been developed. The compounds egonol (1) and homoegonol (2) were found to be present in all the samples investigated by HPLC. These compounds were isolated by open column chromatography followed by preparative TLC, and were identified by 1H NMR. Compounds 1 and 2 were thus proposed as phytochemical markers for Styrax, owing to their biological properties and presence in other Styrax species. The developed method has been validated and successfully applied for quantification of 1 and 2 in S. camporum dried leaves and crude ethanolic extracts from S. ferrugineus and S. pohlii aerial parts. Copyright (c) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.