20 resultados para Pyrus Communis
Calcium (Ca) and boron (B) have been reported as the major macro-and micronutrient required for castor bean plant yield. The objective of this study was to determine the Ca: B ratios (in the growth media and plant tissue) for fruit yield and shoot dry weight of the castor bean (Ricinus communis L.), grown in a nutrient solution, and to evaluate Ca and B supply on concentration and total uptake of Ca, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and B, as well on the seed oil content. The treatments were arranged in a 3 x 3 factorial fashion, consisting of three rates of Ca (40, 80, and 160 mg L-1) and three of B (0.32, 0.96, and 1.60 mg L-1). Calcium and B rates increased the shoot and root dry weight and fruit yield at a Ca: B ratio in the nutrient solution of 166 and 100, respectively. Symptoms of B deficiency were observed in plants supplied with 0.32 mg B L-1, regardless of the Ca concentration in the nutrient solution. Plants which showed visual symptoms of Ca deficiency cultivated with 40 mg Ca L-1 presented concentration of Ca in plant tissue up to 10 g kg(-1). The concentration and total Ca and B uptake increased with the rates of them. Notwithstanding, the shoot Ca accumulation was improved by B rates. In addition, there were no decreases in K and Mg uptake due to Ca rates. Furthermore, addition of 80 mg L-1 of Ca and 1.60 mg L-1 of B in the growth media increased the seed oil content. The Ca: B ratio in the diagnostic leaf associated with the highest plant dry weight (shoot and root) and fruit yield, was 500 (16 to 20 g kg(-1) of Ca, and for 30 to 40 mg kg(-1) of B).
The need to develop new dental luting agents in order to improve the success of treatments has greatly motivated research. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diametral tensile strength (DTS) and film thickness (FT) of an experimental dental luting agent derived from castor oil (COP) with or without addition of different quantities of filler (calcium carbonate - CaCO3). Material and Methods: Eighty specimens were manufactured (DTS N=40; FT N=40) and divided into 4 groups: Pure COP; COP 10%; COP 50% and zinc phosphate (control). The cements were mixed according to the manufacturers' recommendations and submitted to the tests. The DTS test was performed in the MTS 810 testing machine (10 KN, 0.5 mm/min). For FT test, the cements were sandwiched between two glass plates (2 cm(2)) and a load of 15 kg was applied vertically on the top of the specimen for 10 min. The data were analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha=0.05). Results: The values of DTS (MPa) were: Pure COP- 10.94 +/- 1.30; COP 10%- 30.06 +/- 0.64; COP 50%- 29.87 +/- 0.27; zinc phosphate- 4.88 +/- 0.96. The values of FT (pm) were: Pure COP- 31.09 +/- 3.16; COP 10%- 17.05 +/- 4.83; COP 50%- 13.03 +/- 4.83; Zinc Phosphate- 20.00 +/- 0.12. One-way ANOVA showed statistically significant differences among the groups (DTS - p=1.01E-40; FT - p=2.4E-10). Conclusion: The experimental dental luting agent with 50% of filler showed the best diametral tensile strength and film thickness.
Castor bean is a nutrient-demanding species, but there is still little information on its micronutrient requirements. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of levels of B (2.5, 12.5 and 25.0 µmol L-1), Cu (0.05, 0.25 and 0.50 µmol L-1), Mn (0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 µmol L-1) and Zn (0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 µmol L-1) in a nutrient solution on plant B, Cu, Mn and Zn concentrations and uptake, vegetative growth and fruit yield of castor bean "Iris", grown in greenhouse. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design with three replicates. The first deficiency symptoms were observed for B, followed by Zn, Cu and Mn. The main changes in the cell ultrastructure due to lack of B were thickening of the cell walls and middle lamellae, distorted chloroplasts and tightly stacked thylakoids, besides the absence of starch grains. The Mn, Zn and Cu deficiencies led to disruption of chloroplasts, disintegration of thylakoids and absence of amyloplasts. The concentration and uptake of B, Cu, Mn, and Zn in castor bean plants increased with micronutrient supply in the solution. Fruit yield was drastically reduced by B and Mn deficiencies. On the other hand, the dry matter yield of the shoot and root of castor bean plants was not. In the treatment with full nutrient solution, the leaves accumulated 56 and 48 % of the total B and Mn taken up by the plants, respectively, and the seeds and roots 85 and 61 % of the total Cu and Zn taken up, respectively. This shows the high demand of castor bean Iris for B and Mn for fruit yield.
A study was made to evaluate the effect of a castor oil-based detergent on strawberry crops treated with different classes of pesticides, namely deltamethrin, folpet, tebuconazole, abamectin and mancozeb, in a controlled environment. Experimental crops of greenhouse strawberries were cultivated in five different ways with control groups using pesticides and castor oil-based detergent. The results showed that the group 2, which was treated with castor oil-based detergent, presented the lowest amount of pesticide residues and the highest quality of fruit produced.
O crescente interesse pelo uso de combustíveis renováveis nos últimos anos fez com que culturas oleaginosas, como a mamona, se tornassem importante objeto de estudo. No entanto, para a instalação de campos desta cultura, é imprescindível o uso de sementes de alta qualidade. O objetivo da pesquisa contida neste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência do teste de raios X na avaliação da qualidade de sementes de mamona após a colheita e armazenamento. Três lotes de sementes da cv. 'IAC-2028' (provenientes, respectivamente, dos racemos primário, secundário e terciário) e dois lotes da cv. 'Guarani' (lotes comerciais com sementes de todos os racemos misturados) foram avaliados de acordo com a morfologia interna pelo teste de raios X, na intensidade de 20 kV por 60 segundos de exposição. Posteriormente, as sementes radiografadas foram submetidas ao teste de germinação de modo a relacionar a morfologia interna das sementes com as respectivas plântulas normais, anormais ou sementes mortas. Após seis meses de armazenamento acondicionadas em sacos de papel Kraft, em condições não controladas de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, amostras dessas sementes foram novamente avaliadas pelo teste de raios X. O teste de raios X é eficiente para avaliar a morfologia interna das sementes e seus reflexos no potencial fisiológico.