75 resultados para Proceratophrys strussmannae sp nov.


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A new species of Trachycephalus is described for the Cerrado biome of Goias, Brazil. Trachycephalus mambaiensis sp. nov. is distinguished from the other ten species of the genus by the skin co-ossified with the skull, heavy cranial ossification, frontoparietal that fails to articulate with squamosal, absence of a crista occipitalis and secreting glands of milky and viscous substances. The skull of the new species shows an intermediary condition between species of Trachycephalus with a well ossified skull (Casque-headed frogs) and those without cranial ossification.


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Loxandrus oophagus sp. nov. is described (type-locality: Uberlandia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil). Larvae, pupae and adults of the new species of the carabid beetle were collected on foam nests of the anuran Leptodactylus fuscus (Schneider, 1799) in the surroundings of Uberlandia, 18 degrees 55S, 48 degrees 17W (Brazil, Minas Gerais), at 750 m altitude. The new species is compared with the similar Loxandrus quinarius Will & Liebherr, 1997, only known from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, differing by the morphology of tarsomeres. Larvae prey on anuran eggs. Description of the immatures and the natural history of the species are provided. The larva differs from the known larvae of Loxandrus species mainly by being eruciform, glabrous and depigmented, its small head and legs, and the lack of stemmata and urogomphi, representing an unusual last instar type among the Carabidae.


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Two new species of Toxophora Meigen are described and illustrated-T. paulistana sp. nov. (Neotropical) and T. azteca sp. nov. (Nearctic and Neotropical). An identification key to the New World species is also presented. Morphological differences between populations of T. aurea Macquart (1848) are recorded, illustrated and added to the key. The new species are easily recognized by: scape with long, yellow scales laterally; presence of yellow scales on mesonotum margins; posterior margin of mesonotum with a pre-scutellar pair of setae; and yellow scales forming thin bands on posterior margins of abdominal tergites in T. paulistana sp. nov., and scape entirely covered with long dark-brown scales and yellow scales forming a broad, longitudinal stripe on center of abdominal tergites III-VII in T. azteca sp. nov.


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The robber fly genus Cnodalomyia Hull, 1962 is a monotypic member of the Asilinae. The type species, C. obtusa Hull, is endemic to Itatiaia, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A new species, Cnodalomyia catarinensis sp. nov. from southern states of Brazil (Santa Catarina, Parana and Sao Paulo) is herein described and illustrated. Both species are restricted to highland areas of the Atlantic Forest. An identification key to the species is also presented.


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The genus Cnodalomyia includes only two Brazilian species: C. obtusa Hull, 1962 and C. catarinensis Lamas and Mellinger, 2008. Studying material deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZUSP), the authors found a long series of unidentified specimens of the genus, some of which are specimens of C. obtusa labelled with the same data as the type series as well as other specimens from different localities, representing an enlargement of the known geographic records of the species. This material, together with the types of C. catarinensis, enables this revision. A redescription of the genus and of its type species, C. obtusa, including descriptions and illustrations of its spermathecae and egg, until now never described, the description and illustration of two new species (C. artigasi sp. nov. and C. papaveroi sp. nov.), the diagnosis and egg description of C. catarinensis and an identification key to all included species are presented herein.


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The Neotropical genus Neodischistus Painter has a distribution restricted to South (Brazil and Argentina) and Central America (Panama). The genus is composed of two previously described species that are herein revised: N. currani Painter and N. collaris Painter. One new Brazilian species is described: N. marstoni sp. nov. Illustrations of the external morphology of adults and male and female terminalia are also included. An identification key to the species is presented and a short discussion about species distributions is added.


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A new species of Leptodactylus from Bertioga municipality, Sao Paulo State, Brazil is described. Leptodactylus ajurauna sp. nov. differs from others species in the L. marmoratus group by its dark brown throat and the advertisement call. The taxonomy of other species in the group and the status of the population of Leptodactylus marmoratus sympatric with the new species are discussed. The advertisement call is also described.


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Three new species of Triplonychus Candeze, T. cruspinosus sp. nov., T. crassifemoris sp. nov. and T. tibialatus sp. nov., and a new species of Globothorax Fleutiaux, G. latidens sp. nov., from Brazil are described. Illustrations, photographic and SEM images are presented. A review of the diagnostic generic characters and a key to the species of Triplonychus and Globothorax from Brazil are also given.


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Agaone amazonica sp. nov. and Stultutragus endoluteus sp. nov. are described from Brazil, and variation in A. peruviensis Fisher, is discussed. Stultutragus nigricornis is elevated to species rank and re-described. Updated keys to Agaone and Stultutragus are provided.


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New species described and illustrated: Adesmus nigrolineatus sp. nov from Mexico (Oaxaca). From Costa Rica: A, moruna sp. nov. (Heredia); Corcovado bezarki sp. nov. (Guanacaste); Alampyris fuscus sp. nov. (Guanacaste), Cariua gen. nov type species C. sulphurea sp. nov. (Guanacaste). From Bolivia: Phoebemima albomaculata sp. nov. (Cochabamba); Ipepo gen. nov type species I. dilatatus sp. nov. (Santa Cruz). From Brazil: Adesmus facetus sp. nov and Canarana arguta sp. nov. (Rondonia). A new record from Costa Rica of Piruanycha pitilla Galileo & Martins, 2005 is added. The three new species of Adesmus are recognized: A. nigrolineatus by the longitudinal black stripes on elytra; A. moruna by the elytra entirely black; A. facetus by the white belts behind the middle of the elytra and white maculae on apical quarter. Phoebemima albomaculata is characterized by the white macula on the elytral suture. Corcovado bezarki sp. nov is distinguished by the black antennal scape and whitish flagelomeres. Canarana arguta sp. nov has prothorax and urosternites I-IV covered by dense yellowish pubescence. Alampyris fusca sp. nov differs from A. cretaria by the antenomere III longer than scape. Cariua sulphurea sp. nov is distinguished by the urosternites covered by compact white pubescence and Ipepo dilatatus is characterized by the elytra with three carinae.


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New taxa of Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) of the Americas. The new genus Mexicoscylus is described to include: M. rosae sp. nov., type species of the genus, and M. bivittatus (Gahan, 1892), comb. nov. both from Mexico. A key to the species of Mexicoscylus is added. More three species are described: Cotycuara villosa sp. nov., from Costa Rica; Phoebe parvimacula sp. nov., from Bolivia and Adesmus beruri sp. nov., from Brazil (Amazonas). All new species are illustrated.


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Novos táxons descritos: em Cerambycinae, Bomarion caudatum sp. nov., da Bolívia (Ectenessini); Nephalius levigatus sp. nov., do Brasil, Paraíba (Elaphidiini); Bothriospila pulcherrima sp. nov., do Brasil, Bahia (Bothriospilini); Cycnidolon rufescens sp. nov., do Brasil, Paraíba (Neoibidionini). Em Lamiinae: Cicatricallia gen. nov., espécie-tipo: C. cicatricosa sp. nov. de Trindade e Tobago (Calliini); Mimasyngenes clarkei sp. nov., de Trinidad e Tobago e Mimasyngenes fonticulus sp. nov., do Brasil, Piauí; Ibypeba gen. nov., espécie-tipo: I. camiri sp. nov., da Bolívia; Micratelodesmis gen. nov., espécie-tipo: M. minor sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Lycidola affinis sp. nov. de Trinidad e Tobago (Hemilophini). Novos registros: Lycidola beltii Bates, 1872 para a Costa Rica e Alampyris fuscus Martins & Galileo, 2008 para o Panamá (Hemilophini).


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Among extremophiles, microorganisms resistant to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) have been known to produce a variety of metabolites (i.e., extremolytes). We hypothesized that natural microbial flora on elevated land (hills) would reveal a variety of UVR-resistant extremophiles and polyextremophiles with modulated proteins and enzymes that had biotechnological implications. Microorganisms Cellulosimicrobium cellulans UVP1 and Bacillus pumilus UVP4 were isolated and identified using 16S rRNA sequencing, and showed extreme UV resistance (1.03 x 106 and 1.71 x 105 similar to J/m2, respectively) from elevated land soil samples along with unique patterns of protein expression under UVR and non-UVR. A broad range of cellulolytic activity on carboxymethyl cellulose agar plates in C. cellulans UVP1 and B. pumilus UVP4 was revealed at varying pH, temperature, and inorganic salt concentration. Further, the microbial strain B. pumilus UVP4 showed the basic characteristics of a novel group: polyextremophiles with significance in bioenergy.


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Currently, five genera are assigned to red seaweeds of the Laurencia complex worldwide: Chondrophycus, Laurencia s.s., Osmundea, Palisada and Yuzurua. The genera are segregated on the basis of morphological characters, especially the reproductive traits, and molecular sequences of the plastid-encoded gene rbcL. Four of the genera have been resolved as monophyletic, but not Laurencia s.s. In this study based on an rbcL gene phylogeny we show the presence of a sixth lineage within the Laurencia complex, viz., Laurencia marilzae plus two unidentified species of Laurencia from Brazil. The phylogenetic position of this group, combined with the high genetic divergence from Laurencia s.s. (8.2-11%), strongly support the establishment of a sixth genus for the complex, proposed here as Laurenciella gen. nov. This new taxon differs from Laurencia s.s. and from the other genera of the complex by molecular sequence data, but is indistinguishable from Laurencia s.s. by the usual morphological features.


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This paper is part of an extensive study on the biodiversity of the macroalgal flora of So Paulo state, SE Brazil. Previous assessments were based only on morphological descriptions. Here, we tested the effectiveness of DNA barcoding, in comparison with morphological observations for the recognition and cataloging of species. The focus of this study is the genus Porphyra, which is a conspicuous component of the upper intertidal on rocky shores of this region. With five currently accepted species, we have sequenced three short markers: cox1, cox2-3 spacer and UPA to establish the first DNA barcode database for the Porphyra species from the Brazilian coast. The three markers, although with different evolution rates, recovered a cryptic species (Porphyra sp. 77), grouped two different species (Porphyra drewiana and Porphyra spiralis) that are being synonymized, and finally indicated that varieties within P. acanthophora and P. spiralis are merely morphological, with no sequence divergence in the studied molecular markers.